• Show Date: 20/01/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Martyn J Rees Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Manchester Dog Show Society

Breed: Irish Red & White Setter

Junior Dog (1)

1ST Jakins, Miss P, Coolfing Clancy: A dog of just 12 months of age. Extremely well balanced and proportioned for his tender age – of very good type and expertly handled and shown. Very good masculine but not coarse head of good proportions for his age with good stop, well set ears on level with eye, happy and kind expression, correct, clean and complete dentition. Good reach of neck into well placed shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm, brisket of good depth and width for age, stifle moderately bent with hocks well set down, good bone all through, neat feet with short nails, moved very well in all planes and profiles – I did consider him for the Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate but in my final line-up his immaturity showed.

Post Graduate Dog (2, 1abs)

1ST Mr R Mapletoft, Roanjora Tanqueray: A dog of 3½ years of age. Well made and of pleasing overall balance and type. Pleasing head of good proportions to body, soft expression, correct mouth, clean dentition and bite, strong neck into good forehand assembly, deep through brisket, muscular loin stifle well bent, moved soundly.

Limit Dog (4)

1ST Tait, Mrs J, Talintyre Winter Shadow: What an absolutely beautiful exhibit of this breed of just over 2 years of age, who came very close to top honours today. Excellent overall type of dog with his best still to come.This dog is extremely well balanced and excels in overall construction. He has good quality bone all through, of good size and proportions. Super head and expression with round eye without haw. Dentition, correct, clean and complete, ears set level and lying close to head, strong muscular neck into excellent shoulder placement with corresponding return of upper arm, deep brisket of good width, well ribbed back, strong loin, muscular hindquarters with well bent stifles, neat close-knit with short nails. Moved accurately and soundly in all profiles with effortless gait – he demonstrated an excellent open side gait. My absolute pleasure to award this young dog the Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate.

2ND Catton, Mrs A & Cook, Mrs S, Daithi Shadow Dog with Ferngate (Imp Pol): Excellent overall type and balance and of nearly 3 years of age. Completely free from exaggeration. I liked his head, which was broad and in proportion to his body, clean square muzzle, correct, clean and complete dentition with strong underjaw, strong moderately long neck into excellent forehand assembly, strong bone all through, deep chest and good width, loin of good length and strong, well muscled hindquarters, stifles well bent, moved well very well when asked, accurate in all profiles.

3RD Stevens, Mrs B, Corranroo Clooney of Annagh

Open Dog (5)

1ST Green, Miss N, Sh Ch Zendarric Heart Shaped Box with Viszaset: A super quality male of 6 yrs who presented a clean, balanced outline, but was also strong, powerful and athletic. Well balanced head with good stop, strong muzzle, correct mouth with clean dentition. Excellent shoulder placement and corresponding return of upper arm, deep brisket of excellent width and well sprung ribs, muscular loin, strong hindquarters and good turn of stifle, in very good coat, close knit feet with short nails. On the move his gait depicted the breed standard of a long free-striding gait that was effortless and with drive – accurate in all planes and profiles. A pleasure to Judge this fine exhibit and he could not be denied the Dog Challenge Certificate and eventually Best of Breed.

2ND Martin, Mr & Mrs S, Laoirebay Steel Blue Ocean at Shannonstyle JW: Male of nearly 4½ years of age. Unfortunate to meet this first placed exhibit in his prime. Good overall balance and quality all through – not in full coat today. Excellent head and expression with correct clean eye. Dentition correct clean and complete, strong underjaw, well placed and set ears, level with eye, strong neck clearly showing slight arch into good forehand assembly, brisket of good width and depth with elbows free, well ribbed back into strong loin, and powerful hindquarters with well bent stifles – when standing and if over-stretched he can appear straight in stifle. Good feet with short nails. Moved accurately and effortlessly in all profiles.

3RD Gardner, Miss T, Sh Ch Alanea Game Reserve with Danwish

Veteran Dog (1)

1ST Bayne, Mrs J, Corranroo Casper: Beautifully presented male of nearly 8 years of age who did not belie his years. Very good overall type as one would expect from this kennel. Masculine head that is clean and not coarse, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong moderately arched neck into good forehand assembly, brisket of good depth and width, muscular loin, moderate hindquarters, neat, close-knit feet. Moved accurately and soundly. Best Veteran.

Puppy Bitch (1)

1ST O’Neil, Miss S, Majoureen Shadow Dog TAF (Imp Pol): Oh dear, where do I begin with this bitch of just 10 months of age. She has a feminine head and soft, kind expression. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Good forehand assembly, and moderate hindquarters, lacks bone and substance and I was and still am at the point of authoring this critique desperately worried about her overall lack of conditioning and body with full ribcage on display, clearly malnourished.

Junior Bitch (3, 1abs)

1ST Gardner, Miss T, Charnborough Charisma of Danwish: Super quality young bitch of 13 months of age. Extremely feminine, with sift, gentle expression that gives one the impression that she wants to please. So very refined, athletic and feminine. Well balanced head with good stop, good depth of muzzle, correctly set ears level with eye, dentition correct clean and complete, Strong neck with moderate arch into excellent shoulder placement and corresponding return of upper arm, deep brisket of good width and well sprung ribs, strong hindquarters and good turn of stifle, presented in beautiful overall condition and coat. Neat feet. She was accurate both fore, aft and in side profile showing an effortless long gate. A pleasure for me to be able to award her the Bitch Challenge Certificate today.

2ND Scott, Mrs S & Sayer, Mr D, Settersay Whirlwind Trilliam: Bitch of 16 months of age. A well balanced bitch who was presented in fit muscular condition, not in the same full furnishings as my first placed exhibit. Balanced head with soft expression and dark eye, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong neck into good forehand assembly, very good depth and width to chest, well ribbed back into strong, wide muscular loin, well bent stifles, moved soundly and accurately. 

Post Graduate Bitch (6)

1ST Hart, Mrs G & Hart, Mr G, Berryessa Ballderg with Gilliegrae: A quality bitch of good overall type, construction and balance. Only 22 months of age. Very good head and soft, pleasing expression, square muzzle strong underjaw with correct, clean and complete dentition, strong slightly arched neck into very good forehand assembly, brisket deep and of good width, ribs well sprung, strong loin, powerful hindquarters with moderate turn of stifle. Moved soundly and accurately in all planes and profiles BUT to get the very best from this bitch - which is still to come – she must be trained to run on a loose lead with her handler. I loved her and was extremely happy to be able to reward her with the Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate.

2ND Tait, Mrs J, Talintyre Winter Spice: Another quality bitch, beautifully presented and shown. Extremely feminine and well balanced bitch of just 6 months of age. Very nice head and kindest of expressions of good proportions for her age with good stop, ear set-on level with eye and close to head, correct, clean and complete dentition. Good reach of neck, slightly arched into well placed shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm, Very good width and depth to brisket. Clean and muscular loin. Stifle moderately bent with hocks well set down, very good bone all through, neat, close-knit feet with short nails, moved very well extremely well in all planes

3RD Hutchinson, Mrs S, Siorrudh Red Velvet

Limit Bitch (2)

1ST McDonald, Mrs A D & McDonald, Miss R & McDonald, M, Roanjora Rioja Crianza: Well presented bitch of just 18 months of age. Of good overall type who presented an very good clean outline But if stood in certain profiles can lose her topline. Not in full coat today. Extremely feminine head and expression, dark eye, well placed ears inline with eye, dentition correct, clean and complete, good width to chest. Chest needs to deepen a little more , which will come with age., correct forehand assembly, strong loin, moderately bent stifles, moved and shown well.

2ND Scott, Mrs S & Sayer, Mr D, Tonegan Tralee Tilia: Well made bitch of 28 months of age; pleasing head of good proportions to body, soft expression, correct mouth and bite, strong neck, well placed shoulder, stifle well bent, moved soundly and well

Martyn J Rees (Judge)