• Show Date: 09/06/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Three Counties Agricultural Society

Breed: Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)


MPD 4(0)

1. Stading’s Stadmeyer Dashing Dexter. Compact outline with good proportions, excellent top-line and tail, balanced front and rear, good neck, ears and expression, very sound with excellent carriage on the move, BP.

2. Rooney’s Yorone Centre Stage. A little longer cast, has good ears, fine muzzle, slightly smaller eye than 1st and is excellent in profile on the move but top-line is a little soft at the moment.

3. Taylor’s Arkoschi Follow Ur Dream.

PD 3(0)

1. Huntley’s Jahneemahs Loves To Parti. Good skull, ears and eye, a shade rangey at the moment but holds top-line and good tail set, good movement in profile with reach and drive.

2. Hill’s Davixity Goldfinger at Lilliputchi TAF NAF. A little more compact in outline but would prefer smaller eye, good ears, good top-line and tail and overall good balanced outline and moved well.

3. Slavinec’s Voxel Ux Sacha at Charonchi (imp FRA) NAF.

JD 4(1)

1. Rooney/Green’s Anadeia Tokala with Jaschin. Excellent head, eye, ears, neck and top-line, croup is a little steep, well ribbed, good outline, excellent rear, could be better set under but has lovely profile movement and very sound, RDCC.

2. Hollister’s Copymear Pocket Rocket at Hollichi NAF. Dainty dog, muzzle a little blunt, good ears and top-line, could be a little more compact but has lovely carriage in profile on the move but is a little untidy coming and going.

3. Hicks’ Shadow Hunter De Petit Roi Mojito at Casiatodo (imp).

PGD 5(1)

Close decision, 2 nice dogs.

1. Graham’s Chihgra Artful Dodger. Lovely head, eye and ears, good leg length and compact, enough body, excellent top-line and tail held on the move, when settled he moved well.

2. Halls’ Jorazan Top Gun Flyer JW. Could have a little more leg length but lovely head, eye and excellent ears, excellent ear size and placement, he has more than enough neck, good top-line and tail, moved well in profile but just not as smooth in his front movement as 1st.

3. Slavinec’s Charonchi Cosmic Charlie.

LD 4(1)

1. Slavinec’s Charonchi Billy Super Duper. Good balance and leg length and compact enough, good head, eye and ears, excellent top-line and good construction and sound mover.

2. Hicks’ Pablo Del Rey De Petit Roi Mojito at Casiatodo (imp). Nicely balanced dog, skull is a little flatter than I would like, dark eyes, good top-line and clean outline in profile.

3. Smkith’s Moltobello Pride And Joy of Hulawawas.

OD 5(0)

1. Miele’s Arcangela Slo Ch Rom Croat Sp & Serb Box&H Diamonchi Misterm. Lovely clean balanced outline, good head, ears, excellent dark eye, excellent top-line and tail, front good, rear excellent, excellent outline on the move with reach and drive and he has good leg length and balance overall, DCC & BOB.

2. Murray’s Davixity Nijinsky. Would prefer a little more length of leg but has a good head, eye and ears, very well constructed and steady on the move.

3. Hornby’s Denique Heypresto.

MPB 5(1)

1. Fothergill’s Diamonchi Miss Moondust. Very pretty head, eye and ears, good top-line and tail, her proportions are ok at the moment but could have a little more length of leg but she is feminine and dainty yet with strength, moves well in profile.

2. Taylor’s Arkoschi Sparkle More. Preferred her balance and proportions, eyes were a little oblique, has a good top-line but falls away a little to the croup, medium bone, well ribbed and moved well.

3. Stading’s Stadmeyer Alice.

PB 1(0)

1. Murray’s Davixity Galore. Excellent balance and outline standing but she was roaching a little on the move, excellent ears, nice fine bone, excellent tail and feet, moved well but a little hurried.

JB 5(0))

1. Fothergill’s I’m A Dream Violeta In Love for Diamonchi TAF NAF. Very good proportions and clean outline on the stack, standing and moving, lovely head, large dark round eye and excellent ear set, good top-line and nice solid body, RBCC.

2. Smith’s Moltobello Miss Myrtle of Hulawawas. Very similar, I liked her very much, very sound and excels on the move, just a little longer in body with good top-line and outline.

3. Ginger/Parkinson’s Copymear War Paint for Jodeschi.

PGB 5(1)

1. Entwhistle’s Dorentys Daisy Chain. Lovely clean outline, good proportions and leg length, lovely head, eye and ears, just needs a little confidence but liked her very much.

2. Graham’s Chihgra Rosa Bud. Nice mover, a shade longer and lower, good head but ears are a little low, good top-line, tail set, good steady mover.

3. Smith’s Valenchino Delicate of Hulawawas.

LB 7(1)

1. Slavinec’s Charonchi Who Is Silvia. Good leg length and compact body, lovely head and ears, good neck, top-line and tail, front could be a little straighter but keeps her outline moving and has nice profile movement.

2. Huntley’s Jahneemahs Parti In Style. Preferred head of 1st but she has a lovely compact body and good clean outline, good ears, could be a little more positive moving away but has a good top-line, tail, temperament and moves well in profile.

3. Davis’ Chibull Boom Shakalak.

OB 5(0)

1. Hornby’s Ch. Bramerita Posh Totty. She has good length of leg with an excellent head, eye, ears, top-line and tail, she keeps her outline standing and moving and is a very good mover from all directions, would just prefer her a little more compact but overall excellent bitch, BCC.

2. Fothergill’s Diamonchi Last One Standing. Good proportions but didn’t always use her self but when she got up on her toes she looked great overall, she moved well in profile, eye just a little full but excellent top-line.

3. Huntley’s Jahneemahs Calendar Girl.

VB 1(0)

1. Smith’s Valenchino Catching Fire at Diamonchi. 7½ years, good ribs and top-line, strong neck, good tail, steady mover and good rear.