• Show Date: 13/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mervyn Evans Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Bournemouth Canine Association

Breed: Toy, Puppy and Special Beg Groups


Toy Group

I would like to thank the officers and committee of Bournemouth Championship show for their hospitality and for giving me the opportunity to judge the Toy Group, Toy Puppy Group, Special Beginners Toy Group and The Kennel Club Breeders Competition at their show and to all the breed judges who sent forward excellent breed types for a very strong Toy group Toy Puppy Group and Special Beginners Toy Group

In the Toy group I short listed for further consideration Bichon Frise, CKCS, Long Coat Chihuahua, Chinese Crested, English Toy Terrier {Black and Tan}, Japanese Chin, Papillion, Pomeranian and the Pug the eventual winners are listed below.

1st DUNLOP’s Ch Habiba Hold My Purse - CHINESE CRESTED -Bitch I have previously awarded this bitch her crowning CC, Best of Breed and Toy Group 1 and she continued to improve since I last judged her portraying real showmanship in the ring again today. Lovely refined exhibit with the softest of skin with enough crest to set off the picture standing and moving, slightly elongated skull dark almond shape eyes giving lovely expression, good clean correct dentition, long slopping neck and shoulders well laid-back moderate, rather broad and deep chest, correct hare type feet, good tail set and carriage, long sweeping stifle, with level top line lovely graceful movement.

2nd COAD’s Jap Ch Trinity JP Dream Come True (Imp) NAF - BICHON FRISÉ -Bitch. Liked this bitch for her shape & make, pleasing head & expression, lovely dark eyes with excellent pigmentation, well-proportioned neck good spring of ribs and good depth of brisket, good shoulders and front, topline level topline both standing and, on the move, and lovely tail set and carriage, super coat of correct texture, Well-made hind quarters which she uses well when moving. Very sound & looked lovely going around the ring. presentation first class,

3rd CAWTHERA-PURDY’s Ch Lireva's Wildest Dreams - POMERANIAN -Dog. Lovely male with all the attributes of a Pom, lovely head and expression, correct eye shape and the neatest of ears, correctly set on head, small stop with correct jaw and bite, correct texture of coat with high tail set full of plume, lovely coated dog with a nice body weight, nice to see a dog move so sound, correct angulation with sound front with neat feet, he was a picture to watch on move. presentation excellent

4th ROBB’s Gleniren Daddy's Starmaker – PAPILLON- Bitch Super outline both standing and on the move. Lovely head, with darkest of eye, and good pigmentation. ears correct size and set which she well used well with good fringing. Straight front, fine boned and hare feet. Nice reach of neck, level topline both standing and, on the move, good spring of rib, well-turned stifle. Correct tail set with tail carried well over back and well plumed. In good coat with profuse ruff and fringes. Flowed around the ring as one with handler.

Judge: Mr T M Evans


Toy Group – Puppy

I short listed for further consideration Bichon Frise, Bolognese, Long Coat Chihuahua, Chinese Crested, English Toy Terrier {Black and Tan}, Griffon Bruxellois, Japanese Chin, Papillion, Pekingese, Pomeranian and the Pug the eventual winners are listed below.

1st ROBB’s Gleniren Daddy's Starmaker – PAPILLON- Bitch Super outline both standing and on the move. Lovely head, with darkest of eye, and good pigmentation. ears correct size and set which she well used well with good fringing. Straight front, fine boned and hare feet. Nice reach of neck, level topline both standing and, on the move, good spring of rib, well-turned stifle. Correct tail set with tail carried well over back and well plumed. In good coat with profuse ruff and fringes. Flowed around the ring as one with handler. 4th in Toy group

2nd COAD’s Deizi He's the One with Pamplona - BICHON FRISÉ- Dog. This youngster has the most wonderful outline both standing and on the move. His overall conformation was excellent. Has just the right amount of leg to create a super overall balance. Good pigment throughout and a lovely coat of the correct texture which was presented beautifully.

3rd : ROBB’s Gleniren All Eyes On Me - POMERANIAN -Bitch This is a real show girl,correct head and skull type, good neat ear set with short stop, good mouth and correct bite, nice shape eye making lovely expression, rather short neck . fine boned straight forequarters, compact body with good top line and high tail set and correct carriage, nice bodyweight with good movement back and front, excellent presentation

4th : EASDON & MARTIN’s Yakee Expecting Miracles – PEKINGESE Dog. Small well balanced male good expression fairly large head with correct proportions and flat skull, nostrils wide and opened, defined stop with good pigmentation, dark clear round eyes., firm under jaw, forequarter heavily boned, with good shoulders ,good distinct waist, level topline, large flat feet, high set tail, correct coat texture slow dignified movement,


Toy Group – Special Beginners

1st : VAN ZYL’s Shumllea Hot Spot of BrightHound - CHINESE CRESTED - Dog lovely male, balanced and very typical. Excellent head and expression, first class forehand and adequate depth and breadth of chest. Strong, well rounded and muscular rump. Smooth fine skin. On the move he is sound with plenty of drive from the rear and some reach in front.

2nd : CRAIK’s Mopseyscoton Bubbli Bunni - COTON DE TULEAR --Bitch I liked her balance and shape and has the balance in head ratios, dark and expressive eyes, well set ear and strong jaw. topline rises slightly to a well-muscled loin and falls away gently over the croup to a low set tail, good in front and with the cotton coat and well carried tail, she moved and showed well, excellent presentation.

3rd : DIXON & DIXON’s Witchstone Who Dares Wins - ENGLISH TOY TERRIER (BLACK & TAN) – Dog Well arched neck shapely topline and croup, good turn of stifle and drop of fore leg from shoulder, good pasterns and feet. Warm expression, almond eye and good strength to foreface, high set ears, of lovely shape. Moved well enough coming with good reach

4th :CENTELLA RODRIGUEZ’s PIZPIRETA DE TALONKAN - ITALIAN GREYHOUND-Bitch Lots of quality here, all her curves in exactly the right places and held her topline both moving and standing. Pretty head and melting expression, used her ears well. Paid such attention to her handler and did everything required of her. Moved to very well.

The Kennel Club Breeders Competition Toy

1st: Cawthera Purdy’s - Pomeranian

2nd: Rhodes’s - CKCS

Judge: Mr T M Evans