• Show Date: 07/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Melanie Vincent Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Paignton & District Fanciers' Association

Breed: Bulldog

Paignton & DFA 07/08/22


I would like to thank the Officers and Committee of P&DFA for their invitation to judge, their fabulous hospitality and providing me with 2 lovely helpful stewards. Also, to the exhibitors for my small but quality entry in very hot weather. Some general observations: Panting - yes it was hot, and yes I moved exhibits outside, however my principal winners were not panting. When a Bulldog pants he looks as if he is smiling and laughing when he is supposed to look stoic with a sour expression, so it does spoil expression and in some classes this was one factor I took into consideration when placing. Tails; a pump handle tail has always been in the breed standard, although there were no unhealthy tails present, and I did tail check every exhibit, there were quite a few short tails, and tails set too high with one exhibit having its tail almost between its pin bones. Again, this was another factor taken into consideration when having to decide placings. Teddy Bear jaws, these are creeping back in again, and again they spoil expression as the dog looks like a friendly teddy bear rather than sour, narrow underjaws and heavy jowls contribute to this. Hind angulation, yes, they do have to have some, a reasonable return of stifle leading to well let down hocks not a straight line from point of buttocks to the floor, otherwise they could not leap directly upwards 3 ft as they were designed to do.  All exhibits were presented in healthy, clean conditions, no gunky eyes, ears and folds, no greasy coats and no chalk – thank you! I thought my 2 line ups were extremely pleasing.  I had no doubt that my BOB would pass the most thorough of veterinary examinations.  

MPD (3/2) 1 Freeman’s Testwood Total Eclipse, R/W baby of just 6 mths, absolutely fabulous in all respects, attractive head shape with ironing board lay back, true jaw with super upsweep, open nostrils, clear clean dark eye, flat skull, neat ears, correct expression, straight front with plenty of bone, brisket will finish with age, defined tack on of shoulder, desired definition to topline, leading to muscular (even at his age) hind quarters with good tail and angulation carried himself soundly and typically on well knuckled feet. I just could not deny him BPD, BPIB and was then thrilled when he was placed PG4 in a full group under Mr Andrew Stewart.

PD (3/1) 1 Mayo’s Gasholi Polar Bear Dance, white 10 mths, sour expression with excellent width and return of underjaw, good foreface and layback, wide nostrils clean clear eyes, flat skull between neat ears, strong neck, his front will mature on but he has plenty of bone there. Muscular neck and good tack on of shoulder. He has a great side silhouette with topline rising to very muscular thighs, good tail, with well let down hocks, lovely hind anglulation, knuckled up feet convey him in sound typical movement. There are areas he needs to mature on will be his best in months to come. 

2 Hanvey’s Captainbull I'm Bronson, 10 mths r/w, immature for his age, however an attractive type. Lovely head piece coming, sour outlook, flat skull, good jaw and width of muzzle, full nose roll but unobtrusive, clear dark eye, neat ears, has tack on, topline and ribbing, muscular thighs, correct tail, I would prefer a tad more hind angulation, good feet. Moved out OK, He is a little tight in front currently, however he has a lot of growing up still to do. 

JD (1) 1 Haines, Homesweetcan Chester Justafiabull NAF (ESP IMP), 12 mths r/w very good type over all, lovely front but head got to come, however, good width and return of underjaw, wide nostrils, clear eye, neat ears, full but unobtrusive nose roll. His handler was late in the ring making him huff however he was settled for the challenge showing desired expression. Defined tack on, ribbed up good topline, tail short but free, muscular thighs, excellent angled hindquarters, moved out soundly with correct hind movement on tidy feet, stood alone but worthy winner. Another slowly maturing lad.

YD (1) 1 DAVIES Baalzebul Cupids' Beau, 17 mth r/w, good quality type all through,  attractive head piece with good width and depth of foreface, lay back, return of underjaw, dark eye, wide nares, unobtrusive nose roll, flat skull with neat ears, strong neck, straight front, tacked on shoulder, enough brisket, good ribbing and lovely rise to topline over loins, muscular thighs, good tail and the very best of hind angulation. Moved out soundly would prefer a tighter knuckling of foot to complete picture. Laughing in his class due to being happy, but settled for the challenge with good expression, considered for the RCC couldn’t get past the maturity of my RCC winner but his day will come.

ND (2/1) 1 Bland & McGelligott’s Wilsonpride Enjoy the Ride with Leximus, 11 mth r/w desirable overall shape, head is still coming but has wide upswept jaw, thick chop, open nostrils, well placed dark eye good foreface and sour expression, rosed ears, needs to mature into his wrinkle a bit more.  Straight front with plenty of bone, brisket and tack on, well sprung ribs and with tuck up, defined topline. Muscular thighs, small but free tail, tidy feet moving very typically behind. Another who will have to wait a few months to be at his best. Again, a worthy winner standing alone. 

PGD (4/1) 1 Hunter’s Huntthorn Good Vibrations, 2 yrs r/w very nice type over all, good head shape, sour expression, neat ears, good upsweep, dark eye, fine wrinkle with split nose roll, open nostrils, good front and bone with depth of chest and tack on, pear shaped body with sprung rib, excellent hind quarters, short tail but loose, moved out soundly fore and aft on tidy feet. 

2 Vosper’s Busterleigh Pinball Wizard, 3 yrs w/f, I have judged this lad before and I really like him but his heart was not in it today, stunning head piece with a massive wide underjaw, flat skull with fine wrinkle and neat ears, beautiful large dark clean eyes, good upsweep, sour outlook, straight front, desired body shape, short but free tail, lovely muscular rear end with good angles, neat feet. 

3 Ellis-Payne’s Chayo Fire Starter

LD (6) Strong class of quality dogs. 

1 Nash’s Smoochabull He Got Game, 19 mths tiger brn/w, wow this is a proper old-fashioned Bulldog, well knitted, cloddy ole heap of a dog as they used to say. Good wide jaw with upsweep and width between lowr canines, length to fore face, clean clear dark eye, brick shaped head, wider nostrils than most racehorses I know! Neatly rosed ears, well tacked on to shoulder, straight front, deep brisket, well ribbed up, correct rise to muscular loin, excellent tail, correct return of stifle to well let down hocks, moved typically and soundly fore and aft. Had a look at him for top honours, I just felt his heart wasn’t in it and at that level of competition I was splitting hairs. He will have his day I have no doubt. 

2 Briddon’s Miristar Rocyn Rebel 16 mths r/w litter brother to my BCC. The absolute best of heads in all respects, flat skull, rose ears, clear dark eye, wide under jaw with desired upsweep, no heavy wrinkle.  Cobby short coupled body with good topline tuck up, hind quarters and free tail, moves typically and soundly, put down in hard condition. A beautiful type all through and absolutely nothing to dislike about him simply unlucky to meet 1. 

3 Coburn’s Bullmont Lord of the Manor

OD (7/2) Another hotly contested class. 

1 Hanley’s Blenhiemstar Star Lord, 3 yrs r/w not flashy but a stunning lad to go over, beautifully balanced upstanding dog, clean limbed and clean lined, completely free from exaggeration yet retaining Bulldog type throughout. Head properties to die for, large flat skull between thin rosed ears, fine wrinkle, clear clean dark eye, large nose with open nares, unobtrusive nose roll, good length of fore face, wide and true between lower canines, well turned perfect fitting jaw, straight front, with tack on, pear shape body, plenty of heart room, well sprung barreled rib, good tuck up and topline not carrying an ounce of fat anywhere.  The best of hind quarters with correctly defined well let down hocks, good tail, superbly muscled second thigh, neat feet.  Sound determined movement both ways in typical fashion, really walks his width, put down in hard, fit, clean condition. Delighted that he was short listed in the group by Mrs Wildman. DCC & BOB and my steward informed me that this was his 3rd CC Congratulations! 

2 Rodgers New Soul Origin Of Belushi (Imp) Fra, 3 yrs r/w different type to 1, the most attractive quality lad from the top drawer, not over done anywhere, clean head, flat skull with depth through, lovely upsweep and good under jaw, well laid back, open nostrils, clear eye and neat ears, all adding up to a good sour expression. Enough neck leading to good tack on, full brisket, straight forelegs, well boned, short body, good roach, lovely muscular hindquarters with sufficient angulation, good feet all round which carried him along typically and soundly.  For absolute perfection a tad longer tail would be preferred, he was presented in pristine hard condition which clinched him the RCC.  

3 Cunningham’s Saffienna Gypsy King

VD (1) 1 Parker’s Albionpride A Kind Of Magic JW, 7yrs r/w A fabulous lad to whom I have previously awarded a BP and a CC & BOB. Oozes type, has the most desirable head piece with his skull combining length and breadth in proportion, clear clean dark eyes, correct ears, terrific width between lower canines, he is probably the last of the kit kat dogs out there - meaning you can fit 4 fingers between his lower canines, perfect turn of underjaw, thick chops, excellent pigment, split nose roll, stoic expression. His perfectly square front framed by massive boned straight legs, good tack on, strong non stuffy neck, barrelled ribs, correctly defined topline rising over his lighter loin dropping down to muscular thighs and well let down hocks with enough angulation, tail short but free, walks his width typically fore and skims aft soundly on tidy feet. A credit to his owners for presenting him in tip top condition as a veteran and was a credit to myself in the Veteran Group. BV 

MPB (2/1) 1 Burt’s Kenzduo Paddaccio w/r teeny baby of 6 mths, sour expression, dark eye with surrounding pigment coming, good fit of jaw, ears correctly rosed but still a bit flighty, promising body shape but needs to mature in front and rib, hind angulation sufficient, correct pump handle tail, lovely feet, moved out well.  What this baby lacks in maturity she made up for in show girl attitude with personality plus. Put down and presented in sparkling coat. 

PB (4) 1 Allen’s Haddaway Dizzy Miss Lizzy At Rattray, 11 mths br/w, very promising pup, really attractive head piece, correctly set, rose ears, flat skull, dark eye, wide nostril, good foreface, excellent return and width of lower jaw, sour outlook. Good length to neck, square front, short coupled body, plenty of bone and neat feet, typical rise to loin, good tail and angulation. Best head of the class at this stage. Moved typically in all directions BPB. 

2 Mayo’s Gasholi Starlight Evie, 10 mths white, still a way to go to finish, attractive head shape, with length in fore face & layback, nice wide nostrils, clear eye, good pigment, neat ears, straight legs, correct shoulder, pear shaped body, good hind quarters with muscle tone & enough angulation, excellent tail, tidy feet, moved out well, lovely clean presentation, a really lovely pup, little between herself and 1 not as mature as 1 at this stage. 

3 Rodgers Belushi Moonlight Lover 

JB (4/1) Three quality exhibits in this class. 

1 Saxon’s Bagibeli Dancing Queen 13 mths, white, standard, super quality girl. Brick shaped head, flat width between neat ears, fine wrinkle, dark eyes completely dark rimmed, desired layback, length to foreface, and good return of underjaw.  Wide nostrils and simply scowls with sourness!  Nice arch of neck, barrel ribs, deep brisket, straight forelegs, plenty of bone, lovely body shape viewed from side or above, good roaching over the loins, wonderful thick, muscular thighs for her age, excellent hind angulation, hocks well let down, would prefer more tail, put down in clean plush condition, moved out very soundly and typically on knuckled feet. Close decision between this lass and my LB winner for the CC, whilst I dithered she became fidgety, not her fault but had to settle for the RCC on this occasion. I subsequently learned that she and my CC winner are half sisters! 

2 Moody’s Bulldurham All That Jazz 12mths w/r beautiful girl who needs to mature on, very happy and very promising. Desirable head with length of skull, width between correct ears, beautiful large dark eyes surrounded by dark pigment, open nostrils, plenty of foreface, good turn and fit of jaw, can turn milk with her sourness. Front still coming and she needs to fill in behind her shoulder. She has the best of hind quarters with double muscled thighs, well defined hocks and moves soundly and typically. Would prefer slight tighter front feet but road walking will sort this. Immaculate presentation all through one to watch. 

3 Bradshaw’s Brarabus Babooshka 

YB (3/2) 1 Parker’s Andlare Miss Fire At Albionpride 18 mths r/w attractive quality girl all through, good head properties with flat skull, neat ears although a tad large, good fore face and width of muzzle, good upsweep, clean dark eye, wide open nostrils, straight well boned front, plenty of brisket and enough spring of ribs, good tuck up, topline, fabulous tail, superb hind quarters with good angles, neat feet sound and fit. Moved correctly coming and going and put down in pristine condition. Stood alone but well worthy of her win.

NB (1) 1 Burt’s Kenzduo Paddaccio, as MPB. 

PGB (5/1) 1 Mayo’s Gasholi Starlight Gracie 2 yrs r/w well balanced, strong in quality, pleasing head properties, with neat ears, fine wrinkle, clear dark eye, wide nostril, good width of jaw with upturn, sour outlook, square front, straight front legs to fabulous neat feet.  Shoulders nicely tacked on, well ribbed up. Lovely roached topline, muscular thighs, good angulation, well let down hocks and a superb tail.  Moved soundly and typically with the bulldog air of determination. 

2 James Testwood Killer Queen for Boyattbull 2 yrs w/r attractive type good head piece with enough length of foreface & width, open nostril, non-interfering nose roll, clear clean eye, rosed ears, good neck & shoulder, straight front. However, she falls away behind the withers making her roach appear a tad steep. Muscular quarters with sufficient angles, short but free tail moved out well on the best of knuckled feet. 

3 Stutter’s Linmist Reet Petite 

LB (7/6) Strong quality class 

1 Briddon’s Miristar Roces Rockabye 16 mths r/w, correct size standard lass from the top drawer. Flat skull between ultra thin rose ears, very fine wrinkle, well set round, clear clean dark eyes, non interfering full nose roll, black nose and lips, wide well turned jaw with upsweep and length of foreface, good width to head ratio all through to her chops. Expression sour enough to melt titanium!  Plenty of bone and substance yet very feminine, correct tack on of shoulder, straight front, capacious brisket, from above the perfect pear shape, well sprung ribs and narrow waist.  From the side good tuck up, topline, tail set, sufficient turn of stifle and well let down defined hock, beautiful feet, clean and well knuckled.  Moved soundly and correctly with typical roll.  Presented in pristine condition in every nook and cranny, fit and active.  My pleasure to award her the CC BOS In the challenge I gave BOB to the dog based on his maturity and machoness! 

2 Matthews Starora Lucida 3 yrs w/r another beautiful girl, excellent head piece, flat skull, neat ear, dark clean eye with good black pigment, foreface good for length & width, good width of under jaw, unobtrusive nose roll, square straight front, tidy feet, well off for rib & brisket, well defined topline, short but free tail, well let down hocks, muscular thighs, excellent angulation, moved out well, beautifully presented & handled, just losing expression a little whereas the winner did not. 

3 Planson’s Winter Willow At Britishstyle 

OB (8/2) Another strong class of quality girlies.

1 Watkins Shipshape Yuletide Moon, 20 mths white, honest type, good head properties with dark eye and surrounding pigment, black nose open nostrils, nose roll non invasive, good under jaw and plenty of length of skull giving a sour stare. Straight front legs with good bone and knuckled feet, pleasing body properties with defined tack on and ribbing, topline and tuck up. Superb hind quarters thick muscular thighs, excellent return of stifle and well let down hocks, tail OK, moved faultlessly, immaculate presentation. Considered for top honours but I’m sure she will have other opportunities. 

2 Payne’s Fearnought Ethelflaed 3 yrs r/w another beauty, standard size good head with everything she needs in the right place, wide open nostrils, nose roll excellent, good return of jaw, dark eye, rose ears, sour outlook, she has a short coupled body causing topline to be a tad steep, but well tacked on shoulder, nice straight square front, ribs sprung, muscular thighs, free tail moved exceptionally well. Nearly my winner but feeling the heat and preferred hind angulation on 1. 

3 Haddad’s Proud To Be One Del Caliborso

Melanie Vincent – Kofyn Bulldogs (Judge)