• Show Date: 09/09/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Marion Sargent Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Richmond Dog Show Society

Breed: Norwich Terrier

Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: GRAVES Belleville I'm At Pipsacre – 11 mth old bl/tan male, nice

overall balance, good bone for age, good head proportions, pleasing head

& eye, good skull & ear set, lovely expression, nice front & rear, carrying

good topline, moved well. Best Puppy

2nd: TINSLEY Morzi's Magic Mike – 6 mth old baby, so cute at the

moment, but needs a lot of growing up, needs to come up on leg, lovely

head, for age, good ear set, and lovely eye, nice front & rear, good topline,

a bit erratic on the move at the moment.


Junior Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: HARDWICKE & BARGE Bring me Laughter – 15 mth old bl/tan dog,

pleasing size, but a bit unbalanced at the moment, would like the body to

catch up with the head, which it still has time to do, nice eye shape &

expression, good skull, nice front angulation, lovely short body, nice

ribbing, ok for topline, nice rear, pleasing on the move

Limit Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: CRAWLEY Winflash Easter Parade – 2 yr old red, loved this boy when

he entered the ring, correct size and balance, good head, correct shaped

skull, lovely eye shape, good stop, strong muzzle, making up a lovely

expression, strong short neck going into correctly angulated forequarters,

short cobby body, holding a level topline, tailset bang on, lovely rear

quarters which he used on the move. Pleased to award him DCC & BOB.

2nd: MARTIN Ragus Oh Boy – 20 mth old red, another nice sized dog,

pleasing head overall, nice angles front and rear, nice ribbing, slightly

longer than 1, moved well, just preferred the rear on 1.

3rd: CROZIER, Mrs D M Sea Sky

Open Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 3

1st: ACKLING, HITCHEN, & LUMPKIN Ch Kreatin Extra Factor (TAF) – 5

yr old red, larger dog, but still with a lovely shape & balance, pleasing head

with good eye & expression, correct skull & ear set, nice neck, going into a

well angulated forequarters, liked his ribbing & loin, lovely profile

movement, just lost out on the CC on rear movement. Had to settle for the

RCC today.

2nd: ARMSTRONG & LAWRANCE Ragus Sweet Bay at Elantiz – 2 yr old

red, another pleasing male, well balanced, good overall head proportions,

lovely expression, pleasing angles front & rear, nice body, needs to

strengthen in topline, pleasing on the move

Veteran Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: MARTIN Tinkave Brown Eyed Girl – 8 yr old red bitch, nice size &

balance, pleasing head, good ear set, correct skull, and good expression &

eye, nice front, good ribbing, topline could be a touch firmer, nice rear,

pleasing on the move.

Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: WATKINS Baktwins Let Me Be The One – 11 mth old red, nice size

and bone for age, lovely head & eye, good expression, nice ear set,

pleasing skull, lovely front, good ribbing & loin, nice rear, pleasing on the


2nd:TINSLEY Morzi's Modern Millie – 6 mth old red baby, definitely the dog

I would take home, such a baby and so cute. Just needs to grow, in all

directions, very raw at the moment, everything in place on head, touch long

in body at the moment, nice topline, good tailset, nice rear, moved well

when settled.

Junior Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: INETT & HARRISON Ragus Blowing Kisses to Carradine – 12 mth old

red, needs to body up at the moment, pleasing head with good eye, nice

skull, just needs to drop in chest, nice neck, good spring of rib, and topline,

nice rear, moved well.

2nd: ARMSTRONG & EGGINTON Elantiz Angels & Demons – 12 mth old

cobbier bitch, nice head with good ear set, and eye, nice front & rear, good

ribbing, topline needs to level out a touch, nice rear, moved well when


3rd: BALDWIN Ragus Isn't It Romantic

Post Graduate Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: ARMSTRONG & EGGINTON Elantiz Angels & Demons – Repeat

2nd:HAYNES Alantro Secret Step – 16 mth old bitch, touch longer in body,

but good bone, topline could be a touch firmer, pleasing head with nice

skull, good ear set, & nice eye, would like a shorter muzzle, good neck and

front, nice rear, nice profile movement.

Limit Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: ARMSTRONG & LAWRANCE Elantiz This is Me – 2 yr old bl/tan, nice

overall shape & balance, lovely head, with good skull & ear set, nice

shaped eye, could be a touch darker for preference, solid neck going into

good shoulder angulation, good ribbing & short loin, nice rear, moved well

holding a good topline. Was the bridesmaid with the RCC today.

Open Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: CRAWLEYS Ragus Highfalutian – 15 mth old red bitch, lovely overall

size & shape, well balanced, lovely head, correct skull, good ear set, lovely

eye & expression, strong neck, going into correct forequarters, lovely

ribbing & loin, moved well holding a good topline. Pleased to award the

BCC to her.

2nd: GRAVES Ragus Love Letter To Pipsacre – 5 yr old red, smaller bitch,

& touch longer, pleasing head with good eye & expression, nice front &

rear, just preferred the topline and movement on 1.

Special Begineers Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: HAYNES Alantro Secret Step – Repeat – Best Special Beginner

Judge – Marion Sargent (Tegwani)