• Show Date: 12/10/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Ray Strudwick Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Gundog Society Of Wales

Breed: English Setter

Gundog Society Of Wales 

Championship Show 

Wednesday 12th October 2022

Three Counties Showground 


English Setter

Puppy D (1/0a)

1st Bournehouse New Years Sky Over Ravensett NAF TAF -BP & RBPIS

Quality young male showing excellent overall balance, pleasing well proportioned head with correct shaped eye, low set ears, straight forelegs, shoulders laid back, adequate turn of stifle, moved out well straight and true, pleased to see he took reserve best puppy in show.

Junior D (2/1a)

1st Quensha Man In The Mirror

Promising youngster showing good promise, masculine in head with kind gentle expression, clean neck, straight in front, deep in chest, strong quarters with good angulation looked good on the move. 

Yearling D (2/0a)

1st Tattersett Golden Sunshine

2nd Tattersett Many Clouds At Ormstiga Cjw22 Ir Jun Ch

Both these litter brothers are well constructed with lovely well balanced heads on clean arched necks, both are well angulated with clean outlines, but I just preferred one’s stronger quarters which produced true driving movement on the day.

Novice D (1/0a)

1st Q M in T M

Graduate D (1/0a)

1st Phenset Firestorm 

Well balanced male with typical well proportioned head, strong quarters producing good drive, but moving very close in front, plus I would have preferred a less prominent tail carriage.

Post Graduate D (2/1a)

1st Bumblecorn Robin At Daraquist

Quality male so full of type, with an excellent well proportioned head and lovely refine expression, clean muscular neck, firm straight topline, strong quarters of good width and angulation, flowed around the ring with good drive considered for the RCC.

Mid Limit D (1/0a)

1st Felsett Bugatti Blue

Masculine head with correct shaped eye, straight front, sloping shoulders, good spring of rib, level topline, neat hocks, tight feet, moving just a shade close at the rear.

Limit D (7/3a)

1st Silvermoon Storm Trooper Of Phenset JW - RCC

Loved this boys clean balanced outline and confirmation, pleasing well balanced head on

clean muscular neck, well laid shoulders, level topline, well ribbed, strong well angulated rear producing excellent drive on the move.

2nd Bournehouse Gamekeeper 

Another quality boy slightly more compact than one but showing similar confirmation, he has a well proportioned head, is well angulated at front and rear, looking good on the move with excellent drive. 

3rd Wansleydale Dorian GraOpen D (7/2a)

1st Sh Ch Ravensett Work Of Art At Alolfrana JW - CC

Just loved this top quality male for his excellent overall balance and confirmation, he has the most loveliest of heads and expressions, reachy neck into well placed shoulders, correct firm topline, strong quarters with good width, he’s movement is free flowing with excellent reach and drive, he pushed hard for BOB

2nd Samelen Comeback Special 

Quality 4 year old with pleasing masculine head with gentle expression, clean neck of good length leads to well laid shoulders and a straight forelegs, good depth of chest, firm level topline into correct tail set, strong quarters producing true driving movement.

3rd Sh Ch Glenmaurangi Star Man JW

Veteran D (2/0a)

1st Mariglen Top Gear At Yendorlech

Masculine headed boy with good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, nicely angulated at front and rear, good depth of chest, strong quarters with good width, moved freely with good drive. 2nd Anlory Burano Via Jolymore. Refined 8 year with well proportioned head and soft expression, straight front, clear lengthy neck, short coupled, good bend of stifle, adequate rear angulation, Minor Puppy B (1/1a). Puppy B (1/0a) 

1st Bournhouse Chiming Bells 

Quality youngster of good type, lovely feminine head true in expression, excellent in front, neck and shoulder, well ribbed, correct topline, well angulated quarters, such a sound mover so true at front and rear 

Junior B (2/1a) 

1st Wansleydale Mayflower  

Ultra feminine youngster with well proportioned head, reachy neck into good shoulder placement, short level back, good bend of stifle, has excellent overall balance, sound and true on the move, showing good promise.

Yearling B (4/0a) 

1st Tattersett Dark Amber  

Lovely proportioned head on clean neck, shoulders well laid, short level back, deep chest, well angulated quarters, movement was true and positive, has excellent overall balance.              

2nd Wansleydale Mayflower  

3rd Mariglen Unwrapped JW TAF                                                                                       

Graduate B (3/1a) 

1st Monaysbridge Iris

Clean in outline with pretty balanced head, straight forelegs, strong topline, well ribbed, deep chest, well turned stifles, moved with good drive sound and true, has good overall balance.

2nd Mariglen Unwrapped JW TAF 

Lovely type with well proportioned feminine head, good in front neck and shoulders, good spring of rib, well tuned stifles, looked good on the move.

Post Graduate B (1/1a) 

Mid Limit B (4/1a) 

1st Gemsett Song Of The North 

Lovely balanced head with gentle expression. reachy neck flowing into well laid shoulders. good spring of rib and strong over the loin. well boned and good turn of stifle, sound and true on the move.

2nd Wansleydale Ameretto 

Well angulated with good overall balance, clean in neck, good angulation at front and rear, deep In chest, strong quarters producing good driving movement.

3rd Rochdale Ribbons Of Pearls

Limit B (7/0a)

1st Bournehouse Night Sky - RCC 

Well constructed female with excellent overall balance, well proportioned head on reachy neck, firm topline, well sprung ribs, strong quarters with good angulation, just flowed round the ring with excellent drive, just loved her type and quality

2nd Dior J’adore Ravensett

Typey female with feminine head and gentle expression, straight forelegs, well angulated at front and rear, firm back, well sprung ribs has good overall balance, moved free with good drive.

3rd Bramstorm Speckled Wood

Open B (5/0a) 

1st Sh Ch Goldbirch Wings Of Desire JW ShCM ShCEx - CC & BOB

Stunning top quality female who just oozes breed type, she is well constructed with lovely overall balance, has a beautiful feminine head on reachy neck, good lay of shoulder, level topline with correct tail set, just loved her powerful free flowing driving movement, excellent presentation and handled to perfection.

2nd Sh Ch Tattersett Dark Honey

Quality 4year old with excellent overall balance and construction, typical balanced head with almond shaped eyes, well placed shoulders, deep chest, short level back, strong quarters with good width and angulation, moved true with drive.

3rd Sorbus About Last Night With Quensha

Veteran B (1/0a) 

1st Sh Ch Rachdale Painted Lace At Goldbirch - BV & VG3 

 Another top quality female from this kennel, loved her well proportioned head with gentle expression, she is well construction, with excellent angles fore and aft, her movement is free flowing with excellent reach and drive, such a worthy show champion.

Ray Strudwick. (Judge)