- Show Date: 05/08/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Mike Lewin Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Paignton & District Fanciers' Association
Paignton 2022
Flatcoated Retrievers
I would like to thank the committee for their kind invitation to judge at this well organised and friendly West Country show. I really appreciated the exhibitors’ entries, some of whom had travelled a significant distance in these financially difficult times. We were followed in the ring by Labradors and the efficiency of the stewards ensured everything went as planned.
I was pleased to see that there were very few round eyes in my entry but was surprised by a number of level bites, a couple of exhibits where misplaced canine teeth were going into the roof of their mouths and one exhibit which was actually unable to fully close its mouth.
There was some evidence of exaggerated rears which often results in exhibits standing cow hocked and flat feet the latter can be improved with roadwork. That being said I was delighted with my final line-up and pleased so see them all either placed or shortlisted in their respective groups.
SBD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: SMITH, Mrs Linda None RUDDLEBERRY DARK PHOENIX, 9 months old with masculine head and correctly shaped dark eye. Well put together with strong front and plenty of coat. Slightly erratic on the move as you’d expect at this age. Best Special Beginner.
2nd MILTON, Mrs Amelie-Claire Manteauplat Montbazillac, 11mths old with lovely head and dark almond shaped eyes. Beautifully made with good depth of body. His movement was also erratic today and he was proud of his tail.
3rd: HAYMAN, Miss J Tikkidui Showmans Dream
PD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2119 BELLAMY, Miss Abby & BELLAMY, Mrs Penny Bochilbarley Goblet of Fire, at the gangly stage but with a pleasing outline. Typical head with correctly shaped dark eyes and good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Still needing to fill his frame as you would expect. Sympathetically handled he moved soundly for his age.
3rd: 2162 MILTON, Mrs Amelie-Claire Manteauplat Montbazillac
JD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: LUNDQVIST, Miss Caroline CACI'S CAPTAIN MARVEL, 18 mths old, impressive looking and beautifully presented. Correctly shaped head with dark almond shaped eyes, strong neck into well put together body with good depth. Quality bone and tight feet, moving he really flowed around the ring.
2nd: TAMBLYN, Mrs Sharon Pibboli Peran The Magician, 14 mth Liver dog, head with well set neat ears, would prefer a tighter eye but with sufficient length of neck into soundly made body with good depth. He is lacking his furnishings but this should come with maturity. Proud of his tail on the move.
YD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: KEARTON, Mrs S D Braemist Bootlegger at Ravenhall, presents a beautiful outline stacked and has a classical one piece head with a twinkling eye and well set neat ears. With adequate length of neck, he is well made all through, in beautiful coat and moved soundly with his runner. I would prefer just slightly more bone.
2nd: LUNDQVIST, Miss Caroline CACI'S GOOGLE MY NAME, a different type to 1, he fills your eye when stacked and on the move. Pleasing masculine head with kind dark eye and strong neck his adequate construction did not match that of the winner but he was beautifully presented and expertly handled.
3rd: 2176 TAMBLYN, Mrs Sharon Pibboli PeranTthe Magician
PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MILLBANK, Mr & Mrs Roger & Maureen Skybrook Sandpiper of Larksdown, a typy 4 year old dog, typical head with dark eye and kind expression, he has good length of neck and is adequately constructed. Was really giving his handler a hard time but his place was well deserved and he moved well with his runner.
2nd: 2154 LUNDQVIST, Miss Caroline CACI'S HEY I'M MR GREEN, a flashy and sound moving dog who holds his topline on the move. Masculine head without any coarseness dark eye and mischievous expression. Strong neck, quality bone and tight feet. I would prefer less rear angulation.
3rd: 2157 MAY, Mrs S Ronevorg Dark Angel at Lussac JW
LD (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ARMSTRONG, Mrs Kathryn Bitcon Magic Marker, this typy 2 year old dog really demands your attention standing and on the move. He has a masculine head with correctly shaped eyes and good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Well angled fore and aft with quality bone, he has good depth of body with a square loin and short hocks. Holding his level topline stacked and moving. Expertly handled with sound driving movement. I was delighted to award him the CC, later BOB and see him placed Group 4 in good company on a very hot day.
2nd: 2180 WALKER, Mrs L Lizzlog. Shotgun Harry JW, 4 yrs old with a beautiful outline and well made all through. His masculine head is not as quite as refined as 1 but he is a sound and tidy mover, sympathetically handled with an ever wagging tail.
3rd: JONES, Miss L S Hightyne Unforgettable At Braemist
OD (8 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: TROTTER, Mrs & Mr M & I Ch Lussac Winter Wizard JW, an unexaggerated 3 year old dog of an ideal size. Masculine head with correctly shaped twinkling dark eyes. Good length of neck, into strongly constructed forequarters, he is balanced, moderate all through and in hard muscular condition. Moving soundly on tight feet. RCC.
2nd: 2181 WALKER, Mrs L Sh Ch Lizzlog Buzz Lightyear, another dog of the correct size and a worthy Ch. Soundly constructed with lovely bone and moving well on tight feet holding his top line. His short tail never stopped wagging, I just preferred the head of 1.
3rd: 2149 LUNDQVIST, Miss Caroline Su (u) Su (u) Ch CACI'S BROTHER IN ARMS
VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BLAIN, Mrs Wendy Sh Ch Caci's Just A Gigolo At Steelriver (IMP SWE), an 8 year old with lovely masculine head with dark eyes and well set neat ears. Excelling in construction with short hocks and in great condition he has quality bone and tight feet.
2nd: NIELSEN, Ms Helle Dk Hun Swed Norw Ger Starworkers You Keep Surprising Me, 7 years old with a beautiful outline standing and is not overdone in anyway. He is in good condition and never stopped waging his tail. I preferred the more refined head of 1.
SBB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: LEGG, Mrs Jenny Ruddleberry Phoenix Song, a scopey 9 mth old bitch with feminine head and correctly shaped eyes and neatly set ears. She is at the gangly stage at the moment and will hopefully grow into her frame as she matures.
PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2124 CHAMBERS, Miss Caroline Hototo Pretty Ballerina, a very pretty and beautifully put together quality young lady with unexaggerated angles fore and aft. Short hocked and adequate bone she moved with drive on tight feet. BP & Puppy Group 2.
2nd: LEGG, Mrs Jenny Ruddleberry Phoenix Song.
3rd: JACKSON, Mrs Adriana & JACKSON, Mr Nigel Manteauplat Margaux
JB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: THURGOOD, Mrs S J & HOLMES, Ms EMC FINHAMSPRIDE CLIO, it is hard to miss the beautiful head on this soundly put together bitch. She oozes quality with ample bone, a level topline and ever wagging tail. Certainly one to watch.
2nd: FORD, Ms Helen Lussac Yawl of Percuil JW, in outline similar to 1 with a feminine head, good length of neck and angles fore and aft. Shown in lovely condition with level topline and ever wagging tail.
3rd: 2117 BELLAMY, Miss Abby Moontorn Better Half of Me JW
YB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: JONES, Miss L S Braemist Witches Fire, mature looking 18 mth old bitch with very feminine head, dark eye and neat well set ears. Beautifully constructed with square loin, short hocks and full of condition. Sound moving.
2nd: FORD, Ms Helen Lussac Yawl of Percuil JW
3rd: STEVENSON, Miss S Blacktoft Caress of Steelriver JW
NB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: LAST, Mrs Vivienne Harlistream Bee's Knees, a typy bitch who was not presented to advantage. Much to like with square loin and short hocks she moved well.
2nd: STEVENSON, R Feldkirk Rose N'Roses, presents a pleasing outline when stacked which is kept on the move she still has some maturing to do. I would prefer a slightly darker eye.
3rd: HOLLINGDALE, MRS E A Aylawbrook Noones Perfect
PGB (10 Entries) Abs: 0
There was a lot of variation in size here, some flying tails and lack of in general condition in some exhibits.
1st: WALKER, Mrs L Lizzlog Nun On The Run, a showgirl with a beautiful outline of an ideal size. Pleasing head with good reach of neck into soundly constructed body sympathetically handled and moving well.
2nd: STEVENSON, R Caci's Born to be Miss Universe (Imp. Swe.), from a larger mould. Beautiful feminine head and well made all through with correct topline and lovely turn of stifle her tail never stopped wagging.
LB (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: PHIPPS-BAKER, Mrs S E & BAKER, Mr I R, Never Say Never Oasis Of Peace to Maddouse (Cze Imp), a bitch of the correct size in full bloom with a feminine one piece head. Would prefer a slightly darker eye. Good length of neck into strongly constructed front. Level topline, square loin and correct rear angles. Sound moving with good tail action. Seriously considered for top honours.
2nd: JACOBS, Mrs Gemma & JACOBS, Mr Mark & KNIGHT, Mrs Gemswin Dressed For Success, similar in size to 1. Typical feminine head with good reach of neck into well made body with correct topline. Lovely turn of stifle and short hocks she is sound moving and animated. Just lacking the coat of 1 today.
3rd: MANTLE, Miss J Almanza Ain't Nobody's Business At Rhiewvalley
OB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: LUNDQVIST, Miss Caroline Su (u) Ch DK Ch CACI'S TOP NOTCH GIRL, certainly living up to her name, beautifully presented with a lovely head and dark eye, good length of neck into excellent front construction. Level topline, correct rear angles and quality bone she was shown in hard condition her driving movement really catching your eye. RCC.
2nd: HOLMES, Mrs Jo Wiccanssage virtue at Rydanah, a size smaller than 1 with pretty feminine head and dark eye. Adequate length of neck into well made front with deep chest. Correct loin, lovely turn of stifle, short hocks and sufficient bone. Not the movement of 1 today.
VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: JACOBS, Mrs Gemma & JACOBS, Mr Mark & KNIGHT, Mrs JWW15 Moonstruck Macadamia, beautiful feminine head with correct eye shape and colour. Good length of neck into strongly constructed front with pleasing depth. Correct topline, lovely turn of stifle and short hocks. Her unexaggerated outline is just what I was looking for. Handled to advantage she moved freely on tight feet. Delighted to award her the CC which I understand was her third. Best Veteran and shortlisted in veteran group.
2nd: MILTON, Mrs Amelie-Claire Madelea Magic Tricks, from a smaller mould, with pleasing head and adequate length of neck. In full coat and well made all through with square loin and short hocks. Her movement did not match 1.