• Show Date: 06/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: carol durrant Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Windsor Gundog Society

Windsor Gundog soc open show 06/04/2022

Judge Terri Durrant

well after a two year wait to judge this show due covid the day finally come to judge these 3 breeds thank you for your entries and to the committee for inviting me to judge at their show.

Gordon Setter

Puppy 4

 nice class of puppy which 1 to 3 will change positions under a different judge on a different day 1st place in this class had a sister in junior both sisters are nice BUT each day will be different with them again and they both change over the time to come in body

1st Sandiford & Jarvis Hernwood Lunar’s Gin Promising puppy feminine head with dark eyes strong muzzle good reach of neck good front and body developing nicely for her age 11 month old good bone and feet good tan markings nice low set ears top line just flowed off into a good tail set well-presented and moved well BP

2nd Mitchell Cafotaliena Thief Of Hearts BY Brobruick good head shape and skull with dark eye good reach of neck leading to a good forefront straight front legs strong bone top line ok not as level he at that age when they grow at different rate front to back developing well for age shown in good coat moved well.

3rd Poynter Hernwood Cooper King nice male puppy which the handler got the best out of him standing and on move just need time will watch out for him in the future

Junior 3Junior (2.1abs) 1 st Boxall’s Laurelhach Renaissance, B. 15 months old, feminine classic head shape. good eye colour, nice depth of muzzle good reach of neck into good shoulder placement good front deep brisket slightly long body good level top line and tail set well turned stifles straight hocks standing parallel tight feet tan marking good moved well this bitch as time to mature nicely with age to come.

2ND Sandiford & Lewis Hernwood Gin Fizzs at different stage of development to sister in puppy but a bit long in the body need to body up moved well

 Post Graduate (2,2abs)

1st Upton-Lovett & Upton Roydack Portrait of a lady pleasing head dark eyes soft expression good well developed in front with deep brisket good tan markings good reach of neck leading into laid back shoulders good level top line moderate length in body I found her to be balanced and correct size with a clean outline good hindquarters strong that give her the drive on the move beautifully RBOB every close in giving BOB BUT THE BOY JUST HAD THE MAGIC TOUCH

2nd Ede’s Borroughtof Loch Leven At Glenarden, D. Lively young man that was testing his handler. Pleasing noble head , he has good bone, balanced fore and after just need to develop in the ribs to bring in the elbow closer to the body in good muscle condition. Moved well.

 Open 2

1 st Horler’s Hernwood Jack O’LanternBy Rackens JW, D. Loved this young man for his balance, excellent bone and substance. skull well shape ample stop has dark eyes strong straight front with well sprung ribcage well-turned stifles and strong hock which give him free ground covering movement firm level topline, good tailset & carriage. In good coat and muscle condition. Moved free. Bob

2nd Aston Yennadon Renaissance With Gadieburn 8 year old enjoying day out at the show happy boy typical head balance in body good top line nice tail set moved ok shame about his coat due to his condition of health

Field Spaniel

Puppy 1st (1A) Adams & Hird Irisbel English Rose was a little apprehensive about me going over her at first but after a couple trots around the ring to settle down then she stood well to let me go over her in the end nice puppy of 10 months nice dark liver with good eye colour lovely feminine head with good head proportions a good reach of neck into well angulation front straight front legs of good bone and feet good topline back and loin strong with a low set tail nice tight feet move with stride and drive with the young handler on the day this bitch will do well in future one to watch RBOB Best puppy

JUNIOR 1Houseman Flyenpyg First Sight 15 month old live dog give lady owner a hard time to stand and move. head proportions good well balance in the front topline and tail set good would like a bit more strength and angulations in the hindquarters good feet

Postgraduate 2 (1A

 1st Houseman Flyenpyg First Sight as above in junior stand and moved better in this class as handlers changed over

2nd Bowen Clandrift Denstiny feminine head with good eye colour and shape good reach of neck with good shoulder placement good forechest and topline tight feet just need time to mature shame she wasn’t in her best coat today moved ok

Open2 (1A)

1st Harris Kingsmist panther lovely shining black coat 5-year boy that move soundly with reach and drive with his handler getting the best out of him standing an moving with good conformation and balance good angulations masculine head and expression clean neck front and rear ample spring of rib. Good chest good length and balance with body well set carried tail nice coat and feathering good BOB

Irish water Spaniel

Junior 1st {1A} Wilson Cambridgcurl Calyoso At Eldarrah

 A bit aloof on the day but with great humour between dog and handler today. Only 15 months old feminine head with good eye colour and ear set smooth just need time to mature strong muscled quarters coat dense tight crisp ringlet and settle down moved well RES BOB

Postgraduate 1 same as junior

Same dog from junior

Open 1st


Wow caught my eye when he walked into the ring what present has this dog got with his handler great partnership together what a lovely dog stood 4 squares on the stand with balance nice sized dog very nice muscling head balance throughout with flowing lines with good topline leading into a good tail set very nice eye colour to go with coat colour of dense tight crisp ringlets. Very nice tight feet move freely and soundly with drive. BOB – he was a delight to go over