• Show Date: 11/03/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Nick Gourley Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023


Breed: Australian Silky Terrier

Only a small entry but I thought my Best Dog and Best Bitch were both excellent examples of the breed and could win anywhere in the world. It is not easy to produce dogs of this quality from such a limited gene pool. I have utter respect to the owners and breeders of these dogs.

VD (2,0) 1st Multi Ch Hoheit Hamlet vom Zerbster Schloss Multijch (Mrs I Höhne) A super start with a 10 year old in the peak of health. Immediately appealed for his overall . size, shape and proportions. Very typical in head with broad, flat skull and muzzle a fraction shorter. Small dark eyes combined with small high set ears gave him that ‘must have’ keen expression. Absolute level top line at all times. Moved with real drive from strong hindquarters. Not quite so tidy coming towards. Super flat silky coat of just the right length. RBD & BVIB. 2nd Aus/cib/vdh/slo/a/h Ch Karlyermai Keep The Faith (Ms E Bruckmaier). Another handsome dog but lacked the overall balance of the winner appearing a little taller on the leg. Very good head proportions with wider, flat back skull. Eyes a little rounder than winner so not as keen in expression. Small v shaped ears but did not want to use them today. Very sound away and back. Silky coat presented well.

OD (3,0) 1st Limartine Redlining (Mrs.l A Mault) I have admired the dogs bred by this talented and committed breeder for the last 20 years and this dog must be right up there with the best. He brought his A-game to the big stage and was quite frankly in a league of his own. What an attitude, pure arrogance, which demands your attention from the moment he enters the ring; head carriage, rock solid top line, tail carried erect and a flick of his silky top knot. His head is so well proportioned with a strong jaw with big healthy teeth. Super small, dark eyes and his neat ears set high and used at all times. Slight arch to neck into such well laid shoulders. Straight front. Hind quarter angulation matches fore with well set down hocks. As a result he moves with real pace, accuracy of footfall and he is sound away and back too. Coat is fabulous condition and groomed to perfection; silky and straight and just the right length to see daylight under. An absolute beauty. BD & BOB. 2nd Multi Ch Sunny Pearls Gaspar Amoroso (Mrs V & Mrs J & Mrs T Dowty & Connolly & Mackrell). I liked this dog’s head and expression. Eyes and ears both small and oval and v shaped respectively. A little finer in muzzle than the winner but with strength to underjaw and teeth fit for purpose. Slight arch to neck. Straight front legs but lacked the lay of shoulder of the winner. Well bent stifles and low set hocks created good drive. As a result top line sloped from withers to croup on the move. Presented immaculately with clean silky of ideal length. 3rd Multi Ch Quenton vom Zerbster Schloss Multijch (Mrs I Höhne)

PGB (2,0) 1st Spawood Disco Diva (Mr P & Mr A & Mrs I Conway & Oakden & Holme). A super sound bitch who appeals on the go round with her confident head carriage, level top line and erect tail of just the right length. Head well proportioned. Flat skull showing good width. Small ears set high although not suing to advantage. Eyes small but a little round. Jaws strong and good dentition. So not quite the keenness of expression of the two principle winners. Coat still to develop fully but good base colour and richness of tan. RBB. 2nd Limartine Red Letter (Mrs.l A Mault). Beautiful head in terms of proportions, strength of muzzle and expression. Super hind quarters with well bent stifle and short hocks. Moves with real drive. Not quite so tidy coming towards as the winner. Coat immaculate; straight and silky. A very close decision.

OB (2,1) 1st Multi Ch Larrys Emmy vom Minitraum (Mrs I Höhne). A 3 year old bitch on top form and well deserving of her multiple champion titles. Loved her head proportions and keen expression. Her jaw is strong and muzzle juts shorter than the length of her skull. Strong healthy teeth with perfect dentition and sparkling white. Small ears set right on top. Slight arch to medium length neck with level back, well sprung ribs and strong loin creating level top line stood and on the move. Silky, straight coat presented well and of just the right length to see daylight under. BB.