• Show Date: 10/06/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Three Counties Agricultural Society

Breed: Griffon Bruxellois


PD 4(0)

1. Meaden’s Beauborne Nadal at Topmead. Mature, good eye shape but it could be a little darker, excellent top-line, square outline and sturdy in body, steady mover, ears could be a little higher set, BP.

2. Hannigan/Whitehead’s Zilcan Gangster Man. Compact and very raw but has excellent ear set and uses them, good top-line and tail, excellent expression.

3. Fernyhough’s Beauborne Obama at Fernstaff.

JD 1(0)

1. Kenyon’s Osthaen Light My Fire for Movalian. Square, sturdy for age, just 12 months, good head with well turned chin of good depth and width with small ears, excellent top-line and tail, excellent outline and profile, just a shade untidy in front at the moment, should mature into a very nice dog, RDCC.

LD 2(0)

1. Etherington’s Aptrick Napoleon Solo at Thornwyde. Sturdy dog, very well made with strong neck and top-line, good head shape, expression is ok, good powerful mover, colour could be a little clearer.

2. Robinson’s Osthaen Red Hot Chilli Piper. Front legs could be straighter and muzzle is a little blunt and nosey, good eye shape and placement, good neck, top-line, big ribs, steady mover, would prefer smaller ears and skull is a little flat.

OD 3(0)

1. Gullon’s Ch. Barnfall Sunshine JW. Sturdy dog with an excellent coat, good head, dark eye, good rib cage, moved well but unfortunately in the challenge decided not to show and in line with KC regulations and coide of best practice for judges I called in the 2nd in Open to compete for the CC which he thenr went on to win. This was a very unfortunate experience for both exhibitors and myself but my job is to award the best dog on the day at that moment in time..

2. Guy’s Donzeata Royal Anthem. Square, excellent top-line and tail set, good ribs, excellent ears and good expression, moved very steady and sound, DCC. 3. White’s Emjaycee Time Flies at Wistleyhill.

VD 1(0)

1. Oliver-Barratt’s Risethor Laidbackjack. Just off square but has an excellent tail, good depth and width to chin, ears are set well but could be a little smaller, good depth and rib.

JB 2(1)

1. Hughes’ Beauborne Moana. Lovely head, lovely outline, head, eye, chin and ears, top-line good but falls away slightly to the croup, really holds herself well on the move, would just like a little more substance.

PGB 3(0)

1. Gullon’s Datiro Chickadee JW. Very nice balance, good proportions and lovely feminine head with good turn of chin, dark eyes with good expression, well placed and of a good shape, moved very well, RBCC.

2. Hughes’ Beauborne Liberty. A shade up on leg but was squarer than 1st, feminine head with lovely expression, good neck and top-line, just needs to draw up into herself and fill out a little.

3. Oliver-Barratt’s Chinaskys Queen Grande.

OB 5(3)

1. Guy’s Donzeata Royal Attraction. Excellent head, eye, neck, top-line, big ribs, well sprung and lovely outline standing and moving, good coat and tail, dark bright eye, BCC & BOB.

2. Barney’s Cilleine La Vie En Rose. Lovely outline standing, sturdy and balanced, eye could be a little darker, excellent ears, good ribs, could have more depth to chin, good coat and moved well, nice bone and feet.