• Show Date: 03/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Donna Crow Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Mansfield & District Canine Society

Chinese Crested

Enjoyed the opportunity to judge here after the covid cancellations and appreciate the good entry and my efficient steward.

Puppy 5/1A 1st Moyes & Hunter’s Bryelis Strictly Fab U’Lous – Nearly 9 month powderpuff who is top of size but an absolute joy to go over. He has first class front angulation with a rear to match and is well balanced with good length to body which is well developed. Elegant neck into strong masculine head with correctly set ears which I would just like to see him use more. His movement Is effortless with good reach and drive and he provides an impressive outline with his correctly set and held tail. I could not deny him BOB & BP and was delighted to hear he went group 2 in both groups, well done. 2. Eaton’s Chesnutacres Miss Fammie – Nearly 12 months powderpuff bitch with a lot to like. Super size with beautiful correct veil coat. Ok angulation front and rear, with nice overall outline to body and balance feminine head with dark expressive eye. Light free mover who just needs to settle and focus on the job at hand which will, I am sure see her rising up the ranks. 3. Hall’s Chesnutacres Sun Beam

Junior 5/1A 1st Moyes & Hunter’s Bryelis Strictly Fab U’Lous 2nd Attwoods Doonbeg Charm Offensive – 15 months old hairless bitch of nice size and shape and with a pretty head. Straight front and good feet, nicely balance body with good depth to brisket and super topline and tail. Moved steadily but needs more confidence and enthusiasm to shine. 3rd Eaton’s Chesnutacres Miss Fammie

Post Graduate 1/1A

Open 2/0A 1st Routledge & McGowan’s Pufflepaws Prosecco Please – 2.5 years Hairless bitch, moderate all through and whilst up to size presents a pleasing outline. Head with lovely ears and expression, and carries herself well with level topline and correct croup. Flies around the ring with her head held high, but today was just a little over exuberant in front. RBOB 2nd Farquarson’s Shanshal Prince of Arabia JW – 3 year old white powderpuff male who was immaculately presented and a credit to his owner. Nicely balanced chiselled head and good ears which he used well. Ok front, firm body with level topline and strong loin. Moved precisely but lacked reach and drive today which just lost him the class.