• Show Date: 24/09/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Toni Jackson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

South East & East Anglian Tibetan Spaniel Society

Breed: Tibetan Spaniel

A huge thank you to the committee of the SE & EA Tibetan Spaniel Society for this lovely appointment, and to the exhibitors for such a lovely entry, with very few absentees. This is a delightful breed, who definitely warm your heart.

My overall observations was that type does vary widely and some of the better constructed dogs were heavier and with stronger heads, the bites varied a lot and there were a number with scissor and level bits – and many of the reverse scissors were a little messy and affected the strength and width of underjaw. Temperaments were excellent, and whilst standard says aloof, I would say that as intelligent dogs they have certainly learned how to curry favour with all.

Spec Vint D (3,0) 1. Bevis’ Ch Malia The Next Verse by Starlance JW ShCM VW, 12 year old in amazing condition & coat, beautifully presented, and he shows himself off to perfection. Masculine and strongly built, short muscular neck to firm topline, balanced angulation, tail set on high, and with impressive plume. Skull is rounded, eyes are dark, a shade round which I forgave given age, ears high set. Free mover, sound throughout. 2. Keen’s Deanford Zoltany JW, good size, firm topline and short strong neck, angulation is moderate, but tends to stand with hind legs underneath, in good coat. Head is slightly domed, muzzle blunt and with good chin, ears set high. Moves well with drive behind, but preferred reach of winner. 3. Thornley-Taylor’s Ch Alfie Beau at Saxtead. VD (2,0) 1. Bevis’ Ch Souska Empty Room art Starlance JW ShCM, another masculine dog of good bone, level topline to high set tail, well plumed, short strong neck with mane. Shows good angulation and stands on good legs to hare feet. Moves well from all directions. Skull is slightly rounded, high ear set gives added width, and ears are well feathered, to enhance the expression, muzzle well cushioned, BVIS. 2. Andrews’ Velrok Zephyr, attractive head, rounded skull, well feathered ears, reverse scissor bite and well cushioned muzzle. Preferred front angulation and reach of winner but is sound in all directions. MPD no entries. PD (1,1) absent. JD (1,1) absent. SYD (1,0) 1. Brandrick’s Lillinca Milky Way, good alone but was bright and alert to handler, lovely temperament. Well boned legs to hare feet which are well feathered. In good coat and with lovely mane, and plumed tail. Correct oval eye, well set ears, muzzle a shade short. Moderate angles, sound in all directions. PGD (3,0) 1. Close’s Velrok King Silver with Arikara, beautifully presented parti colour, pleasing balance, good angles front & rear, very sound and positive in all directions. Level topline to high set tail, well plumed. Attractive head, good width between high set ears, oval eye well padded muzzle. 2. Hall’s Balgray Shab Tra, longer cast dog, ok for angulation, well boned, but not quite in full coat. Level topline and high set tail. Stands on hare feet. Moved soundly but not reach of winner. Gently rounded skull, high set ears, eyes could be more oval. LD (8, 1) 1. Davies’ Tsarong Phurbu, attractive head, shows correct smaller head for body size, with rounded skull and good oval dark eye. Correct reverse scissor bite giving width and substance to jaw. Well boned and in good coat, level top line, moved soundly. 2. Beveridge’s Gianni its Denzil, bigger framed dog overall, but not coarse. Has proud head carriage, strong short neck. Good angles producing sound movement. Head is broad but rounded in skull, ears well feathered, good padding to muzzle, eyes could be more oval. Lovely character .3. Lilley’s Torfness Edward Bear at Kensing. OD (3,0) 1. Bevis’ Skyvana Empty Dreams of Starlance ShCEx, pleasing in outline, good balance and height to length proportions, Good lay back to shoulder, short strong neck, moderate stifle and has correct hocks, which are strong and give him good drive. Firm topline, and excellent high set tail, with beautiful plume. Put down in ex condition. Muzzle is well cushioned, and blunt, dark oval eye and well set ears. Moves with head carried proudly. BD, BOS. 2. Hall’s Balgay Kitang Po, what a delightful character, such a happy chap, could have taken him home. Good bone and masculine without being coarse, presented and shown well. Correct length to level back, high tail set, tail used well! Moderate bend of stifle. Head is rounded, medium blunt muzzle, oval eye, would like to see more feathering on ears. Another positive mover. 3. Wallis-Baga’s Amicross Parti Phoenix at Velrok. SPBD (5, 2) 1. Velrok King Silver with Arikara. 2. Velrok Zephyr 3. Asquith’s Never Say Goodbye Lucy’s Secret of Baarnayotms.

Spec Vintage B (2,0) 1. Short’s Ch Malia Yuan Zhi JW, 10 year old bitch in ex condition, one with correct head size and rounded skull, good lift to well feathered ears. Muzzle of correct length and strength of jaw. Level in topline, held well on move. Good boned legs to correct hare feet. High set tail. Moved well, with head carried proudly, Best Vintage. 2. Wallis-Baga’s Velrok Black Magic, sadly left all her clothes at home, but as a study into conformation, leaves nothing in doubt. Moderate angles, gives her correct sound positive action, head carried proudly. Skull is rounded and ears set high, and are feathered, would prefer more oval eye, but can forgive in older dogs. VB (7,1) 1. Simper & Coates Clydum Strictly Classic, correct in outline, with the typical smaller head to body, rounded skull high set ears, oval eye. Has level topline to high set tail. Good angles front and rear and stands on correct hare feet. She moves soundly in all directions, in challenge for BV she just lacked the furnishings to complete the picture. 2. Bevis’ Starlance Lady Cora JW ShCM, stronger built bitch, who was a shade heavy in body. Presented in full coat. Skull is rounded and ears set well. Eyes could be more oval. Good angulation and high set tail. Moved well. 3. Stevens & McKnight’s Starlance Honky Tonk Angel at Tibbygold. MPB (3,0) 1. Wilson’s Chelmeress’s Juliet, well proportioned pup, with good angulation and short neck, head carried proudly. Ears are set on high and furnished, eye is oval and dark. Tail set on high, moves with purpose. Good coat. BPIS. 2.Neale’s Saxtead Toot Sweet, another promising pup, but preferred hind angles of winner. Attractive head and expression from well placed and feathered ears, well cushioned blunt muzzle, standing little rump high at the moment as is common in pups. Moved ok. PB (2,0) 1. Davies’ Tsarong Amrita, notes say two very similar pups and I see they are litter mates. Ok for size but would prefer more hind angulation. High set ears on broad skull, eyes are rather round, and shame about staining which somewhat affected her expression. Correct bone for bitch and stands of hare feet. Moved ok. 2. Townsin’s Tsarong Nyima, similar comments apply here, hard to split these two – but 1 just had the edge when standing and presented herself better. JB (3,1) 1. Minto’s Anacan Summer Breeze, I was impressed by these two youngsters, both worth watching in future. Lovely in profile, with correct smaller head to body and standing 4 square every time I looked at her, showing moderate angles. Level in topline and with high set tail. Pretty head, with rounded skull, blunt muzzle, well feathered ears, and moved freely in all directions, not in full coat but did not detract from her qualities. 2. Bevis’ Skyvana Free Spirit of Starlance JW, loved the sable colouring of this one giving her dark eye colour and pigment. Another not quite in full coat, but it’s getting there, especially lovely plume on high set tail. Good outline and bone to correct feet. Ears set high, still to get her feathering here. Just found her tending to stand little rump high. Moved well. SYB (1,0) 1. Hazlehurst’s Kavarnagh Primrose, Little immature at present and looks shade long cast for height. Needs to grow her coat to finish the picture, Level topline, tail could be set higher. Feminine in head, though would like stronger jaw. Correct angles and short neck moved soundly. PGB (8, 1) 1. Beveridge’s Gianni Its Posh Totty, one I have done well for before, she is very feminine has typy small head, good body proportions , level topline and in good body condition. Head is rounded and ears set high, lovely dark oval eye. Well cushioned muzzle and width to underjaw. Vey sound and with typical prod head carriage. Had she been in fuller coat would have pushed for higher honours. 2. Brandrick’s Lillinca Bees Bliss, very pretty bitch, shown in excellent condition and coat. Lovely balance in outline, good angles front and rear, short well developed neck and high set tail well plumed. Rounded skull, well feathered ears and exquisite dark oval eye. Would prefer little more strength to jaw. Moved soundly and with the correct head carriage. 3. Borrett’s Rosanley Harmonia with Tibama. LB (10,1) 1. Wallis-Baga’s Velrok Shiffalia, scores for type, small, rounded skull, eyes dark if a little round, ears set well and feathered, blunt muzzle and good width to jaw. Moderate angulation, well boned legs to correct feet. Level topline to well set tail, in good coat and well furnished. Very good mover in all directions, with head carried proudly, RBB & RBIS. 2. Short’s Malia Harvest Flower, attractive outline, with good height length proportions. Another who has correct angles and moves positively, with proud head carriage. Head is rounded, with high set ears, which have lovely feathering. Well presented. 3. Thornley-Taylor’s Saxtead Truly Scrumptious. OB (8, 3) 1. Stevens & McKnight’s Ch Rhubisk Dressed to Impress at Tibbygold, bitch presented in excellent condition and in full coat, well schooled and shows off her qualities well. She is well boned but feminine, and has good angles, which show in her super positive movement. Level topline held well on move, and tail set on high. Lovely expression, dark oval eye, medium length blunt muzzle of good width, defined jaw. Ears set high and well feathered. Always stood well balanced and asking for the top spot, BB & BIS. 2. Tapp’s Yllastel From Me to You Velbri JW, good proportions in outline, small head, with rounded skull, blunt muzzle, would prefer eyes a little more oval. Ears set well but needs more feathering to complete picture. Correct angulation and moves well, just carrying a little weight over shoulder. Great character with waggy tail. 3. Horton’s Parvati Bedigebu. SBB (3,0) Anacan Summer Breeze. 2. Tsarong Nyima. 3. Andrews’ Chenrezi Never Enough.