• Show Date: 20/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Victoria Miller Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Scottish Kennel Club

Breed: Basenji

Scottish Kennel Club

Fri 20th May 2022


It was an absolute honour and pleasure to be asked to award my first set of CCs in my own breed, at my ‘local’ Championship show. I’d like to thank all the exhibitors for making the long journey to Scotland on a week-day and allowing me to go over your dogs. I was especially pleased to see all of the standard colours represented. There was a very friendly, relaxed atmosphere at the show and I enjoyed staying to watch as much of the group judging as I could. 

PD (0)

JD (1) 1. Grayson & Cullen’s Bushwacker American Hustle at Embeau. 17mth red/white with super colour. Well balanced, high on leg, creating a lovely outline. Pleasing head with dark eye and soft expression. Long, flowing neck into laid back shoulders. Well developed chest with good tuck up. Strong, straight legs with neat feet. Correct rear angulation with good muscling. High set tail with lovely curl. He moved well with a strong topline. Pleased to award him RCC.

PGD (1) 1. Gaskell’s Memetuka Mad About The Boy. 3yr red/white. Super head with excellent wrinkle and dark eye. He is a little fine but is well balanced, with excellent shelf, neat feet and a smartly curled tail. His movement is straight and true.

LD (0)

OD (5) 1. Legget’s Ch Swanwite Take A Chance On Me. 3yr red/white. He presents a wonderful outline, balanced front and rear with correct angulations and well muscled throughout. His coat is a lovely rich orange, with the desired pliant skin. Pleasing head with dark, far seeing eyes, dark pigment and small, hooded ears. His movement is a joy to watch with a long, swinging stride providing excellent reach and drive and a strong topline. Being picky, I would like to see tidier rear feet but this does not detract from his overall quality. Delighted to award him DCC.

2. Young’s Vestoid Romulus. 6yr old red/white. A boy who I have judged and admired in the past. He did not disappoint today. Slightly longer than 1. He has a super, masculine head with dark, almond eyes. Good pliant skin, although he appeared a little out of coat today. Well angled front and rear with excellent muscle and shelf. Lovely neat feet with good padding. Good tailset and curl. He moves with purpose.

3. Knowles’ Tokaji Klassic Trickster at Sarwana

VD (1) 1. Jardine’s Woodella Hot Rod. 7yr red/white. Well balanced and very muscular throughout. Masculine head with well set, small ears. Excellent front with straight legs and tight feet. His movement is powerful with good reach and drive.

SBD (0)

GCD (0)

PB (0)

JB (3) 1. Knowles’ Bushwacker Dragon Tattoo at Sarawana JW. 17mth red/white, litter sister of RDCC winner. What a stunning little bitch. Feminine with a beautiful square outline, high on leg, and balanced angles. She has an exquisite headpiece with the darkest, almond shaped eyes and far-seeing expression, short muzzle and dark pigment. Excellent diamond wrinkle, small, hooded ears and a fabulous, long, crested neck. Lovely front with straight legs, neat small feet, good depth of chest and a well defined tuck up. Her coat is a rich, bright orange, with correct texture and pliant skin. High set tail with good curl and shelf behind. Her movement is light and effortless, and so straight and true in all directions. It was an absolute pleasure to award her the BCC and BOB. 

2. Casentieri’s Zvezdny Alliance Genie In A Bottle (Imp UKR). 12mth brindle. Another lovely feminine youngster with a good outline. Good clear brindle markings and dark pigment. She has a pleasing head shape with good wrinkle and dark eye. Super long neck into good shoulders. Excellent rear angulation with good tailset and shelf. Lovely movement with reach and drive.

3. Stratton’s Aheme Cinnamon Swirl for Justartee

PGB (2) 1. Gaskell’s Memetuka Secret Smile. 3yr red/white. Feminine bitch with a lovely outline. She has a super head with profuse wrinkle, dark eye and pigment, and small hooded ears. Good depth of chest but would prefer a little more front fill. Her coat is a rich colour with correct texture. Free and easy movement with a strong topline.

2. Stratton’s Aheme Cinnamon Swirl for Justartee. 17mth red/white. Feminine youngster with good rich coat colour and texture. Nice head with the very dark eye and pigment. Tailset a little low and loose which did detract from her otherwise pleasing outline. She was entered in 3 classes today and she settled more and more in each class.  

LB (2) Two completely different bitches with much to like about both. 1. Jardine’s Tadrose North Star. 3yr red/white. Heavier type, well balanced and muscled throughout. Strong head, wrinkle OK, dark almond eye and neat, small hooded ears. Good bone with straight legs and neat, well-padded feet. She has excellent shelf, a good tail and very powerful rear legs. Movement was easy with a powerful stride and level topline.

2. Casentieri’s Alchez Kivu. 16mth black/white. Very feminine and much finer than 1. Balanced in outline with lovely dark, shiny coat and pliant skin. Pretty head with the darkest of eyes. Good bone but would like a little more substance throughout. Super tailset and shelf. Excellent profile movement.

OB (0)

VB (2) 1. Gaskell’s Ch Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka (Imp Fin). 9yr old red/white. She really still has it all. An experienced showgirl, she is feminine, with a super outline. Lovely head with profuse wrinkle and a far-seeing expression. Super crested neck and well laid back shoulders. Balanced angles front and rear. Her coat is in excellent condition with a lovely rich colour. Excellent shelf, high set tail and great feet. She moves with ease and a light, flowing action. Delighted to award her BV and RCC. She also went on to win Veteran Group 3. Congratulations.

2. Legget’s Ch Swanwite Karaleigh. 8yr red/white. Heavier type than 1 and carrying a little weight today. She has a pleasant head with soft expression. Strong rear quarters with great angulation and excellent shelf. Good, strong topline held on the move.

SBB (1) 1. Stratton’s Aheme Cinnamon Swirl for Justartee. See 2nd in PGB. More settled in this class. Best Special Beginner.

GCB (1) 1. Gaskell’s Ch Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka (Imp Fin). See 1st VB.

Victoria Miller (Seaton)