• Show Date: 29/05/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Cath Moffat Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

North Riding Gundog Club

Many thanks to the committee for the lovely invite to judge at their show, a spacious, popular venue with a lovely atmosphere, the weather certainly didn’t dampen everyone’s enthusiasm and it was a real pleasure to judge here, many thanks to my steward, Gabrielle, who kept the ring running so efficiently.


MP 2(0)

1. Sloan’s Palmonas Glitterball. Lovely feminine bitch of just 6 months, appealing in head with dark eye and good pigment, kind expression, beautifully balanced all through, presented in excellent coat and condition, moved out very well once she was settled, BPIB.

2. Ellis’ Tenfield Sunset Gleaming. Another lovely young bitch of 6 months, a little taller, kind head with lovely expression, dark eye and good pigment, clean, straight front with good bone, she moved out well with good reach and drive and was presented in beautiful condition.

P 3(2)
1. Ellis’ Tenfield Sunset Gleaming. 2nd in MP, felt she moved more freely when she had the ring to herself!

J 2(1)

1. Towers’ Alibren Heidi High. Lovely bitch of just 12 months with kind head and expression, dark eye, good reach of neck with well angulated front and rear, good spring of rib and good depth to chest, nicely balanced all through, she held a firm top-line both standing and moving, presented in excellent condition, she moved effortlessly with good reach and drive, RBOB.

Y 4(2)

1. Towers’ Alibren Heidi High.

2. Crookes/Jenkinson’s Quakerhall Flare By Pandora. A nicely presented bitch of 21 months, feminine head with kind expression, dark eye and good pigment, nicely angulated all through with good depth of chest, I would have preferred a little more length of leg and more balanced proportions, however she moved out well in profile and was beautifully presented in tip-top condition.

G 6(3)

1. Towers’ Alibren Heidi High. 

2. Wyard’s Bermary Agatha Christie at Brandelle. Nicely presented bitch of 19 months with feminine head and expression although I would have liked better head proportions overall, good neck and shoulders with well sprung rib, good depth to chest and sound top-line, well muscled rear, she moved out well with an easy, ground covering gait.

Holmes/Higgins’ Kellywillow Augustus.

PG 5(0)

1. Robbins/Rowark’s Brekswood Lady Eleanor. Really liked this well balanced, sound bitch of 2½ years, lovely feminine head with the kindest of expression, dark eye and good pigment, lovely reach of neck into a well placed shoulder, clean straight front and good bone, correct body proportions and well muscled, she moved well in profile and was presented in fit, well muscled condition.  

2. Ellis’ Tenfield Sunloch. Another nicely presented bitch of 2½ years with kind, expressive head and dark eye, well muscled neck and good shoulder placement, straight front and good depth of chest, well proportioned with good spring of rib, nicely angulated in rear with good muscle and moved out well in profile, just felt she wasn’t quite as clean on the move as 1st. 

3. Towers/Henderson/Bolano’s Grey Goose November Rain (imp ESP).

L 3(1)

1. Wild’s Quakerhall Sea Master by Bluewaters JW. Quality male of 4 years, masculine, kind head and expression with dark eye and good pigment, good bone and sound feet, well muscled neck and shoulders with clean, straight front, good depth of chest and correct rib, well angulated in rear which showed in his easy reach and drive, presented in fit, well muscled condition.

2. Crookes/Jenkinson’s Quakerhall Pandora’s Bounty JW. Litter sister to 1st and a lot of the same qualities apply, very feminine in head with kind, endearing expression and dark eye, good neck and shoulder, good depth to chest and well sprung rib, just preferred the overall proportions of 1st, a little unsettled moving.

O 8(4)

1. Robbins/Rowark’s Quakerhall Lady Bountiful by Brekswood. A sound, well balanced bitch of 4½ years and of excellent type, nothing exaggerated, endearing feminine head with kind expression, dark eye and good pigment, clean, straight front with good bone and feet, well muscled neck and good lay of shoulder, sound top-line which she held well standing and moving, she moved with a free and easy gait covering the ground effortlessly, presented in well muscled condition, she was a pleasure to award BOB.

2. Crookes/Jenkinson’s Quakerhall Victory Jubilee JW. Nicely proportioned bitch of nearly 7 years, kind head and expressive eyes with correct balance to skull, good neck and shoulders with well let down chest and correct rib, moved out well covering the ground with ease, lovely to see such a happy and sound temperament, she loved her day despite the weather!

3. Ellis’ Tenfield Rex Imperator JW.


J 2(1)

1. Whitaker’s Jetstarski I’m On Fire. Liver bitch of 13 months, nicely proportioned skull and good eye set well, good neck and shoulders with straight front and good feet. Nicely proportioned throughout and well angulated, free on the move when settled and presented in well muscled, fit condition.

O 4(1)

1. Whitaker’s Evening Mist Black Brianta. Feminine bitch of 3½ years, kind head and expression, good eye, straight front, good bone and feet, nicely proportioned throughout, sound all through with good top-line, well muscled and fit, moved out with an easy, ground covering gait, BOB.

2. Whitaker’s Jetstarski All Eyes On You. Very masculine, strong male of 6 years old, good bone and straight front, good body proportions and sound top-line which he held well, both standing and moving, once settled, showed some sound profile movement, fit and well muscled, RBOB.

3. Wright’s Lacsar Tequila Mockingbird (IKC).


6-11 YEARS

Well done to all the Junior Handlers who braved the awful weather conditions to show their dogs.

1. Clara Tudor. Sympathetically handled to bring out the best in her dog, she listened well to my instructions, stood and moved her dog efficiently, she was attentive and kind at all times, just remember not to get between the judge and yourself as the handler.

2. Catherine Chandler. Very capable young handler who showed her dog very well, she also listened well to my instructions and did everything that was asked, a budding handler who has a bright future.

12-16 YEARS

1. Jessica Wyard. A very competent young handler who used the ring to good effect to show her dog well, she used her skills and handled her dog sympathetically to bring out its best qualities, she listened to instructions and acted upon them, a promising young handler.

2. Amy Mir. Another promising young handler who stood and moved her dog to good effect, she listened and used the ring well, another promising handler with a bright future.