• Show Date: 08/01/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Taunton & District Canine Association

Thank you to the Officeholders and Committee for inviting me to judge at this very well run, friendly show. Also, thank you to Carol and Linda, my very efficient and friendly stewards. I was very pleased with the quantity and quality of my Utility Group entry bearing in mind it was Utility Day at Boston Championship show. The Best in Show judge, Diane Swales, thought very highly of my Utility Group winner and Utility Veteran winner, awarding them Reserve Best in Show and Reserve Best Veteran in Show.



1. Siviter’s Faywaidd Spice. Mature bitch. Typical head with wide, flat skull. Good sized, placed ears. Muscular neck flowing into good shoulders. Forearms correctly, slightly bowed to mold around the chest. Broad chest and prominent chest bone. Level topline, with defined waist. Strong, muscular thighs producing good movement. Nice tight feet.

2. Lee’s Chrishama Magic Apprentice for Amenbury. Very much a puppy who needs to grow into his ears. First impressions were good, hard to judge against a dog over 2 years older. He seemed quite apprehensive and hard to assess movement. I look forward to seeing him again when he has grown up. BEST PUPPY.

OPEN (3)

1. Lee’s Wildcard Spot Check for Horcrux. Blue merle colour with eyes to match. Super outline, well-proportioned and balanced. Super scissor bite mouth. Nicely proportioned ‘foxy’ head with flat skull. Correct ears, carried as per standard. Good neck leading into excellent well laid, angulated shoulders. Nicely bodied with level topline. Good feet and moved well. In full double coat, although acceptable, I would have preferred it straighter, but very attractive colour and markings. Correct ‘fox like brush’ tail. BEST OF BREED.

2. Siviter’s Rubegud Takin the Mick ShCM. 5 years older. Masculine brindle of good general type with a strong head. Plenty of bone, well ribbed, good reach in front but could have a shade more hind angulation and drive.



1. Lee’s Rhiew Ravens Royal Tower2. Lee’s Rhiew Ravens Royal Tower. Good, well-proportioned ‘foxy’ head, intelligent expression, with flat, wide skull, moderate stop and correct ears. Correct length of neck and well laid shoulders. Nicely bodied, level topline and well-muscled hindquarters. Correct oval feet, well arched with two center toes slightly advanced of two outer ones. In excellent coat and condition.

OPEN (3)

1. Lee’s Balletcor Godric Grifindor for Horcrux. Lovely balanced outline. Excellent, correctly proportioned ‘foxy’ head, well set round eyes, blending with coat colour. Nicely positioned ears. Well laid shoulders with fore arms molded around the chest. which was broad and deep, well let down between forelegs. Elbows fitting closely to sides and standing on super feet. Good body with level topline. Well-muscled hindquarters with good, angulated stifle and super straight hocks. This gave excellent free and active movement, with forelegs moving out and thrust from behind with minimum lift, correct for this breed. Well-presented coat. BEST OF BREED.


OPEN (4)

One of my favorite breeds. I grew up with them and my first-place dog reminded me so much of our top winning dog. Three adorable, lovely tempered GSDs, all of mature age, who I hear regularly compete against each other and are a credit to their owners and handlers.

1. Fenn & Foster’s Chalksville Cool Running over Jandeburn ShCM ShCEx. Very difficult to decide on placings, as they were all so nice. Movement is so important in this breed, I felt this one moved slightly, the best, keeping his well-balanced structure whilst on the move, which was effortless, covering the ground with ease. A masculine dignified and handsome dog. Correct head proportions, with powerful muzzle. Almond shaped dark brown intelligent eyes to match his pigmentation. Nice sized ears, well set. Strong, muscular neck, into well laid shoulders and deep chest. Front pasterns not as firm as I would like, forgivable as he is such a heavy dog and 6 years old. Sloping back, with well-muscled hindquarters and vertical rear pasterns. In excellent coat and condition. BEST OF BREED.

2. Shaw’s Astradine Kornishman JW ShCM. Quite different, but a very handsome, imposing dog, but not so heavy. Well-proportioned head of good length and breadth. Hazel almond eyes to match his colouring, giving him a lovely expression. Good ear set. Good fore chest, neck, lay of shoulders and firm pasterns, with good bone. Solid topline and good overall proportions. Good turn of stifle, thighs well developed, very good strong hocks enabling sound, good drive, travelling around the ring with ease. In excellent coat of a lovely colour.

3. Shaw’s Astradine Keepsake JW. A lovely example of a GSD bitch.


OPEN (5)

1. Vosper’s Busterleigh Seven Seas. I felt this mature dog fitted the breed standard very well and also looked extremely healthy. Large skull in circumference, flat forehead, with defined stop. Everything in good proportion, without excessiveness. Good ‘rose’ ears. He had the correct square front (being a square inside the front legs) and the appearance of tacked on shoulders. Brisket was well let down and front legs were well muscled and straight. Arched neck, with slight fall behind the shoulders and rise above the loin. Correct bend of hock and muscled hindquarters. Nice length of tail. Correct ‘bulldog’ trot with short, quick steps. BEST OF BREED AND RESERVE BEST IN SHOW.

2. Vosper’s Busterleigh Pinball Wizard. From the same kennel, but quite a different type. A younger dog that perhaps needs to mature more. He was wider in front and not such a good ‘square’ between the front legs for me. He had a very good head that matched the width of his front. I thought his topline was good but not as good as my No 1. Movement was OK. Looked very healthy.

3. Crother’s Hazembulls Paris. 9-month-old bitch puppy, who needs to mature and tighten up in movement. Nice head and super topline. BEST PUPPY.



1. Brooks & Cairns’ Corursus Become the One. Excellent eight-month-old dark brindle puppy of pleasing size and type. Square head with just enough wrinkle to his domed forehead. Lovely dark eyes and well set ‘bat’ ears. Muzzle well cushioned with a well-defined stop. Correct bite and upsweep of jaw. Nice length of arched neck, spring of rib, depth of chest and wide straight front. Cobby, muscular and well-rounded body. Correct topline which he held on the move. Good angulation and feet. Correct tail. Free, flowing movement. BEST PUPPY & BEST OF BREED.

OPEN (3)

1. French’s Ravenside Cest La Vie. A mature 2-year-old bitch. feminine with a well-balanced head, pleasing eye, correct length of neck, good bone & very nice feet, looking a bit front heavy and hunched on the move today. Square head, flat skull and domed forehead. Nice round eyes and correct ‘bat ears. Deep, wide brisket, but rather too cobby for me and I would have preferred a longer tail. Good small, compact feet. In super condition.


OPEN (2)

1. Smith’s Snowshoes Belle of the Ball. A lovely 2-year-old bitch. Very feminine, but nicely boned and in super coat and condition. A good example of her breed. Wedge shaped head, slightly rounded skull, well defined stop, muzzle tapering to a small, black round nose. Correct oval shaped eyes and small pointed ears. Super flowing body under that pure white stand-off coat. Parallel hindlegs. Small round, cat-like feet. Well plumed tail, set high and carried over the back. Super light, nimble, smooth movement. BEST OF BREED.


OPEN (4)

1. Hutton’s Sarnia Show Me the Way to Go. 2-year-old bitch with correct feminine, long, fine head and almond shaped eyes. Good length of neck, flowing into well laid shoulders. Well bodied, with good bone. Tight, small, oval shaped feet and good tail set. Free and light moving with plenty of drive from the rear. Coat of good texture, condition and length. BEST OF BREED.

2. Todd & Elrick’s Del Zarzoso Gracias Por Venir (Imp Esp). Mature 6-year-old bitch, who was beginning to show her age. Having wonderful body and coat condition, presented to perfection. Pleasing in head and expression, well made all through and in firm body condition. Deep, well sprung ribcage, good tail set and carriage.

3. Elson’s Aferglow Willow. 6-month-old puppy bitch., at her first show. Mouth OK. Hard to assess. Moved well. I hope when she matures and settles, she will turn into a very promising youngster. BEST PUPPY.


OPEN (4)

1. Cann’s Sunmarca Moonlight Shadow. Well balanced, beautifully presented, in super coat and very well handled. Well proportioned, chiseled head, of good length and carried elegantly throughout. Good front and rear angulation, deep chest, well sprung ribs and firm topline. Tight oval feet, high tail set carried well. Free movement, with drive from the rear. Excellent harsh textured coat. BEST OF BREED.

2. Nash’s Antiquarius Red Jester. A larger poodle of quite a different type, tending to be heavier all over. Moved OK.

3. Cook’s Romin Jack. Only 6 months old. Very immature but promising. Nice topline and overall shape. Moved well. BEST PUPPY.

4. Kotus’ Fado.


OPEN (4)

1. Todd’s Alexhian Now You See Me. Very nice for 9 years old. Presented in beautiful coat and condition. Excellent mouth with complete set of teeth. Good head and length of neck, well sprung ribs and short, strong body. Good tail set. Moved very well. BEST OF BREED.


OPEN (2)

1. Smith’s Masserati Arssamandi Astarte Gold NAF TAF. Both puppy dogs from the same kennel. This one was younger and not so mature, but I felt had more breed type. Nice head with broad skull and square muzzle. Had the correct ‘chrysanthemum-like’ look. Large dark round eyes with no white of eye showing. Nicely arched neck and well laid shoulders. Straightish front legs with muscle and bone. Level back and good hindquarters. Plumed tail carried gaily. Very good flowing movement showing full pad. Coat developing. BEST PUPPY & BEST OF BREED.

2. Smith’s Hot Chilli Sweet Addict NAF TAF. A very nice puppy, more mature than the first, with similar attributes. I felt he was showing a bit of white of the eyes and his back was not so strong as the first placed. He moved well but not showing his full pads.



1. Bevis’ Skyvana Free Spirit of Starlance. 7 months and still quite a baby. Nicely balanced, being slightly longer than height at shoulders. Had the correct active, alert appearance. Nice head carried proudly with slightly domed skull. Nice pendant ears set fairly high with slight lift from skull. Good hare feet. Plume carried over back. Developing good coat. BEST PUPPY.


1. Conibere’s Chenrezi Rewrite the Stars. Won on movement and excellent outline. Good balanced head with nicely cushioned muzzle. Good lift to her ears, with dark brown expressive eyes. Nicely balanced with a level topline. Forelegs slightly bowed but firm at shoulder. Hare foot feet. Tail nicely plumed. Moved straight, free and positive.

2. Quest’s Chenrezi Just You and I. Excellent size and shape, typical head and expression with good strength of underjaw. Solid to go over, well bodied and conditioned with moderate angulation. Hare foot feet and good plume. Moved smartly.

3. Hall’s Balgay Shab Tra.


1. Clover’s Chenrezi No Ordinary Love. Well balanced in general outline, standing assertive and proud. Masculine, but not heavy or coarse. Good head with slightly domed skull. Correct muzzle and cushioning, enhanced by a dark mask on dark sable. Super ears nicely placed. Good neck with mane. Forelegs of moderate bone slightly bowed but firm at the shoulder. Well laid shoulders. Level back. Richly plumed tail carried nicely over his back. Moved straight and positively. Presented in excellent coat and good condition. BEST OF BREED.

2. Quest’s Chenrezi Ti Amo. Sister to the above, presenting the female version. Well-proportioned head with slightly domed skull, defined stop, bright and expressive eyes. Good muzzle well cushioned and well-placed ears. Moderately short neck on well-placed shoulders, fore legs wrapping around the body, nice hare feet and good length of back. High set tail well plumed, providing a nice outline. Coat not in such good condition as her brother, so had to make do with 2nd place.

3. Bevis’ Skyvana Empty Dreams of Starlance.

4. Wayman’s Mynapaw Perfect Symphony.

5. Conibere’s Chenrezi My Girl.

OPEN (5)

1. Hall’s Balgay Kitang Po. Another lovely mature dog in full coat with mane, who pushed hard for Best of Breed. So balanced and assertive with a wonderful personality. Appealing masculine head with bright and expressive eyes and correct length of muzzle. Good neck, well laid shoulders, correct slight bow to front, nice hare feet, level topline, and good hind quarters. In lovely coat and condition, beautifully presented, with plumed tail to complete the picture.

2. Smith’s Pure Soul Lucy’s Secret (Imp Cze). A black dog, looking so different to the sables. But had all the true breed points. Well balanced, nice head with bright, expressive eyes. Well made body. Correct tail, in excellent coat and moved well.

3. Quest’s Lilileian Louis Vuitton JW ShCM ShCEx (Imp Fin).

4. Smith’s Balgay Ma Beau at Saxina.



1. Plummer’s Araki Dream Perfection for Tetsikarma. A very promising puppy, with super movement. Nicely proportioned and balanced. Lovely well shaped head. Strong, muscular neck flowing into well laid shoulders, with straight front legs. Square body with level topline. Well bent stifles and low set hocks. High set tail carried over the back. Needs to mature and grow a lovely coat. Smooth mover, with good reach and drive. BEST PUPPY.

2. Harrison’s Araki Schneeflocker TAF. A more mature dog of attractive gold and white colour, with pigmentation matching his colour. Strong head, with nice neck and front. Good lay of shoulder, depth of brisket to elbow and spring of rib. Correct tail set and carriage. Wealth of coat, almost too much, but of the correct texture.

3. Plummer’s Mikudi Counting Stars for Tetsikarma.

OPEN (3)

1. Stickley’s Ch. Silgarhi Dexterity at Walkamile JW ShCM. A very worthy champion of nearly 10 years old, oozing quality. Presented and shown to perfection. Such an excellent showman and mover. Well-shaped head with strong jaws and teeth. Square outline with a strong well-muscled body. Excellent hindquarters, assisting him to still move around the ring with good reach and powerful drive. It was lovely to watch him glide around the ‘big’ ring. Presented in excellent coat for his age. BEST OF BREED.

2. Harrison’s Tegkei Playing the Game. Another striking-coloured masculine dog. Well-proportioned head and skull. Medium neck, level top line, with good bone and substance. Preferred the hindquarters of the older dog. Profusion of coat, almost too much, but correct texture. Moved well, showing pads.

3. Plummer’s Silgarhi Holy Smoke to Tetsikarma JW.



1. O’Connor’s Eurasier, Albionspitz Oak Leaf. Caught my eye as soon as she entered the ring. So well balanced, with a lovely self-assured outgoing temperament. I assume, a ‘lockdown’ puppy, but it is time she grew up and showed herself off to her best advantage. Lovely wedge-shaped head with flat skull and triangular ears. Good front, firm and level back. Well developed hindquarters. High set tail, well feathered curled over the back. In excellent coat. Moved well when settled.

2. Marshall’s Keeshond, Devonia Black Pearl. Lovely well proportioned foxlike wedged head. Dark muzzle and definite stop. Dark, almond eyes surrounded by distinct ‘spectacles’, topped by small ivy-leafed ears. Nice neck and straight front legs of good bone. Strong compact body and well-muscled hindquarters. Nice cat-like feet. High set tail with double curl over back, lightly plumed. Coat beautifully presented.

3. Crouch’s Eurasier, Darchen Yukon Druk.

4. Norman’s Eurasier, Darchen Red Devil with Myatuk NAF. BEST A.V.N.S.C. PUPPY.

OPEN (6)

1. Pearce’s Eurasier, Albionspitz Diphda. Another lovely showman, oozing breed type and balance. Feminine wedge-shaped head with soft expression from lovely dark oval eyes with pigmented rims. Good ear placement. Well-muscled and set neck, correct moderate angulation front and back, with well-shaped ribcage and broad across the croup. Well set feathered tail carried over the back. In beautiful coat. Moved well. BEST A.V.N.S.C.

2. Moore’s Schnauzer, Odivane Sister Act. Sturdily built, nearly square bitch, with good confirmation. Correct length of head with flat forehead. Powerful muzzle with bristly moustache and whiskers. Nice eyes and V shaped ears. Broad chest, well sprung ribs, on well-muscled, strong body, with slanting thighs. Correct harsh, wiry coat.

3. Marshall’s Keeshond, Arabesque at Devonia (Imp Rus).

4. Cooper’s German Spitz (Klein), Oberitz Sweet N’Spicy for Pavoskas.

5. Stedham’s Eurasier, Albionspitz Tanzanite ShCM.


1. Stickley’s Tibetan Terrier, Ch. Silgarhi Dexterity at Walkamile JW ShCM. See above. BEST UTILITY VETERAN AND RESERVE BEST VETERAN IN SHOW.

2. Plummer’s Tibetan Terrier, Tetsikarma Stargazer ShCM ShCEx VW. Nearly 10 and very good for his age. Lovely well-presented black and white mature, sound, solid boy. Well-proportioned head. Large round dark eyes and scissor bite. Strong neck, leading into well placed shoulders, good front, sturdy, square body with excellent bone structure, spring of rib and large round feet. Kept topline on the move and stacked. Good bend of stifle and hindquarters, giving smooth, effortless movement with good stride. Tail set on fairly high and carried over the back, giving balance. Correct coat and in lovely condition.

3. Quest’s Tibetan Spaniel, Ch. Chenrezi Summer Breeze JW ShCM.

4. Cann’s Poodle (Miniature), Trishanna Lunar Eclipse at Sunmarca.

5. Quest’s Tibetan Spaniel, Ch. Chenrezi Troublemaker JW ShCM Benelux-18.

BEST UTILITY – Vosper’s Bulldog, Busterleigh Seven Seas. RESERVE BEST IN SHOW.

RESERVE BEST UTILITY – Smith’s Japanese Spitz, Snowshoe’s Belle of the Ball.

GROUP THREE – Brooks & Cairns’ French Bulldog, Cornursus Become the One.

GROUP FOUR – Fellows’ Dalmatian, Faernaur Celeste. Only 9 months old, but a very striking, well-balanced example of her breed. Fit for purpose and could work all day. Good head and length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Deep chest, well sprung ribs forming a good body for her age. Well-muscled hindquarters. Level top line and correct tail set, maintained on the move. Moved very well covering the ground with ease. Spots well defined.

BEST UTILITY PUPPY - Brooks & Cairns’ French Bulldog, Cornursus Become the One.

RESERVE BEST UTILTIY PUPPY - Fellows’ Dalmatian, Faernaur Celeste.

PUPPY GROUP THREE – Plummer’s Tibetan Terrier, Araki Dream Perfection for Tetsikarma.

PUPPY GROUP FOUR – Smith’s Shih Tzu, Masserati Aressamandi Astarte Gold NAF TAF.


1. Denton’s Collie (Smooth), Brackenhaye Heart and Soul. As the standard says – ‘stands with dignity governed by perfect anatomical formation, with no part out of proportion.’ Well-proportioned wedge-shaped head with flat skull. Well placed tipped ears and excellent almond eyes, giving the true Smooth Collie ‘sweet expression’. Good conformation, which was reflected on the move, producing the distinct breed movement, covering the ground with an effortless stride.

2. Brooks & Cairns’ French Bulldog, Cornursus Become the One. As Above.

3. Plummer’s Tibetan Terrier, Araki Dream Perfection for Tetsikarma.

4. Harrison’s Tibetan Terrier, Araki Schneeflocker TAF.

5. While’s Pug, Roxmarr Evening All.

6. Phillips’ English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan), Ettology Big Bang.

Felicity A. Snook