- Show Date: 06/01/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Martyn J Rees Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Boston & District Canine Society
I should like to extend my sincere thanks to the Officers and Committee of Boston & District Canine Society for inviting me to judge at this show. It was a very enjoyable day and I very much appreciated the opportunity of this appointment to assess some lovely dogs.
I would particularly like to thank the exhibitors of my fabulous Hungarian Vizsla entry and for trusting me with their dogs – thank you. Finally, huge thanks to my Stewards for the efficiency and support during my Judging.
Hungarian Vizsla:
Puppy Dog (2, 1abs):
1ST Ms E M Bradley, Highforce All Or Nothing: Upstanding dog of 9 months of age. He is balanced but now needs to fill his frame as he is already up to size for me. Balanced head with well developed nostrils, correct eye shape and colour, correct, clean and complete dentition, correct forehand assembly, medium bone throughout, ribs well sprung, showing correct slight tuck-up to body, moderately angulated hindquarters, short coat, tight feet. Moved extremely well and soundly with a lively trot.
Junior Dog (3):
1ST Mr T D & Mrs H L Harrison, Glenbrows By Design: An extremely impressive and rather special young dog of 13 months of age who presented a very typical, well balanced and clean outline when standing. The dog screams breed type to me. Excels in head, which as the breed standard dictates should be ‘lean and noble’ clearly visible median line, moderate stop, deep muzzle with strong underjaw. Dentition correct, clean and complete, Neck strong and of moderate length. Quality bone all through. Firm pasterns. Brisket of good depth and width with elbows correctly placed close to the body. Good forehand assembly, strong, short loin, well made hindquarters, stifles moderately bent and neat feet. Moved very well, accurate both fore, aft and in side profile with head clearly carried above the topline. Reserve Best Dog.
2ND Mr P Watson, Oakswarren Inferno: A balanced young dog again of 13 months but less mature that my class winner. Intelligent expression, skull moderately broad and well proportioned, correct, clean and complete dentition, neck of moderate length, well placed shoulders, coming together well all through, but needs to deepen in chest, which will come, good bone, tight feet and short nails, moved very well.
3RD Ms E M Bradley, Highforce All Or Nothing
Post Graduate Dog (6, 5abs):
1ST Mrs E Hughes, Ambravittoriya Oskar At Listerlo (Imp RUS): A perfectly balanced and masculine example of the breed, presented in fit and hard condition. He has very good quality bone all through, this dog is still not finished and needs to fill his frame, extremely well muscled. Displayed correct breed topline that sloped slightly down from withers to middle of back and without dipping. Correct head with visible median line and good head planes with clean cheeks and foreface of good width with moderate stop, large nose, correct, clean and complete dentition, powerful well rounded neck of moderate length, well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, deep chest reaching to elbows and with good width, loin of optimum length, strong hindquarters with well developed second thigh, stifles well bent, nails of optimum length, moved without fault in all profiles showing very good length of stride.
Open Dog (6, 1abs):
1ST Miss E J Miles, SH CH Layways Van Winkle JW: An extremely well presented and super fit dog of 4 years of age. Everything about this dog is clean and free from exaggeration. Well balanced. Excellent head which is lean and with moderately low set ears, clear median line visible, and moderate stop. Nostrils well developed, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong, muscular neck of moderate length into excellent forehand assembly, brisket of very good depth and width, elbows close to body, ribs well sprung, strong short loin into well muscled hindquarters with moderate angulation, slightly arched round feet with short nails, moved and handled very well and soundly in all planes and profiles. My pleasure to award him Best Dog and Best Of Breed today – I was delighted to later learn that he had been shortlisted in the Gundog Group.
2ND Mr G Porter & Mrs A R Porter-Manning, Wallaroo Hawk Wye JW: A well made dog of 3½ years of age. At first glance when entering the ring, he took my eye as a dog that fits my template for this breed. Quality bone all through, in extremely hard muscular condition, at times when standing, his elbows could be closer to his body. Typical head with well placed ears, moderate stop, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong, clean neck into well placed shoulders, very good width and depth to chest, strong, short loin, well developed hindquarters, strong, neat, rounded feet with nails that could have been shorter. Moved soundly and accurately whenever asked.
3RD Mrs L Barrett, SH CH Karaszy’s Glorious Legacy
Puppy Bitch (6, 1abs):
1ST Mrs E Hughes, Listerlo Russian Roulette: I really liked this quality young bitch of nearly 7 months of age, who impressed me with her overall balance and breed type – she was also extremely well presented and handled. Very good feminine head with medium eye, clear median line, moderate stop, ears correctly set and hanging close to cheeks, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong, clean neck into very well placed shoulders and return of upper arm, slightly down on her pasterns, quality bone all through, brisket of good width and depth inline with her age, well made hindquarters, nails are work in progress I can only assume, moved extremely well in all planes. Best Puppy, Best Special Beginner and I was delighted to later learn that she won a strong Special Beginners Group
2ND Mrs T, Mr S & Miss C McDonald, Pawprint Illuzio For Donurie (Imp HUN) NAF: Good honest type of bitch, of 7 months of age and still very raw, presented a very good clean profile when standing, pleasing feminine head and expression, very good broad and wide nostrils, dentition correct, clean and complete, neck of moderate length, good forehand assembly, well ribbed back, strong hindquarters, moved soundly and accurately.
3RD Mr J R Novis, Szajani Ekko At Novapak
Junior Bitch (7, 2abs):
1ST Mr T D & Mrs H L Harrison, Glenbrows Desire: Impressive bitch, litter sister to my Junior Dog class winner. Extremely typical of the breed standard and so beautifully balanced. Super feminine head, clearly visible median line, moderate stop, deep muzzle with strong underjaw. Dentition correct, clean and complete, Neck strong, clean and moderately arched. Quality bone all through. Firm pasterns. Brisket of good depth and width with elbows correctly placed close to the body. Excels in forehand assembly, hindquarters muscled as is croup, stifles moderately bent and neat feet. Moved well, soundly and accurately although she did misbehave for her handler – she also had a very peculiar tail action when moving.
2ND Mrs D L Carter, Facanvadasz Banu: Bitch of 14 months, balanced in outline, good bone and feet with nails that could have been shorter, feminine head with moderate stop, dentition correct, clean and complete, clean neck into forehand assembly that was slightly steep in upper arm, deep chest, short loin, good hindquarters with moderate turn of stifle, moved soundly.
3RD Mrs V C Moggridge, Recuerdo Chukar Hershey Bar
Post Graduate Bitch (6, 2abs):
1ST Mrs E Hughes, Listerlo Aperol Spritz: Pleasing overall type of bitch, clean and well-balanced outline when standing. Very good bone all through. Good head, which is moderately wide between the ears, which again are well set. Dentition correct, clean and complete, strong neck into correct forehand angulation, elbows could be closer to the body, brisket deep and of good width, well ribbed back, muscular hindquarters, her nails require some serious attention to detail please. Moved soundly and accurately fore, aft and in side profile. RBB
2ND Mrs T, Mr S & Miss C McDonald, Donuries Quiet Flows The Don (ai): Presented a very good outline, feminine head with visible median line, clean, moderate stop, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong neck into good forehand assembly, chest of good width and depth reaching to level of elbows, short loin, muscular hindquarters, nails of optimum length. Moved soundly.
3RD Mrs D L Carter, Facanvadasz Banu
Open Bitch (10, 5):
1ST Mr D J & Ms E M Hardcastle and Bradley, Vizslanya Sziena JW: This really is a super bitch, fits my template from tip to toe. Presented in lean and muscular condition. She is a strong, upstanding bitch, excels in quality bone all through, very good head with clearly defined median line, moderate stop, well placed ears, nose with clearly visible broad and wide nostrils, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong neck into well placed shoulders and return of upper arm, brisket of good width and depth with elbows close to body, strong back, well ribbed back into muscular loin and well developed hindquarters with moderately bent stifles. Moved soundly and accurately in all planes and profiles whenever asked at an extended trot. Best Bitch and BOS
2ND Miss S Wallington, Nicael Blue Diamond Among Ohanava: Pleasing overall type. Again presented in fit and hard condition, lovely head strong jaw, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck, well placed shoulder, back short and level, moderate hind angulation, moved extremely well.
3RD Miss C M Ward, Danton Obsession With Tantaraviz
Special Beginners Bitch (2):
1ST Mrs E Hughes, Listerlo Russian Roulette
2ND Mr A N Nagy, Ligetszepe Janka: Bitch of 14 months of age. Pleasing overall type, Feminine head and expression, ears correctly set, clean neck into good front assembly, elbows could be closer to body, well ribbed back, loin of optimum length, muscular hindquarters, moved soundly but erratically.
Martyn J Rees (Judge)