• Show Date: 10/09/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Helen Almey Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

North Devon Canine Association

North Devon Canine Association Open Show 10 September 2022

I would like to thank the committee for the invitation to judge at this well run show & the exhibitors for their entries . It was lovely to be outside and although the ring could have been larger for some breeds everyone made the most of the space we had. I was delighted that the Bloodhound Borus Element of Surprise went on to BPIS under Tony Allcock . May I apologise for the lateness of this report. I completed it shortly after the show but life rather overtook me & I have only just realised I didn’t actually submit it.

Hamiltonstavare Open (3, 1 absent)

1. Adey’s Abon Sfora Nordowskie Knieji at Reubeusbay (Imp Pol) . A choice here between youth & maturity. This Junior male was shown in excellent condition. Pleasing masculine head of correct proportions, would prefer a slightly darker eye; strong neck flowing into good topline, well ribbed for age, good quarters, correct bone, excellent feet, moved well. BOB

2. Adey’s Caldecare the Dazzler at Rubeusbay- bitch of 4 years of correct size & good balance. Attractive feminine head with a lovely eye, mature in body, correct shoulder & topline, would prefer slightly stronger quarters & not the feet on 1 .

Borzoi Open(1.0)

1. Umfreville’s Barnesmore Betelgeuse- 2 yr Dog beautifully presented in excellent coat. Of good size with bone in proportion, elegant head with good planes , sufficient angulation fore & aft , good depth of chest, correct shaped feet. Moved Ok but was certainly impeded by the size of the ring. BOB


Limit (1,0)

1. Breeze’s Parkebreeway Wyseman- 14 mth dog, balanced with a lovely character, shown in excellent condition, masculine with a very kind expression , good strong neck flowing into correct topline, excellent quarters. Good bone & feet. Moved really well & accurately which, with his confidence, gave him BOB over his kennel mate.

Open (2,0)

1. Breeze’s Dufosee Honesty of Parkebreeway – promising young yearling bitch, nice size & proportions, lovely head & expression, correct length of back, good quarters level topline, good bone & feet. Still needs to settle. Wider in front than the Junior Dog. Res BOB

2. Breeze’s Davricard Hummingbird of Parkebreeway- mother of the Junior Dog , not quite the balance of the youngsters , feminine with a good topline & well sprung rib, moved ok.


PG (4,2)

Difficult decision between 2 15 month gentlemen

1. Pedley-Biggins Roys Rocket- Elegant with a masculine head & expression, correct length of neck, pleasing shoulder angulation, good rib for age , good bone & feet. Extremely well-muscled for age. Moved out well with good reach & in front & drive. RBOB

2. Jameson’s Count Azure of Canyonside- it is a privilege to judge a dog & handler at their first show and the really were a polished team- I know the handler was nervous but they certainly did not look inexperienced. He is a promising young man built on correct lines with good angulation fore & aft. In excellent hard condition, he moved steadily & accurately. Gleaming well presented coat. He just needs time to mature.

Open (3,1)

1. Woodward’s Bryntreia Whispered Love at Palmik JW – a lovely feminine bitch who I have judged before & still like very much. Everything about her is elegant, of lovely size with an ultra feminine head . Well made body showing strength & refinement. Moved very well. BOB

2. Jameson’s Count Azure of Canyonside

Afghan Hound

Limit (3,1)

1. Godber-Ford Affyneeta Desert Wind- 2 year siblings. 1 was in good coat, masculine dog with pleasing eye shape. Upstanding with a balanced outline, sufficient angulation fore & aft moved with drive. His better eye shape & expression gave him BOB.


2. Godber-Ford Affyneeta Mountain Breeze -masculine dog that didn’t quite have the balance of his brother, I would like a little more length of rib, good coat & bone , moved accurately fore & aft but would have liked a little more reach.

Open (2,0)

1. Godber-Ford Affyneeta Dionysius – mature male in excellent coat, balanced outline with correct length of neck , good topline , straight front with good tight elbows. Elegant free movement RBOB

2. Godber-Ford Affyneeta Toskan Sun- this dog has a pleasing head &expression and generally correct proportions. Unfortunately rather wide in front & not the outline of 1 on the move.


PG (4,3)

1. Clark’s Farlap Qui Martha (AI) – 10 mth Bloodhound bitch of quality. Really well grown young lady with a typical outline. Head of correct length with excellent planes. Good front , with well laid shoulder , correct topline, good quarters. Well muscled & moved out well. Pushed her kennel mate all the way but being a bigger girl is not yet quite as together. One I am sure will gain her title.

Open (2, 1)

1. Clark’s Borus Element of Surprise – Bloodhound . My star of the day. I gave her a RCC at just 6 mths & one always is slightly concerned at ‘what she will look like as she grows” but today I was reassured. She is a quality well balanced bitch of excellent type. Lovely head with a very good eye, well made body, superb mover. Should gain her title with ease. BNSC, Grp1, Puppy Gp 1 & to top it all BPIS .

AV Hound Veteran (5, 3)

Veterans are my favourites to judge and my heart sank as these two entered the ring as I knew one was going to have to be second. Both are gorgeous, well made and typical of their respective breeds and a real credit to their owners. Neither look their age & would be more than hold their own in breed competition. Both moved beautifully. It really was a coin toss as to which one won.

1. Tree’s Ardenrun Sea Shanty by Keimantre

2. Lawrence & Woodward’s Palmik Kandalama Dusk Till Dawn JW ShCEx

Hound Group: 1. Clark’s Borus Element of Surprise (Bloodhound); Gp2. Small’s Ulbyka Fortuny Zlatovlaska at Devondax (smooth haired Dachs) ; Gp3 Woodward’s Bryntreia Whispered Love at Palmik JW (Whippet) ; Gp4 Kilroy’s Blackvein Princess at Janacop (Dachs Min Wire)

Hound Puppy Gp 1. 1. Clark’s Borus Element of Surprise (Bloodhound); Gp2 Kilroy’s Blackvein Princess at Janacop; Gp 3 Wilkinson & Wakeham Darque Angel for Wakywilks (min smooth Dachs); Gp4 Cartwright’s Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah (Smooth Haired Dachs)

Italian Spinone

Post Graduate (1,0)

1. Mortimer’s Scodinzolare Photoulla- . 10 ths old ; My opening notes say lovely mover & she really was together for her age she has a lovely head, good overall shape, well angulated front & aft, stands on well boned legs and round feet. BP

Open( (2,1)

1. Mortimer’s Scodinzolare Philomen – 2 years feminine with good front & an excellent shoulder, correct length of back, good quarters, excellent bone. Moved well. Beat her kennel mate for BOB on maturity.

Hungarian Vizsla

Post Graduate (2,1)

1. Roe’s Rarog Ruda Szata for Pirospont (imp Pol)- 13 month really promising lad, presents a typical outline with a level topline, balanced head , good neck , level topline, good angulation fore and aft, good feet and the correct amount of bone for size. Moved accurately. BOB

Open (2,1)

1. Challis’s Vizslanya Aragonia JW – mature dog of 4 years, has nice lines with a good topline, sufficient angulation fore & aft, moved accurately with drive. Preferred the other eye of the Post Grad winner.

Weimaraner Open (1,0)

1. Kemp’s Netherhill Euro vision of Grey Flyer- mature masculine dog with ring presence, masculine head with correctly shaped eyes, good strong neck, good front with well laid shoulders, level topline, good hind angulation. Moved with drive BOB

Cocker Spaniel

Special Yearling (6,3)

1. Parkhouse’s Frederico Brave Heart for Shivani (imp Russia) – such a sweet boy , 50% charmer, 50% buffoon who was doing everything to ruin his chances. Loved his type, generally well made, moved well – just needs to learn to stand still! RBOB


2. McCabe-Bell’s Zheridon’s Zephyranthes at Grandtully- only 9 mths but so much to like about this very pretty young lady. Lovely head, with the most charming expression. Good bone nice tight feet. Good topline with good tail set. Moved true fore and aft. BP

3. Miller’s Eddeswarren Moonlight

Limit (3, 2 abs)

1. Salmon’s Crimicar Indigo Eclipse- yearling dog who presented a pleasing outline of correct proportions, appealing head with lovely expression , I particularly liked his shoulder & rear angulation. Moved out well with good length of stride. In good coat & well presented. BOB

Open (4,2 abs)

1. Parkhouse’s Sandlauga Magic Spell for Shivani ShCex- Mature Dog with an attractive masculine head, straight front, good topline & tail set with correct hind angulation, moved well with drive.

2. McCabe-Bell Grandtully Eliza Doolitle – 5 yr bitch , feminine head with a lovely dark eye, pleasing size and proportionate bone , in good well presented coat, moved ok , just looking a little heavy today .

Welsh Springer

Post Graduate (3,0)

3 very different dogs at different stages

1. Morgan’s Benoveor Endless Love – junior bitch, liked her overall breed type , feminine head with soft intelligent expression , pleasing eye, correct angulation fore & aft , level topline . Moved out well. She just needs to mature & develop in body but won here on overall balance

2. Blackford’s Amblelight Adhara – at 10 months still a real baby , feminine with a good expression, and moved ok for age. Needs time to settle and mature but a worthy BP

3. Gilmore & Boumonte Summer Nights by Roxdale

Limit (1,0)

1. Mercer’s Amblelight Cassiopeia – mature bitch whose lovely character really showed, in good coat , very nicely balanced with correct length of neck & good balance , good bone & feet moved well.

Open (4,0)

1. Waller’s Isfryn Lady Godiva at Fireglow JW – a very sound bitch with good proportions & balance, good length of neck , well angulated shoulders, level topline , correct hind angulation, good bone & well muscled. Moved out accurately & with purpose. BOB

2. Blackford’s Amblelight Porcia- a very nice type with a feminine head , correct length of neck, balanced angulation , moved well. Slight preference for expression gave 1 the edge today. RBOB

3. Gilmore’s Master Gunner Sparkle

English Springer Spaniel

Post Graduate (3,1)

1. Kibby’s Trimere Taylor Maid at Pinhays – Junior bitch who is maturing well, good overall balance, feminine head with a dark eye , good front , good neck flowing into level topline, good spring of rib, well boned & good feet. Moved out well BOB

2. Kibby’s Trixhund Scarlett Ribbons at Pinhays – not as settled as 1 & as a result was not as well balanced either standing or moving today, finer in head , correct length of neck , straight front, sufficient hind angulation.

Open (3,1)

1. Kirby’s Trimere Turn Back Time Litter sister to the winner of the previous class & has many of the same attributes, balanced front & rear, good spring of rib, level topline, moved with drive. A little lighter in eye than her sister. RBOB

2. Trixhund Scarlett Ribbons at Pinhays

Helen Almey