- Show Date: 19/03/2022
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Cath Moffat Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Exeter & County Canine Society
A really lovely show with such a welcoming and friendly committee, they even ordered excellent weather, my thanks to my able steward who kept the day flowing.
Many thanks to the exhibitors for accepting their placings with good grace as I was the replacement judge, I wish the original judge a speedy recovery.
P 5(2)
1. Haines’ Leighsham Tullamore. Very handsome young male of 11 months with lots of quality, masculine, expressive head with good breadth of skull, strong muzzle and excellent pigment, strong, well muscled shoulders leading into a good front assembly, good feet and bone, lovely body proportions, moved out effortlessly with good ground covering reach and drive, stood out for breed type and I was pleased to see him succeed further under the group judge, I’m sure this dog has a very bright future,
BOB, BP, G2, PG1.
2. Wallington’s Ambersun With Hearts of Oak. Another nice male of 8 months, not quite as appealing in overall shape as my class winner, kind head and expression, good shoulder placement and correct rib, strong loin, sound and well muscled all through, he moved out well with easy reach and drive.
3. Callow’s Kidston’s Priddy with Cassatess.
SY 5(3)
1. Jackson-Haines’ Leighsham Chantilly. Bitch of 11 months, who I now see was the litter sister to my BOB, lovely feminine head and expression with strong muzzle, good pigment and breadth of skull, lovely front assembly with well muscled shoulders, nice straight front and correct bone, a little unsettled moving but once settled showed some lovely free and easy movement, RBOB.
2. Clunie’s Warrentor Second To None. 16 month old bitch of good quality, kind head and expression, nicely angulated all through with sound, well muscled top-line, good feet and bone, showed some steady movement both in profile and on the out and back, a nice example of this breed.
PG 5(3)
1. Clunie’s Warrentor Second To None. 2nd in SY.
2. Beresford/Peters’ Jackorolls Mint. Male of nearly 3 years who was a little strong all through for me, very masculine head with broad head, strong muzzle and dark eye, good body proportions and well muscled, moved ok in profile but would have preferred a tidier away and return.
OD 4(0)
1. Clunie’s Warrentor Bold As Brass JW. Handsome male of 16 months with kind head and expression, good breadth of skull and strong muzzle, correct length of neck leading into a good shoulder placement, well muscled, nice body proportions and strong top-line which he held well standing and moving, good depth of chest and correct rib, moved out with easy reach and drive, presented in good coat.
2. Fenn’s Chalksville Barregarrow at Jandeburn JW ShCM. Another nice male of 5 years and of good type, masculine head with good breadth to skull and strength in muzzle, appealing expression, good neck and well muscled shoulders, good depth of chest and body proportions, showed some easy movement in profile.
3. Bissell’s Warrentor Tribute for Bisskids.
OB 5(4)
1. Clunie’s Warrentor Second To None. 2nd in SY and 1st in PG.
O 3(1)
1. Smith’s Snowshoes Who Dares Wins. Promising male of 15 moths with masculine head and expression, broad skull with strength in muzzle, good ears, strong, well muscled neck leading into a good shoulder placement, strong bone and good depth of chest, sound body proportions and top-line, looked well both standing and moving, pleased to award him BOB and later in the day see him go Best in Show, well done, BOB/G1 & BIS.
2. Smith’s D’Alkontres Galak (imp ITA) NAF TAF. Very raw baby of 6 months but full of confidence, good head and ears, strong neck, straight front and good shoulder placement, nice body proportions, when he understood what was asked of him, he moved out fairly well and was presented in clean, developing coat, BP, RBOB & PG4.
PG 4(0)
1. Weston’s Lateagain Let Them All Talk. Male of 14 months with masculine head, good head proportions and keen eye, straight front with good bone, would prefer better feet, good body proportions and nicely angulated, he moved out well when settled into his stride, RBOB.
2. Pilgrim’s Woodbriar Serial Thrilla. Nicely presented bitch of 6 years with feminine head and expression, good feet and bone, well muscled and nicely angulated all through, sound top-line, when settled she moved out well in profile, away and return, presented in sound, well muscled condition.
3. Pilgrim’s Nerak Dolly Daydream at Woodbriar.
O 4(1)
1. Pilgrim’s Swnydwr Snapchat at Woodbriar JW ShCEx OSW. Liked this bitch for her femininity and balance, very smart standing and moving, lovely head with correct proportions, good neck with well muscled shoulders, correct angulation and good top-line, good depth of chest and correct rib, sound rear, she used this well on the move covering the ground easily, BOB & G2.
2. Webb’s Multi/Int Ch. Shalissa’s Siriusly Costly (AI) JW Bel Jun Ch Istra W21. Strongly made male of 5 years, very masculine all through, stood well in outline with good top-line, straight front with good bone and feet, good depth of chest and correct rib, soundly made in rear, he moved out well with good reach and drive, presented in immaculate, well toned condition.
3. Pilgrim’s Woodbriar Fix Up Look Sharp JW ShCM ShCEx.
PG 1(0)
1. Hucker’s Bevanray Aggie (AI). 6 month old bitch with feminine head where I would prefer a little more length in muzzle, dark eye, nicely angulated with straight front, good body proportions and top-line, sound in rear quarters, she moved out well showing some promising movement in profile, BP/RBOB.
O 3(1) 1. Vick’s Ava Von Der Alten Festung at Vickangels (imp HRV) JW ShCEx OSW. 4 year old bitch with good body proportions and sound front assembly, good depth of chest and correct rib, strong loin, well muscled in rear, moved out ok in profile, BOB.
2. Hucker’s Jack Kabri Team. Very strong all through, would have liked a better head and expression, deep in chest but would have preferred better body proportions overall, moved out ok.
PG 1(0)
1. Oakaby’s Iscabern Summer Saffron. Feminine bitch of 20 months, kind head and expression, nicely angulated with good body proportions, sound top-line, well muscled rear, moved out ok and presented in good coat.
O 4(0)
1. Manix/English’s Waldershelf Fame N’Fortune. Lovely male of 2 years old, masculine, kind head and gentle expression, presented in beautiful, well muscled condition and in good clean coat, lovely shoulder placement, good depth of chest and correct body proportions, sound, well toned rear quarters, he moved out well with drive and purpose, BOB & G3.
2. Bird’s Ch. Cullumbern Milano JW. Another quality male of 3 years old where the spring was definitely in his step today, masculine head with kind expression and dark eye, sound front with good bone, nicely angulated all through with sound top-line and correct body proportions, when settled, he showed some easy movement in all directions, RBOB.
3. Oakaby’s Iscabern Daffadowndilly.
PG 4(0)
1. Reader’s Lempileijonan Unelmien Prinssi TAF. Really liked this young male of 7 months, lovely expressive head with kind eye, broad skull, good muzzle and mask, correct neck and well muscled shoulders, nice feet and strong bone, sound front assembly, good proportions and steady top-line, very promising on the move and presented in the most immaculate condition, BP/RBOB & PG2.
2. Amesbury’s Morwinas Torrinsdottir. Another promising bitch puppy of 7 months with very sound temperament, which was tested out on the day! feminine, expressive head with kind eye and good head proportions, nicely angulated all through with good shoulders and bone, nicely angulated and well muscled in rear, when settled showed some sound, positive movement.
3. Crotty’s Dacfolke Eton at Soullariaax.
O 4(0)
1. Amesbury’s Cleon Armchair Honey Bear at Morwinas. 2½ year old male, well made with masculine head and expression, good body proportions and nicely angulated all through, sound body proportions and good depth of chest, well ribbed back, well muscled rear with steady top-line, he moved out easily with ground covering gait, BOB.
2. Frances’ Ivan Leo Vom Zarendorf (imp RUS). Another lovely male of 2½ years who I really liked for breed type, masculine head with lovely expression and excellent pigment, would like a slightly tighter eye, had strong bone and good feet, liked his body proportions, good depth of chest and correct rib, presented in beautiful coat and condition, had a tendency to pace which let him down on movement.
3. Smith’s Dacfolke Odina.
O 3(1) 1. Cox’ Alzonzobar Wile Ecoyote at Rainwilds. Very strongly made brindle male of 3 years where I would prefer better head planes overall, good neck and well muscled shoulders, sound front with strong bone, good body proportions, he moved out with powerful reach and drive, BOB.
2. Horton/Williams’ Gertlush Bella Donna. 3½ year old bitch who could move out well in profile, feminine head where I would have liked better head proportions overall and particularly more length of muzzle, pleasing body proportions with good depth of chest and well ribbed, presented in well toned condition, RBOB.
PG 3(0)
1. Newton’s Shlarra Some Kind of Miracle. Beautifully presented young fawn bitch of 8 months with lovely feminine head and expression, good head proportions, nicely angulated front and rear with sound, strong top-line, straight front with good feet, correct neck leading into a lovely shoulder placement, well ribbed back, lovely outline standing and moving, she moved out with easy, ground covering reach and drive, BOB, BP & PG1.
2. Kingsley’s Dainoak Forever in Blu Genes (AI). Blue bitch of 17 months with feminine head and expression, straight front and good bone, preferred the body proportions and better outline of my class winner but this bitch still moved out well when settled and was presented in well muscled and fit condition, RBOB.
3. Kingsley’s Nevilldown Legacy for Dainoak NAF.
O 1(0)
1. Kingsley’s Dainoak Forever in Blu Genes (AI). 2nd in PG.
PG 2(1)
1. Cowell’s Astralune Final Score NAF. Bitch of 11 months with personality plus, it was really nice to see a playful character enjoying herself! Feminine head and expression, nicely angulated with well muscled shoulders, good bone and feet, straight front and sound top-line, when she settled into her stride she showed some promising steady movement, BP & PG3.
L 1(0)
1. Burnett’s Sushe Too Cool to Fool. Pleasing masculine dog of nearly 5 years, strong head with lovely male expression, correct neck leading into well muscled shoulders, lovely outline standing and moving, sound top-line and correct body proportions, moved out easily with good reach and drive, presented in well toned condition, RBOB.
O 2(0)
1. Burnett/Kelly’s Lahaina Sushestime with Casemates JW ShCM. Soundly made male of nearly 6 years, masculine head and expression with good head planes, good neck leading into well placed front, carrying the right amount of weight, he looked fit in his outline standing and moving, presented in tip top condition, he moved out well in all directions covering the ground easily, BOB.
2. Richards’ Markinshell Pombear at Dajoxx. Another nice male of nearly 4 years with pleasing head and expression, straight front with good bone and feet, nicely angulated, good outline, sound, well muscled top-line which he carried well, when he settled, he showed some good reach and drive and presented in well muscled and fit condition.
Special Veteran 4(2)
1. Carter’s Bearhugs Courage ShCM. Nicely presented Newfoundland of 9½ years, showing no signs of his advancing years, still very fit and well, a credit to his owner for keeping him in such sound condition, good bone, depth of chest and body proportions, sound, well muscled and fit, moved out with excellent reach and drive defying his age.
2. Akehurst/Bridges’ Ch.Kernow All My Loving. A lovely, soundly made Bernese of 7½ years, feminine and kind expression, good bone and presented in excellent condition, well angulated all through with firm, sound top-line, just felt today she lacked animation on the move.
Champion Stakes 3(0)
1. Webb’s Multi/Int Ch. Shalissa’s Siriusly Costly (AI) JW Bel Jun Ch Istra W21. 2nd in Open (breed class).
2. Bird’s Ch. Cullumbern Milano JW. 2nd in Open (breed class).
3. Smith’s Ch. Snowshoes The White Witch.
Reserve Best of Breed Working
1. Carter’s Bearhugs Courage ShCM.
1. Newton’s Shlarra Some Kind of Miracle. BOB in breed (Great Dane).
2. Reader’s Lempileijonan Unelmien Prinssi TAF. 1st in PG (breed class) (Leonberger).
3. Carter’s Gouvier Espresso Martini. (Basset Fauve De Bretagne).