• Show Date: 03/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Isobel Taylor Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Mansfield & District Canine Society

Mansfield & DCS (03/04/2022)

Handling Classes 

Isobel Taylor (Saffrosa)

I would first like to thank the committee for the invitation to asses handlers across all age groups. My thrill of a large entry was not to be disappointed, with my main winners highly impressing me. I was very happy to find that the majority of those I asked could place the croup/point of hock/pastern/point of shoulder, along with more complex pattern work being familiar. 

I will remind individuals to be careful when I ask to see the mouth, as on occasion I was shown the teeth rather than the bite. Another common mistake was failing to begin and end pattern work at the judge’s feet. 

JHA 6-11

(8, 3 abs)

1 - Lena Tate handling a Shih Tzu. Polite young handler who was well dressed. Presented the bite and answered my questions correctly, unfortunately failed to notice a foot I moved out of place on the table. Pattern work was straight and clean, done correctly to and from my feet. Shadowed her charge who was stood to perfection at all times. Great rapport between these two. Unfortunately lost out on Best Junior due to breaking the golden rule when joining the end of the line, which was a shame after her correct L pattern in the challenge. 

2 - Eliza Darwesh handling a Dachshund (Mini Smooth.) An enthusiastic young handler who was conscious to shadow and stack her dog throughout. Table questions were answered correctly. Overall I would like a cleaner performance, starting pattern work at the judge’s feet and being aware of her charges foot placement throughout - this will come with time!

3 - Leightan-Jem Cooper handling a Whippet. Aware of her charges foot placement throughout the class and correctly showed me the teeth on the table. In future Leightan needs to be aware of coming between myself and the dog, along with neatening up her pattern work. 

JHA 12-17

(4, 3 abs)

1 - Paige Hughes handling a Dalmatian. Smart handler who worked with her charge throughout. Pattern work was tidy and from my feet, with the golden rule being maintained at all times. The bite was shown correctly & the foot I moved corrected but unfortunately failed to show me the croup. Had the edge to take Best Junior due to her excellent execution of the reverse triangle and use of the whole ring. 

AHA 17-35

(5, 2 abs)

1 - Lauren Perfitt handling an Alaskan Malamute. Out of all handlers, Lauren really impressed me today. Smartly dressed & aware of her charges size, Lauren made use of the whole ring. Correctly presented me the bite and croup. Moved her charge at a correct pace from my feet to execute tidy pattern work. The golden rule was maintained at all times. Execution of the reverse triangle gave her the edge for Best Adult Handler. If I am being picky I would like her charge to be stacked in front of the table for assessment. 

2 - William Tonks handling a Pomeranian. Well dressed handler who worked well with his free stacking dog. Pattern work was neat and correct, his charge stood four square at all times and shadowed well. Correctly identified the point of the dog I requested. Unfortunately lost out today due to showing me the mouth as a whole rather than the bite, along with not starting pattern work from my feet. 

AHA 36-55

(9, 5 abs)

1 - Wendy Smith handling a Chihuahua. A clear winner in this class, Wendy was well aware of me at all times and maintained the golden rule throughout. Bite was shown correctly along with the point of the dog I asked for. Pattern work was executed from my feet with neat lines. Unfortunately lost out on Best Adult Handler due to failing to execute the L pattern correctly in the challenge. 

2 - Julie Mathison handling a Beagle. Well dressed handler who worked well with her charge. A conscious effort to maintain the golden rule was made throughout the class. Always remember to start and end your pattern work from the judge’s feet, lines could be straighter. Had the edge over fellow handlers due to having her charge stacked correctly throughout, along with a clear rapport. 

AHA 56 +

(6, 3 abs)

1 - Janet Melton handling a Poodle (Miniature.) An overall clean performance with her charge correctly stacked and shadowed throughout. Presented the bite and point of shoulder correctly on the table. Straighter lines and pattern work from the judge’s feet is needed, although a great improvement from the last time Janet entered under myself. Well done!

2 - Sheila Coote handling a Dachshund (Mini Smooth.) Sheila’s charge was well stacked throughout and her pattern work was correct. Unfortunately the golden rule was broken throughout the class, with a lack of shadowing, and the teeth were shown rather than the bite on the table. Had the edge over her fellow handlers due to maintaining neat lines on the move.