• Show Date: 09/07/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Vanessa Cox Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Maltese

East of England Ch Show 2022- Maltese

LD (3)

1. Ripsher’s Emperatrice Christmas Joy for Villarose. Quality dog with a strong compact build. Nicely balanced sweet masculine head with dark expressive eyes, well defined stop, and black pigment throughout. Lovely neck, cobby short body with good lay back of shoulders. Well angulated rear which gave him pleasing free straight movement, his tail was well carried over the back and neck held proudly. Pleasing silky texture to his well grown well-presented coat.

2. Urquhart’s Black park Polar Bear. A quality boy, with an appealing masculine head with the darkest of eyes and excellent nose pigment. Head carried proudly on neck of correct length. Cobby short body with good lay back of shoulders, firm topline and well angulated behind. His well-presented coat isn’t the length of the winner at the moment. Enthusiastic mover and true out and back, but at times he was rushing, I would like to see him just steady a little bit on the move.

3. Holland’s Benatone Perfect Gold.

OD (2)

1. Welbourn’s Zumarnik Calling The Shots. Glamourous boy full of quality who was on top form today. Liked his firm cobby body and well balanced outline all topped off with a pristine silky coat of excellent length. Beautiful head and expression, with the darkest of eyes and nose pigment. Good forehand, strong neck fitting nicely into his well laid shoulders, nicely ribbed with really good hind angulation which enabled him to move effortlessly. Eye catching on the move, with his free flowing action and lovely proud head carriage. His keen showmanship gave him the edge today. Pleased to award him the DCC and BOB. Delighted to see him to him take toy group 4.

2. Jackson & Wylie’s Benatone Jumping Jack Flash. Another quality boy, slightly smaller than the winner, all in proportion and nicely balanced throughout. Sweet head with the darkest of eyes, and nose. Strong neck and good body, firm level topline and correct rear angulation which enabled him to drive effortlessly around the ring. Coat of excellent texture and length shown in first class condition. I just preferred the slightly more cobby body of the winner. Pleased to award him RDCC.

MPB (1)

1. Jonusaite’s Emperatrice Star Bellinda. Just six months, lovely baby, nicely proportioned and pleasing cobby body for her tender age. Well pigmented with a very pretty head and expression. Strong top-line and neck. Very good forequarters and nicely angulated behind. Nicely presented with silky texture to her coat. Moved out well enough, just needs a touch more confidence to enable her to get more into her stride but I’m sure she’ll settle with practice.

PB (2)

1. Wasilewska’s My Leya Satiamore (Imp Pl) NAF. A very pretty girl with a nicely balanced outline. Sweet head, very feminine, dark oval eyes and very good pigmentation. Compactly built with good spring of rib for her age, firm topline and well angulated hindquarters. Her beautifully presented coat is developing nicely. Moved out confidently with free straight movement and well carried tail. One to watch. Best Puppy in breed.

2. Jonusaite’s Emperatrice Romantic Magic. Pretty baby with a feminine well balanced head, dark eyes and nose. Firm cobby body, good ribs and level topline with good tail set and carriage. Her well-presented puppy coat is coming through nicely and already a silky texture. Moved steadily, just not quite so free moving or as settled as the winner at the moment. Time and practice should help with that.

JB (2)

1. Gillies’ Delcost Centrefold. Pretty girl full of breed type with a nicely balanced feminine head, good ear carriage and the darkest of oval eyes and very good nose pigmentation all giving a pleasing expression. Well laid shoulders, compact body and level topline and nicely angulated rear quarter all topped off with a silky well-presented coat. She scored highly on the move, very sound with a free and driving action and a lovely head carriage. I think she has lots of promise.

2. Jonusaite’s Emperattice Oscar Star. Just a pup so giving a bit away in this class in terms of maturity. She has a pretty head and sweet expression, eyes could be a touch darker, and good nose pigmentation. Very good neck and well laid shoulders, compact body, firm topline and good tail set, all topped off with a pristine coat of correct texture. Not quite as sure footed as the winner and just needs to settle a little more on the move.

GB (2,1abs)

1. Jennings’ Stormcloud Destiny at Churchchis. Compact in build, head quite well balanced, eyes are a little bold. Enough neck for good head carriage, firm top line and well set tail. I would like to see a little more attention to coat presentation, for me she didn’t have the desired silky texture or length of coat. Moved quite well coming and going and kept her outline going round.

LB (1)

1. Oliver’s Sarasuma Penny Lane. Balanced feminine head with dark expressive eyes and well defined stop. Compact and cobby body with well sprung ribs, firm level topline and well set on tail. Very good rear angulation resulting in free flowing driving action with a proud head carriage on the move making an attractive picture. Presented beautifully with a straight silky textured coat of good length.

OB (3)

1. Jackson’s Ch Benatone Pippa Dream. Top quality girl, loved her size and balanced outline. Very pretty head with the darkest of eyes and nose pigment. Compact and cobby body with well sprung ribs, firm level topline and well set on tail. Very good rear angulation resulting in free flowing driving action with a proud head carriage on the move, she looked a picture gliding around the ring. Presented beautifully with a straight silky textured coat of good length. Pleased to award her the BCC.

2. Gillies’ Delcost Designer Girl. Another top quality girl with the sweetest of heads and expression, dark oval eyes, and excellent nose pigmentation. Decent neck and shoulders, firm topline and very good rear angulation. Coat presented in pristine condition and of a cool silky texture. Moved out so well, very positive and free with proud head carriage, just carrying her tail a little high. Pleased to award her the RBCC.

3. Lees’ Vin's Style Polly with Lafford (Imp Rus).

SBB (4,1abs)

1. Oliver’s Sarasuma Penny Lane. Best special beginners. See LB notes, won this class on her maturity of body and coat.

2. Wasilewska’s My Leya Satiamore (Imp Pl) NAF. See PB notes.

3. Jenning’s Kavaleria Sweet Valerie.

Vanessa Cox (Judge)