• Show Date: 04/12/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Smith Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Whippet Club Of Wales

Breed: Whippet

Whippet Club of Wales

4th December 2022

All judging appointments at any level are a privilege and an honour to receive so I would like to thank the Whippet Club of Wales for giving me the opportunity to judge at their 2022 Championship Show.

Secondly and by no means least I thank you the exhibitors for entering your dogs under me, that is a privilege that never goes unnoticed especially in these times of hardship where cost is being considered in many hobbies, we participate in.

Having recently judged whippet bitches at CC level, I find that they still have the greater depth of quality across the range of classes with depth in quality of dogs not quite so rich. However, I was pleased with the entry and equally their presentation on the day, I was extremely spoilt for choice in a lot of classes, and I dare say on another day, places may have been different.

MPD (6:0)

1. Searle&Rawlinson, Reffton Tibalt at Whipsearle (imp ESP). Red fawn / white blaze/feet, a dog of perfect size at 8months of age. One of the few puppies I have seen from ring side previously and was looking forward to him arriving at the table, he doesn’t disappoint although I do feel there is more to come as he matures on. Correct dentation, good underjaw, dark eye, correct ear set. Adequate front infill remembering his age, correct front, good spring of pastern into correct feet. Nice top and underline leading back into correct rear angulation with nothing overdone. Moved out and back perfectly and showed to the full on the move round, went onto take the puppy class.

2. Sharp, Barnesmore Spanish Lemon NAF, Light Brindle dog with white feet. Another good quality example and narrowly missed out on taking 1st place with slightly wide movement in the front but again good for size, quality head with dark pigmentation, strong neck into his front. Again, a stronger puppy structure than No1 but in no way overdone and one to watch as he matures.

3. Smith, Florancy War Hawk

PD (7:1)

1. Searle&Rawlinson, Reffton Tibalt at Whipsearle (imp esp)

2. Bowrey, De Lukatan All of Me. A young boy that reminded me of one I have at home, of good size, dark eye to match the dark brindle coat, strong neck into front albeit slightly wider than I would like to see, good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, correct top and bottom underlines, strong loin and good strong rear angulation. Lost out on 1st place today due to his exuberance to be a mischievous puppy on the move. Another to watch out for as he matures, I anticipate he will do well.

3. Miluk, Tumblers Adagio

JD (7:0)

1. Wheeler, Ranveli Diki Diki. A top-drawer light brindle boy that I was so pleased he behaved on the table for me today, running your hands over him reassures your eyes that what you have seen is what is there. Correct and masculine but absolutely no trace of being course. Again, a dog that is at correct size throughout, Dark pigmentation to match the coat colour, very expressive eyes and quality headset. Good neck into super shoulder with correct lay of shoulder and return of upper arm which again you can see on the move. Correct in top and underline, good spring of rib with depth of chest, strong rear angulation of which he drove on from out and back, complimented by an easy front reach, a truly elegant easy mover and I suspect we may not have seen the best from this young boy yet despite his already high achievements. RCC

2. MCConkey, Barmoll Billy Joel, 17mth old dog red fawn, white blaze/feet of good overall size offering a good whippet silhouette on the stand. Correct eye set and colour to match the coat, strong neck into front assembly with a good spring of pastern and correct tight feet. Deep chest with excellent tuckup, and strong rear. Nothing out of place nor overexaggerated in anyway putting on a good steady performance today.

3. Perkins, Zeglynn Hello You

YD (4:0)

1. Dillon&Bailey, Collooney Eat my Shorts at Runforest JW. Dark brindle boy, white blaze/ feet. Dark pigmentation giving an attractive but no mistaking the masculine expression as he draws you closer. Super neck into correct front for fill and angulation with spring of pastern. Good depth of chest with correct underline sometimes standing over too much ground spoiling what was on the move a very good top line. Footfall perfect out and back, performing well on the move for his handler to take 1st place and pushed hard for the top two places in the challenge.

2. Arkell, Fantastic Fred, flashy looking red brindle white party male. Pleasing masculine head and dark eye, good length of neck into good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm, deep chest, definite tuck up, moved well out and back.

3. Willey&Hofstetter, Hergehill Just Hugo

ND (9:0)

1. Morris, Waddell,Mycroft&Mitchell, Crosscop if I can Dream. 7Mth old young dog who didn’t look out of place in this novice class with dogs of varying ages and maturity. Came up here against the MPD and PD winner and offered that touch more in stature and ring presence on the day to go through as unbeaten puppy. Light red fawn, white blaze/feet, good headset, neck into shoulders and good front infill. Excelled in stand, out and back foot fall and movement around the ring. If I could wish for anything it would be for his tail to settle lower on the move but all in all a worthy puppy winner.

2. Searle&Rawlinson, Reffton Tibalt at Whipsearle (imp esp)

3. Arkell, Swistir Baileys Cream

GD (7:0)

1. Soffe, Zoraden Macchiato JW Red fawn, white blaze/feet with striking darker shades. Loved him for size and overall balance. Dark muzzle, eye set, good straight front, good infill and excellent tuck up. Correct rear angulation which he used to maximise his movement around the ring perfectly or his handler.

2. Perkins, Southgrove Keep it Moving at Zeglynn. Fawn dog of good overall shape/balance. Pleasing attractive masculine quality head type. Good front infill and nice rear angulation. Moved ok out and back and better on the move round to take this 2nd place.

3. Dillon&Bailey, Dreamjet Float my Boat at Runforest

PGD (12:1)

1. Wayman, Collooney Charlie Brown at Scarletfair JW Light fawn boy of 18mths, On the initial view he presents a very elegant correct silhouette, on closer inspection he stands with a lovely head of correct proportions and dark pigmentation with good expression. His neck flows to well laid-back shoulders, good depth of brisket & well sprung ribs. Lovely top line with nice gentle arch over a strong loin. Balanced hindquarters of no exaggeration which he used to move effortlessly around the ring and to his credit he had the best foot fall/placement coming & going off the class which took him to 1st place here.

2. Lewis, Luckhurst Rainbow Warrior, light brindle boy of correct size. Pigmentation to match the coat colour, good expression, strong neck into good shoulder, plenty of front infill and spring of pastern. Correct top and underlines into a good rear hindquarter. Moved well around the ring holding his top line well. Close to 1st position here but just preferred the front angulations of 1st place dog.

3. Morris, Waddell,MCMillan&Irving, Crosscop my Boy

MLD (4:0)

1. Brew, Crosscop the Show Must go On, 2yr4mth fawn/white feet, caught my eye on the way in and furthermore in the line-up, just shone out for his quality, overall excellent size and all-round proportions. Super strong masculine headset, good under jaw, complimenting eye colour, neat ears. Balanced throughout, straight front with strong legs and feet. Compact body with correct rise over the loin in good strong condition. Unexaggerated front and hind angulation which showed on his foot fall perfect movement, pushed hard for top honours.

2. Allansson&Macdonald, Jasarat Salted Caramel of Macalldon JW. Red fawn white trim masculine dog on a slightly larger frame to 1st place, strong head, long neck leading to well angulated shoulders, straight front, good infill and spring of pastern onto tight feet. Well filled front with depth of chest to his elbows and correct rear hindquarters. He moved with drive and purpose whilst keeping his excellent top line.

3. Sutton, Ranveli Lemon Lush

LD (8:1)

1. Dillon&Bailey, Stonefox Ice Pick Willy at Runforest JW A red brindle /wht trim boy from a quality litter that I have admired in the ring on previous occasions. He commands the attention and shows himself to the full. Offers a kind expression whilst also at the same time demonstrates a masculine quality head, excellent neck & shoulder, straight front & correct feet. He holds his top line well & has a good underline with good depth of chest. Strong loin into lovely unexaggerated hindquarters all of which he shows in his free movement.

2. Ellis, Oakbark Marksman for Railfield. Light fawn/wht trim classic curvy whippet boy, full of elegance and no exaggeration. Attractive quality classic headset, eye colour to match coat colour, complimentary front angulation to hind angulation, correct spring of pastern, super tuck up and correct top line, strong loin into correct rear angulation. Preferred the overall movement of No1 today but on another day, I can see this boy being awarded higher placements.

3. Rishworth, Kierpark with or without You

OD (8:0)

1. Fryer, Ch Collooney Eye Love to Tease at Stonefox. A dark red brindle dog that I have admired in the past for his commanding presence in and out of the ring. A quality of dog that only comes around every so often, he has it in abundance, full credit to the breeders. Very attractive head with strong underjaw. Correct neck flowing into well set shoulders. Good return of upper arm. Good front infill, correct spring to his pasterns finishing at his perfect feet. Good depth of chest with correct top and under lines, Well-muscled but by no means overdone thighs. Out and back foot fall was perfect and when he turns to return, he demands your full attention with such grace and elegance. Moved very well in profile and with good drive from his rear quarters. I did wonder if I could just keep asking him to be moved. CC

2. Richards, Ch Richclass Run for Cover. Not a comment I like but must be said here, this boy was unfortunate to come across the class winner today. Again, another boy I have admired in the past and was very happy to see him enter the ring today. A few of the comments made above apply here. Light fawn with wht trim, dark pigmentation, handsome expression, good neck into good lay of shoulder, good front infill and spring of pastern. Excellent tuck up and no exaggeration in rear hindquarters. Pipped into 2nd place as I preferred the overall accuracy of movement on the 1st place dog.

3. Johnston&Wilson, Ch Aarminias Dragon Lord of Danluke

VD (6:0)

1. Johnston, Ch Danluke Lord of The Dance JW. My surprise of the day but what a surprise he was. Having never paid too much attention in the past, today I realised that was to my detriment because when you get your hands on him, he is simply wonderful. Stunning headset, dark eye, great neck into very good shoulders and perfect front. Good balanced angulation from and rear and he moved like a dog in still his younger years, hard to believe he is over 8years old now but very worthy of all his accolades. Full credit must go to his breeder handlers.

2. Courtney, Ch Courtbirch Force of Nature JW. Light brindle with wht trim, stronger set than 1st placed dog. Masculine headset, dark eye, strong neck into good front. Correct in top and underline and depth of chest, pleasing rear hindquarters which he uses to his credit on the move. Another defying his age well and can see continuing for many years.

3. Wayman, Crème Anglaises One More Knight at Scarletfair (imp ned)

Judge: Mark.Smith (Elequal)