• Show Date: 10/09/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Michael House Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Richmond Dog Show Society

Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback

Richmond Championship Dog Show

10th September 2022

Rhodesian Ridgebacks

Thank you to the Richmond committee for my first championship appointment judging Rhodesian Ridgebacks. I was impressed with the overall quality of my entry. Temperaments and coat conditions were impeccable, and all bites correct. Majority of ridges were correct only finding a small number with offset crowns which I considered in balance with the whole dog. I also found some block and kink tails which I do consider a more serious fault, although mindful any damage found towards the base of the tail can be due to injury and not genetic. I was delighted with the size of our ring which I took full advantage of when assessing movement to validate my placings.

Class 1038 Veteran Dog - 2 (1 ab)

1 st: Walker’s Amahle Don’t Stop Me Now

Well-proportioned unexaggerated dog, solid in construction with plenty of bone. Masculine clean head with endearing round open eye. Would prefer just a little less cheek to perfect the picture. Strong well shaped neck flowing into quality shoulders. In his maturity stood confident and proud on good feet. Nice gentle turn of stifle with well let down hocks, correct slope of croup and tail set. Used his pasterns well in movement with controlled footfall.

Class 1039 Minor Puppy Dog - 4 (2 ab)

1st: Geeve’s Kiromol The Kinsman

Super youngster oozing appeal with a smart silhouette, well-muscled and balanced frame for one so young. Well-proportioned head shape with level planes and perfect measure of stop with good depth of muzzle. Just the right amount of infill of chest with clean slope of shoulder, good return of upper arm with brisket finishing to elbow. Quality of bone on strong knuckled toes providing strength in movement with accurate footfall. He owned the ring, and I had no hesitation to award this younger BPIB.

2nd: Jeffery’s Negasi Thorin At Rexgrove

Another impressive youngster with bundles of appeal. He is a totally different stamp to no.1 built on a larger frame, and hence will need more time to mature. Time which no doubt will be well worth the wait. A masculine head with good measures leading into quality length of neck. A perfect stop with strength and length of muzzle with captivating eye giving the most eloquent of expressions. Very hound like in structure built on a quality frame with ample of bone standing on compact feet. He is still developing into his frame which made his gait on the day loose and high stepping. Quite rightly his handler allowing him to enjoy his time in the ring and not to push him too hard. This will come together as he matures, and he will be one to watch.

Class 1040 Puppy Dog - 3 (2 ab)

1st: Catharell and Larkin’s Asharaa’s Perfect Match With Faahac

A beautiful rich pigmentation on this liver nosed boy portraying a confident relaxed demeanour. A large round eye framed with a good ear placement which enhances his lovely soft expression. Well-toned structure with quality oval bone and strength in pastern. Appealing rear quarters with good width of first and second thigh, gentle turn of stifle and well let down hocks. Would prefer just like a little more length in upper arm to allow him that extra reach in front stride.

Class 1041 Junior Dog – 3 (1 ab)

1st: Pearces’s Msingi Let It Be

15-month-old quality red wheaten. Stallion of a male with masculine head, good drop in stop, length of muzzle with a strong clean underjaw. Muscular reach of neck leading into good forequarters and return of upper arm. Impressive well-built body frame and measures standing on quality bone and well-shaped compact feet. Powerful loin with correct slope of croup and tail set. Imposing strength in gait with good drive when he got his act together. This young male has so much promise and I seriously considered him for RDCC, but felt he is still quite young and has plenty of maturing ahead of him to fulfil his potential. His time will come.

2nd: Larkin’s Loki Desert Marvel (Imp Lva)

Another 15-month-old male, attractive and clean in outline. Appealing head shape with level planes set on good shape and reach of neck. Just the right amount of fore chest seen from profile view. Standing on quality oval bone and well arched toes. Gentle sweeping curve of stifle and well let down hocks. A very pleasing young boy just would prefer a little more length in body to finish the picture.

Class 1042 Yearling Dog – 5 (1ab)

1st: Pearce’s Msingi Let It Be

2nd: Cotton’s Royalridge Born To Run

Young wheaten male steadily maturing into his frame presenting an unexaggerated outline. Strong head heavier in proportion to no.1 with good depth of muzzle, would prefer a little larger eye to compliment his expression. A clean powerful neck into sloping shoulder, good depth of brisket and well ribbed up. Strong bone with good widths of first and second thigh. I was impressed with his movement conveying strength in his pasterns with a steady and powerful stride.

3rd: Larkin’s Loki Desert Marvel (Imp Lva)

Class 1043 Novice Dog – 2 (1ab)

1st: Larkin’s Loki Desert Marvel (Imp Lva)

Class 1044 Post Graduate Dog – 2

1st: Mccann’s Kazembe Lightbearer of Umzingell

A larger stamp male well up to size. Masculine well shaped head with good planes, dark eye, correct definition of cheek bone and wide nostrils. Quality built frame with good fore and rear quarters. Would prefer a little more length in ribbing. Well boned with strong pasterns. Just needs to body up to fill his frame. Excelled in movement, controlled and light-footed striding out well fore and aft. All attributes for an endurance hound. I will watch with interest as he matures.

2nd: Picton’s Priorpark Point And Click Jw

Smart liver nosed with a light vibrant pigment. Gentle head expression with nice open eye, colour complimenting his coat. Clean in outline with good reach of neck. Depth of brisket to elbow and well ribbed back with good underline and tuck up. Strong loin standing on good oval bone. A little unsettled today in movement and not striding out with foot fall.

Class 1045 Limit Dog – 6 (2 ab)

1st: Webster’s Kazembe Crescendo

Red wheaten 17-month-old presented in hard condition. Quality front assembly with good infill of chest. Superior depth and shape of ribbing. Strong loin with correct drop of croup into powerful rear quarters and well let down hocks. Heavy in bone standing on correct knuckled feet. These attributes he excels in gave him great drive in movement. Another I pulled out to consider for the RCC. He is still a youngster and today quite exuberant on the move, with maturity he will become more settled to achieve those deserved high honours.

2nd: Farleigh’s Kinabula’s Jobs A Good Un

Handsome wheaten with good head shape, level planes, nice drop in stop and quality length of muzzle with strong underjaw. Good depth of brisket and well ribbed back. Strong bone with good width of first and second thigh. Moved out well and light footed, but not quite the drive as 1st.

3rd: Rhodes’s Priorpark Paradice City Of Metalrock

Class 1046 Open Dog – 7 (1ab)

1st: Hurn’s Diamondridge Dark Delight Of Matikiridge

Majestic 3-year-old red wheaten at the start of his prime, well-muscled with clean outline. Good head measures, length of muzzle with correct step in stop and powerful clean cheek. Strong shapely neck set on correct slope of fore quarters. Quality oval bone and correct knuckled feet. Strength in rear with gentle curve of stifle. Nothing overdone. Calm and collective showing a picture of symmetry in profile. Effortless movement with perfect low stride of forearm touching the ground in parallel with the tip of his muzzle. Pleased to award him DCC and BOB and delighted he was shortlisted into the final 8 in the HG.

2nd: Storey & Piehl’s Ch Kiromol Heaven Can wait (A.I)

Well balanced 3-year-old quality wheaten hound. Superb head profile with strength of neck leading into correct shoulder placement and matching return of upper arm. Good infill of chest and depth of brisket to the elbow. Ample width of first and second thigh. Standing on strong pasterns which he demonstrated in movement. In the challenge for RCC he won hands down with his easy light footed and effectless reach of stride. RDCC

3RD: Barnes’s Diamondridge Di Caprio

Class 1047 Special Beginners Dog - 3 (1ab)

1st: Cotton’s Royalridge Born To Run

2nd: Picton’s Priorpark Point And Click Jw

Class 1048 Veteran Bitch - 4 (1ab)

1st: Manfield’s Ch Shingwidsi Tshadi Rose

Beautiful unexaggerated wheaten close to her 8th Birthday. Presented in superb condition. Elegant in outline standing very composed in profile. Head of soft expression with open dark eye, quality muzzle and strength in under jaw. Clean neck into quality slope of forequarters to withers. Powerful back keeping a straight top line when on the move. Strength in loin with good width of first and second thigh, well boned on correct shape feet. Moved out true with steady effortless drive. I judged her when she was a youngster and pleased to see all her attributes remain in her older years. Delighted to award her BVIB and to see her take HG 3.

2nd: :Storey & Piehl’s Ch Kiromol Midsummer Spirit Jw

Stylist 7-year-old wheaten. Clean head with level planes, strength in muzzle and correct definition of cheek bone to accomplish that typical ridgeback expression. Impressive strong reach and shape of neck. Clean sweep into good lay of shoulder and equal return of upper arm. Standing on quality oval bone and great depth of knuckled feet. Strength in gait and pushed hard all the way for the top spot, just preferred overall balance of 1st .

3rd: Hick’s Nuthouse Hot Stuff

Class 1049 Minor Puppy Bitch - 1 (1ab)

Class 1050 Puppy Bitch - 3 (1ab)

1st: Farleigh’s Kinabula’s Coco Melon

Attractive well-formed light wheaten with appealing round dark eye. Clean lines with quality forequarters and infill of chest. Good shape of ribbing drop to elbow and flowing underline carriage. Strong loin and pleasing curve of croup into well placed tail set, just a little too long in cast. Well off for bone and presenting correct slight angle of front pastern in profile. Well-ordered movement with easy gait.

2nd: Jones’s Kinabula’s Can Can Kiwi

Litter sister to no. 1 with amble of appeal. Soft expression with kind eye. Forequarters of good measure, nice slope of shoulder and equal return of upper arm. Well balanced frame with good length of ribbing. Handler needs some more experience to show this bitch to her full potential, hence movement was quite unsteady at times, but I saw just enough to see her demonstrate correct foot fall which I would expect from such a well made hound.

Class 1051 Junior Bitch - 3 (1ab)

1st: Cahane & Davies’s Kiromol Jump For Joy

14-month-old attractive bitch with abundance of elegance combined with strength. Beautiful expression with enchanting dark round eye set off against a gleaming lighter wheaten coat. Level head planes, clean through the cheek and into good length of muzzle. Polished lines flowing into withers and strength of back. Impressive rear quarters, with gentle curve of stifle. Ample bone on well knuckled toes and strength in pastern. Handler took full advantage of ring demonstrating her strength in gait and rear drive. One to watch for the future!

2nd: Cort’s Fantastic Shenzi Hati Singa

Red wheaten bitch of 17 months of age, shorter coupled than 1st. Clean head profile, level planes with correct step of stop, eyes blending in with coat colour. Good length of ribbing to loin ratio. Enough bone for size and well let down hocks. Fore and rear quarters balanced, not the angles of 1st, hence did not reach out in stride.

Class 1052 Yearling Bitch - 5 (1 ab)

1st: Catley & Mcgimpsey’s Royalridge High Hopes

Eye-catching youngster of 16 months of age. Feminine head with good measure. Powerful forequarters with just the right amount of infill, good depth of brisket with pleasing shape of ribbing providing lovely flow of underline into tuck up. Low hocks standing on good shape of foot. I was particularly impressed with her strength of back and core which enabled her to move with power and effortless drive. Pulled out to be considered for the reserve ticket, I am sure she will gain those high honours in maturity.

2nd: Manfield’s Shingwidsi Tshedisa Light

Elegant 18-month-old wheaten. Quality head with equal combination of strength and femininity, lovely dark eye with clean muzzle into cheek bone, soundness of underjaw framed with good ear set. Good depth of brisket with ribbing well set back into strong loin and good widths of rear quarters. In profile she exhibits graceful flowing lines from head to tail, when in motion she is true, and light footed. Very composed demeanour and pushed hard for that number one spot but felt today she was not quite as advanced in her development. One I will be watching with avid interest.

3rd: Pearce’s Msingi Let It Be

Class 1053 Novice Bitch – no entries

Class 1054 Post Graduate Bitch - 4 (2ab)

1st: Storey & Piehl’s Kiromol Tip Toe And Go (A.I)

3-year-old red wheaten well up to size, dry silhouette presented in hard condition. Striking head profile, strong and clean with level planes, correct drop in stop and round dark eye. Quality forequarters, good infill of chest, impressive reach of neck into strong shoulders and equal return of upper arm. Strength in rear assembly with gentle curve over loin and drop of croup into correct set on of tail. Lovely blade of bone scoring highly with strength of pastern permitting power when on the move with controlled and steady gait.

2nd : Cheke’s Kinabula’s Gitana Of Jacapelli

An attractive bitch into her prime at 4 years of age. She has the most endearing expression with open dark eye against a beautiful shade of wheaten. Strength of muzzle with nice width of plane and good ear set framing her head shape. Would prefer a little less cheek. On solid frame with strong infill of chest and good ribbing set well back. Good width of quarters with low hocks. Not as settled today in gait as 1st.

Class 1055 Limit Bitch - 6

1st: Humphrey’s Priorpark Peaky Blinder Jw

Young liver nosed displaying a beautiful rich pigmentation. So well balanced with no exaggeration and flowing clean lines. Purity in head silhouette with level planes, lovely drop in stop with clean cheek bone. Strength in neck with good length and shape set on quality strong shoulders. Good angles of fore and rear quarters in perfect symmetry. Correct drop in croup into tail set. Good width of first thigh with gentle curve of stifle showing strength into second thigh, standing on well knuckled toes. In profile emanating complete confidence which won her the class and considered for the reserve ticket.

2nd: Maidment’s Amahle Spirit Lead Me

Mature 3-year-old well-constructed wheaten showing strength throughout. Beautiful classic head, endearing eye with good ear set and strength in muzzle and underjaw. Quality infill of chest with good slope of shoulder and forearm. Ribbed well back into powerful loin and correct tail set. Standing on quality blade of bone, sound pasterns and strength in feet. Attributes which produced an easy and true foot fall in movement. She pushed hard all the way for that 1st place.

3rd: Storey & Piehl’s Kiromol Mandolin Wind

Class 1056 Open Bitch – 8

1st: Cox’s Ch Carlincox Pure Gold Jw Shcex Osw

A stunning bitch into her prime, a picture of symmetry emulating power and beauty combined. Good head frame with depth of muzzle and strength of underjaw, clean through the cheek bones. Shapely neck flowing into withers and onto a solid body form. The best of fronts with excellent infill and muscled forequarters mirrored by perfect rear angles, strength of loin and gentle curve into croup. Standing on perfect feet. It is no wonder she can move with such power and drive. Delighted to award her the BCC.

2nd: Barnes’s Diamondridge Sweet Delight

So much to admire about this stunning wheaten of 3 years of age. Strength in head with correct drop in stop, powerful muzzle and good width between her dark eyes expelling a soft endearing expression and oozing femininity. Standing on a powerful frame with flowing lines from head to tail. Well boned with strength of fore patterns and rear hocks well let down. Well ribbed back into strong loin, quality of croup and rear quarters. She is built for endurance and did not disappoint in movement. She owned the ring in the challenge for the reserve spot striding out with perfect combination of drive and grace. A well deserved RBCC.

3rd: Parson’s Priorpark Pot Kettle Black Jw

Class 1057 Special Beginners Bitch – 3 (1ab)

1st: Cheke’s Kinabula’s Gitana Of Jacapelli

2nd: Cort’s Fantastic Shenzi Hati Singa

Mr Michael John House ( Kemgordoni )