• Show Date: 18/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Carol Moore Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Cornwall Gundog Club

Cornwall Gundog Club

18th April 2022

After a lot of trial and tribulations this show finally went ahead, huge congratulations to the Committee for overcoming all those last minute issues and thank you for your fabulous hospitality.

Av Gun Vet Dog 7-9 (10, 2abs)

1st ShCH Withiflor Rolling Stone Jw Eight and 1/2 year old Cocker in excellent condition with really good muscle tone. A beautiful head with a melting expression, low set ears and the right amount of skull. Flowed through the neck and shoulder into a firm topline held well on the move. Muscular quarters gave driving movement.

2nd Erikachen O’Ruadh for Deltandamba JW ShCM ShCex This NSDTR pushed the winner hard but was not quite as free on the move as my winner. Another dog in excellent condition with a gleaming coat and plenty of muscle, such a joy to find. Correct in head with a bright, alert eye and well set ear. Plenty of well sprung ribs under a strong topline. Moved true but I got the impression he was not as comfortable on the unusual surface today.

3rd Bournehouse Star Gazer at Marissolo ShCM

Av Gun Vet Bitch 7-9 (11, 2abs)

1st Amberellie Adrianna I just fell for this orange bitch the moment I saw her and getting my hands on her confirmed what I was seeing, not the biggest but beautifully put together with the kindest of eye in such a feminine head. Strong through the shoulder and topline with balanced angulation throughout, stood over her ground on the best of feet, harsh coat of the correct length and that easy ground covering movement that the breed is renowned for. BVIS

2nd Quensha Summer Nights at Lynwood JW English Setter Very true to type with a beautifully balanced head and well proportioned body. Put down in good condition if a touch on the lean side, a little stiff on the move but sound and true.

3rd Amberlight Sunglow

Av Gun Special Vet 10 Years+ (3)

This was a trio of dogs that could certainly put a number of youngsters to shame, thank you for the honour of judging them.

1st Willsbrook The Hairy Biker at Jandeburn ShCM VW 10 year old Golden Retriever, I see he has his Veteran Warrant and I am not in the least bit surprised, strongly made throughout with excellent construction he really carries his years well. Put down in first class condition he is a credit to his owner and pushed the Spinone hard but just had to settle for RBVIS today

2nd Ashlowrick Ladies Day at Iscadu Another fabulous 10 year old, it must be the Cornish air that keeps them so fit and well although she was carrying a touch extra weight today. Balanced feminine head with a dark eye and well placed ear, she looked good standing and moving.

3rd Warrentor Wesley for Bisskids I have to mention this 12 1/2 year old boy who certainly stood his ground in this class, another in the best of order with free movement.

Irish Setter

Puppy (3, 1abs)

1st Camaling Rose Royal Just 6 months with loads of promise, a rich deep red in gleaming condition with a pretty head, soft dark 'unshelled almond' eyes gave the sweetest expression. Whilst you can see she is very much a baby she has lovely angulation, good legs and feet and a firm topline, she carried herself beautifully on the move and for one so young she took everything in her stride. I was very taken with her and will watch her career with interest. BPIB BPIS

2nd Redclyst Sail Seven Seas to Hugard Another lovely young bitch of 8 months with a lean, feminine head and kind eye under a quizzical brow. Good depth and length of rib with pleasing angulation. Today she was not as co-ordinated on the move as my winner but still has plenty of promise.

Junior (4, 1ab)

1st Grenada Lofty Czerwony (imp Pol) A striking young dog, rich deep red coat in top class condition. Masculine head, plenty of brain room, kind in eye and soft in expression. I loved his strength of outline with a flow through the neck and shoulder, deep in rib and broad in stifle. He showed lovely reach on the move holding his topline well.

2nd Covarney Time After Time for Marzanne Lovely paralell head planes with the correct amount of width to the skull and a pretty expression. Well balanced but just lacked the maturity of my winner today in that her chest still needs to develop. Another well held topline standing and moving with strong thighs giving plenty of power on the move just not as positive in front action.

3rd Covarney It Takes Time

Yearling (6, 2abs)

1st Covarney Time After Time for Marzanne 2nd in previous class but was much happier on the move this time which gave her the edge.

2nd Jetsetter Wind of Dreams (imp Rus) Mature looking male with a balanced head and true expression. Well set shoulder and good depth of chest, preferred the overall length of the bitch and her stronger movement.

3rd Bluebyeyou Baby Love at Covarney

PGrad (5, 1 abs)

1st Redclyst Pershing Gentle but masculine head on this boy, soft kind eye, balanced ratios and lean cheeks gave him a lovely look. Elegant reach of neck leading to the best of fronts which was balanced out with a wide well-muscled rear. Firm topline standing and moving, showed great reach in profile just a touch too proud of his tail.

2nd Heathclare Just Fizz Feminine bitch with a soft expression and gentle eye, narrow skull and muzzle gave the Irish look balanced out by a nicely placed ear, good length of neck flowed smoothly in to well set shoulders, not quite as strong in overall outline as 1st but elbows well let down under plenty of rib. Firm coupling leading to broad stifles gave true movement

3rd Covarney Moschino

Limit (6 3abs)

1st Riverbrue Galliano Fizz to Conageera JW Really liked this boys clean outline that flowed down along a gently sloping, but firm, topline. Masculine head, dark eye with classic quizzical expression, rich red coat in excellent condition, loved his depth of chest and muscular loin. His movement got better the more he moved and he covered the ground with easy strides on tight feet. I was torn between him and my Open Dog for BOB and on another day the decision could well be different as this boy did nothing wrong RBOB.

2nd Redclyst Head Full of Dreams Well made dog with a stronger head, muzzle and skull of equal length, raised brows showing expression, just enough neck to presenta balanced profile, a good forechest with depth. Confident mover just carried his tail a little high.

3rd Covarney Paco Rabanne at Stourford

Open Dog (6)

Quality class, I was not surprised to hear after that my first and second were litter brothers, they had a lot of similar attributes.

1st Redclyst Boris Full mature male in the most fabulous coat and condition. Handsome, masculine head with a really soft expression. He flowed from nose to tail with fabulous angulation, a gently sloping topline that held strong on the move, deep chest with the correct spring of rib and lovely sinewy legs and feet. He was made right and moved right showing strength and power in balance. He just edged BOB on his sheer ring presence. Shortlisted in a very strong lineup for BIS

2nd Redclyst Maximus I hate to see a write up for 2nd place where it says similar remarks apply but they really do, for me the winner was a fraction more balanced on the move but this boy is a star in his own right. A lovely head with clean cheeks and raised brows, excellent forehand and matching rear gave plenty of power on the move. Presented in excellent coat and condition.

3rd Heathclare American Dollar JW ShCM ShCEx

Open Bitch (5)

1st ShCH Jetsetter Cristalle to Polmennor JW (Imp Rus) Classic racy outline, very feminine head with such a kind expression, good head planes, flowing from occiput to tail with plenty of strength but retaining that important feminity. Shoulders well laid, she did tend to stand a fraction wider than I prefer at times but I wasn't sure if that was her dislike of the arena surface. Balanced angulation with good muscletone, Moved straight and true.

2nd Covarney Estee avec Marzanne JW Kind eye in a balanced head with the right amount of brainroom. Good bone and depth of rib with correct angles, a touch longer in coupling but plenty of drive on the move.

3rd Covarney Lil Minx

Veteran ( 6, 4 abs)

1st Heathclare Que Sera Sear ShCM This bitch has lovely breed type, a really beautiful head with a gentle quizzical expression just edged by a touch of grey, kind bright eye, balanced head planes and low set ear. Flowing neck lead into a lovely forehand with the right amount of forechest, pleasing amount of bone and substance, good spring of rib under a strong topline with a firm coupling and sweeping stifle. Move with elegance, true front and rear and a lovely profile action. BV BOS

2nd Sangarah Shared Romance with Polmennor (Hun Imp) Upstanding male with a dark eye and well made head. Firm in topline and broad in thigh. not as positive on the move as my winner.

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Junior (4, 2abs)

1st Benoveor Sail On to Antreth A very typical young dog. rich red and gleaming white jacket. Correct size with appealing head, correct eye shape and colour. Good reach of neck into soundly made body. Neat feet and quality bone completing the picture, presented a lovely outline standing and moving.

2nd Benoveor Endless Love a very soundly constructed bitch with lots to like about her, pretty head not quite finished yet. Quality bone and construction, moved soundly on tight feet. I felt she was slightly less finished than 1 at the moment.

Graduate (2)

1st Benoveor Endless Love 2nd in previous class

2nd Islanza Chasing Daises. Pretty bitch who was not quite happy with her surroundings today. When she did get herself together and stand she showed a clean outline with balanced angulation and managed a few good strides around the ring, hopefully she will gain confidence with time.

Open Dog (3)

1st Isfryn Spot The Difference Trebhyn This dog caught my attention when I judged him a few years back and his class and true breed type is even better today than it was then. He is quality through and through and a joy to run your hands over as everything just fits. In full coat and with a wagging tail he is hard to ignore as he drives around the ring fully in tune with his handler. BOB and a well deserved BIS

2nd Benoveor The Guardian for Antreth Another quality dog different breed type nicely put together. Lovely masculine head and expression. Strong body and ribs with deep brisket. Displayed accurate footfall on the move holding a firm topline RBOB

3rd Amberlight Cassiopeia

Open Bitch (5, 1abs)

1st Roxdale Sunday Lovers. Such a happy girl she made me smile with her enthusiasm and sheer joie de vivre. Classic feminine head with a cheeky expression and correct ear. Firm through the neck and shoulder with deep well sprung rib and broad thigh. Very busy on the move with true footfall.

2nd Kurzeja Kalina Another lovely bitch with very good body proportions. Pretty head with a feminine expression. Ample bone and substance. Good front and strong rear. Covered the ground on a free and easy stride

3rd Kylowen Demelza

Veteran (3)

1st IrSHCH Kylowen Drym ShCM Masculine, well-shaped head with typical expression and good ear placement. Clean neck of good length leading to well laid shoulders. Strong throughout with a true outline and broad quarters that gave driving rear action

2nd Islanza Going Dutch of Roxdale. Kind head with an expressive eye, good length to height ratio, not quite as positive in front as my winner but excellent muscletone gave good drive.

3rd Amberlight Galatea

Cocker Spaniel

Puppy ( 3, 1abs)

This was a difficult class with neither puppy giving it’s best today

1st Federico Brave Heart naf taf. 9 month boy with a pleasing head and eye, low set ear, good length of neck and enough spring of rib. At the moment I would like a little more strength of bone overall but had firm quarters and was much more settled on the move

2nd Spinoza of Merrily avec Withiflor. Has promise with a good head and plenty of body but he really let himself down and was very difficult to assess on the move.

PGrad (3, 1abs)

1st Albertean Yuzana 10 month O/W bitch a good size with bone to match but still very feminine. Balanced height to length ratios, pretty feminine head of good shape with correct eye colour to compliment coat, well shaped backskull and low set ears. Strong topline held well on the move BP

2nd Sandlauga Sherbert Pip Smaller framed blue roan, very pretty head, square muzzle and soft eye. Balanced angulation and enough rib for her size. Not as positive on the move as my winner today

Open Dog (2)

1st Sandaluga Magic Spell for Shivani. Compact black dog at the smaller end of the size range but well balanced with a kind dark eye and well shaped skull. Good front assembly with depth of chest and broad rear. Showed a good profile movement.

2nd Gilcar Midnight Dream Blue roan with a lovely balanced head and soft but masculine expression. A touch heavier over the shoulder than my winner, good depth to his body and strong rear quarters, needs to firm in topline.

Open Bitch (5)

1st Grandtully Eliza Dolittle This black bitch really sparkled in the ring, in fabulous coat and condition, she is compact, balanced, with the sweetest of heads and a cheeky dark eye. Such a joy to go over she flows from tip to tail and moves strongly with excellent muscletone, no couch potato here that’s for sure. BOB. She had a silly head on by the time she came to challenge at the end of the day but her handler managed to pull her together again to win RBIS

2nd Cachel Pop The Question to Meloneras JW. True Cocker make and shape to this b/r girl,compact and balanced with a lovely head and expression. Correct front with matching rear just not as hard condition as my winner but clean and true on the move. RBOB and Best RBOB in show in some tough competition

3rd Corazon De Sibi Old Fashioned

American Cocker Spaniel

Sp Yearling (1)

1st Jaclee Trails of Gold over Furian 10 month buff bitch so pretty with well shaped forward looking eye just enough muzzle to compliment her backskull. Clean reach of neck flowed smoothly into well set shoulder, nicely shaped rib under a strong sloping topline held well on the move, not the finished picture but a very promising youngster with a bright future. BP BOB RBPIS

Open (1)

1st Jaclee Trails of Gold over Furian repeat


Grad (2)

1st Cattistock Cosmos with Marissolo. 7 month b/w dog masculine head with a kind eye and good proportions, nice neck into a firm topline with a well carried tail, movement was a bit erratic at times but looked the part in profile, needs to finish to complete the picture

2nd Pencaire Sheeran Very much a baby at the moment who will need a lot of time to mature into himself, balance well proportioned head and bright eye. Clean limbed with well shaped feet and muscled rear just a little unco-ordinated on the move.

Open (2)

1st Fleurfield Firethorn at Marissolo ShCEx. Upstanding male with plenty of substance, masculine head and eye and a well shaped ear with good ear leathers. Strong through the neck and shoulder with a lot of depth and spring of rib. Powerful quarters gave plenty of drive but a change of handler meant he was a little unsettled at times, still did enough to win BOB

2nd Waterton Remember Me at Pencaire A much smaller frame than winner and more refined all through. Feminine head, with a good stop, and well placed thin leathers. Enough length of neck but not the forechest of the winner, clean limbed with a well shaped rear giving strong rear action but not as positive in front.


Grad (1)

1st Sojourrne Alastor 6 month baby with a compact, clean outline, kind eye and balanced head. Nicely made throughout she has strong angulation and clean bone. Very together on the move with just a hint of puppiness in her action. BP BOB

Open (1)

1st Sojourrne Alastor repeat

Shirley Crisp Memorial Stakes

1st Alolfrana Sugar N’spice at Lynwood Well made English Setter of the most beautiful proportions and a wistful melting expression. Lovely balanced construction with sound movement

2nd Thornywait The Full Monty at Trebehyn. Golden Retriever, powerful male well made throughout with plenty of bone and excellent condition

3rd SHCH Jetsetter Cristalle to Polmennor (imp Rus)

AV Gundog

M Puppy

1st Camaling Rose Royal Irish Setter still showing beautifully for one so young

2nd Foxy Gabber Vut’t Vossebeltseveld for Kamaze (imp Nld) L Munsterlander Kind head and eye with nicely placed ear, well made throughout and very together on the move.


1st Trimere Taylor Maid at Pinhays. Wow what a fabulous ESS bitch, so feminine and beautifully put together. Just loved everything about her especially her true to standard movement which was a joy to watch

2nd Clandrift Diplomat. Field Spaniel, a big boy with bone to match I hope he has finished his growing. That apart he is well made with the promise of a noble head and lovely construction which gave flowing movement

3rd Aylawbrook No One’s Perfect


1st Jaybec Winter Wispa Well made yellow Lab, good length of muzzle and broad skull, pleasing eye, to be picky I would love to see darker pigment but that is my preference. Strong balanced construction and just lovely to watch on the move.

2nd Next Generation Arna Arctic Storm (imp USA) Chesapeake BR of lovely breed type, excelled in head and eye, clean outline and close textured coat showing undercoat. Moved out true.

3rd Arthundur Dream Come True

SP Yearling

1st Painted Lady at Tregarrick Gordon Setter showing correct breed type, not overdone in anyway. Balanced head, well shaped eye with just the right amount of stop. Lovely angles fore and aft, just the right amount of coat in excellent condition true black and chestnut tan.

2nd Chyanhal Pentewan Upstanding male Lab who was much more settled standing and moving in this class

3rd Maycourt Heart Breaker

Open Bitch

1st Myrna Loy Veteran GWP who is a touch matronly but everything is balanced and honest. Showing a strong outline standing and moving

2nd Kingsmist Agatha Christie at Winsbrook. Pretty Field Spaniel bitch who didn’t seem too happy to stand today as she was very tense and this spoiled her outline which was a shame as she has a lovely front and broad quarters and when she did relax her movement improved tremendously


1st Kibby ESS A very exciting pair who went well together despite their youth

2nd Hughes NSDTR Pushed hard but the male was a touch distracted at times

3rd Thomas/Carey Golden Ret

BIS WSS Isfryn Spot The Difference Trebhyn

RBIS Cocker SP Grandtully Eliza Dolittle

3rd BIS Eng Set Alolfrana Sugar N’spice at Lynwood

4th BIS Curly Coated Ret Maycourt Stairway to Heaven Just the picture standing and moving with an excellent tightly curled coat

BPIS Irish Setter Camaling Rose Royal

RBPIS Am Cocker Jaclee Trails of Gold over Furian

3rd BPIS Labrador Ret Lyjansen Nelly Trent Rossacre Well made with good bone and substance

4th BPIS Field Spaniel Clandrift Diplomat

BVIS Italian Spin Amberellie Adrianna

RBVIS Golden Ret Willsbrook The Hairy Biker at Jandeburn ShCM VW

Best RBOB Cocker Sp Cachel Pop The Question to Meloneras JW

Judge Carol Moore (Gadhelic)