• Show Date: 16/07/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Rob Wheeler Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Midland Dachshund Club

Breed: Dachshund (Wire Haired)

Wire-Haired Dachshund - The Midland Dachshund Club 16th July 2022.

Thank you for the invitation to award CC’s in Dachshund for the very first time, we went indoors in a huge ring, which saved many from the heat and the lumpy ground. Many thanks to my steward, Anne Moore, who was super efficient.

I was delighted with my entry and although the quality and size was mixed, there were some gorgeous dogs to get my hands on.

Minor Puppy Dog - 6 (1 absent)

1st J Carruther’s Stanegate Salvador. 6 month old baby who I really liked. He was so together, for one so young and lovely to go over. Super head piece, strong neck, into well laid shoulders. Correct front assembly with good feet, correct level top line, ribs well back and on the move, went out well from all angles.

2nd H Turner’s Hototo’s Rocket Man. Another baby I liked, Long head and super expression, good neck, ok in shoulder, flowing lines and moved out well, just preferred the rear of 1.

Puppy Dog 3 (1 absent)

1st Maes-Jones & Bates Derochaise Blue Danube. I was really taken with this one, he was very attractive and a real showman. To me, he had a lovely profile with great proportions and balanced all through. Super long head, good neck, excellent front assembly, ribs well back and a super rear. Moved with real purpose and I was delighted to give him the RCC & Best Puppy

2nd Adam’s Ellesophia Fly Me to the Moon - Lots to like! Taller and longer than 1, lovely long head, good neck, well ribbed. On the move was a little high in rear and bandy going away.

Junior 6 (2 absent)

A Difficult Class!

1st Elred’s Derdledash Naughty Neptune - I thought this dog was ideal for size, super long head, ok in neck and front, deep feet, well ribbed with harsh coat, good mover but carried tail a little high and could be tidier behind.

2nd Shaw’s Tendrow Will I Am - A longer cast dog than 1 and not as good in front. Lovely head and expression, ok in shoulder, well ribbed, good coat. Ok in profile but untidy behind, was moderate all through but could do with a little more rear.

Novice Dog - 3

1st Akehurt’s Boloria All Spice - Was the most together in this class. Super long head, ok in neck, super coat, nice fore chest and front assembly. Liked his top line stood and moving, moved with real purpose and with accuracy.

2nd Wilson’s Dollydash Never Enough - Longer through than 1 and not as happy here today. Nice long head, good neck, longer than 1, not as well ribbed back as 1, a little untidy behind on the move.

Post Graduate Dog - 7

1st Horne’s Salixian Moroccan Mint - Most balanced and together in this class. Good head and reach of neck, smooth shoulders, OK in upper arm, well ribbed back, good mover just a little untidy going away.

2nd Gibson’s Brumberhill Armstrong - Very close up to 1. Really super long head, bit shorter in neck than 1, good front assembly, level top line, sound on the move.

Limit Dog - 2

1st Graham’s Stanegate Shot in the Dark JW. Gorgeous head and expression, ok in shoulder, bit out at elbow. Well ribbed back, harsh coat, excellent rear with low hocks. Super on the move, particularly in profile.

2nd Matthew’s Stanegate Billy the Kid JW - A lovely dog, shorter through than 1. Preferred length of head of 1, long neck into well laid shoulder, good fore chest, level top line and well ribbed back. Close, just preferred 1 on the up and back.

Open Dog - 2

1st Vig’s Cr Ch Qrrens-Dax Enzo Topazo (imp Hun) Super long head, with a long, strong neck. Could have a better front assembly, ok in top line, ribbed well back, harsh coat. Super in profile, he was just a little untidy in the rear moving today.

2nd Chamber’s Cishelvine Just a Kiss with Hototo - A heavier dog all through, Super coat, wider in head than 1, OK in front, nice feet, lovely level topline, sound mover and great in profile.

Champion Dog - 2 (1 absent)

1st Carruther’s Ch Ailton Alexander at Stanegate - I was really taken with this dog, had it all for me! So good to go over, masculine, balanced and super for size. Super long head, lovely expression, strong neck, nice fore chest and good front assembly., well ribbed back. Was the soundest up and back of the day and super in profile to boot. Excellent condition which I also loved. CC.

Veteran Bitch - 1

1st Eldred’s Bramalodge Amiety at Derdledah - Lovely 8 and half year old bitch, super coat! Long head with a feminine expression, strong neck, great in topline still, good rear and loved very soundly from all angles.

Minor Puppy Bitch - 8

1st Bink’s Cloudside Uluru TAF - Was the most forward and balanced of the class today. Good head and expression to die for, Lovely to go over and so well conditioned. Good forechest, and scored in general front assembly. Super mover, just a little high in rear and tail right now.

2nd Litter sister to 1 and another lovely baby with many of the same attributes, just showed her tender months a bit more on the day. Super head and expression, OK in front assembly, good topline, moved soundly and just a little high at the rear right now.

Puppy Bitch - 5 (2 absent)

1st Beagrie’s Ellesophia’s Light the way to Feldhund - Nice pup, Lovely long head, good reach of neck, good for forechest and front, level topline, quite moderate in angulation. Moved very soundly, best up and back of the class.

2nd Cox’s Hopewood Que Sera Sera Alec Bulldaxit - Nice bitch although a bit heavier through than 1, super head, ok in neck, needs more forechest. Good coat, moved out very well.

Junior Bitch 9 (1 absent)

1st Moore’s Derochaise Black Cherry Cloudside - I liked this one a lot, found her correctly sized and clearly feminine. Super long head, good for neck and lay of shoulder and correct upper arm. Topline was always good and ribs went well back. Moved out with real purpose and in the challenge, one I considered for higher honours.

2nd Hewlett & Phillip’s Tendrow Make the right Turn - Lots to like about this young bitch, just preferred the size of 1. Super head, lovely to go over, strong/long neck, good for upper arm, could have more forechest. Super coat and a super mover too, well handled.

Novice Bitch - 5 (1 absent)

1st Eldred’s Derdledash Moon Beam - Liked this one, well balanced I thought, super head, long neck, clean shoulder, correct forechest, super coat, topline held level and ribbed well back. She was sound on the move, just could have gone with more purpose.

2nd Mountford’s Incordemeo My Story - Smaller type than 1, needed a bit more up front but was moderate both ends, Nice head, strong neck, well ribbed. Moderate both ends and a positive mover.

Post Graduate Bitch - 9 ( 1 absent)

1st Mccalmont’s Silvae Timeless - Wow, loved this one and won this class with room to spare. Absolutely perfect size and all feminine, super head and feminine expression, super front assembly, well ribbed back, strong rear, moving she was fantastic and surely will have lots of wins ahead of her RCC.

2nd Gibson’s Allfrey’s Cordelia - Stylish bitch I thought, not the condition of 1, good head, strong/long neck, super coat, well ribbed back, good rear which she used well on the move, moved with real purpose.

Limit Bitch - 5 (1 absent) 

1st Hanney -Mitchel, Mccalmont’s Silvae Time after Time at Bronia - Really balanced and together, loved her head to neck to shoulder, decent forechest, ribbed well back, super in topline, moved very well, a bit fond of her tail. Really stylish bitch if a little bigger all through.

2nd Rowe’s Boloria’s Nice’n Spicy - Liked the size better on this bitch, just couldn’t match the front and upper arm of 1, ribbed well back, level topline, a real showgirl and a very positive mover from all angles.

Open Bitch - 4

1st Mccalmont’s Silva Fan Dancer - Another from this kernel that was so well made, correct sized and stylish. Stood, she presents just the best profile, so well balanced. Super head and feminine expression, strong/long neck, the best of front assembly’s, ribbed so far back and a level topline. Super mover too, sound up and back and great in profile. Bitch CC and BOB.

2nd Rowe’s Boloria’s Trick or Treat JW - Lovely bitch, just couldn’t match the correct front of 1, good head, correct neck, bit steep in upper arm, ribbed well back, correct topline and very sound on the move, really showing herself well.

Rob Wheeler