• Show Date: 09/07/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Michael Blay Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Cesky Terrier

East Of England Championship Dog Show.


Cesky Terriers.

Judge. Mike Blay

Puppy Dog. 2 entries 1 Absent

1. Fewings. Komidion Schubert. Young dark male of a lovely type, but very immature, liked his head shape, of correct proportions, good neck and well laid shoulders, correct rib development for his age, liked his body shape when settled, with his slight rise to a well arched loin. Correct angulation behind. Still needs time to settle down on the move, but showed enough drive about him to allow me to award him the class.

Post Grad Dog. 2,0.

1. Harris. Kessima One and Only. Lighter grey dog with pleasing head of a good shape, strong neck and well placed shoulders, good rib and strong loin, for me preferred topline of 2, well muscled rear and liked his movement both going and coming towards, in good coat.

2. Goundry. Komidion Rimsky Korakov at Sarminija. Liked his boy’s type, but wouldn’t settle on the table, good head with correct blunt triangle shape, good neck and correct through shoulder, well off for rib and preferred topline over 1, good angles behind, but on this occasion wasn’t playing ball on his movement. Very stop start and not the drive and propulsion of 1.

Limit Dog. 2,1.

1. Burrage, Sametova Bacary. Light grey dog of good shape and size, good head shape, with correct proportions, good ear carriage, strong neck of correct length, good shoulders and front, well ribbed and correct topline, strong loin and well of for muscle in his hind quarters, well let down hocks, found him in good coat, liked his movement, straight coming towards, and propulsive behind.

Open Dog.

1. England & Burrage. Ch Ashleyheaths Black Thunder ShCM ShCex. Dog I’ve judge before and once again didn’t disappoint, correct head shape and rectangular body, good strength and length to neck and well laid shoulders, straight front legs, good ribs and correct topline with slight rise to a well arched loin, muscular rear quarters which he used to his advantage, super movement straight and true both going and coming towards and you can see his drive in profile, pleased to award him BOB and watch him get short listed in the Group.

2. Tobijanski. Ch Janski Bururovski. Another fine example of the breed, good head and correct body shape, strong neck and good shoulders found him in good coat, straight front legs and well off for rib, strong loin and correct topline, another with sound hind quarters although on the day just not the drive of 1 on the move.

Veteran Dog. 2,1

1. Tobijanski. Janski Kallioe Jones (Re-Imp). 10 yr. old make of super type, loved his shape when stood, good head shape correct muzzle length and good proportions when viewed from above, good neck and shoulders and good front, well sprung ribs and strong relatively long loin, correct in to line and well coated. Strong behind with strong upper thighs and well let down hocks. Moved well but just lacking the oomph of open winner, but pleased to give him RBD.

Puppy Bitch. 2,0

1. Burrage. Komidion Sonatafor Sametova. two from the same litter as the Puppy dog and all very similar, splitting hairs on this occasion I choose this bitch who I’m sure has a bright future. Loved her head shape and sparkle in her eye, good neck and clean front, correct body shape and enough bone for her age, liked her angles behind and when settled won the class on her movement today, just showing more drive than 2. BP

2. Goundry. Komidion Symphoniques at Sarminija. Like peas in a pod, super head and loved her body shape, good front and well ribbed for age. coming along nicely for a pup, correct shape to rear, just not the maturity on the move as 1 on the day.

Junior Bitch. 1,0

1. Dukes & Rodgers. Runiks Akreepa of Dragons. Dark grey bitch, liked her head shape and proportions from above, good neck and clean front, well ribbed, but slightly too flat on topline for me, like her length to body and well-muscled thighs. Moved well with plenty of propulsion.

Post Grad Bitch. 2,0

1. Pratt. Proxmima Centauri. Grey bitch with correct body shape and size when stood. Head of a good shape, good eye and well set ears, strong neck and correct shoulders, good front and well sprung ribs, correct topline with slight rise going over the loin, strong muscled rear with good angulation, preferred movement of 2 but won this class on better topline today.

2. Dukes & Rodgers. Runiks Akreepa of Dragons. As Junior 1st

Limit Bitch. 2,0

1. Dukes & Rodgers. Placido Musical Miracle at Runiks. two lovely examples, liked her shape when stood and super angles both front and behind, good head shape, strong neck and well laid shoulders, well of for rib and strong loin, correct topline with slight rise over well arched loin. Strong behind and won her class over 2 with her drive and straight lines on the move.

2. Fewings. Komidion Rhapsody in Ryme. Another who I liked the shape of. Good head shape and like proportions to body, found her in good coat, strong behind, but not the showmanship of 1 on the move today.

Open Bitch. 4,1

1. Tobijanski. Janski Soduvuitch. Super class which could see the first two swapping places on another day. Liked this bitch’s head and expression, good proportions to head, clean neck and shoulders, preferred front to 1 today, well sprung rib and strong loin with good rise over loin, well muscled rear quarter and super movement, splitting hairs, preferred tail set on move which won her this class and BB and RBOS.

2. Burrage. Komidion Prima Donna of Sametova. Another lovely bitch, super head shape, clean through neck and shoulders, well sprung rib and strong loin with correct slight rise. Well muscled behind which she used to her advantage on the move, powerful yet graceful, just nit picking on the tail set when gaiting today.

3. Fewings. Komidion Passionato.

Veteran Bitch.

1. Burrage. Ch Komidion Night Music at Sametova ShSCm ShCEx VW. Would love to say what a find, but at 12 yrs young more like long may she continue, super shape when stood and doesn’t disappoint when you get your hands on her, classic head shape, good neck and shoulders, clean straight front, well sprung ribs and good body proportions, correct topline and super muscle tone for her age, came alive on the move with fabulous drive and straight lines both going away and coming towards. So pleased to give her RBB and Best Vet then see her go Vet group 3.

2. Harris. Lastarean Knezna Lenk. Lighter grey, of a good type, but unlucky to come across 1 in such fine form, liked her body shape and size when stood, good angles both front and back and found her in good coat, just not the drive and propulsive movement of 1 on the day.