• Show Date: 16/04/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Loraine Ratter Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Working & Pastoral Breeds Association Of Wales

Breed: Hungarian Puli

Hungarian Puli

P 1st & BP Crowther Porgeloci Tajtek at Catsun (Imp Hun) a confident promising black male puppy excellent type correct square outline ideal size small head dark eye scissor bite excellent pigment body developing as you expect at this stage correct topline well-set tail well presented with a typical coat for his age super brisk short stepping movement

J 1st Porgeloci Tajtek at Catsun (Imp Hun) see puppy 2nd Robins Mournebrake Cold As Ice male moderate type typical throughout not quite as square as the first masculine head lively expression muscular neck deep chest ribcage well sprung enthusiastic and sound on the move cording progressing well

O 1st & BOB Sharpe & Dyer Catsun Comanche Legacy impressive black male with a square outline and excellent static balance masculine head enough stop neat ears dark eye super expression well laid shoulder ribs well sprung strong loin correct topline and tail set typical brisk movement beautifully presented and conditioned 2nd Scrutton Black'n Blue's Ready to Rock with Gemeau (Imp Dnk) larger male with a nicely proportioned head well pigmented flews scissor bite muscular neck harmonious angulation fore and aft ample depth of chest slightly longer in loin moved soundly with a typical short-stepping action well presented

Collies (Smooth)

P 1st & BP Wensley Constella Hazy Cosmic Jive tricolour male of excellent type and potential good length of skull correct stop dark well eye sweet intelligent expression harmonious angulation body need time to develop level topline moderate bone movement needs to settle harsh textured coat 2nd Moores Blamorder High Hopes bitch attractive outline well-proportioned body head needs time correct stop dark eye lovely expression would prefer a little more bone and better feet

J 1st Wensley Constella Hazy Cosmic Jive (see puppy)

L 1st Martin & Howard Shandlmain Blu Chief blue merle male masculine with a balanced outline typical head good wedge strong under-jaw dark almond shaped eye ears well placed well laid shoulder adequate neck level topline moderate bone moved soundly coat of harsh texture 2nd Moores Manordeifi Bow Regard male different type taller and ranger typical in many respects but today he was out of condition and needed more weight and general body conditioning

O Lovely class first three all quality examples and a pleasure to judge 1st & BOB Smith Ch/Multi Ch Winter Is Coming to Tentola blue merle male beautifully balanced in profile masculine blunt wedge shaped head parallel planes dark eye intelligent expression ears correctly placed good length of neck correct depth to chest well sprung ribs firm topline effortless mover with super reach and drive presented in hard muscular condition 2nd Loader Ch Coneypark Countdown for Allangill male happy outgoing showman masculine well-proportioned head correct stop dark expressive eye soundly constructed with enough depth of chest muscular neck and well sprung ribcage sound free mover with a good length of stride and excellent drive harsh texture to coat presented in excellent condition 3rd Flowers Ch Breckamore Butterfingers ShCM ShCEx

Estrela Mountain Dog

L 1st Ogborn & Titman Asterel Miucca Prada bitch with a nicely proportioned head enough width to skull correct stop amber oval eye good pigmentation small low set ears short strong neck nice depth of brisket and spring of rib adequate bone toeing in today firmly muscled hindquarters super coat texture

O 1st & BOB Bermingham, Kendrick & Almeida Nl Ch Rainha Da Casa De Loas Em Bamcwt (Imp Port) Ejw'16 bitch in fabulous coat and condition almost a veteran I have never seen her look better feminine head with a good width of skull strong muzzle and typical expression muscular neck super bone and substance her body is well developed with a good spring of rib deep chest strong topline w well-set tail of correct length with an obvious hook harmonious angulation free effortless mover

2nd & BV Ogborn & Titman Asterel Tuppence quality veteran bitch of excellent breed type broad skull small ears oval eyes give a typical expression muscular short neck soundly constructed with well sprung ribs firm topline and correct tail-set excellent round bone and oval feet free easy mover with a beautifully presented and conditioned coat


P 1st BP & BOB Brock Regerastace Aphrodite 9 month old bitch puppy well grown with a typical head and expression dark eye correct dentition soundly constructed with harmonious angulation fore and aft excellent bone and feet playing up her handler on the move today coat developing well

Swedish Vallhund

O 1st & BOB Price Starvon You Got It at Coningsbear ShCM veteran dog in superb coat and hard muscular condition ideal size good substance masculine head correct ear set dark eye enough stop good reach of neck well laid shoulder super topline and tail set purposeful mover

AV Import Breeds Register Pastoral

P 1st BP & RBB Yu & Halliday Stardust Halo Dolce of Xanadu's Aria for Enzotica Picardy exciting bitch puppy of beautiful breed type super profile correct height to length proportions feminine head enough stop confident expression oval brown eye moderately large well set ears medium length of neck well laid shoulder level topline strong bone adult coat developing and of harsh texture sound effortless mover

JD 1st Ridgewell Brigam Snow Blanket White Swiss Shepherd promising youngster with an outgoing personality head still developing dark eye high set ears correct dentition medium length of neck well laid shoulder level back moderate rear angulation easy sound mover well presented

PG 1st Ridgewell Brigam Snow Blanket White Swiss Shepherd (see junior)

OD 1st & BD Yu & Halliday Pascale Enzotica (Imp DNK) ShCEx Picardy quality example of this breed striking profile body of ideal proportions medium sized with strong bone and correct feet masculine head alert expression moderately large well set ears correct dentition his fore and rear angulation is harmonious and balanced free easy mover harsh coat texture presented in hard muscular condition 2nd RBD Henshaw Dreamweaver of Sereno Spirit (IKC) White Swiss Shepherd super alert veteran soundly constructed on the move he covered the ground easily his head is masculine but refined flat skull correct length of foreface dark eye ears well set muscular neck adequate depth to chest strong bone oval feet firm level back in fabulous coat and condition 3rd Sandford Fato del Boscoantico (IMP ITA) Bergamasco

JB 1st & BB Henshaw Whitehemi's Aurora White Swiss Shepherd outgoing youngster showing a lot of potential she has a balanced profile today she tested her handler at times very boisterous and playful on the move but eventually settled and is clearly sound with a ground covering stride feminine head typical expression balanced outline medium bone correct feet and pasterns body still developing but enough width and depth to chest correct rear angulation

PGB 1st Brown Faith Follow Your Dream Lord of The North with Tamalden White Swiss Shepherd quality bitch with a well-balanced profile typical head and expression muscular neck well laid shoulder enough rear angulation firm level back correct croup unfortunately rather unsettled on the move today in super coat and well-conditioned

OB 1st Sandford Calshair Sgur Fiona Nel Boscoantico Bergamasco bitch typical square profile excellent head with desired muzzle to skull proportions correct stop large eye ears well set muscular neck well laid shoulder good depth of forechest level topline moved soundly coat well presented and of excellent harsh texture