• Show Date: 27/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Simon Parsons Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Wales & West of England Pekingese Association

Breed: Pekingese


Judging the Wales and West of England Pekingese Association championship show was a great pleasure, held as it was on Bath’s immaculate showground immediately after the breed judging at the main show. My thanks to the organisers and stewards.

The entry was a respectable one by today’s standards. On a moderately warm day there were no significant breathing issues, eyes were clear and hopefully exaggerated wrinkle is a thing of the past. It would be good to see a move away from coats which obscure the dog’s shape. A few which looked fabulous standing disappointed when my hands reached the elbows and fronts, and as ever hindquarters could all too often be stronger. Pear shaped bodies, level backs and correct tail sets were in the majority, and looking at the catalogue makes one appreciate the efforts of the small band of breeders who consistently produce quality generation after generation. There was certainly plenty of choice in both challenge line-ups, plus some very promising puppies.Two dogs were withdrawn, one wasn’t happy at being handled (hope he gets over it) and one was lame on the day.

BIS was Klerkshof Sara at Ralshams, RBIS Ch Yakee The Contrary Mary, BOS Lizlanmor Mr Mercury and BP Klerkshof Cover Girl.

MPD (2) Two very nice pups of different styles. 1 Roberts’ Wyn D Hill Fabulous Frankie at Klerkshof, charming small chap with a quality head, well placed dark eyes, correctly set ears, compactly built with good width through the front, sound shoulders, level back, sufficient bone for size, held himself together well on the move. BPD; 2 Easdon & Martin’s Yakee Expecting Miracles, masculine pup in a larger mould, big puppy coat, impressive head, dark eyes, super expression, soundly made and well boned, shapely body. PD (2) 1 Easdon & Martin’s Yakee The Story Of My Life, good size pup with the usual handsome head from this kennel, wide and shallow with super dark eyes framed by well set ears, good body shape, OK bone, super topline and tail set, moved with style, just felt the American youngster was a shade firmer at elbow; 2 Paradise’s Shardlow Rag ’n’ Bone Man, black with wonderful bone and perhaps the firmest hindquarters of the day, particularly good open nostrils, dark eyes, free sound mover, needs plenty of time to mature in body and head. JD (3) 1 Morley’s Lizlanmor Mr Mercury, super all round dog with so much to offer, lovely head type with the features well spaced to give a distinguished masculine expression, firm shoulders with the front legs set the right distance apart with just the right amount of bow, shapely body with distinct waist and level backline, super tail set, OK hindquarters, well fringed and coated but with the body shape still evident, particularly liked the way he moved, holding himself together with dignity and a sense of self-importance. Won his first CC and was close up to the two lovely bitches in the final challenge; 2 Easdon & Martin’s Yakee The Cavalier, attractive puppy understandably less mature and together than 1, wide shallow head with appealing expression, super nostrils, well boned, level back, high set tail, needs time to develop in body; 3 Waters’ Jadape Tiger Roll. GD (1) 1 S Rag ’n’Bone Man. PGD (4) 1 Easdon & Martin’s Yakee Lost in Translation, good overall type, handsome head with flat skull and well spaced features, well ribbed and balanced, correct bone, could be a touch firmer in front but moved with style and dignity; 2 Fitt’s Leostela Perceval Le Gallios, admired this French boy’s size and overall balance, quality head and expression, level back, compactly built, can tighten a shade in front, close up but 1 was a more effortless mover on the day; 3 Benson’s Chrispite Code Breaker. MLD (2) 1 Oades’ Brentoy Max Power, very beautiful Peke who caught my eye straight away, super size, everything in proportion, loved his head type and the way he looked at me from those super eyes, sufficient bone and just the right amount of substance, picks up well, firm topline and a sound steady mover, well fitting unexaggerated coat, close up for the top spot, winner just a shade more settled in the challenge. RCC; 2 L Perceval Le Gallios. LD (2) 1 Oades & Evans’ Brentoy Zander, chunky solid black of super type, masculine head with excellent eyes and good width if not quite as shallow as that of his brother, level back, plenty of bone, picks up heavy thanks to his big ribs, OK hindquarters, well set tail, dignified mover; 2 Thomas’ Delwin’s Last Performance at Meritorous, just loved his sheer beauty, refinement and quality, ideal size, eye-catching head and expression with beautiful eyes, well ribbed, winner scored on front and topline but this one appealed a lot. OD (3) 1 Shaw & Mee’s Ch Pekehuis Apollo, of a type which always appeals to me, small, full of quality with the most beautifully detailed wide shallow head, level back, firm shoulders, well moulded forelegs, free sound mover, well fringed with a sensible amount of mane and body coat in the right places. Marginally preferred substance of the CC and RCC winners; 2 Easdon & Martin’s Ch Yakee A Whimsical Notion, heavily coated masculine boy with a very handsome head, wide, shallow and unquestionably male, well ribbed and compact, true front, level backline, not quite so settled on the move today; 3 Oades’ Zhong Noble Khan by Brentoy, must give a shout out to this typy, substantial chap as he is the sire of the BIS, BPIS and another strong contender in the bitch line-up.

MPB (2) 1 Easdon & Martin’s Yakee Jasmine, super baby, what a beautiful head with such appealing eyes, open nostrils, plenty of width to her well padded muzzle, excellent sound front with plenty of width between the legs, correct topline and shapely body, moved smartly, very promising; 2 Thomas’ Meritorous Solataire, younger and less mature in head and body but still a very attractive puppy, again sound all through with good legs and feet, firm shoulders, super tail set and held herself very stylishly on the move. PB (7) 1 Klerks-Delucchi’s Klerkshof Cover Girl, what a beautiful pup on classic lines, gorgeous head with irresistible eyes, clean shoulders, well shaped forelegs with sound elbows, super topline, plenty of bone and a well carried tail, combines substance with great quality. BPIS among tough competition; 2 Easdon and Martin’s Yakee Wandering Star, as ever this kennel seems to have a never-ending supply of top class pups, this one is of similar type, size and outline to winner and only minor details split them, handsome head, excellent bone and topline and a steady mover carrying her tail well, shapely body, would happily have stolen either of these as well as the very charming third place, Thomas’ Meritorous Only A Wish, a different type but as pretty as a picture. JB (2) 1 Rogers’ Klerkshof Sara at Ralshams, another real beauty in the classic mode. Has a gorgeous wide head with dark lustrous eyes and beautifully padded cheeks, one you have to handle to appreciate fully as it’s shallower than the deceptive markings make it appear from ringside. The head is well set into firm well laid shoulders, a true sound front with heavy bone and the correct amount of bow plus sufficient width which is evident when she moves towards you. A leonine body, level topline and well set tail complete the picture along with glamorous fringing. Came into her own on the move, going with great style and dignity along with the freedom and willingness to please her handler that is so good to see. Won her second CC and was BIS; 2 Smith & Phillips’ Top Rated Million Dollar Baby Zhaqqari, very nice youngster from Ukraine, yet another with an excellent head type and well spaced features, super bone, level back, really heavy to pick up, steady true mover. Winner had a shade more width through the front but this one has much to admire. YB (2) Two at opposite ends of the type spectrum. 1 Shaw’s Pekehuis Daydreamer, exquisite ultra-feminine girl, delightful head in proportion to her overall size, shapely body with correct width of chest, well proportioned, sound and a dignified mover.; 2 Poole’s Jigglypekes Dianthus, bigger robust bitch with plenty of substance and heavy bone, admired her eye and expression, handsome head if not quite as shallow as 1, moved OK, level back, well set tail, not quite so firm in front. GB (1) 1 Paradise’s Shardlow Lulu Guinness, this black has come on in leaps and bounds since I judged her last year, still has tremendous substance and bone and like her kennelmate has super nostrils and exceptionally good hindquarters - the Shardlows clearly get plenty of exercise! Shapely body, free active mover. With a shade more finish could do very well. MLB (2) 1 Small’s Klerkshof Eve at Swaggerboot, lovely quality youngster, slightly less mature litter sister to BOB, my compliments to their clever breeders not only for producing such a super pair but for being prepared to let other exhibitors have them. Again an impressive wide head with well placed nose, eyes and ears, firm front, heavy bone and tail on top, like her sister holds herself together on the move. Close up in the challenge and hope she progresses to CCs; 2 Klerks-DeLucchi’s Klerkshof Crystal Star, pretty feminine girl but still with plenty of substance, shallow head, super front, feet and bone, well ribbed, dignified mover. Close decision, perhaps winner a shade more compact. LB (3) 1 Thomas’ Hetana Shakira with Meritorous, excellent type and overall balance, OK head type, well padded cheeks, level back, shapely body, good bone, especially liked her dignity and bearing on the move. I’ve scarcely mentioned presentation in this report - almost all were well groomed but this exhibitor’s dogs particularly so; 2 Morley & Hitchcock’s Greyport Rosebud at Lizlanmor, quality girl of super type and overall balance, thick set all through, good bone, shapely body. Hard decision, preferred this one’s expression and winner’s front movement; 3 Small’s Greyport Absolutely Got It at Swaggerboot. OB (1) 1 Easdon & Martin’s Ch Yakee Contrary Mary, another really lovely bitch with an excellent expression but scores particularly on her compact big ribbed body, super topline, plenty of bone, combines substance and femininity, moved well holding her shape, splitting hairs for the top spot. RCC and RBIS.