• Show Date: 08/01/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Minna Hagan Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Boston & District Canine Society

Breed: Dachshund (Wire Haired)

Standard Wire-Haired Dachshund

Dachshund (Wire-Haired) - Puppy Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Derdledash Naughty Neptune (Miss S A E Eldred)

Balanced young puppy of good proportions in good coat. Lovely masculine head and shape of eyes. Good length of neck and good shoulders. Good length of ribbing, nice short loin. Good hind angula-tion. Superb movement and topline. Not exaggerated in anyway.

2ND Cloudside Tomfoolery (Mrs C & Miss H & Mrs E Turner & Merrifield)

Largish but balanced young lad. Good head and shape of eyes. Good coat. Good length of neck. Topline needs to settle. Good hind angulation.

Dachshund (Wire-Haired) - Junior Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees 2

Dachshund (Wire-Haired) – Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees 1

Dachshund (Wire-Haired) - Open Dog

Entries: 8 Absentees 2

1ST Cr Ch Qrrens-Dax Enzo Topazo (Imp Hun) (Mr B Vig)

Stunning dog of excellent proportions, of correct size and ground clearance. Correct conical head, shape of eye. Excellent coat. Good length of keel and ribbing. Good short strong loin. Excellent hind angulation. Moved out with purpose driving from those strong hind quarters. Nothing over exaggerated with this dog. BD

2ND Boloria's Aramis (Mrs J Rowe)

I have always liked this dog; he is always so happy to be in the ring. Good masculine head, strong jaws. Good length of neck to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing. Strong short loin. Good hind angulation. Moved well holding his topline.

Dachshund (Wire-Haired) – Puppy Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees 2

1ST Elderkine's Hot Gossip (Mr A & Mrs T Arthurs)

Balanced young lady of correct size and ground clearance. Lovely feminine head and expression. Good length of neck reading to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel. Excellent hind angulation. Solid topline. Moved well driving from strong hind quarters with good reach. Good harsh coat. BP

2ND Bramalodge Bonfire Heart (Miss L Brierley)

Heavier bitch of good proportions. Good feminine head. Elegant neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing. Held a good topline throughout.

Dachshund (Wire-Haired) - Junior Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees 3

1ST Glowing Topaz at Sunsong (Mrs S Seath)

Balanced bitch of correct size and ground clearance, without any over exaggeration. Good harsh coat all over. Good shape of head and eyes, with most wonderful expression. Good front assem-bly. Good length of ribbing and keel. Short strong loin. Excellent hind angulation providing the power to move with purpose and true. BOB

2ND Boloria’s Nice'n Spicy JW (Miss R Rowe)

Again, a lovely bitch of different type. Lovely feminine head, with correct shape of eyes. Lovely correct coat. Good long neck . Good length of ribbing and good hind angulation. Preferred shoul-ders and movement on 1st.

Dachshund (Wire-Haired) – Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 7 Absentees 2

1ST Tendrow Laced with Success (Mrs Y Waller)

Balanced bitch of good proportions. Good head, shape of eye, correct coat. Lovely arched neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of keel and ribbing. Good hind angulation. Moved out well holding a strong topline.

2ND Sunsong Keep Dreaming (Mrs S Seath)

Another quality bitch from this kennel. Correct size and type in good coat. Lovely feminine head and shape of eye. Good length of neck and shoulders. Topline slightly unsettled on the move.

Dachshund (Wire-Haired) –Open Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees 1

1ST Aventine Dolcetto (Mrs L J Coverley)

Balanced bitch of correct size and type, correct coat. Feminine head with most gentle expression. Lovely, elegant neck. Good shoulders. Good length of keel and ribbing leading to a short strong loin. Good hind angulation. Moved well holding a solid topline. RBB

2ND Allfreys Helena (Miss C P Gibson)

Lovely bitch with good proportions, size, and correct coat. Feminine head with gentle expression. Good arched neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing and good hind angulation.

Moved out well.

Dachshund (Wire-Haired) –Special Beginners Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees 1

1ST Derdledash Dakota at Dakotadax (Miss A Dickinson)

Balanced bitch of lighter type. Good correct coat. Feminine head, good length of neck. Would pre-fer better shoulder placement. Good length of ribbing. Strong short loin, good hind angulation. Moved well holding her topline. BSB