• Show Date: 03/04/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Trevor Willmitt Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Yorkshire Golden Retriever Club

Breed: Retriever (Golden)


03 APRIL 2022

Venue – Newark & Notts Showground, Winthorpe, Newark

My sincere thanks and gratitude to the YGRC for allowing me the honour of judging the bitch’s entry at their championship show. Thank you also for the support of the Executive Committee members and their volunteer helpers, all of whom were outstanding on the day and a special thank you to my 2 ring stewards who made sure the ring was organized and procedures were correctly adhered to. The quality of the exhibits was of a high standard and extremely pleasing, which of course meant that some top class performers were not placed on the day. All exhibitors were an absolute pleasure to deal with in the ring and a credit to our lovely breed Very pleasing that I had nothing to report on the Kennel Club Fit For Function Breed Watch Form. Thank you also to my highly experienced co-judge Val Tregaskis, I enjoyed our honest and helpful discussions during all the BIS challenges in her ring.

VB (11, 3)

1. Magson’s Castlegolden Classy Lady JW. Presented in good hard condition with a nice head, straight front, correct shoulder and good reach of neck. Overall good conformation and size, she has good angulation to front and rear, plenty of depth to the rib and a level topline and tail set, which produces a nice profile. Sound and straight on the move, she was sympathetically handled and can be proud of her day out resulting in a fully deserved BVIS award.

2. Turner’s Grain of Gold’s Arwen of Amilone (IMP SWE) SGWC. An attractive, well balanced lady exhibited in hard condition. Lovely head, straight front and nice reach of neck, combined with good angulation to front and rear quarters and level topline, which produced a pleasing outline. Sound on the move, this was the first of many of the day’s close calls but just preferred movement of my first place.

3. Grady’s Glenrioch Peppa Pig.

MPB (5, 2)

1. Hill & Smith’s Megarvey Deja vu. At 8 months of age this well balanced and eye catching young lady displayed confidence and sound conformation for one so young. Beautifully presented she was handled with ease and enthusiasm. An attractive head and sweet expression were enhanced by a dark eye and good pigmentation. Although in process of developing, nevertheless, she has good bone, a straight front with good length of upper arm and shoulder blade, producing a well angled forequarter and good neck length. Her level top line and correct tail set coupled with strong and well developed rear quarters produced an attractive profile both stood still and on the move. When moving she covered the ground with ease, accuracy and drive. A young lady with good future potential, she fully deserved her BPB award.

2. Dunbar’s Linirgor Nine to Five. Another quality youngster beautifully presented in a pale coloured coat. She is still developing but already possesses substance and sound conformation. Clean head and expression with good pigmentation. Straight front combined with a correctly placed shoulder and strong neck, which flows into a level top line and tailset to produce a pleasing outline. Extremely well handled, her strong rear quarters helped produce precision and drive on the move.

3. Gregory’s Bernewode Evita.

PB (13, 3)

1. Hill & Smith’s Megarvey Deja vu.

2. Cruttwell & Carter’s Ashbyglen Enchantment. Just over 10 months, an attractive, pale coloured young girl with a nice head and straight front. Presented in good condition with well placed shoulder, good neck, level topline and correct tail set. Good depth to well sprung ribs for one so young, with nice front and rear angulation without being over done. She moved well and covered the ground happily.

3. Towers Alibren Heidi High.

JB (11, 3)

1. Hill & Smith’s Megarvey Clementine. Just over 12 months of age, this very attractive bitch was presented in good condition and displayed good balance throughout. A good head and soft expression is enhanced by a dark eye and pigmentation. Well angulated to front and rear, her well placed shoulders and strong neck flowed well into a level topline and tail set, producing a nice outline. On the move she displayed good head carriage and covered the ground with drive and accuracy.

2. Jackson-Haines Leighsham Chantilly. Although a different type to 1, this young lady is a bitch of quality. Well balanced throughout, she was beautifully presented in a pale golden coat and good condition. Correct front and shoulder with nice neck flowing into a level topline and correct tail set. Nicely angulated to front and rear, she was very settled when stood and her attractive outline was maintained when she moved well across the ring.

3. Clarkson’s Drumkilty Triskele JW.

YB (16, 4)

1. Zubair’s Thornywait I Spy (AI). A lovely class of quality youngsters in which my first place stood out from the moment she entered the ring. On the day, presented and handled to perfection, she was full of confidence and style. She has a lovely head with dark pigment well set on a good reach of neck. Extremely well put together, she is nicely angulated to front and rear without being overdone in anyway. Good depth and spring to the rib, lovely topline and moved with control and excellent head carriage. Overall a compact bitch who presented an attractive picture in outline and I have no doubt she will in the future fulfil her early excellent potential.

2. Wooden’s Catenae Candy Floss at Salako. Another attractive bitch who stood out in a sizeable class of quality and was presented in good condition and pale golden coat. Balanced head, good pigmentation and length of neck on well laid shoulders flowing into a level topline and tail level with her back. Decent bone throughout and nicely angulated to front and rear quarters. Her movement was purposeful and accurate and she competed well on the day.

3. McNeish’s Drumkilty Toodle Pip.

MB (8, 3)

1. Hill & Smith’s Megarvey Deja vu.

2. Towers Alibren Heidi High. With an attractive head, straight front, decent neck length and strong shoulder, this young lady of 10 months was well presented in a full golden coat and good condition. She is well ribbed and is strong to loin, helping to produce a level topline. With her sound angulation to fore and rear sections, she was steady on the move and her well set and level tail never stopped wagging.

3. Falconer’s Soneve Simply Special For Siatham JW.

NB (19, 11)

1. Hill & Smith’s Megarvey Deja vu.

2. Moss’s Molbram Venosa. Found a lot to like about this attractive bitch. Sympathetically handled and nicely presented by an enthusiastic and confident young handler. Nice balance throughout with an attractive head and straight front. Strong neck laid on well placed shoulders and flowing into a good topline and into a correct tail set. Nicely angulated and strong rear quarters produced straight and level movement.

3. Towers Alibren Heidi High.

UGB (9, 3)

1. Turner’s Amilone Pinkster (AI). A mid-golden bitch approaching 20 months of age, she was beautifully presented in a full immaculate coat and hard condition. Balanced head with good pigmentation and dark eye. Good length of neck on well made shoulders with a level topline and tail set. Her good depth to the ribs and well angulated to the front and rear without being overdone in any way, produced a nice outline when stood and on the move. She covered the ring with ease as she moved freely and with enthusiasm.

2. Rea’s Fenpinque Shooting Star Over Osrealin. This is a sound 2 year old bitch with a sweet expression and good angulation to the front and rear. Nice reach of neck, decent shoulder and level topline with correct tail set. Steady on the move, she covered the ground with ease and control.

3. Towers Alibren Heidi High.

GB (13, 1)

1. Foreman’s Ambersun Heart Of Gold. Delighted again with the quality of the exhibits in this class, so many lovely girls went without a prize. I was quite taken with this young bitch from the moment she stepped into the ring. Felt for her and her handler when she got spooked just as I was finishing my hands on assessment, however she recovered sufficiently to give a good account of herself on the move and was more settled when 1 of my 5 shortlisted bitches just prior to placing. Well handled and presented in a full golden coat, she is in hard and fit condition. Sweetest of expression coupled with good pigmentation and dark eye, produced a well balanced head. Nice length of neck, good upper arm and well laid shoulders combined with a level topline and tail set, produced a pleasing profile. Well angulated quarters and short hocks ensured she extended to the front and drove well from the rear when on the move.

2. Trotter’s Baricia Bella Donna. Another bitch of top quality and I am certain that the 2 top places in this class will be reversed on another given day as it was a close call between them. She gave an excellent account of herself and was beautifully presented in a light golden coat. On initial approach, her very feminine and balanced head with good pigmentation was very pleasing. Lengthy neck and correct shoulder position combined with a good length to her upper arm produced a well angulated front. Good depth to the rib with a level topline and tail set helped in producing an attractive outline when stood. Not in quite as hard condition as 1, nevertheless, her well angulated rear quarters and short hocks helped her cover the ground on the move.

3. Vernon’s Graceleigh Firenze.

PGB (12, 3)

1. Strobel’s Pearly Irresistible Dust Du Bois De La Rayere (ATCAX00686FRA). A well presented 2 year old bitch in full golden attire and good condition. Nice head, straight front and well made shoulders with good upper arm and plenty of neck. Strong through the rib and loin with a level topline and tail set. An exuberant bitch she is well angled to the front and rear and her short hocks provided drive on the move.

2. Hill’s Sandaula This will Do (AI) JW. She competed hard for 1st place even though she was not given much time to settle due to late arrival from another ongoing event in the venue. With a sweet head, straight front, correct shoulder placement and nice length to the neck flows into a level topline. Well presented lovely golden coat she produced an attractive picture both stood and on the move. Well angulated front and rear she moved nicely when settled.

3. Harding’s Eveninghill Mad As A Hatter.

MLB (11, 1)

1. Porter’s Shearstone Muck Fe JW. I last judged this lady when she was 12 months of age. I am delighted to report that she has matured into an elegant and mature 4 year old and she is a well balanced, feminine bitch of sound construction. Sweet head, straight forelegs, correct in shoulder and upper arm giving a good reach of neck. Level topline and tail set with good spring of rib and strong loins produced an attractive outline when stood. Nicely angulated fore and hindquarters and her short hocks helped to drive straight when moving.

2. Hill’s Sandaula Kiss From A Rose. Exhibiting the same sound attributes as her litter sister who took 2nd place in the previous class but was overall more settled and responded well to her handler. Nicely balanced and compact in construction, she has a pleasing head with dark eye and pigmentation. Lovely reach of neck with good top line and well bodied through the rib and loin area. Good front angulation and strong rear quarters allowed her to move with freedom and drive.

3. Hush’s Benrowan Esprit.

LB (11, 4)

1. Smith’s Goldmarker Luminara. From a class of top grade exhibits this well balanced and extremely feminine lady caught my attention as she entered the ring. In hard and fit condition, she was beautifully presented in a quality dark golden coat. Not over-exaggerated in any way but showed with flair and exuberance. An attractive head and sweetest of expressions combined with her dark eye and good pigmentation, was very pleasing. Well laid shoulder, good upper arm producing a well angulated front and good length of neck. Good depth and spring to the rib and strong loin helps produce a level topline and her tail is set straight off the back. Her strong and well angled rear quarters helped her move with drive and enthusiasm, combined with her high head carriage and level movement confirming her sound confirmation and conditioning. Extremely pleased to award her the Bitch CC and delighted she maintained her energy during the BIS challenge to be awarded RBIS and BOS.

2. List’s Haydengold Time To Remember. Different type to the winner, this young 2 year old has great quality and is very feminine. Attractive and soft in expression, she has excellent angulation to front and rear, good reach of neck and a level top line. Well conditioned with good spring to the rib, she was elegant on the move and possesses good head carriage when covering the ground with ease.

3. Crookes and Jenkinson’s Quakerhall Pandora’s Bounty JW.

OB (13, 4)

1. SH CH Linirgor Violets Are Blue JW. From a class of exceptional exhibits, this super lady, now approaching 8 years of age was expertly handled and is an absolute credit to her owner and a wonderful example at her age to the Golden Retriever breed in general. Presented in excellent condition and golden coat, she is extremely mature and oozes femininity from tip to toe. Her balanced head and soft expression are very pleasing on the eye. A good upper arm and correct shoulder position with nice length of neck, flows nicely into a level topline and tail set. Well ribbed with depth and spring, she is well angulated to the fore and hindquarters. A stunning picture in profile, she has excellent head carriage when on the move and covers the ground easily with control and elegance. It was a pleasure to have this girl exhibited under me and delighted to award her the fully deserved RCC in a final line up of top quality winners.

2. MacDonald’s SH CH Flyngalee Teppum. There is absolutely nothing to dislike about this very eye catching show girl. Classy, balanced and well constructed throughout, she has an attractive head, which is enhanced by a dark eye and pigmentation. Shorter coupled than 1, she is well angulated to front and rear but not overdone in any way. Level topline with a tail set straight off her back, pretty as a picture in outline and mature for a girl of her age. Relaxed but accurate on the move, she displays good head carriage, whilst transiting purposefully around the ring.

3. Hill & Smith’s SH CH Megarvey Once Upon A Time JW.

Trevor Willmitt