- Show Date: 09/09/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Richmond Dog Show Society
VD 1(0)
1. Hedger’s Evemtlyn Hot To Trot. Masculine, good top-line and tail, good coat, feet, clean, easy mover, could have a little more stop and would prefer him slightly more compact.
MPD 1(0)
1. Cooper/Purslow’s Beehind Closed Doors. Excellent proportions and balance, masculine head with lovely expression, good top-line, tail and good leg length, moderate balanced angulation, good easy stride keeping his top-line.
PD 1(0)
1 Stickley’s Silgarhi Holy Moses at Walkamile. Excellent head and expression, good neck, top-line and tail which is a shade flat, he is sturdy, could be a little more compact, has excellent feet and is very typy with correct coat and moved well.
JD 2(0)
1. Cooper/Purslow’s Ahgainst All Odds. Square black dog, excellent head, strong not coarse, a little over coated and loses his outline, very together and sound with typical carriage and good tail.
2. Davies’ Waterley Viceroy. Stands over more ground, very glamorous, prefer head of 1st, excellent neck, top-line and rear, holds his shape well.
YD 3(0)
1. Chamberlain’s Araki Shamana JW. Very nice to go over but his coat needs to settle, square, excellent outline, masculine and sturdy with good top-line and tail and the best mover in the class.
2. Hadlow’s Snoanda Doing This My Way. Excellent head and eye, sturdy, would like a little more length of leg and could have a little more reach in front but is beautifully presented.
3. Kitcher’s Javeys Sabastian.
ND 1(0)
1. Helliwell’s Kentwone Run. Excellent size and proportions but could be more masculine all through and his eye could be darker, nice profile movement keeping his outline, but would jut prefer more width all through which may come with maturity.
GD 2(0)
1. White’s Trytez Try’N Stop Me. Very nice to go over, masculine and square, sturdy, falls away slightly to the tail, could have a little more animation on the move which is a shame as he’s built to move better than he did.
2. Bruce/Norman’s Shamisha Twist And Shout. Would prefer a little more leg length, strong masculine head, tail a little flat and hocks could be more perpendicular, sturdy, well ribbed, was a little un-cooperative on the move.
PGD 5(1)
1.Butler’s Araki The Secret Agent. Sturdy and square, good head and eye shape but could be a shade darker, lovely easy stride with good outline and excellent top-line, just needs a little finish to his coat but otherwise very nice type dog, RDCC.
2. Meakin’s Layoli Firecracker at Miksang. Lovely square black dog with typical outline but would like a more masculine head, excellent top-line and tail but could have a little more animation on the move.
3. Harrison’s Araki Schneeflocker.
LD 6(0)
1. Lawrence’s Tazique Wish Me Luck. Correct size yet he is still sturdy and masculine, he just needs a little finish to his coat but he keeps his outline standing and moving beautifully with good tail, top-line and free easy movement.
2. Andrews’ Lasang Jumping Jack Flash. A little longer cast but has a good masculine head, good depth, well ribbed, moved well.
3. Lambert’s Shamisha Strikes Gold.
OD 6(1)
1. Cooper’s Araki Glowing Ember. Sturdy, square masculine dog, he is a little bigger than I would like but there is nothing coarse about him and he excels on the move with balanced reach and drive keeping his outline correct at all times, good coat texture, good depth, well ribbed, excellent feet and excellent head shape, DCC & BOB.
2. Cooper/Purslow’s Araki Whodares Wins. I prefer his size to 1st but he just lacks a little finish and just not so athletic on the move, excellent head, eye shape, although it is a shade light, good top-line, tail and overall outline.
3. Hearne’s Snoanda Designed Label JW.
SBD 1(0)
1. Bruce/Norman’s Shamisha Twist and Shout. Repeat. BSpB.
VB 2(0)
1. Honey’s Ch. Alilah Carmel Ciro at Khyibrang. Grey bitch, 9 years old, lovely outline standing and moving, feminine with enough strength, typical outline and lovely free mover, BV.
2. Chessell’s Araki Ready For This at Stylaxian ShCM ShCEx. Eye could be a shade darker and a little longer cast than 1st, she has an excellent front, excellent tail and coat texture.
MPB 11(0)
1. Lambert’s Shamisha Cinnamon Swirl. Very nice class with some really nice puppies, sturdy, feminine and square, excellent top-line and balance and when settled moved very well keeping a typical outline standing and moving.
2. Davies’ Waterley Midnight Martini. Lovely feminine, square outline, so pretty and naughty with a lovely expression, top-line and tail, a lovely profile movement and outline standing and moving.
3. Rutley’s Araki Not On Your Nelly at Javey.
PB 7(1)
1. Palmer’s Gemaras Pasodoble Promise. Lovely square, sturdy outline, good head, good depth, well ribbed, good top-line and tail, excellent profile movement, just needs to body up a little with maturity, RBCC & BP.
2. Cooper/Purslow’s Bhring Me Sunshine. Lovely 6 month puppy, just needs to fill out a little which she will with age but she has a lovely expression and clean, true movement.
3. Andrews’ Lasang Daisy Black.
JB 8(1)
1. Bateman’s Snoanda Bumble Boogie. Lovely outline, balance and movement keeping her outline standing and moving, good head, excellent neck, top-line, tail and coat, would just prefer a little smaller but otherwise an excellent quality bitch.
2. Green’s Verony Like A Charm. Beautiful type with excellent head and expression, good top-line and showed enough to get a 2nd here but would really like to have seen her showing a little better as she would definitely trouble the best.
3. Lambert’s Shamisha Aim For Me.
YB 1(0)
1. Kitcher’s Javeys Jasmin. Black bitch, sturdy, good head with strength and feminine, top-line could be a little better, she moved steady.
NB 4(0)
1. Gilbert’s Gandaki Yaz. Correct size, sturdy and feminine, good forechest, good head and eye, good top-line and tail, liked her a lot, just needs a little finish.
2. Chessell’s Araki Are The Queen of Bees for Stylaxian. Very raw puppy but a lovely mover when settled with good neck and top-line.
3. Honeywill’s Tegkei No Drama.
GB 6(1)
1. Hearne’s Snoanda Hocus Pocus. Square and sturdy, eye could be darker, good strength yet feminine, good top-line.
2. Honeywill’s Tegkei No Drama. Slightly longer cast but she has very nice, easy movement and otherwise she is also square and sturdy with good strength and feminine.
3. Rutley’s Javeys Tiger Lilli.
PGB 5(1)
1. Elvidge/Webb’s Araki Hug My Panda. Lacks a little finish but she is sturdy and feminine, square and moved ok when she settled, good head shape.
2. Smith’s Yeshi Truly Scrumptious. Good outline but lacks bone and could have a little more strength in body and head.
3. Charlesworth’s Tiamastae Pretty In Pink.
LB 7(0)
1. Honey’s Khyibrang Rosita’s Girl. Clean outline, good neck, top-line and tail, feminine with strength, could have a little more width in front.
2. Bateman/Brunell’s Dhoki Apsos Mighty Like A Rose. Lovely head and body proportions, just a shade over angulated, she is sturdy and solid.
3. Palmer’s Shamisha Showcase for Gemaras.
OB 8(2)
Best class of the day, first 2 very similar in many ways and it was made difficult by being totally indoors with heavy rain. 1st and 2nd were both square, sturdy and feminine, good top-lines, tails, both good heads, very typical to separate, just thought 1 was going a little better on the day.
1. Davies’ Alilah Intrigued. BCC.
2.Marley/Thirlwell’s Ch. Myrlea Martha Reeves.
3. Smith’s Snoanda Whoops A Daisy at Yeshi.
SBB 2(0)
1. Honeywill’s Tegkei Hippi Chic. Got better as the day went on, she was originally crabbing in an earlier class but stopped now and she had a nice stride and shape if a bit big.
2. Dyer’s Tasica Absolutely Fabulous. A shade longer cast but she has a nice head, eye and expression and a steady mover.