• Show Date: 29/01/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Carol Moore Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Lichfield Canine Society

Lichfield Canine Society

29th January 2022

Irish Setter

Puppy (4)

A strong class of puppies to start my day

1st Alolfrana May King a Scene for Orstone. 7 month dog with a tidy outline, full of breed attributes with a beautiful head and expression promising that classic chiselling and quizzical brow to come. Lovely reach of neck flowing into a cracking front assembly with correct bone and feet. Firm in topline standing and moving which was so well balanced in such a youngster. Gleaming rich coat over muscle just finished the picture. BPIB and PGrp 3

2nd Copper’s Welcome to the Party at Alolfrana (imp Swe) Loved the look of this boy standing and moving. At just 7 months he is very together and balanced with an eye catching outline, when it came down to it I just preferred the work in the head of the 1st place today

3rd Lochlorien No Offence Juleset

Junior (4, 1abs)

1st Gwendariff Dazzling Diva. Very pretty bitch with the sweetest of heads and a soft expression from a gentle dark eye. Elegant neck sweeps gracefully through to the shoulder with a pleasing front assembly, firm topline and excellent depth of chest. Correct bone and well shaped feet, broad well muscled stifles gave strong true movement, Considered for top honours but just needs that final polish.

2nd Swiftlark Illustrious. Strong but feminine bitch with a pleasing balanced head, well set ear and good length of neck, firm through her topline and balanced in angulation, lovely rich red coat with quite a bit of wave to it finished the picture. She was not as well muscled as my winner and this showed on the move.

3rd Swiftlark Invincible

Pgrad (6, 1abs)

1st Gwendariff Dazzling Diva (repeat)

2nd Gwendariff Hands Off Your Mine. Pleasing head of good shape with soft dark eyes and attentive expression. Lovely reach of neck leading to a well made forehand, just carrying a couple of extra pounds over her shoulders which broke the flow from neck to shoulder. Well made with a deep well sprung rib and plenty of thigh. moved straight and true.

3rd Swiftlark Spellbinder

Open (6, 1abs)

A hard fought class, really liked the top 3 and had a difficult choice between them

1st Rappatty Starlight over Alolfrana JW ShCM. Love her character and sheer joie de vivre a real showgirl through and through with that quizzical Irish expression coming from great chiselling and a soft brown eye in a beautiful head. So feminine and elegant with everything in the right place front and back, she showed great reach and drive on the move, in hard condition and gleaming coat. My only criticism would be the sheer volume and length of coat made her look a fraction short in the leg but underneath it all she was perfectly proportioned. BOB

2nd Riverbrue Wonderwall at Hernwood. Upstanding male with a very masculine head,cheeky eye under a raised brow and well set ear. Flows through the neck and shoulder with correct width and depth of chest. Balanced angulation with excellent muscletone. Lovely rich red coat in gleaming condition. He moved true with lots of power, would love to see him with the room to really get going. RBOB

3rd Lochlorien True Detective is Andley


Puppy (4)

1st Sabsky Svratka. Promising 7 month bitch with a good head and eye, pleasing amount of forechest with enough depth for her age, balanced proportions with a good width in stifle. Moved with drive just needs to tidy up her front action a touch BP

2nd Silvermews Solaris Smart young boy with everything in the right place, would just like a little more of him.Balanced head ratios with just the right amount of stop. Moved out cleanly

3rd Bissellwood Boadicea

Junior (4)

1st Braithwaite Northern Boy. Well built boy with plenty of substance but still retained the elegant look of the breed. Strongly built through with a masculine head and typical expression. He has a good reach of neck which fits cleanly into his shoulders. Well angulated in quarters with good bend of stifle and hocks are nicely let down giving power and drive

2nd Gunalt Wavelength. Pretty feminine bitch with an intelligent eye. Well made with enough bone for her size, good depth of chest and well set quarters. Moved cleanly but firmer muscling would give her more power around the ring.

3rd Desjiem Dujardin

Pgrad (5, 1abs)

1st Cavalmist Cosworth. Like his namesake this boy is built for power and endurance. Presented a strong masculine outline with a balanced head, correct stop and showing occiput. Flowed down a strong neck smoothly into a well set front assembly, nicely balanced ratio, firm topline and well developed hindquarters, Showed powerful ground covering movement, RBOB

2nd Silverweis Summer Love. Appealed in outline, made on smooth lines with bone and substance whilst retaining her femininity. Well balanced head with depth of flew, clean neck into shoulders, level topline, excellent spring of rib and good angulation both ends. Moved clean and true

3rd Wystry One Mint Julep

Open (4, 2abs)

1st Kalimor Jazz at Cavalmist. Feminine head of correct proportions with correctly set ear. Lovely expression plenty strength through the muzzle without losing her femininity. I loved her classy outline, firm in topline with a correct underline, cracking angulation and broad well muscled rear gave the ground covering action I was looking for, clean and true. BOB

2nd Gunalt Wavelength


Puppy (3. 2abs)

1st Fleetpaw In The Moment. 9 month yellow bitch with lovely pigmentation and a pretty expression, good width to skull with nicely placed ears. Plenty of bone and substance with a firm outline. Despite being a little worried she held her ground well and once settled moved smoothly. BP

Junior (3, 1abs)

1st Flyenpyg Pie Eyed JW. 12 month black dog in cracking condition with firm muscling. Cheeky expression full of animation, balanced head with broad skull and well set ear used to advantage. Firm neck flowed into well set shoulders with correct upperarm and good length of leg. Deep enough in chest for his age, strong topline and broad thigh giving a powerful movement. He reminded me of the beautiful Bryndafydd dogs of the past. Pushed hard for top honours but today had to settle for RBOB

2nd Glosmere Ragamuffin Strong black dog very different in size and substance than my winner being much more heavy set. Masculine head with enough length to foreface and a strong backskull. Powerful neck, very deep in body and a touch shorter in leg for me. Strong rear gave good propulsion.

Pgrad ( 4, 1abs)

1st Ellkine So It Begins. Handsome yellow bitch with a well made head, good length to muzzle and soft well shaped eye. Being an old school lab person pigment is important to me as it just finishes off the expression, this girls could be darker around the eye. Strong outline stood squarely with deep well sprung rib and sturdy bone. Broad, muscled thighs gave drive and power.

2nd Exelby Hellebore in Flyenpyg. Very pretty bitch, just a little finer and daintier looking than my ideal but very well put together with the sweetest of heads. Balanced angulation, well sprung ribs and good width to her thigh. Clean and true on the move.

3rd Glosmere Ragamuffin

Open (1)

1st Flyenpyg Porky Pig JW. My notes say character and he certainly is, full of Labrador bounce and fun. Upstanding yellow male, strong masculine head but retaining the soft expression required, made good use of his ears. Clean, powerful neck, laid back shoulder with good return of upperarm. Deep, wellsprung rib, firm topline and powerful quarters. Moved out with reach and drive once he stopped clowning around. BOB


Puppy (1)

1st Sawbridge Lochbuie.Very promising youngster with balanced proportions. Correct feminine head with a lovely expression. Straight legs, well angulated front and rear and well sprung ribs for her age. Easy, light movement with high tail carriage, a lovely rich colour. BP

Junior (3, 1 abs)

Such a shame one of the exhibits was overawed by the surroundings.

1st Tollelkin Dream Dancer. Dainty bitch, feminine in head and expression, with good ears a pleasing expression. Clean through the neck into well set shoulders. Stands on well boned legs, well shaped feet. Body well made, ribs and loin developing nicely. Quarters well-made with stifles well bent. Free action on the move, firmer muscling would help.

2nd Withdrawn

Pgrad (5, 1abs)

1st Hwyaden Sunrise Ruby at Sawbridge. Pretty bitch with a compact outline. Broad skull,well set ear and soft brown eye gave a pleasing head. Lovely front assembly with deep ribs under a firm topline. Strong well muscled rear finished the picture. Moved out cleanly, straight and true in all directions. RBOB

2nd Afonbach Dance With Dragons. Standing this bitch really caught my eye, a very typy outline with plenty of chest under a strong topline. Lovely head with an alert expression. In excellent condition throughout but just not as true in rear action as my winner today.

3rd Clegame Inferno to Breakerswell

Open (4)

1st Afonbach Winter is Coming JW. Fully mature male with a real look at me attitude. Broad in skull and correct in foreface with bright, brown eye and set on ears. Strong neck leading to a well laid shoulder with lovely return of upperarm. Plenty of rib under an excellent coat. Strong topline lead on to a cracking rear so well muscled, you can tell this boy is no couch potato, really clean and animated on the move. BOB

2nd Hwyaden Sunrise Ruby at Sawbridge (repeat)

3rd Tollelkin Caife Americano SGWC

AVNSC Gundog

Puppy (5, 3abs)

1st Zorrazo Quest For Success TAF. SWD At just 6 months old this brown boy is a very exciting prospect, he commands attention and just comes alive on the move. He has a masculine head of good proportions with a correctly shaped eye, so alert and animated. He has a super front, correct neck into an excellent lay back of shoulder. Stands on well bone legs. Body of correct proportions with ribs well sprung and a firm level back. Quarters are nicely developed with moderate bend of stifle. On the move he looks cracking, covering the ground with ease. BP Puppy Group 1

2nd Oakleaf Manor Bay of Oakmarsh. Chesapeake BR. Another youngster who promises good things. At the lighter end of the colour range she stood soundly on strong legs and feet. Typey head with good width to skull. Bright eye and nicely placed ears. Firm neck, clean through the shoulder just a touch rangy at the moment. Broad quarters gave effortless movement.

Junior (3, 1abs)

1st Kimmax Kort in Action. GWP. Clean and tidy outline with the promise of power to come. Kind eye set in a balanced head with lovely furnishings. Strong through the neck and shoulder with enough depth for his age. Moved out strongly with excellent drive.

2nd Oakleaf Manor Bay of Oakmarsh (repeat)

Pgrad (4, 1abs)

1st Oakmarsh Freedom Chesapeake BR, Another pleasing example of the breed showing correct body with plenty of depth. Loved her eye and expression, a touch more muzzle would balance her head better. Nicely angulated with strong bone and feet. Correctly textured coat finished the picture. Moved with drive.

2nd Kimmax Who Kares Wins JW. GWP. B/W bitch of correct size with an intelligent eye and good skull. Nicely set on shoulder with forechest and depth of rib. Not quite as firm in topline but moved with reach.

3rd Arcticbreeze Turbulence at Allsong

Open (7, 3abs)

1st ShCh Kimmax Knock Yourself Out JW ShCM. GWP Upstanding male with plenty of size and substance. Intelligent expression in a balanced head with a lovely set of furnishings. Powerful neck, quality all through with great angulation and plenty of muscle which gave him the ability to power around the ring so sound and true especially when he got the space in the group ring. BOB Group 3

2nd Gaesten Zippy Zingo at Nelbekio ShCM Unlucky to meet my winner on such form. Excellent overall balance with pleasing breed outline. Head of correct proportions, moderately and strong muzzle, showed an alert expression. Good layback of shoulder and return of upperarm. Well ribbed back with firm topline. Strong well muscled hindquarters with well let down hocks gave balanced movement.

3rd Bechillaw Oooh Betty

AV Gundog Veteran (12, 2abs)

1st SHCH Barleyarch Firefly GSP. What a star, he is quality from head to tail, a touch of grey on his face accentuates rather than takes anything away from his noble look. Soft brown eye giving a grave expression. Fabulous confirmation throughout in firm condition with defined muscle, He really powered around the ring with lots of drive.

2nd SHCH Danehaven Vermilion for Afonbach ShCM. NSDTR, A lovely bitch of excellent quality, love her make and shape. Classy head with a sparkling eye. Stood strongly on clean legs and feet. Lovely jaunty action on the move.

3rd Flyenpyg Snout Like It

AVImpReg Gundog

Puppy (4)

1st Fidelix Infinity. Korthals Griffon Well presented with a lovely harsh coat, feminine head correct skull and bright expressive eyes. Nicely arched neck running into well laid shoulders, well sprung ribs carried well back under a strong topline. Broad hindquarters giving easy movement around the ring keeping her outline

2nd Achouffe’s Summer Magic at Cavalmist NAF Slovakian RH Pointer Not quite as forward in maturity as my winner but a very promising youngster, good height to length ratio with correct amount of body for her age. Needs to settle on the move but covered the ground well with a lovely reach.

3rd S’willa Des Hauts de Rouillac ay Cairparavel NAF

Junior (2, 1abs)

1st Teisgol Henrique Portuguese Pointer. Powerhouse of a dog with correct dense coat. All male in head with a square muzzle, correct stop and broad skull. Flowed through the neck and shoulder, broad quarters gave a lovely finish, Moved out strongly.

Pgrad (4, 2abs)

1st Rodenrose Learn to Fly Korthals Griffon. Honest workmanlike bitch with good angulation, pleasing head and eye with plenty of furnishings. Strong in topline, a little tucked up on the underline at the moment. Moved out straight and true.

2nd Playboy Des Rives de L’Estuaire. Braque D’Auvergne. Gave his handler a hard time today. Head of balanced proportions with plenty of lip. Firm in neck and body with good muscle tone and bone. Very unsettled on the move

Open (3)

1st Barbamor Starting on Monday. Barber. On top form today, cracking outline standing and moving. Black bitch of good size with bone to match, broad head, good length to foreface with dark expressive eye. Strong through the neck and shoulder with a lovely front assembly, deep in chest with plenty of rib. Balanced rear end, lovely ground covering movement. Profuse coat of correct curl and texture finished the picture BIR Group 2

2nd Khyannes Triton at Canemamans. Braque D’Auvergne. All male, strong in body and bone. Typey head with plenty of lip and bright eye.Pleasing outline with balanced angulation. Showed good movement once settled which won him RBIR

3rd Geum von Springbell

Gundog Group

Group1 Sussex Spaniel Ir Ch Bardings Bypolar Bear Ir Jun Ch CW19 CJW19 JW. Lovely breed type, in grand condition, showed true movement every time of asking

Group2 Barbet Barbamor Starting on Monday

Group3 GWP ShCh Kimmax Knock Yourself Out JW ShCM

Group4 HVizla Aldom Dark N’Stormy So balanced with a lovely action on the move.

Gundog Puppy Group

PGroup1 SWD Fidelix Infinity

PGroup2 Gordon Setter Hernwood Gin Fizz. Good sized bitch with a clean outline, head a little narrow at the moment. Lovely balanced action on the move

PGroup3 Irish Setter Alolfrana May King a Scene for Orstone

PGroup4 Flatcoated Retriever Jetstarski I’m on Fire. Full of sparkle standing and moving, lovely sound construction.

Wetnoses Puppy Stakes

An enormous entry of puppies the lateness of the day meant many had gone home but I was still presented with a large number of top draw puppies to judge.

1st Guru Sunday to Wildax (imp Rus) NAF French Bulldog Full of ring presence, strong and powerful throughout, loved his head and expression, clean open nares and tidy ears. Showed great action on the move

2nd Llwynis State of Grace Japanese Spitz. Pretty spirited girl full of style and animation

3rd Derdledash Naughty Neptune Dachs (Wire-Haired)

Carol Moore (Gadhelic)