• Show Date: 28/10/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Serena Parker Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Midland Counties Canine Society

Breed: Irish Wolfhound

Midland Counties Canine Society Championship Show

Friday 28th October 2022

Report on Irish Wolfhound judging

The late start & very small ring did not help a lot of the exhibits, I did try to get

us moved to a bigger ring (& an earlier start) but unfortunately to no avail.

Thank you to the sporting exhibitors who accepted it all with such good grace.

Puppy Dog (2, 0 Abs)

1st. Harris’ – Valheru Black Marlin (RAF). Very “wings & feathers” but a

lovely outline on this just 6-month-old boy. He has a good head shape, kind

dark eye, super forehand, excellent bone & feet, level topline & good quarters.

Still loose all through he moved out well.

2nd. Donaldson & Smallwood’s – Rainster Euan at Kirkwell. Pleasing head &

eye on this 11-month boy, good forehand, front & feet, excellent topline &

hindquarters. Good through the body he moved ok.

Junior Dog (4, 2 Abs)

1st. Severn-Kumar’s – Gaelmarque Nomateus. Stunning youngster of 14

months, he has type & substance & a mark of quality. He has an excellent head

shape, kind eye & expression. Super neck into clean shoulder, straight well

boned front & tight feet, good depth of chest. He has a lovely topline, strong

slightly arched loin, good turn of stifle & well let down hocks, he stands over a

lot of ground. On the move he was sound & true & I had no hesitation in

awarding him RBD.

2nd. Dawson’s – Hydebeck Heart of Gold at Graefyn. 15-month-old, pleasing

head & eye, reachy neck, good shoulder, ok front & feet. Excellent topline,

good depth of chest & well made & muscled quarters. He moved with a good

stride but was a little close behind.

Post Graduate Dog (1, 0 Abs)

1st. Sheppard’s – Glengail HHades. Kind head & eye, strong neck, good front

& feet. Excellent topline, good depth of chest & well ribbed back to strong loin.

Good body & pleasing quarters, he moved well in profile but was a little close


Open Dog (4, 2 Abs)

1st. Amoo’s – Ch. Sade Paris. Stunning boy whom I have done well before.

This stallion hound has a super head with kind eye & expression, very best of

forehands, with reachy strong neck into clean shoulders & good return of upper

arm. Super forechest, straight well boned forelegs with good pasterns & feet. He

has a great depth of chest, spring of rib & is well ribbed back to strong slightly

arched loin. He carries his topline well & his quarters are well made & muscled,

shown in excellent jacket & top-notch musculature. He is sound & true with a

free & easy stride, totally effortless & at one with his talented breeder/owner.

He truly is a goosebumps dog & I was honoured to have the opportunity of

judging him again, delighted he went on to group 2.

2nd. Dawson’s – Hydebeck Dream Time at Graefyn. Beautiful kind dark eye on

this lad, good neck & shoulder into super front with good bone. Super depth of

chest well ribbed back & level topline into cracking quarters. Good coat & body

condition, he moved out well in profile but was a little close behind.

Puppy Bitch (4, 0 Abs)

What a super class of babies

1st. Wilkinson’s – Rainster Eilex Among Hunacres. This delightful 11-month old girl has the most beautiful head & expression. 

Excellent forehand with good bone all the way done to well arched toes, she has a very good depth of chest 

with good ribbing, strong loin & level topline. Good turn of stifle & well let down hocks which allowed her to move freely with a bit

 of style. Typically, with this breed at this age she needs to firm up all through, but if she progresses

as she has so far, I think she will have a very bright future. I just loved her BPIB.

2nd. Crosse’s - Rainster Evie. Litter sister & a lot of the comment above apply

here too! She has a pretty head & expression, super forehand, body & quarters.

She moved fluidly with a good stride, just preferred the overall balance of her

sister on the day.

3rd. Taylor’s – Bribiba’s Midnight Special.

Junior Bitch (2, 0 Abs)

1st. Sheppard’s – Gaelmarque Treasured by Goldswift. Stunning girl of 14

months with a head & expression to die for, she has a super forehand with

straight well boned forelegs, with good bone & feet. Slightly crested neck into

clean shoulder, level topline with strong loin, good depth of chest & super well-

muscled quarters. She was so good on the out & back & was a picture in profile

movement, I had no hesitation in giving her the class & ultimatly RBB. I now

see it was her stunning brother that took RBD, this must have been a very

special litter.

2nd. Taylor’s – Bribiba’s Calamity Jane. Beautiful head & eye, excellent neck

into good shoulder, straight front with good bone & feet. Super topline into

curvy quarters, she moved out well but rightly so at 9 months old needs time.

Open Bitch (4, 1 Abs)

1st. Heather’s – Ch. Whiteorchard Ad Astra. Mature girl who is all of a piece,

she throws a super outline both stacked & on the move. Stunning head & eye,

textbook forehand construction with good bone & feet. Excellent topline &

depth of chest, strong loin & good tailset. She was so sound out & back & had a

smooth reachy stride. Shown in super jacket & hard condition she took a well deserved BB.

2nd. Redfern’s – Rainster Tatiana. Pleasing head & eye, good neck & shoulder,

excellent topline, body properties & quarters. Moved well in profile but a tad

close behind.

3rd. Taylor’s – Amarillo Rose.

Special Beginners Bitch (3, 1 Abs)

1st. Bribiba’s Midnight Special. Pretty head & eye, good neck, shoulder &

super feet. Level topline, good chest & ribbing, 3rd in PB she moved out better

in this class & deserved BSBIB.

2nd. Amarillo Rose. Kind dark eye, pleasing neck & shoulder, good depth of

chest & level topline, good quarters. Moved out happily.

Serena Parker (Judge)