• Show Date: 22/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Lionel Prouve Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Scottish Kennel Club

Breed: Griffon Bruxellois

I would like to thank SKC for inviting me, my steward who had a long day, having already done the preceding breed in the ring, and my fellow Griffon exhibitors who chose to enter and bring their dogs. Of course, the entry was relatively small, but I was happy with the overall quality. I was pleased to find the correct square shape & size, most of the exhibits were toy dogs with substance, had large open nostrils, enough neck and lay of shoulder and back movement was generally good, although a few could do with firming up. In males, I ended up splitting hairs, whilst I was presented with a few options in bitches. In the end however, the BOB bitch could not be denied her win, displaying a wonderful balance, attractive head features and putting in a flawless performance.

JD (1/0)

1. MACKAY, Mr Gordon & MACKAY, Mrs Pauline’s Osthaen Storm On The Horizon - R/R with good body proportions, correct ribcage, chest goes down to elbow, good clear coat colour. Lovely size of skull, good bite, nose is well positioned, nose pad is broad. Large eyes, although could be slightly rounder. Lovely earset & carriage. He has a lovely straight front, would prefer a little more lay of shoulders to match his good rear angulation. A slightly higher tail set would complete the picture. Lovely temperament.

PGD (2/0)

1. MURRAY, Mr J’s Grajenco Louis Vuitton at Murroch - 2y/o R/S who presents a correct overall shape, has a good spring of ribs, although rib cage could extend back a little more. Tailset is OK and tail is carried well on the move. He has a fairly large head, good under jaw, lovely nose pad, correct width throughout. Earset is good, correct eye shape and size. Moves well in profile, just needs to firm up on his back end.

2. POTTS, Mr R & Mrs J’s Adreeam Secret Affair - R/R who still needs to mature & would like more width throughout. He settled and moved well in profile. Liked his underjaw, correct earset, level topline and good angulation. Coat is coming through to be of good texture.

LD (1/0)

1. ROBINSON, Mrs Christine & ROBINSON, Mr Keith’s Osthaen Red Hot Chilli Piper - R/S dog, absolutely square with cobby being the right word for him. Fairly large head, good under jaw, correct mouth, good large round eye, which is dark in colour, nice earset, good fill under the eyes. Neck is medium and flows into well laid shoulders, good width of chest, level top line. Strong loin, correct angulation, chest is well let down and his elbows are tight. Moves well side and front and back, stands four square and put in a flawless performance to get the CC.

OD (1/0)

1. GULLON, Mr C J’s Ch Barnfall Sunshine JW - R/R who has the perfect size, lovely overall body shape, has a level topline, lovely high tail set, correct medium neck, good carriage throughout. Correct skull size, good bite and dentition, eyes are round & dark, lovely earset. He has a good spring of ribs and enough width throughout, correct short loin. Good coat of rich colour and harsh texture. Moves well. He didn’t particularly like the noisy hall and in the challenge, he flagged a little. RCC

PB (2/0)

1. SELBY, Mr Mark & SELBY, Mrs Y’s Zilcan Aelia - R/S who has a lovely overall balance, good level topline, correct tailset, good ribcage for age and enough bone. Correct front angulation with a lovely lay of shoulders, good medium neck. Head still needs to grow but she has a lovely turnup, correct nose placement, good eye size & colour, good earset. She is well angulated in rear and moves well sideways, holding her tail. Still needs to muscle up in rear, lovely tight feet, rich colour. BP & I understand she was short-listed in the puppy group.

2. MACKAY, Mr Gordon & MACKAY, Mrs Pauline’s Osthaen Guilty Pleasure – B&T/S, I liked her size, good body shape, nice spring of ribs. She has an attractive head, a good underjaw, nice round dark eye, good small ears. Body is a good substance, would like better rear but she was not happy today so quite difficult to assess movement, although she had a moment where she showed her typical griffon shape on the move. Just needs some more experience!

JB (4/0)

1. FINLAY-KIRKWOOD, MR JAMES’ Grajenco Lady Featherington At Gilderoak - R/R who is square. Her chest has enough width and is well let down. Good skull size, correct medium neck flowing into good lay of shoulders, upper arm could have slightly more return to complete the picture, good level topline. Liked her dark round eye and her earset. She has a good mouth with full dentition and good underjaw. Would prefer darker pigment. Moved well, coat is of good texture and clear colour. One to watch.

2. SELBY, Mr Mark & WHITEHEAD, Miss Fiona’s Zilcan Blazing Away taf - 7m/o R/S, she is cobby, already has good depth and width of chest, level topline, good tailset, lovely angulation, good lay of shoulders. Rich colour. Head is fairly large, would like more width and turnup of underjaw, eyes are of good colour & size. Moves well, still needs to tighten up in rear, but what a performance she gave for her age!

PGB (1/0)

1. GULLON, Mr C J’s Datiro Chickadee JW - R/S 17m/o, feminine bitch who presents a lovely overall outline & is full of character, level topline, good lay of shoulders & return of upper arm, good width of chest, lovely skull size, nice underjaw giving that typical expression, large dark round eyes, good fill under the eyes, would prefer ear carriage to complete the head piece. Lovely straight front, good rear. Moved with drive. RCC

LB (2/0)

1. ALLEN, Mrs C & SELBY, Mr M’s Zilcan Colour Purple – B&T/R, loved her size, she is small & square but with substance, good rib cage, good width & depth of chest, with correct body to height proportions. Lovely front construction with good lay of shoulders, good length and return of upper arm. Medium neck, lovely skull, good large dark round eyes, correct width of underjaw & good turn-up, good nose placement, small semi erect ears, the harshest of coat. Flowed around the ring and stood four-square. CC, BOB & delighted to later see her short-listed in the group.

2. MACKAY, Mr Gordon & MACKAY, Mrs Pauline’s Osthaen Storm In A Teacup - 4y/o R/S stocky and with a fairly large head, lots to like, good spring of ribs, correct chest, correct underjaw, good mouth, correct eyes, nose pad could be wider, but nose is well placed in relation to eyes. Would like slightly better rear angulation. Good rich coat colour.

OB (1/0)

1. MACKAY, Mr Gordon & MACKAY, Mrs Pauline’s Ch Osthaen Scandal By Night - B&T/S, feminine but still of good substance, lovely shape, good tailset and tail is carried perfectly on the move. Good lay of shoulders and return of upper-arm, good straight front legs, good rear angulation although a little soft in condition, liked her skull shape & size, small ears, width of underjaw. Would prefer slightly darker eye but is of good round shape and size, lovely ear set, size & carriage.

Lionel Prouvé (Castafiore)