• Show Date: 15/10/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Marion Withers Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

English Shetland Sheepdog Club

Breed: Shetland Sheepdog

Thank you to my committee for giving me the day off to judge the dog entry. The show ran very smoothly and there was a lovely atmosphere, everyone I spoke to afterwards said they had enjoyed it. Thanks also to June and Karen for their efficient stewarding. There were some beautiful male Shelties entered, particularly in the later classes, and it was a pleasure to go over them. As many other breed specialist judges have observed, it was difficult to find dogs with the correct forehand angulation which allows them to really stride out on the move. The other thing which particularly struck me was that, while our standard does not ask for a long neck, it does specify that it should be “muscular, well arched, of sufficient length to carry the head proudly”, and these were in the minority. A nicely arched neck with proud head carriage makes such a difference to the outline of a dog and will always command a judge’s attention. My co-judge and I were in complete agreement on all the decisions for the top placings and we were both delighted with our winners.

Veteran Dog (2, 0 absent)

1st Pattinson’s Kyleburn Everlasting Dream

Shaded sable, very short of coat, but stood out for his correct angulation, he has a very good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm, good bend of stifle and well let down hocks, so moved with reach and drive. His head is pleasing with a dark almond shaped eye, good ear set though they could be slightly better tipped, parallel planes of skull and muzzle, correct stop, well filled foreface, and good underjaw.

2nd Forster-Cooper’s Sheltysham Burnished Gold

Another shaded sable in better jacket. His head is balanced with a flat skull, well placed stop, and rounded muzzle, his eye is dark but a shade full, and he was reluctant to use his ears. He has a good reach of neck, straight front with strong bone and flexible pasterns, level topline, graceful sweep over croup, good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. I would like a bit more body on him, and although he moved soundly he lacked the reach in profile of 1st

Minor Puppy Dog (3,0)

1st Fisher’s Foxstones Take A Chance On Me, BPD.

Shapely g/s with a very sweet expression. He has a flat skull, dark almond shaped eye, neatly tipped well carried ears, rounded muzzle and good underjaw. His head is carried proudly on a well arched neck, and he has a good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm complemented by correct rear angulation, level topline and gentle sweep over the croup to a long low set tail. He moved very well from all angles. I am sure he has a promising future.

2nd Norris’ Ferngrove Valentino

G/s of good size and substance. His head is balanced with a dark almond shaped eye and well carried ears, but his stop needs to clear and he still needs to fill in foreface. He has a good reach of neck and his angulation is balanced at both ends, level topline, good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved soundly but without the reach in profile of 1st. I liked him a lot but he needs time to develop.

3rd Walker’s Miablue The Delegate

Tri of 8 months, of good overall balance. Pleasing head with a cheeky expression, neat well carried ears, dark eye, parallel planes and nicely rounded muzzle. I would prefer a better reach of neck, but he has a level topline and pretty sweep over croup to a long tail and well angulated hindquarters. He moved very well, I just hope he grows on a bit because he is rather small for a male.

Puppy Dog (3,0)

1st Ingram’s Mosardi Don’t Stop BPD

B/m, nice for size with a pleasing outline. His head handles well with a good balance of skull to muzzle, correct stop and obliquely set almond shaped eye, his ears are neatly tipped but could be carried slightly tighter, and he still needs to fill in foreface. He has a good reach of neck, straight front with strong bone and flexible pasterns, good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm, level topline, graceful sweep over croup, good bend of stifle, and well let down hocks. Once he settled to the job in hand he moved very well.

2nd Jamieson’s Torinska Sky Full Of Song

Well coated jet black tri who didn’t really do himself justice as he tucked himself up on the stack. His head is balanced with a flat skull and a nicely rounded muzzle, he is perhaps a shade deep in stop and his ears although well placed are a little heavy, but he still has an appealing expression. He does not have the reach of neck nor the forehand angulation of 1st, but he has good bone for his ideal size, a straight front with flexible pasterns, good bend of stifle, well let down hocks and a long enough tail. He moved OK but lacked forward reach in profile.

3rd Poupard’s Burraland Rocket Man

S/w of good breed type. Pleasing head proportions with a sweet eye and neat ears. His front angulation is fair and he has enough reach of neck, but I would prefer a better bend of stifle, and his tail is set on and carried rather high which spoilt his outline on the move.

Junior Dog (6,0)

1st Forster-Parish’s Lowick Blueberry

B/m boy who headed a class of very nice youngsters. His head is well-proportioned with a flat skull, smooth cheeks, rounded muzzle, and good eye shape and placement. His ears could perhaps be carried a shade higher but he still has a charming expression. Nice for size with round bone, he has a good reach of neck, and excels in forehand angulation with a good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm, and strong muscular hindquarters to match. He looks perfectly balanced standing and his construction enabled him to really stride out on the move with good drive from behind.

2nd Dippersmoor Daiquiri at Sunspirit

Wheaten sable, when examined on the table he has enough reach of neck but when standing he tends to hunch into his shoulders which detracts from his overall outline. Nevertheless he is well made with balanced angulation and moves accordingly. His head handles well with parallel planes, flat skull, correct stop, nicely rounded muzzle, good underjaw, very dark obliquely set eye, and small neatly tipped ears, all combining to give the desired expression.

3rd Aaron’s Shelridge Santino

G/s, perfect for size but very much out of coat which cost him a place in this company on the day, although lack of furnishings did show off his pleasing shape. He scores in head properties with the neatest of ears, very sweet dark eye, correct stop, smooth cheeks, nicely rounded muzzle and good underjaw. His neck could be longer but it is nicely arched, he has a good layback of shoulder and return of upper arm, straight front with flexible pasterns, level topline and graceful sweep over croup to low set tail, good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved well from all angles.

Yearling Dog (5,0)

1st Hardy’s Sandwick Road Runner

This b/m boy won this class on his shape and ring presence. He is of ideal size and substance and was so well presented, just coming back into a coat of good colour and texture. He has such a good reach of neck which he shows off to advantage, being well muscled and well arched. This leads into well angulated forequarters, a level topline, graceful sweep over the croup and a low set tail. He has a nicely moulded head with just the right amount of stop, smooth cheeks and rounded muzzle, good underjaw, and dark obliquely set almond shaped eyes. He was reluctant to use his ears but he did enough for me, and once his handler got him to settle he moved very soundly with good reach and drive.

2nd Ayres’ Gemette Gone Platinum

Well coated b/m of good colour, well broken and of harsh texture. Good balance of skull to muzzle, dark eye, his ears are slightly wider set than 1st but he uses them well, he still needs to fill in foreface and under the eyes, but nevertheless has a pleasing expression. He has a tendency to overstretch when standing, but when corrected and standing foursquare his good front angulation is evident. He has enough neck enhanced by a white collar, straight front with good bone, good depth of chest, level topline and gentle sweep over croup, well angulated hindquarters, long enough tail. Went well on the move.

3rd Proctor’s Cuilshelties Lochan Torr

Completing a trio of quality blue merles, this lad was still in his teenage phase. His head is balanced with a well shaped eye and good ear carriage, rich tan markings and a blaze give him an attractive outlook. He has a long neck and is well constructed which shows in his movement, but he still needs to develop in body. His colour could be clearer but it is well broken.

Novice Dog (5,0)

1st Foxstones Take A Chance On Me

2nd Saunders’ Sendora Sweet Bramble

Shapely tricolour of good overall balance, a very attentive showman. Good head proportions with parallel planes, his stop could be more definite but he has a flat skull and nicely rounded muzzle, enough underjaw, and neat well carried ears, he is slightly full in eye but still has an appealing expression. He has a good length of neck, his angulation is balanced at both ends, his front is straight with flexible pasterns, level top line, and a low set well carried tail. Moved OK.

3rd Kenny’s Philhope Quincy

Pale g/s boy with a charming expression. His head is nicely moulded with a flat skull, correct stop, nicely rounded muzzle, smooth cheeks, dark almond shaped eye, and nicely placed and tipped ears carried alertly. He has enough bone for his ideal size and a good reach of neck, but I found him rather upright in shoulder and straight in upper arm which spoiled his overall balance and impeded his front movement. He has a good depth of chest, level topline and graceful sweep over croup to a low set tail. Shown in good harsh coat, well presented.

Tyro Dog (5,3)

1st Sendora Sweet Bramble

2nd Burch’s Bordamour All Fired Up

Rather aptly named tri! His head is balanced with parallel planes, a flat skull, smooth cheeks, and a sweet eye, he still needs to fill in foreface and his ears were a little erratic. He has a good reach of neck, moderate forehand and rear angulation, a straight front with good bone, level topline, but he is rather proud of his tail. On the day he was a bit full of himself, and his movement was difficult to assess.

Graduate Dog (7,2)

1st Miles’ Milesend Kingfisher

B/m of good colour, well broken, and of good harsh texture. A well shaped eye and nicely tipped ears, flat skull, correct stop and nicely rounded muzzle all combine to give a sweet expression. I would prefer a longer neck, but that apart he is a pleasure to examine on the table as he has such good angulation at both ends and this shows in his easy ground covering movement.

2nd Pattinson’s Kyleburn Mithras

Dark shaded s/w, of perfect size, and also very well made. His head is balanced with a flat skull, nicely rounded muzzle, smooth cheeks, dark almond shaped eye and well placed ears. He has a better reach of neck than 1st, good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm, level topline, graceful sweep over the croup, and strong well muscled hindquarters which enabled him to move with drive. A close decision, on the day 1st just had the edge in showing off his virtues.

3rd Barrowclough’s Shadowess Lockdown Hero

S/w with a pleasing head and expression. His angulation is balanced at both ends so he moved soundly, but could not match the forward reach in profile of 1st and 2nd.

Post Graduate Dog (8,0)

1st Morrison’s Ketim Final Edition

Elegant shaded s/w, of perfect size, I liked his outline and overall balance. He has parallel planes of skull to muzzle, correct stop, nicely rounded muzzle, good underjaw, dark obliquely set almond shaped eyes, and neatly tipped well placed ears giving a sweet yet masculine expression. He has a good reach of neck, well angulated forequarters, a straight front with round bone, flexible pasterns, level topline and sweep over croup to low set tail. A good bend of stifle and well let down hocks enabled him to move with drive. Stood foursquare at all times and showed non stop.

2nd Smee’s Wansvale Amiable

Shaded s/w in profuse coat. His head is balanced although it is a slightly shorter wedge than 1st, flat skull, neatly tipped ears carried alertly, well placed stop and nicely rounded muzzle. He has a good layback of shoulder, straight front with round bone, good depth of chest and spring of rib, level topline, good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. He moved well with good reach and drive. Just preferred the expression of 1st.

3rd Varnom’s Milesend Blue Jeans

B/m of good colour and correct size. He has a charming expression, with good balance of skull to muzzle, neatly tipped well carried ears, obliquely set almond shaped eye, nicely rounded muzzle and good underjaw. He is quite well put together but a longer neck would enhance his outline. Moved soundly and an attentive showman.

Mid Limit Dog (8,3)

1st Aaron’s Shelridge Sirius

S/w with a nicely moulded head, correct stop, parallel planes, dark almond shaped eye, good ear carriage, nicely rounded muzzle, smooth cheeks and good underjaw, combining to give a gentle expression. He has a good reach of neck and layback of shoulder, straight front, flexible pasterns, good depth of chest, level topline, graceful sweep over croup, good bend of stifle, and well let down hocks so moved soundly. More coat underneath his body would balance the picture, but his overall quality earned him this place in good company.

2nd Wansvale Amiable

3rd Blenmerrow Merry Minstral

Plain shaded sable, of good breed type with nothing exaggerated. He also has a very sweet expression, with a very dark eye, neatly tipped ears, flat skull, correctly placed stop, rounded muzzle and good underjaw. He is built on flowing lines with a good reach of neck, balanced angulation at both ends, level topline, graceful sweep over croup into low set tail. Moved well from all angles.

Limit Dog (8,2)

1st Walker’s Tooralies Ocho Rios

I judged this boy a couple of years ago and I still really like him. He is a very pleasing dark shaded sable of perfect size with such a charming Sheltie expression. His head is balanced with a flat skull, correct stop, dark obliquely set almond shaped eye, neatly tipped ears well carried, rounded muzzle and enough underjaw. He has a lovely outline with a well arched neck enhanced by a white collar, good layback of shoulder, level topline, graceful slope over croup, well angulated hindquarters and a low set tail. He moved with drive from the rear, I would just prefer more reach in profile.

2nd Moore’s Sanscott Limited Edition

Pale golden sable, in profuse coat. He has a very sweet head of correct proportions, flat skull, neat well placed ears, dark almond shaped eye, rounded muzzle and good underjaw. He has enough neck and a good layback of shoulder, he is slightly steep in upper arm which showed in his profile movement, but his angulation is balanced at both ends so he moved soundly.

3rd Isdale’s Viewdale Cuddly Dudley JW

G/s of ideal size, who has probably just come to his best. He has a very attractive head with a dark correctly placed and shaped eye and neatly tipped well carried ears, smooth cheeks and well filled foreface. His angulation is balanced and he has a pleasing outline, I would just prefer more bend of stifle and better definition of the hock joint. Moved true from all angles.

Open Dog (6,1)

1st Andersson’s Multi Ch Frostice Makeover. CC & BIS.

Eyecatching b/m of perfect size who for me encapsulates the breed standard. His coat is a clear silvery blue, splashed with black, which fits his body and shows off his lovely outline. A white collar enhances his long well arched neck and he has a good layback of shoulder and upper arm of equal length, so he stands foursquare with his front feet under the withers. He has a level topline and graceful sweep over the croup, and low set tail. His hindquarters are equally well angulated so, as expected, he has a smooth gait with good forward reach and drive from the rear. His head also handles well with no exaggerations, a medium size obliquely set eye, neatly tipped ears, well filled foreface, and an even blaze, he has a melting expression which I could not resist.

2nd Hardy’s Ch Sandwick Stagelight JW

Shapely tri boy who on the day was lacking furnishings at the rear which slightly detracted from the overall picture. He has a pleasing head with good balance of skull to muzzle, correct stop nicely rounded foreface, dark obliquely set eyes and neatly tipped ears. He too has a muscular well arched neck, very well angulated forequarters, a straight front with round bone and flexible pasterns, good depth of chest, level topline and sweep over croup, and strong muscular hindquarters which enabled him to move with drive. He was giving his handler a hard time but did enough to earn this place.

3rd Goodwins’ Highbrook Hobnob JW

G/s boy who I have done well before. Nicely moulded head with flat skull, correct stop, rounded muzzle, good underjaw, nicely tipped ears and dark expressive eyes. He has a pleasing outline with a good reach of neck and level topline, he is well constructed throughout, another who stands foursquare with all his feet in the right place. He moved well from all angles.

Special Open Dog (Sable & White) (7,1)

1st Fisher’s Ch Shellamoyed Gold Fever

Pale g/s with a wealth of coat, groomed to perfection. His head has much appeal with a good balance of skull to muzzle, correctly placed stop, very sweet dark eye, neat well carried ears, well filled foreface and good underjaw. I liked his overall balance and outline as he shows off his well arched neck, good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm, straight front with round bone and flexible pasterns, level topline, graceful sweep over croup to low set tail, good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved very soundly.

2nd Ch Rannerdale Showmaster JW

R/s I have admired since he was a puppy, again nicely balanced and presenting a pleasing overall picture. Typical charming Sheltie head and expression we have come to expect from this kennel with flat skull, correct stop, neatly tipped ears carried alertly, and perfect eye shape and placement, although darker pigmentation of the rims would enhance. It was difficult to separate these two as each has similar attributes, but 1st just has the better forehand angulation which showed in his profile movement.

3rd Ch Lafitte De Moorstile Chez Shelridge

Another who takes the eye for his lovely make and shape, on the day he was very out of coat and not in his best bloom. He too excels in expression with a lovely moulded head, dark obliquely set eye and alertly carried ears. He is spot on for size and well constructed with enough bone, good depth of chest and spring of rib, level topline and well carried tail. Stood foursquare and moved out well.

Special Open Dog (Tricolour, B&T or B&W) (7,2)

1st Reeves & McCormick-Reeves’ Longrange Mr Darcy at Mceeves

Shown in dense black coat with rich tan markings, enhanced by a sparkling white collar. His head is balanced with a flat skull and smooth cheeks, well filled foreface, dark eye and neat ears, he is a shade deep in stop but this does not detract from his appealing expression. I would prefer a longer neck, but he has a good layback of shoulder, straight front with round bone, level topline, gentle sweep over croup, good bend of stifle, and well let down hocks. Moved soundly from all angles.

2nd Woolley’s Pepperhill In The Moment at Valjon

Close up, I was splitting hairs in this class because this boy also has much charm, I just preferred the overall balance of 1st. He has good head proportions with a well filled foreface, correct stop, dark almond shaped eye and neatly tipped ears. He has a good reach of neck and good forehand angulation, straight front with flexible pasterns, level topline, low set tail, good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved very well.

3rd Walker’s Ch Marsula Shogun JW ShCM (Imp Aus)

Nice for size and substance, but I would prefer a longer neck to enhance his outline. His head is balanced with flat skull, smooth cheeks, dark eye, well filled foreface and good underjaw, but his ears are a bit heavy which mars his expression a little. He is well constructed overall but in this class he decided to pace on the move, although he did go better in the veteran challenge.

Special Open Dog (Blue Merle) (5,0)

1st Robinson’s Ch Lavika Deep Blue Ocean RCC

Very shapely boy, son of my CC winner and very similar in style, although his colour is not as clear as his sire’s. He has the same sweet expression derived from the perfect balance of skull to muzzle, obliquely set almond shaped blue eyes, neatly tipped ears, smooth cheeks, rounded muzzle, good underjaw, and that charming blaze! He is nice for size with a long well arched neck carrying his head proudly, level topline, graceful sweep over croup and very long tail. He is so well angulated and his young handler moves him at just the right speed to demonstrate his lithe flowing action. He is also perfectly schooled to show off his many virtues.

2nd Milesend Blue Jeans

3rd Riding’s Achor’s Surprise Percy Polaris for Torinska (Imp Che)

This boy is now a veteran but you wouldn’t know it. He has an appealing head of correct proportions with a dark eye and nicely tipped ears, and showed non stop for his handler. He is of ideal size and nicely balanced with a good reach of neck and good angulation at both ends, level topline and gentle sweep over croup giving a pleasing outline. Moved well.

Breeders Dog (4,1)

1st Robinson’s Ch Lavika Luminary

So typical of this kennel, this plain s/w commands attention with his proud head carriage and lovely outline. His head is elegant and refined with perfect balance of skull to muzzle, parallel planes, correct stop, very dark almond shaped eye, and neatly tipped ears carried alertly. Nice for size with round bone, super reach of neck into well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm, straight front and flexible pasterns, good depth of chest, level topline, graceful sweep over croup, very good bend of stifle, well let down hocks, and long low set tail. Moved as his construction would suggest.

2nd Sanscott Limited Edition

3rd Busseys’ Hamblerose Black Diamond

Tri with a pleasing head with dark eye and good ear carriage, showing well for his handler. His angulation is balanced, but he still needs to develop in body, and he lacked reach and drive on the move.

Special Open Working Dog (4,0)

1st Sheltysham Burnished Gold

2nd Philhope Quincy

3rd Poupard’s Esterbon Circle Of Life

Tricolour, sadly did not wait for critique