• Show Date: 06/03/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: christine morgan Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Home Counties American Cocker Club


6TH MARCH 2022

My sincere thanks go to the Officers and Committee for inviting me to judge this beautiful breed. It is one that I am a great admirer of and I thoroughly enjoyed my day. My decisions were met with applause and good sportsmanship with the exception of one exhibitor. Rest assured that I will remember your advice in the future.

These are not big dogs in stature but in presence, presentation and movement they are one of the greatest. They come alive on the move with their ground covering reach in front and drive from behind. Sadly the size and surface of the ring did not allow them to show off their greatest asset.

MPD (2)

1. Price’s Encore Jaclee by Mazpet (Imp Cze) NAF. 6 mths old buff with a terrific head, square muzzle and low set ears. He is true in front with depth and good lay of upper arm. Moves well.

2. Sheppard’s Nasailleen on a Mission at Shadowview. Quite a raw baby who shows plenty of promise. Another fabulous head and expression and he has a better topline on the move than when stacked. Easy mover.

PD (3)

1. Kirton, Stanton & Dackombe Sabisabi Iroquios Eyota. Very eye catching on the stack with a fabulous hard topline, pronounced prosternum, length and return of upper arm and enough rib for age. His head is gorgeous and he has great reach of neck. Strong mover with good reach in front. BPD.

2. Bedding & Jennings’ Alibama Now or Never. Loved his head with its rounded skull and pleasing proportions. Fine leathers set on low and lovely big nose with open nostrils. Very well presented. Close decision.

3. Betts’ Jaclee Oreo

PGD (1)

1. Sunter & Pinchen’s Gypsy King. Quality black and tan with correct markings and flat, silky coat. He presents a strong firm topline, has plenty of ribbing, depth and a straight front. Wide well muscled quarters which he uses to advantage to cover the ground well. RBD.

LD (3, 2 abs)

1. Dummet’s Letjashaja Ptitsa Saint Pierre. Well balanced tri, square body, well angulated front and rear, reachy neck, well boned, tail well set on and moves OK.

OD (2)

1. Murray & McKenzie’s Jaclee Dream the Impossible at Sanelle. Correctly marked b/t, handsome head, deep stop, wide and deep muzzle. Good in front, strong, firm body, short coupled and good tail set. Strong and active mover. BD.

2. Niessen’s Am Ch Rotojet’s Roll Call (Imp USA). Another good dog with a balanced head although a little loose in eye. Big ribs, wide thighs and covers plenty of ground on the move. Preferred the topline of the winner.

VD (2) 2 grand oldies.

1. Kirton, Dackombe & Gale’s Sabisabi Pawnee Pow Wow. Black with plenty of substance, a good front and big ribs. Rounded skull, low set ears. Moves well.

2. Al-Azzawe’s Belmilla Chatty Man. Nothing to hide under his clipped off coat. High at the withers giving a good topline. Preferred the head and open nostrils of the winner.

Cut Down/Pet Trim/Working Dog (1)

1. Murray & McKenzie’s Zefir Ot Chiconoj Kompani at Sanelle (Imp Blr). Great outline and topline, firm body, good depth, plenty of dog in front, correct tail set. Good head, wide, deep muzzle, arched neck. Moves well.

MPB (5)

1. Nelson & Bryant’s Nasailleen Bye Felicia. She was very much the baby of the class and on first look round I thought she would get a low placing but then I surprised myself by giving her the class. Yes she’s raw, yes she needs to develop but the basics are all there for her to become an outstanding bitch. Her head is divine and so well balanced. She is superb in front, is high at the withers to give her the required sloping topline, is short coupled and has wide quarters. Her head is simply lovely and on my last look at her she gave me such a look like I was a lesser being. That was it, I was hooked. She moves with great forward reach and holds her strong topline.

2. Dummett’s Almondbury The Pop Kids. A lovely type with a feminine head, strong neck, and compact body. I preferred the lay of shoulder on the winner. Moves well.

3. Collis’ Jaclee Golden Touch

PB (4)

1. Jennings’ Alibama Wishlist. I loved this black. Commands attention on the stack having the look of a true sporting spaniel. She is strong and sturdy, has depth, big ribs and a big bum. I loved her head with its dark eyes, soft expression, plushing and fine leathers. She moves with reach and drive showing a clean pair of heels and maintains her topline. BPB & BPIS.

2. Morris & Langton’s Sabisabi Iroquois Tive at Jennobar. A beautiful puppy, well presented and handled. Doesn’t have the strength of neck of the winner. Moves well.

3. Donaldson’s Chicomy’s Rumor Has It

JB (3, 2 abs)

1. S. I. Tive at J

LB (2)

1. Al-Azzawe’s Belmilla Keep Inspiring Me. Well developed head with clear stop, dark eyes and nice chiselling. Compact build, short back and strong quarters.

2. Jennings’ Alibama Brownie Points. A very nice bitch but I preferred the head of the winner. Strong outline, good forehand and depth. Moves well.

OB (4, 2 abs)

1. Bryant & Nelson’s Nasailleen Rap Party. What a beautiful young bitch this is! Stacked she has a classic outline showing balance throughout with a short strong back and slightly sloping topline with tail set in line. On examination she is sturdily made and compact with plenty of heart and lung room, is well boned and has wide well muscled quarters. Her head is exquisite and correctly proportioned with a clear stop and broad deep muzzle. She has the loveliest eye and expression and has beautiful chiselling. Her head fits smoothly into her long muscular neck which rises strongly and has a classic arch to it. Her buff coat is smooth and silky and although she was not in full coat today her overall excellent type and conformation together with her powerful ground covering action took her to the top spot. BB and BIS.

2. Price’s Am Ch Rotojet’s Rouge N’Mascara (Imp USA) NAF. Sadly did not stop for a critique but I liked her enough to award her RBB and RBIS.

VB (1)

1. Sheppard’s Shadowview Poetry in Motion. Enjoying her time in the ring. She has a pretty head, good spring of rib and strong loin.

Cut Down/Pet Trim/Working Bitch (1)

1. Nelson & Bryant’s Mycalleys Marilyn with Nasailleen. Probably the best made dog of the day. Without her coat what you see is what you get. Fabulous head, strong neck, well laid shoulders and return of upper arm place her front legs well under her body, has depth, strong bone and wide quarters which she uses to propel herself forward and shows a clean pair of heels as she goes away. Close up for top honours.

Christine Morgan