• Show Date: 07/08/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Margaret Brown Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

National Gundog Association

Breed: Retriever (Labrador)

National Gundog Association

Sunday, 7th August 2022

Labrador Retriever Bitches

Thank you to the Committee of National Gundog Association Championship Show for inviting me to judge Labrador bitches and for their lovely hospitality, and to my two stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly. 

I would also like to thank the exhibitors for such a lovely entry. I thoroughly enjoyed my day.

VB (3,1)

1st Scutcher’s Winsleywood Wild Honey JW ShCM - lovely 12-year-old yellow bitch, beautiful yellow of superb type and construction, so very feminine with a lovely balanced outline, has a lovely coat and tail,well-laid shoulders and good bone, short coupled with a well-angulated rear, moved up the mat freely and with style. Best Veteran.

2nd Jones’ Lembas Faith at Senenjar - yellow with an excellent coat and tail, feminine head, another with strength in body & good bone & substance, presents an excellent overall outline, handled very well, has a lovely temperament, lovely bitch in profile.

MPB (5,4)

1st Hayward’s Harrywills Rose Ruby - a cheeky black girl, full of herself, very raw, with a pretty head just needing time, a real sweetie, lost her concentration a few times but only just six and a bit months and didn’t quite know what was expected of her; nevertheless, she had good overall construction.

PB (6,3)

1st Thorpe’s Taph Electra - liked this black for her excellent breed type, perhaps carrying a bit more weight than would be ideal but very well constructed with a lovely kind head, strong neck and correct lay of shoulder, excellent bone & substance, gives the overall appearance of being strong but very feminine, Best Puppy Bitch.

2nd Thornton’s Halshimoor Fever Pitch at Mallendyke - pretty black, longer in loin than one but has a lovely outline, well-placed shoulders and clean neck, enough bone for her size and frame, lovely head and expression, unlucky to meet one. 

3rd Tatchell’s Smokeycote Perfect Dream

JB (6,3)

1st Hodgkiss’ Dinnozo Pink Diamond - yellow of excellent type and construction, such a pretty feminine head with alert expression, she has good bone and feet and excellent strong pasterns, a clean, strong neck of the correct length and is short coupled without being too short in body, liked the way she moved very free and sound both coming & going. Delighted to award her the RCC.

2nd Lavelle’s Crosscoyde Cheeky Emma - a lovely yellow, she has a feminine head which is well balanced, has kind, expressive eyes and a willing-to-please expression, is strong and clean over the neck and has an excellent topline, she carries herself well, such a lot to like about her.

3rd Young’s Potterzuri Wanda Vision

SBB (2,0)

1st Mills’ Jaybec Winter Wispa - such a well-presented yellow, another of excellent type; liked her feminine head & alert expression, she stands four square & her overall profile is very good; she has a good layback of shoulder, firm topline & good tail; in lovely coat & condition on the day and moved with drive from firm quarters.

2nd Jones’ Lembas Tiana at Serenjar - lovely black, good proportioned feminine head, she has excellent scope, has the correct length and angulation in shoulder and looks lovely over the neck and topline; movement was sound and positive.

YB (7,3)

1st Braddon’s Trendlewood Shape of You - lovely outline on this young yellow, feminine balanced head, well constructed throughout, with good coat & tail, just right for weight & in fine condition on the day, moved out well.

2nd Douglas’ Talard’s Lady Gaga – Lovely unexaggerated black bitch. Good strength of neck, well boned throughout. Good spring of rib and short coupled. Level topline with well-set tail, very well presented.

3rd Spratt’s Briwed Flo Nightengale

MB (4,3)

1st Young’s Potterzuri Wanda Vision - yellow of lovely type, in good coat and condition, sweetest of heads and expression, eye and pigment correct, only just out of puppy and lots of time ahead of her, has all the essentials to do very well. 

NB (4,2)

1st Evans & Newton’s Eminala Star Struck Farnfield - sound yellow of lovely type, has a feminine head with kind alert expression, strong clean neck, short coupled with good width in quarters and well turned stifles, only just 16 months and lots of developing to do, nicely made bitch.

2nd Jones’ Lembas Tiana at Serenjar

UB (2,0)

1st Shirton’s Woolman Carefree - this yellow bitch has such a lovely outline, is well constructed overall with an excellent double coat, short coupled with wide well, angulated quarters, pretty feminine head with an alert expression and kind eye; she won on her balance, condition and strong hind action on the move.

2nd KIng’s Linthwaite Arabella - yellow with a lovely disposition, good angulation and front assembly, balanced head with good length of muzzle, has good depth of brisket and correct barrel ribs, has a good bend of stifle and moved out and back well.

GB (8,2)

1st Venturi-Rose’s Leospring East Indie - another I liked for her excellent overall construction, kind eye on this chocolate bitch, feminine head with alert expression, good double coat, another who is short coupled without being too short in body, good turn of stifle & well developed quarters, moved out well.

2nd Dodd’s Carriegame Precious Jewel - very close up to the winner in overall construction and quality, this black bitch has a beautiful head, balanced, feminine and with a good length and depth of muzzle. Good round bone, is so well put together and carries an excellent coat, a lovely bitch with many qualities.

3rd Hodge& Lapper’s Naiken Evita

PGB (11,1)

1st Tulloch’s Tullochmohr Ace of Hearts - stunning black who is so beautiful in outline, lovely balanced feminine head, well constructed from nose to tail, strong well, angulated quarters, in gorgeous coat and condition, has fabulous ring presence, handled to advantage. Calm and attentive, strong quarters, moved effortlessly with an easy stride, for me, the ideal size and one with good leg length. I thought she was the one with the whole package on the day. CC and BOB.

2nd Kent’s Chyanhal Trevose of Trewinnard - this black is similar in many ways to my winner; she is so well presented by her handler, strong neck with, excellent shoulders and firm topline, she has the correct bone and substance for her frame, and although she was beaten today, she is a real quality bitch, I liked the way she carried herself on the move, with good reach, cannot be overlooked. Strongly considered for the Res CC.

3rd Mills’ Lembas Kakamora

MLB (5,2)

1st Jones’ Hafnau Orabela - lovely feminine black with a balanced outline, she is handled and presented so well, she is very feminine with kind, expressive eyes, she has the correct shoulder angulation and a strong topline, she carries a good double coat of the correct texture, her quarters are well muscled, and she is sound and positive on the move. 

2nd King’s LInthwaite Indiana JW - lovely yellow bitch, sets herself up so well with excellent balance, a real eye-catching outline, she has good length and depth of muzzle, clean neck with well-angulated shoulders, excellent topline which she held well on the move, good double coat, moved soundly with a free, easy stride.

3rd Mills’ Trendlewood Day Dreaming

LB (12,5)

1st Artingstall’s Hightrevoron Forget Me Not - I have always liked this yellow bitch. Today she was looking exceptionally well, in good coat and condition, such a lovely outline, not perfect shoulders but a pretty feminine head with alert expression, short coupled but with a good length of rib, strong over the quarters and moved well with good drive, handled well to win this strong class of quality bitches.

2nd Wood’s Sundyke Secret Steps - a lovely well-balanced black, has scope and good length of leg, feminine head with a good length of muzzle, well-set ears, strong firm topline and has the correct barrelled rib, short coupled, moved soundly, quality bitch.

3rd Campbell’s Binnaig Brene 

OB (10,3)

1st Ganney`s Mardas Black Silk JW - I liked this black bitch very much, she won a really strong class, was in her best coat, her overall construction is extremely good, and I liked her size and outline, feminine head and expression, moved well, really is a lovely bitch who should do her fair share of winning.

2nd Jones’ Sh Sh Hafnau Georgette - black of quality and another I liked very much, a really lovely bitch who won her place on her breed type, pretty head with good length of muzzle, well-set ears, clean neck and has good length of rib, first class topline and carrying a correct coat, handled to advantage and moved out well. Unlucky to meet one.

3rd Hodge’s Sh Ch Naiken Etoile (ai)

GCDSB (2,1)

1st Nightengale’s Flyenpyg Snazzy Sniffer - black of 6 years, lovely clean outline, kind head and expression, good length of muzzle, carried her topline well on the move and has sufficient bone for her size and frame, sound free movement, nice bitch.