• Show Date: 10/03/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023


Breed: Greyhound



VD 3(1)

1. Thiel’s Int Ch. Tahuara’s Conversano. Red, masculine yet elegant dog, was well proportioned with good head, eye and ears, bone and feet, good underline and moved well for 9.

2. Sawyer’s Jaxx Teller at Stonelow. A little plain in head but he is of a nice size with a nice rise to his loin and angulated correct in the rear.

JD 1(0)

1. Madsen’s Eikica Dazzlingg Dragon Dnk J Ch. Good head and eye with nice chiselling, good neck, depth of chest and underline, front could have a little more angulation and top-line a little flat, good rear and needs to fill out all over with maturity but he has a nice easy gait in profile.

PGD 1(0)

1. Thiel/Dyka’s Dyka’s Gentle Napoletano. Red male who is elegant, maybe a shade compact in outline but he has an attractive head, good neck, deep chest, good underline and is balanced throughout with no exaggeration and he has light yet powerful movement.

LD 4(2)

1. Howlett/Howden’s Skyswift New Moon. Attractive white, good head and eye, masculine yet elegant, deep chest, top-line slopes off a little to the rear and is a little steep in croup but overall moves well.

2. Sawyer’s Jaxx Teller at Stonelow.

OD 8(0)

1. Ahrens/Primavera/Salmistraro It Ch. Southpoint Gabriel D’sobers. Red dog, he is masculine, well proportioned yet still has elegance, he had excellent profile movement once he settled but it took a while. Again after some settling he maintained a good top-line and underline which was not exaggerated and had good reach and drive and moved soundly coming and going, DCC.

2. Howlett/Boggia/Koulermou’s Ch. Ina’s Fashion Dedicated to Boughton (imp DEU). Very attractive red brindle, stands over a little more ground than I prefer. He has good depth of chest and enough underline but would prefer a little more rise to top-line. However overall he presents a lovely picture with a powerful, masculine yet elegant outline, RDCC.

3. Salmistraro’s Int/It/Slo/Hr Ch. Sobers Cassius.

SR/LCD 5(0)

1. Clarke’s Wachovia Benjy. Red, balanced yet moderate dog in excellent body condition, with good top-line.

2. Ball’s Satteo TAF. Black dog, a little finer and not quite the substance of 1st but I preferred his head and expression.

3. Bakewell’s Affleck Barney Bestest Bud.

GCDS 2(0)

1. Spacey’s Inchydoney Memories North Star at Hallimans ShCEx (imp FRA). Red brindle, nicely proportioned if a shade flat in top-line, head ok, good ears and bone, moved well enough in profile.

2. Clarke’s Wachovia Benjy.

VB 2(1)

1. Koulermou’s Int/de/nl/dkk Ch Ina’s Fashion Chic. Excellent proportions and outline, lovely head, eye and ears, ok front, excellent top-line and underline although would have looked better if she had lost a pound of weight. Good bone and feet but so light, free and powerful on the move and sound from all directions, RBCC & BV.

PB 3(0)

1. Harrison-Stratford’s Southpoint Lady Loki NAF (imp PRT). Red brindle, very attractive outline, she is very raw with a good head, eye and ears. Top-line developing nicely and moved well, BP.

2. Holder/Boggia’s Fionn Clann Bluebelle (imp RUS). Light brindle, deep chest, good head, ears and feet.

3. Ayling’s Blueberry Saga Paeonia (imp SLO).

JB 1(0)

1. Skinner’s Boughton Bandaroo. Nice and shapely outline, good overall type and balance, eyes could be darker.

PGB 5(0)

1. Ahrens/Primavera’s Sobers Geraldine Jun Al Ch. Red bitch, generous proportions, feminine with substance, could be a little more developed in top-line but when settled on the move looked very good going around the ring.

2. Russell’s Kates Me Flyer. Blue bitch, a shade compact but has a nice curvy top-line and is well muscled.

3. Perry’s Geelo Blissful NAF TAF.

LB 2(0)

1. Howlett’s Skyswift Moonlite Serenade. Nicely proportioned bitch with substance and still retains femininity and curvy outline. Good expression, ears, neck, top-line and moved ok.

2. Clarke’s Big Fighter Below Hill. Finer boned black bitch, moved in one piece and very together keeping her outline at all times, could be a little more developed in top-line.

OB 9(0)

1. Koulermou’s Ch/cib/dk/nl/de Ch. Ina’s Fashion Desirable JWW-18. Red brindle bitch, beautifully balanced outline, excellent proportions. She has just enough rise to top-line and a beautiful underline. Good neck, well angulated front and a little more generosity in her rear, creating enough balance to enable her to maintain her outline both standing and moving and never put a foot wrong. She has low reaching front movement and powerful rear quarters that enable her to have very accurate and true foot placement.BCC & BOB & G1

2. Boggia’s Ch. Ina’s Fashion Design by Boughton. Very similar in outline, proportions and type, liked her very much, very shapely with a good top-line and underline without any exaggeration, just not as tidy in front as 1st.

3. Koulermou’s De/nl/dk Ch. Ina’s Fashion Extraordinaire.

SR/LCB 4(0)

1. Russell’s Kates Me Flyer. Repeat.

2. Sadler’s Huarache Mags NAF TAF. Black and white bitch, feminine and refined throughout, moderate yet balanced angulation and held her outline both standing and moving.

3. Perry’s Geelo Blissful.

GCDSB 2(0)

1. Sadler’s Huarache Mags NAF TAF. Repeat.