• Show Date: 12/02/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jane Eyeington Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Anglian Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club

East Anglian Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club

Special Classes at Open Show

12th February 2022

Judge – Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

I would like to thank the hard working committee of East Anglian Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club, for their kind invitation to judge the ‘specials’ at the club Open Show. I was delighted with the dogs I had the opportunity to judge. It was great to hear the applause for all the winners, making a good atmosphere. My thanks to my stewards, but most of all you, the exhibitors for giving me the pleasure of your lovely dogs.

Puppy Dog/Bitch (7,2)

1. Major & Mrs Yates - Zakdan Devious Devil

Very smart 8 month old black brindle dog, impressive in his outline and stature. Thought him to be well balanced with good substance, but in no way exaggerated. Lovely head piece, strong and clean, lovely dark piercing eyes, neat rose ears, well developed cheeks with strength to the foreface and under jaw. His strong neck flowing into a well held level topline. Ribcage is well sprung and short coupled. Limbs showing good bone, and on tight feet. Shown in good muscletone and moved with drive whilst holding his outline.

2. Rowe & South - Illori Constellation

Fell for this 7 month old black brindle bitch, a real babe but what a sweetie. Everything is in the right place, just needing to drop into herself a little more. She has strength yet so feminine, with lovely clean lines. Her head is well proportioned and balanced, small neat ears, eyes are dark and intelligent with a hint of mischief. Good width in front, nicely boned limbs onto tight feet. Holding a firm topline. Nicely angulated rear and moved soundly.

3. Miss Harris - Illori Camiyah

Open Dog (12,1)

1. Mrs, Mrs & Mr Stillman - Sikaistaff Shadow Warrior At Maidendale

Impressive and imposing 2 year old black brindle dog, loved his size, substance and masculinity. Very balanced on the stack, with clean lines. Pleasing strength to the head, neat rose ears, well placed dark round eyes giving an intense but friendly expression, good length to the foreface and well developed cheeks. His clean neck flows seamlessly into a well held firm and level topline. Good depth and width to the brisket, lovely spring of ribs and short coupled. Hindquarters show a good width of thigh and well let down hocks. Presented in super muscletone and gleaming coat. A positive mover with lovely drive

2. Mr & Mrs Williams - Illori Back Chat

5 year old dark brindle dog, who is at the peak of fitness and condition. Lovely head, showing depth and strength. Neat rose ears and dark round eyes, with the correct length to foreface and distinct stop all give a pleasing head piece. Straight and strong front, with good width and enough depth. Holding a good hard level topline both stood and on the move. Hindquarters are well muscled not quite the width of thigh of winner. Positive mover, parallel and with drive

3. Mr Gatt - Nizeva Alfonzo

Open Bitch (16,6)

1. Rowe & South - Illori Bootie Luv

Clean outline to this 5 year old brindle bitch, she of a nice overall size and has a lovely flow to her outline, all wrapped up in a muscular package. Most feminine of heads, but with the desired strength and proportions. Neat rose ears, dark round eyes, well developed in the cheeks and under jaw. Standing with good width in front and enough depth, well boned limbs and neat feet. She held her topline when stacked and moving. Good spring to the ribcage, a fraction long in loin. In super fit muscular condition. Looking the part on the move, true in her footfall and holding her outline.

2. Mr & Mrs Fairhurst - Fairlenium Queen Of Marvel

Most impressed by this 4 year old black brindle bitch, of a different type to winner, but with much to like. She is well boned and with good substance all through. Balanced in her head proportions, with strength yet feminine. Clean lips and good under jaw. She has a really keen and alert expression from her lovely dark eyes. Liked her front, deep with good width, and proportionate strength to her bone. Feet not quite as neat as winner. Lovely spring to the ribcage, firm topline, and well set on tail. Pleasing rear, good width of thigh which is well muscled and bend of stifle. An easy and true mover.

3. Mr & Mrs Fairhurst - Kings of Odin Queen of Darkness