• Show Date: 02/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Anthony Allen Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Consett Canine Society


2ND APRIL 2022

Judge Anthony Allen

Thank you to the committee for the invitation to judge the Utility breeds, it was a lovely well-run show. Unfortunately, due to family reasons, Hilary Male was unable to judge at this show, so I was asked stand in as the Best in Show judge. I would like to thank the group judges for sending through some super dogs and the exhibitors for accepting my decisions so sportingly.

I was delighted to award BEST IN SHOW to the Tibetan Terrier Myrlea Martha Reeves. A young bitch and I thought she was absolutely top class. As she moved round the big ring she just got better and better, I could not deny her the top spot. Not surprised to be told afterwards that she is sitting on 2CC’s, on this form I don’t think her crown will be far away. RESERVE BEST IN SHOW was awarded to the Bichon Frise Ashmair Live to Tell Mamose who was only just over 12 months but just loved his attitude and he presented a superb outline on the stack that he could not be ignored.

For BEST PUPPY IN SHOW I selected the Bearded Collie Kiltondale Cinderelli, a classy pup with such promise about her, she had a real touch of elegance about her, I will follow her career with interest.

For RESERVE BEST PUPPY IN SHOW it was a tussle between the Alaskan Malamute and the Dalmatian with the Malamute Snow Legend Zest For Life Cedarcreek (Rus Imp) coming out on top.

BEST VETERAN IN SHOW was the eleven-year-old WSS Sh Ch Chanangel Sticky Wicket JW ShCM VW who I had judged only recently when he did well under me, my opinion has not changed. He needed to bring his A game in this line up and he did, he was on top form as he drove round the ring. What a great ambassador for the breed he is. RESERVE BEST VETERAN IN SHOW was the Shetland Sheepdog Puncknowle Star Gazer at Savataurus CJW JW ShCM, who never put a foot out of place to take the runner up spot.

Utility Group: Topping the Group was the superb Tibetan Terrier Myrlea Martha Reeves. In the runner up spot was the Shih Tzu Emerson Alpiu Slenis of Alchez (Imp Ltu). Group 3 was the Dalmatian Kelevra Mind Your Nebula and Group 4 was the Lhasa Apso Jahneemahs Sunstone at Gallerio

Utility Puppy Group: Puppy Group 1 went to the Dalmatian Dalpetro Dotty. I absolutely loved her, she was with a runner initially and not very settled but her owner then moved her and she just looked superb, I just could not deny her the top spot. In the runner up spot was the Tibetan Terrier Myrlea Moon Over Michigan. Puppy Group 3 was the Lhasa Apso Jahneemahs Sunstone at Gallerio and Puppy Group 4 to the Miniature Schnauzer Glockens Kryptonite.


Junior (6)

1st Dalpetro Dotty.

Thought this young lady was very exciting, super outline on her, very elegant. Her head is attractive, well defined and a decent amount of breadth. Pleasing eye to give a feminine expression. Clean through the neck in to well set shoulders. Stands on straight legs and super compact feet. Balanced proportions, enough depth of chest for her age. Well made quarters with a good turn of stifle. Was with a runner today who enabled me to see what I needed for this class. Her owner took over moving her in the group and I could see that super side gait. Really fell for this one and she was very close to toping the breed today. Best Puppy and later Puppy Group 1.

2nd Perdita's Tomorrowland

Another good one, just not as together or as balanced as the winner. I liked her overall shape, good head with balanced proportions. Clean neck in to well set shoulders and as with the winner stands on well boned legs and neat feet. Enough depth of chest for her age and ribs starting to spring nicely. Quarters well developed with stifles well bent. Not quite as fluid on the move as the winner today.

3rd Dvojica Evergreen

Post Grad (1)

1st D. Evergreen

Stood third in the previous class, 17 months old and a lot to like about him. Lovely strong masculine head, good reach of neck, good front assembly with straight front legs to tight feet. Well-muscled and nice round bone. His angles are balanced fore and aft and he has a good bend of stifle. Wasn’t as tidy on the move in the first class but by this point had settled and had much more of a fluid action.

Open (3)

1st Kelevra Mind Your Nebula. BOB. Group 3.

This one is really a showgirl with real attitude. I liked her overall balance and proportions. Her head is feminine. Neck is clean into well laid-back shoulders, elbows tight and stands on well boned legs and neat feet. Body well made, ribs well sprung and back, strong in long and quarters well angulated, stifles well bent. Really scored on the move with a super action with gave her the class, Best of Breed and later Group 3.

2nd Bellili's D'amore De Loin Shcm

This chap just didn’t get into his stride on the move today and the ring was just too small for him. He is a smart dog with a masculine head and expression, good in neck in to well set shoulders, excellent legs and feet. Body well made, ribs well sprung and firm in loin. Quarters well-developed.

3rd Ruebedu Sheik Yerbouti


Post Grad (5, 3 abs)

1st Caerurfa Seul Et Lunique. BP.

Seven months old and more mature than the second place. Lovely head piece with well-set ears. Good overall proportions and size. Good on the move, very together for her age, very sound. A lot to like about her.

2nd Eden Ice Ice Baby Via Clonnysmush

Just six month and very much a baby, good substance for age, good head shape, lovely large ears that are well set. Good wide muzzle, lovely round and expressive eyes. Not quite as fluid on the move as the winner today.

Open (2, 1 abs)

1st Clonnysmush Supprise. BOB.

Smart lady, she was solid, cobby and balanced, with great bone and feet, her head was feminine with ears were well placed. Strong neck, body well developed with ribs well sprung. Shown in great condition, she moved freely but flagged a little in the group. Best of Breed.


Junior (4)

1st Jahneemahs Sunstone at Gallerio.

I thought this seven month old chap was very smart, super head, with a good eye with a touch of mischievousness in it. Arched neck, good front assembly, shoulders well laid back. Stands on straight legs and good feet. Lovely body proportions, well ribbed back. Hindquarters developing as they should for his age. Moved out well with a free action. Please to award him Best of Breed, Best Puppy and later Group 4 and Puppy Group 3. An exciting youngster.

2nd Khinjan Copacabana to Toynbee

A very pretty lady of 10 months, she has good overall proportions, but I would have liked a little more of her. Head is pleasing with a correct shaped skull, a good muzzle and lovely eye to give a feminine expression. Good length of body and level topline, she still needs to come up on her legs. Did enough on the move but not quite as fluid as the winner.

3rd Kentwone Derek Jewel By Skylax

Post Grad (1)

1st Kentwone Derek Jewel by Skylax

Chap of 15 month who didn’t quite have the bloom of the first two in the previous class. Head proportions ok would have like a little more lay-back of shoulder. Good topline with well-muscled rear, would have liked a shade more drive on the move.

Open (1)

1st Toynbee's Clicquot

Lovely lady of 2 years old, very elegant, well-furnished head with a super dark eye. Good through the neck into a well-made body, level topline and well balanced. She moved out well. Just pipped to the top spot in the breed by the super puppy.


Post Grad (1)

1st Glockens Kryptonite.

A very smart 9 months puppy who I liked a lot. She has a lovely compact shape, correct head proportions with good muzzle and a good eye. Well-constructed, her topline is straight and she has good balance. I liked her cleanness over the shoulder and found her coat of correct harsh texture Once she settled, she moved out well to take Best of Breed, Best Puppy and later Puppy Group 4.

Open (3, 1 abs)

1st Glockens I Predict a Riot

Smart well-balanced male who presents a good shape on the stack, coat good with a harsh texture. Good head shape, ears well set, lovely dark eye which enhanced his expression. Good breadth of skull and super eyebrows. Stands on good straight legs, neck clean into well laid shoulders. Body well made. Moved out well holding his shape.

2nd Glockens Raise the Stakes

Another of good overall type, four-year-old male. Pleasing masculine head, good shape, ears well set, lovely dark eye which enhanced his expression. Good overall proportions and coat in harsh condition. Not as fluid on the move as the winner today.


Junior (1)

1st Emerson Alpiu Slenis of Alchez (Imp Ltu).

Superb shape on the stack, 17-month-old dog. Broad skull with a square muzzle. Eyes dark and expressive. Arched neck into well laid shoulders, deep chest, top line firm and high tail set, with good carriage. Well-muscled thighs giving sound smooth action with good forward reach. Excellent presentation. Really liked his attitude and charisma. Stood alone in the entry so Best of Breed and later Group 2.

Post Grad (1) 1st E. Alpiu Slenis of A.

Open (1) 1st E. Alpiu Slenis of A


Junior (2)

1st Myrlea Rhubarb Moon.

A very smart youngster, 9 months old and everything progressing in the right direction. Well-made throughout with good angles front and rear and very balanced. Liked his shape on the stack. Head pleasing with a good eye. Shoulders well laid back and stands on good straight legs. Body developing as it should be for his age, quarters well made and stifles well bent. Enjoying himself on the move but I could see a good action.

2nd Boshanti Zhazha

Another nice puppy but not quite as together as the winner in terms of development. Head attractive with a pleasing expression, lovely dark eye. She has a decent front assembly on her, slightly longer in back, well made quarters. Sound on the move but a shade close behind. Lovely coat and condition.

Post Grad (2, 1 abs)

1st Myrlea Moon Over Michigan. BP. Puppy Group 2

Litter sister to the puppy class winner and again a promising puppy, had got her head a bit more together than her brother, especially on the move. Lovely head on her with a lovely dark eye giving a feminine expression. Square in shape, with good angles front and rear, firm in neck, well laid-back shoulders. Well ribbed back and into well-made quarters with a good bend of stifle. I liked this one a lot. Best Puppy and later Puppy Group 2, just pipped to the top spot in the puppy group by the super Dalmatian

Open (2, 1 abs)

1st Myrlea Martha Reeves.

Stood alone in the class but I could see she has quality stamped through her and today was her day, she looked stunning. She is feminine with a lovely headpiece, good muzzle and super expressive eyes. She is well made, totally square and balanced, with good angles front and rear, good through the ribs and level topline. Effortless on the move with good reach and drive. She just got better as the day went on winning Best of Breed, Group 1 and later Best in Show. Congratulations


Open (2)

1st Susu Prince Charming Tibetan Spaniel. BAVNSC

Smart dog with good overall proportions. Pleasing head with dark eyes which enhanced his masculine expression, ears well set. Level top line and a decent spring of ribs. Good profile action, confident movement and coat in super condition.

2nd Jandabarte Blue Billy Poodle (Toy) BAVNSCP

Lovely 10-month-old boy just finding his feet in the show ring. Super black well-presented coat. Good overall size, pleasing head and expression. Clean though the neck into well set shoulders. Good body proportions just needs a little more confidence in the show ring which he will get with experience.


Junior (11)

1st Emerson Alpiu Slenis Of Alchez (imp Ltu)

2nd Perdita's Tomorrowland

3rd Caerurfa Seul Et Lunique

Post Grad (6)

1st Emerson Alpiu Slenis Of Alchez (imp Ltu)

2nd Glockens Kryptonite

3rd Kentwone Derek Jewel By Skylax

Open (6)

1st Kentwone Derek Jewel by Skylax

2nd Ruebedu Sheik Yerbouti (Dalmation)

Black spotted girl, pleasing head and good markings. Good through the neck in to well set shoulders. Body well-made. Level topline into a good rear. Moved round the ring with ease, just a shade untidy as she came towards me.

3rd Glockens Raise The Stakes

Veteran (3)

1st Shulune Celtic Snapdragon of Ruebedu. Dalmatian.

Rising eight this lady was really enjoying her day out, super on the move, showing the youngsters how to do it. Pleasing type of bitch of good size and substance. I liked her overall balance. Coat in good condition.