• Show Date: 25/09/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Simon Luxmoore Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Belfast Dog Show Society

Breed: Boxer


25 SEP 22




MPD 5(0)

Just preferred the front of 1 but both 1st and 2nd were two very well balanced males.

1. Mair’s Macbarra Kickin Up A Storm at Glenauld. Good head, correct skull, good bone, nice reach of neck, strong top-line and good angulation.

2. McCarthy/Gething’s Boxania Romanoff to Jeddhi. Another good prospect, not quite as settled on the day but excellent reach and drive on the move.

3. Pearce/Francis/Kay’s Seacrest Dios Diablo at Longsdale.


PD 4(0)

1. Loasby’s Sashbob Double Oh Seven with Berwynfa. Typical head and expression, well angulated front and rear, more settled on the move than the competition which gave him the class on the day, BP.

2. Fay-Smith’s Lorrosa Roy Pretty Boy Shaw. Not quite the front of 1 however good head, nice reach of neck, moderate angulation front and rear, moved with ease.

3. Brough’s Limubox Helluva Fantasy.


JD 2(0)

1. Taylor’s Newlaithe Absolute Bug. Correct head, gave a very good impression when viewed in profile, good reach of neck, powerful shoulders, good feet and pasterns.

2. Bee’s Beeann Cover Story JW. Would prefer more angulation however balanced and moved with a free and parallel gait, good bone, well knuckled up feet.


YD 1(0)

1. Keenan/Griffin’s Duxsara Double Diamond. Well balanced free moving youngster shown in good hard condition, correct head, good shoulder, correct loin, good feet and pasterns, nice prospect.


GD 1(0)

1. Stretch’s Braybox Quickstep. Quite unsettled on the day but improved with sympathetic handling, moderate angulation fore and aft, strong top-line, correct bone.


PGD 5(0)

1. Beardsell/Van-Beck’s Newlaithe Super Natural JW. Preferred the overall structure when viewed in profile of this exhibit, correct shoulder, strong pasterns, would prefer a little more underjaw but won the class on the free and easy movement.

2. Lafferty’s Geenawell Lorenzo. Moderate angulation front and rear, level top-line, correct bone, toed out a little in front on the stand.

3. Martin’s Carrue Federer First Class.


LD 3(1)

1. Loasby’s Berwynfa Fifty Shadz Freed. Powerful male who won the class on his easy gait, excellent shoulder, good reach of neck, correct head, good underjaw.

2. Beardsell/Van-Beck/Fielding’s Newlaithe Suited N Booted with Lefergo JW. Not quite the balance of 1 and a little loose in the top-line, moderate angulation, correct bone, good feet, a little untidy on the out and back when viewed from behind.


OD 7(1)

1. Brough/Cairns’ Ch. Galicar Investigating with Limubox JW. An excellent example of the breed, good head, correct reach of neck, very powerful shoulders and shown in excellent condition throughout, good angulation, correct feet and pasterns and outmoved the class, DCC & BOB.

2. Brown/Hutchings’ Ch. Winuwuk In The Name Of Lust (AI). Another nice example of the breed, balanced angulation, good top-line, nice head, well set ears, nice reach and drive on the move, RDCC.

3. Keenan/Griffin’s Ir Ch. Seacrest Citation.


VD 2(0)

Two lovely veterans.

1. Beardsell/Van-Beck’s Newlaithe Bug On JW ShCM. 7½ year old male, correct head, good reach of neck, balanced angulation, easy ground covering parallel gait, BV.

2. Beardsell/Van-Beck/Fielding’s Newlaithe The Fugitive ShCM. Nice 9½ year old male, good balance, good shoulder and moved with ease.


SpBD 1(0)

1. Stretch’s Braybox Quickstep. 1st in GD. BSpB.


MPB 4(2)

1. Beardsell/Van-Beck’s Newlaithe Cid. An absolutely stunning young puppy, just over 6 months old, although a little loose in front at this stage on the out and back, possesses tremendous reach and drive as a result of her excellent angulation, super head and expression at this stage, good reach of neck, absolutely balanced throughout, wonderful prospect.

2. Pynegar’s Kajobox Boom Boom Pow at Berwynfa. More compact at this stage but covered the ground well, good overall balance and absolutely parallel on the out and back.


PB 4(2)

1. Thomson’s Ashronsha Dream Away at Latchkey. Very nice puppy who was ‘treat’ obsessed which doesn’t always help the judge when exhibiting. When settled stood well in profile and moved to advantage.

2. Payne’s Willow Honeysuckle. A good head, moderate angulation, balanced throughout, level top-line, free and easy gait.


JB 3(0)

1. Huckerby/Dowell’s Norwilbeck Bellchime Zara. Very nice youngster, 14 months old, took a little time to settle and quite ‘aware’ on the day, nice feminine head, well angulated and demonstrated good reach and drive on the move.

2. Brough/Cairns’ Taranut Talented at Limubox. Feminine head, moderate angulation and was handled to advantage, easy ground covering gait.

3. Law’s Berwynfa Que Sera Sera.


YB 2(0)

I just preferred the freedom of movement of 1.  

1. Drinkwater’s Sulez Smasher. Nice head, well set ears, good underjaw, balanced throughout and moved to advantage.

2. Payne’s Willow Sparks Will Fly. Another nice youngster, good angulation, correct bone, good pasterns, nice tidy feet, good prospect.


NB 4(1)

1. Law’s Shellark Rule The World. Feminine head and expression, balanced on the move, good bone, level top-line, shown in good hard condition, nice prospect.

2. Martin’s Willow Sparks In The Dark for Carrue. Not quite the balance of 1 when viewed in profile but nice reach of neck and a parallel gait.

3. Adam’s Carkennar Blackstar.


GB 3(0)

1. Beardsell/Van-Beck’s Nashville at Newlaithe. This 2 year old bitch immediately took my attention and she won the class on her freedom of movement, nice proportions overall, good balance, well angulated, correct bone, good top-line and I believe an excellent prospect for the future, RBCC.

2. McCarthy/Gething’s Jeddhi Firefly. Another nice example of the breed but somehow a little rigid and not as free on the move as 1, feminine head and expression, nice angulation, well handled and presented.

3. Loasby’s Twist N Pulse at Berwynfa.


PGB 4(2)

1. Bee’s Beeann Upside Down. Preferred the overall impression of 1 when viewed in profile while she was a little untidy on the out and back.

2. Hare’s Jimbren Destiny’s Queen. This bitch moved to advantage with good angulation however she clearly wanted to be ‘elsewhere on the day’ but she has all the makings of a nice example of the breed.


LB 7(4)

1. McCarthy/Gething/Banks’ Sunhawk Norwatch Lovelace at Jeddhi. Good feminine head, good reach of neck, good shoulder, correct bone, good angle of pastern, well set tail and an easy gait.

2. Brown/Hutchings’ Winuwuk Aphrodite. Not quite the profile movement of 1, a nice feminine head, good pasterns and feet, would prefer a little more reach on the move, well handled and presented.

3. Mair’s Carkennar Shooting Star over Glenauld.


OB 6(0)

1. Mair’s Ch. Vandenrob Vanessa via Glenauld. Won the class on her excellent reach and drive, nice head, powerful throughout, good reach of neck, free and easy on the move, BCC.

2. Brown/Hutchings’ Ch. Winuwuk Looking For Love (AI). Another lovely female, good head and moved freely and to advantage once settled, balanced angulation, well set tail and good tail carriage.

3. Huckerby/Dowell’s Norwilbeck Bellchime Love Heart.