• Show Date: 06/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Daniela Tranquada Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Windsor Gundog Society

Windsor Gundog Society Open Show

6th April 2022

German Shorthaired Pointer

P (3): 1 BP & RBOB, Dymond’s Quintana Diamond Dust at Friarsbelle, what a lovely way to

start the day with this quality puppy of 11 months. Beautiful in outline, being very well

balanced with good topline & correct angles fore & aft. On examination, he has a lovely

head, good depth of flew with excellent bone quality & strong straight forearms. Tidy feet,

brisket down to elbow, taut throughout, especially over the loin & hindquarters. Lovely

temperament; quite full of himself & on his toes which only adds to his charm. Moved well.

BP & RBOB; 2 Warrington’s Zakova Aria, bitch also of 11 months, good for size & bone & yet

retains femininity. When settled looked good in outline, with clean neck & topline, correct

depth of brisket & spring of rib but was not showing as well as perhaps she could – it was

blowing a gale across the racecourse – & she tucked into herself which affected her outline

especially over the croup; 3 Eastham’s Scraggedoak Dutch at Akivegzo.

J (1): 1 S Dutch at A, b/w ticked bitch of 10 months who put in a great performance for her

first time in the show ring. Smaller bitch with good topline both standing & moving, clean

neck, well laid shoulders. Well-conditioned for age with good muscle over the hindquarters.

G (5,3a): 1 Warrington’s Zakova Amaretto, dam of the second in puppy & very much in

keeping with her daughter. Appeals in outline, with good topline & angulation fore & aft,

brisket down to elbow, excellent spring of rib. Her front movement is not her fortune but I

preferred her for type, size & bone over 2 S Dutch at A.

O (3): 1 BOB, Elliott’s Ankerwycke Silk Stockings, what a lovely bitch, just so anatomically

sound throughout every inch of herself. She has good bone for size & remains feminine &

yet strong. Lovely head, good depth of flew, clean neck, brisket down to tight elbows,

beautiful feet, lovely ribbing & strength over the loin, in good condition & moved well with

excellent precision. Really a quality bitch, just so balanced & streamlined; 2 Coe’s

Goosepoint Waddington at Abbanash (AI) JW, as masculine as the winner is feminine. Had

his mind on other things today but certainly put in a good performance & was handled to

advantage. Tidy feet, clean neck, good forehand assembly & rear angulation, deep brisket,

correct ribbing & good balance overall. Moved well. Slightly heavy over the shoulders.

Hungarian Vizsla

J (1): 1 Bailiff’s Oroshaza Iren at Cazadorado, 15 months bitch, appeals in outline when

settled with level topline & good body ratios. Brisket down to elbows, excellent spring of rib.

Perhaps suffering in the cold as she bunched herself up & lost her topline on occasions

especially over the croup. When she strengthens all through with maturity & doesn’t face

adverse weather conditions (!) should present a good account of herself.

PG (3,1a): Two bitches similar in frame, size & bone. 1 RBOB, Harper’s Pitswarren Icantata,

appeals in outline when standing with lovely level topline & excellent contours which

defined a good spring of rib, taut loin & good underline. Excellent bone quality, feminine &

balanced, clean neck, well laid shoulders, in good condition. She could be tighter in elbows

but I don’t think this would be immediately obvious if she wasn’t tussling to smell the scents

on a windy day! I preferred her angulation fore & after over 2 Mills’ Nemzet Kincse Gloria at

Karrouki (Imp), similar size & bone to 1, most certainly strong & yet feminine. Lovely topline

& in good muscle condition. When she settles into herself, she presents a nice outline. I

think she would benefit from being stacked with her legs individually lifted and placed into

position, rather than being lifted and dropped into her stack as she loses her angles. A few

tactical placements of how her legs are placed & it could change the whole picture entirely.

O (4,2a): 1 BOB, Harper’s Sh Ch Metropolis Patriarch Nexus by Pitswarren (AI) (Imp), very

impressive male, certainly robust & stands over his ground well with strong bone & tidy

feet. Appeals both standing & moving with an effortless gait coming & going & in side

profile. Lovely topline, well laid shoulders, has incredible strength throughout his body,

being well conditioned over the ribs, through the loin & with well-developed thigh muscles

with a good tone. His movement is easy & he goes about it with style. Delighted to award

him BOB; 2 Mills Ch Karrouki Windrush D’lyla JW ShCM, veteran bitch of 9 years who still

has all her lovely breed qualities. Excellent balance throughout, level topline, good bone,

superb front assembly with excellent return of upperarm, & lovely to feel a forechest

between the legs. So so pretty too with a beautiful head & expression. Just preferred the

powerful movement of 1.

Handling Classes

Adult 17-35 Years

(1): 1 Sraeyaa Jayakumar with a Golden Retriever, attentive handler with an excellent bond

with her lovely natured dog. Listened carefully to instructions & was precise with her dog’s

foot placements. With more experience & confidence, will make for an excellent handler as

she listens & observes, & quite clearly dotes on her dog.

Adult 36 Years

A strong class of four very competent handlers; all very skilful.

(7, 3a): 1 Best Handler Overall, Daisy Toublic with an English Springer Spaniel, exceptional

handling skills, attentive to her dog but with an eye on me at all times, changing hands

accordingly & moving along to the front of her dog when I weaved in & out of the line-up.

Very clued up, & kind rapport with stylish presentation both standing & moving. Well done;

2 Ro Cox with an English Springer Spaniel, another excellent handler, similar marks apply.

Really got behind her dog to present her charge to me, & moved around with one eye her

dog & one eye on me. Just not the tidy precision of 1 on the move; 3 Linda Thorogood with

a Clumber Spaniel.