• Show Date: 01/06/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Chrys Dawson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Reading & District Kennel Association

Reading & District Kennel Association

Premier Open – 01/06/22

My thanks to the society for inviting me to judge at this well run show, and to the exhibitors who took their placings with grace and sportsmanship.Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)Puppy (1, 0Abs)

1st: Stevens' CORIEND BLUE NIMBUS Blue merle D of just 6 months, and very much still a baby. Ear of good size and well set. Good angulation fore and aft with nice round feet. Topline needs to firm up, which will come with maturity. A little unsettled on the table and on the move. BPIB

Post Grad (4, 2Abs)

1st: Siviter's FAYWAIDD SPICE 3 yr old brindle B. Good foxy head, clear eye and nice ears. Good neck leading into well laid shoulders. Correct feet, ribs well sprung and well made hindquarters. Level topline held well on the move, carrying a little more body than I would like. RBOB

2nd: Graham's ELESSAR MOON DANCER OF ANCKSUNAMUN 2 yr old brindle B, slightly finer in type than 1, very good head, with correct earset. Good bone and body throughout. Topline not held as well as 1, movement slightly less free than the winner.

Open (2, 0Abs)

1st: Williams & James' CH BWTHYN HEADLINER JW ShCM ShCEx nearly 8yr old brindle D and one I have admired for some time, sire of PG 1st. Very nice head, with typical expression. Good strong neck, good lay of shoulder and correct angulation fore and aft. Good breadth of chest, with well sprung ribs and good muscle throughout. Level topline, held well on the move, moving powerfully with reach and drive. BOB, Grp1 & RBIS

2nd: Siviter's RUBEGUD TAKIN THE MICK ShCM 8 yr old brindle D. Not quite the mouth or breast of 1, angulation correct with forelegs bowed correctly, stanbding on good round feet. Movement not quite that of 1.

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)

Puppy (0)Post Grad (2, 0Abs)

1st: Wyer's COTTIVY STRAWBERRY MOON nearly 2 yr old R/W B, with typical foxy head, nicely rounded eyes and well set ears. Good lay of shoulder and well boned throughout. Well sprung ribs with good depth of chest. Good topline, held well on free movement. RBOB

2nd: Ellwood's ELLHAR OLGA'S PRINCESS 2 yr old tricolour B. Good head with correct bite and good ears, well set. Well bodied all through with good angulation. A little unsettled on the table, lost out on this class on movement which was not quite as free and active as 1.

Open (2, 0Abs)

1st: Wyer's COTTIVY CAPPUCCINO 3 yr old tricolour D. Very nice head, with good earset and eyes. Good length of neck, well muscled and correct lay of shoulder. Rear angulation similarly good, ribs well sprung with good depth. Moved out well with good reach and drive from the hindquarters, holding topline well. BOB

2nd: Noble's PEMCADER PEREGRINE (NBT)  5 yr old R/W B. Correct foxy head, of a suitably feminine character. Well angulated with correct feet. Level topline, and ribs well sprung. Carrying a bit more body than I would like, movement not as free or active as 1.

Tibetan Spaniel

Puppy (2, 1Abs)

1st: Bevis' SKYVANA FREE SPIRIT OF STARLANCE Sable B, just a day shy of 1 yr old. A pretty and suitably feminine outlook. Good head with correct ears, set well, correct eye and nice mouth. Shawl just coming in over well made neck. Well laid shoulders, correct bow to fore with  correct hare foot. Ribs well sprung, topline held well on light and free movement. BPIB

Junior (3, 1Abs)


2nd: Borrett's ROSANLEY ROWENA AT TIBAMA 12 mth fawn B with typical expression and attitude. Would prefer slightly less length of muzzle, but well cushioned. Of a finer type than 1, but good angulation fore and rear, topline not held as well as 1 on the move.

Post Grad (9, 4Abs)

1st: Stevens & McKnight's STARLANCE HONKY TONK ANGEL AT TIBBYGOLD 7 yr old red B, well made all through, showing no sign of age. Correct head, with good ears and correct bite. A nice length of neck, leading on to correctly laid shoulders. Correct hare feet, hocks well let down. Well sprung ribs and good topline. Which was held well on free and effortless movement. RBOB

2nd: Borrett's ROSANLEY HARMONIA WITH TIBAMA 2 yr old fawn B. Of a finer type to 1, pretty and feminine outline. Ears well set, well cushioned muzzle and correct eye. Good angulation fore and rear and topline held well. Not quite the movement of 1


Open (8, 5Abs)

1st: Bevis' SKYVANA EMPTY DREAMS OF STARLANCE 2 yr old gold sable D. Of a similar type to Puppy winner, but of a suitably more masculine outlook. Correct head, with ears well set and suitably feathered. Well cushioned muzzle and good dentition. Angulation correct, both fore and aft, with good muscle tone, allowing for lovely movement. Body good, with well sprung ribs and correct level topline. BOB

2nd: Smith's PURE SOUL LUCY'S SECRET (IMP CZE) almost 3 yr old black D. Head correct, with typical aloofness. Good bone all through, correct angulation and feet. Well bodied, with good spring of rib. Topline level and held well, movement not quite as free or active as 1.


Chrys M Dawson
