• Show Date: 27/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Mark Cocozza Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Bath Canine Society

Breed: Norwegian Elkhound


PD 1(0)

1. Friend’s Bowerhinton Boromir. Lovely puppy, 6 months, raw, good substance with no coarseness, good head, expression and ears, bone and feet, excellent coat and colour and very steady moving for age.

JD 3(0)

1. McMahon’s Seasara High Flyer. Lovely, very good proportions and leg length, beautiful head and expression, good coat, top-line and tail, masculine with no coarseness, moved well if a shade untidy in front, RDCC.

2. Bailey’s Laakso Gaute. Excellent proportions and compact, good colour, head needs to develop a little and preferred eye shape and colour of 1st, excellent tail and moved well.

3. Kingston’s Treskha Taplow.

LD 2(1)

1. Stephenson’s Norvin Marvel of Brawdor. Good head and eye, lots to like but would prefer a little more leg length, good feet, excellent coat, colour and tail, moves well in profile with excellent rear, just a little untidy and elbows could be tighter.

OD 5(0)

1. Cowper/Bingham’s Kestos Rex of Rothenborg. Lovely type correct head and ears, neck, top-line and tail, excellent coat and colour, low hocks, strong rear and alert at all times, moved well and sound, DCC & BOB.

2. Mortimer’s Ch. Laakso Canute. Similar outline and balance to 1st, good head but eye a shade light and ears could be smaller, good coat texture and bone, feet a little flat, moved well in profile.

3. Maun’s Bowerhinton Bassanio.

SBD/B 1(0)

1. Cockbill’s Cealdstan Artistic Mystic (AI). Feminine, excellent leg length if a little long, excellent top-line and her tail is excellent, good coat and colour, very alert and active, BSpB.

VB 1(0)

1. Cockbill’s Barbelka Szafir. Nice for type with good leg length, head and eye, excellent top-line for 11 years old, tail could be tighter, correct depth and moved very well, BV.

MPB 1(0)

1. Mortimer’s Laakso Helli. Square and balanced, very feminine, lovely dark eye, good top-line and tail and keeps nice square outline on the move, moves well for a puppy of 6 months.

PB 2(0)

1. Barganska’s Cealdstan Ancestral Voices of Barbelka (AI). Up on leg and square, feminine with substance and good body, lovely and compact with excellent tail, very alert and typical standing with brisk stride, BP.

2. Cockbill’s Cealdstan Artistic Mystic (AI). Repeat.

JB 3(0)

1. Tress’ Treskha Tanqueray. Lovely type, good legs and compact enough, feminine, excellent tail, needs to grow into ears, typical profile movement.

2. Barganska/King’s Brumous A New Dawn for Barbelka. Beautiful head, eye and ears, nice type but a little longer cast than 1st, excellent bone and feet and nice profile movement.

3. Southall’s Seasara Hermione.

YB 1(0)

1. Maun’s Bowerhinton Bright Lady. Very typical outline, good neck, top-line and tail, balanced front and rear, muzzle a fraction long, keeps typical outline on the move and has good profile movement if a shade untidy in front.

LB 3(0)

1. Maun’s Bowerhinton Bee Portia. Lovely bitch, feminine with strength, nice expression, good neck, top-line and tail, excellent coat and colour, good bone and feet, lovely typical outline on the move, BCC.

2. Gray’s Grasilva Treble’s Going. Again feminine with substance, a shade longer than 1st, good tail, eye a little bold and light, very good top-line and moved well.

3. McMahon’s Seasara Fire Cracker.

OB 4(0)

1. Tress’ Treskha Just The One. Nice type, enough leg and alert, feminine with substance, good top-line, tail and coat, moves well in profile, RBCC.

2. Mortimer’s Ch. Laakso Dana. A shade lower but very well made and balanced otherwise, excellent neck, style and tail and moves well.

3. Threadgold’s Norvin Joyeux Noel.