• Show Date: 18/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: A S K Henshaw Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Cornwall Gundog Club

Cornwall Gundog Club

Monday 18th April 2022

My sincere thanks to the committee for an enjoyable day and to my steward for her hard work. This society always puts on such a friendly and inviting atmosphere. I had some quality exhibits and I thank those who entered.

German Wire-Haired Pointer


1st Harries, S. Dregheda If I were single



1st Harries, S. Myrna Loy

Lovely shape, rather solid girl with a strong head that could be longer in muzzle. Well-muscled neck that ran smoothly into sloping shoulders. Harsh coat. Would prefer cleaner front movement, good depth of chest. Best of Breed.

Spanish Water Dog


1st Sweet, T&J. Bondadosa Beach ShCm

Lovely 9-year-old male, still atypical of the breed despite his age. Nicely proportioned throughout, and robust. Good length of neck and moved with plenty of reach and drive. Lovely masculine head. Best of Breed.



1st Carson, R. Kuantan Premier Crew BOB

3yr old teenager, nice in profile, with good proportions and angles. Lovely head with pleasing eye. Short coupled and well bent stifle- moved with drive. Best of Breed.

Hungarian Vizsla


1st Howe, J. Layways Annie Mac

2yr old bitch, lovely shape with a super front and nice lay of shoulder – good reach of neck and depth of chest. Moved with drive.


No entries

Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla


1st Aldridge, Y. Nagyzabasi Orlagh for Gwaithmaes

A pretty young lady, with the sweetest of expressions. Well balanced proportions throughout with a nice straight front with a good depth of chest. Screams femininity. Best puppy.

2nd Hammans J&P. Zoltarous Bronte

Another pretty bitch, lots of pleasing attributes, well made and balanced throughout – took a while to settle.


1st Newman, W&S. Lanokk Violeska Imp Nld)

Very feminine lady, in good condition. Well, proportioned throughout and what a lovely shape. Covered the ground well- complemented by her well-muscled rear, strong loin, and bend of stifle. Best of Breed.

2nd Hammans J&P. Zoltarous Guelder Rose

Lovely shape and outline – again well balanced. Pleasing head and angles. Moved well.

Large Munsterlander


1st Caile, B&K. Foxy Gabber Vut’t Vossebeltseveld for Kamaze

A lovely overall profile: kind head and eye- well made and held it all together on the move. Nothing over done here. A hard challenge for Best of Breed.


1st Disney, P. Sh Ch Wonglepong Wills Faramir

A very handsome male, who certainly has ring presence. He is a lovely square outline with a powerful behind. Well proportioned head and pleasing attributes. Moved well and covered the ground well.

2nd Stevens, L &P. Ghyllbeck Fringilla

What a pretty young lady she is. Lovely dark eyes with moderate angles throughout. A little unsettled on the move but still portrayed a nice profile. Pushed the winner hard today.

Italian Spinonie


1st Longstaff, C. Kevardhu Life of Rylea

Nice in profile and a good shape – pretty, feminine head, lovey depth of chest and spring of rib. Adequately angled and moved well.

2nd Mortimer, L. Scodinzolare Philomen

Nice specimen, with lots to like, nicely angulated, pleasing ear placement and good bone.


1st kruglow, P. Amberellie Rosanna

A lovely mature bitch, classic head with nicely coloured eye. Good bone on foreleg leading into well placed shoulders. Moved well. BOB

2nd Smith, L. Sosteli Saxon

Handsome male, lovely expression, well-made throughout and balanced. Good angles.

3rd Mortimer, L. Scondinzolare Perlescenti

Import Register


1st Condron G&K. Coco Dianell Morava at Covarney (Imp Cze) (Braque D’ Auvergne)

16th months: going through that teenage stage, however there are lots of lovely attributes here – just need a little time to settle, well made hindquarters, once settled moved well; once she matures, a lovely young lady here- and the reason for BOB.


1st Condron, G&K Khyannes Valence at Covarney (Imp Hun) (Braque D’ Auvergne)

A sturdy, good looking dog, with a very classic head, plenty of power behind this dog, with lovely hindquarters and good overall angulation. Plenty of substance too.

English Setter


1st Mugford, R &J. Alolfrana Sugar N Spice at Lynwood JW

An eye-catching tricolour, lovely type and so feminine. Lovely in profile and well angulated. Beautiful length of neck, leading into well laid shoulders. Very well-muscled, but not so to detract from her femininity. Definitely one to watch for the future. BOB BIS 4

2nd Allen, T Alolfrana Indiana

An attractive bitch, striking in colour; nice reach of neck and well balanced throughout – moved well.


1st Stevens, L&P Bumblecorn Rose RBOB

Lovely in profile, well made throughout, good angles and reach of neck. Moved soundly with drive.

Gordon Setter


1st Henderson, L. When I was Your Man Black Lofty BOB

A very handsome chap! Lovely head, with nicely proportioned attributes. Well balanced throughout, good lay of shoulder and portraying a strong outline. Nicely coupled.

2nd Passmore, J&M. Beechlake the Gambler

Another handsome male could have easily replaced winner on a different day; well balanced throughout, lovely topline and angles. Good reach of neck and depth of chest. Just preferred overall package of 1 today. But he pushed hard.

3rd Leonard, S. Painted Lady at Tregarrick

Res: Taylor, N&H. Graylacier Blue Marlin


1st Allen, J. Black Mystery u got the look for Hartenziel RBOB

What a handsome male! Lovely angles and pleasing head, good depth of chest and spring of rib, moved well. Well-proportioned throughout.

Field Spaniel


1st Trotter, M & I. Clandrift Diplomat

A very handsome young man, with the loveliest of heads, held topline on the move with pleasing angles.

2nd Porter, J. Winsbrook Gypsy Moth

A lovely young bitch, very feminine; lots to like, great mover for age and very well balanced.


1st Porter, J/ Russell, V/ Palm, A. Bogdogs Brynnth at Winsbrook

19-month-old male, a nice overall shape, with good angles throughout and nicely balanced, good lay of shoulder and depth of chest.


1st Alexander, J. Fecimus Robin Banks

Handsome male, well balanced throughout – good shoulder and upper arm, lovely dark eyes, portraying the softest of expressions. Moved soundly.

2nd Porter, J. Kingsmist Agatha Christie At Winsbrook

A feminine bitch, with lots to like, well made and proportioned, I felt she was a little out of condition today.

AV Gundog Special Champion

1st Mugford, R&J. ShCh Lynwood Abracadabra JW (Irish Setter)

What a stunner- oh so elegant, clean reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders – exceptionally well proportioned with a gentle slope to her topline. Caught my eye upon entering the ring.

2nd Roberts, A. ShCh Jetsetter Cristalle to Polmennor JW (Irish Setter)

An extremely feminine lady – with the kindest of expressions- lovely classic racy outline which just flows from head to tail. Nothing overdone, just pure femininity. Very good angles throughout and floated round the ring. A difficult decision between 1 and 2.

AV Gundog Show Certificate of Merit

1st Attwood, B&K. IrShCh Kylowen Drym ShCm (Welsh Springer)

Lovely in profile, with typical expressive head. Well laid shoulders and good reach of neck. Overall, a lovely specimen- true to the breed. Excellent driving rear action.

2nd Osman, M. Fluefield Firethorn at Marissolo ShCEx (Pointer)

A nice male, who has lots to like- strong masculine head leading into a strong neck with well laid shoulders. Good depth of chest- a must for this breed. Powerful hind quarters.

AV Gundog Special Working

1st Hammans, J&P. Zoltarous Bronte

AV Gundog Good Citizen

1st Trevail, H. Menadue Midnight Eve

A very attractive dog, well balanced throughout and certainly well made, challenged hard for the class- lovely topline which was held well on the move.

2nd Disney, P. ShCh Wonglepong Wills Faramir

3rd Howe, J. Layways Annie Mac

Res: Hollingdale, E / Whitaker, S. Jetstarski If I Can Dream

AV Gundog Open Stakes for Vulnerable Breeds

1st Courtier, D. Maycourt Stairway to Heaven (Curly Coat)

A lovely bitch, nothing overdone and what a mover- this is what gave her the class! She had a nice turn of stifle and good angulation both front and rear; stood nice and square,

2nd Mugford, R &J. Alolfrana Sugar N Spice at Lynwood JW (English Setter)

3rd Morlidge, L. Kurzeja Kalina (Welsh Springer)

Res: Passmore, J & M. Beechlake the Gambler (Gordon Setter)