- Show Date: 07/10/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Lesley Layland Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
South Wales Kennel Association
South Wales Kennel Association
Friday 7th October 2022
Thank you to all who entered under me today at my first CC appointment. Today had a very special meaning to me as it was nearly 21 years to the day since my very first judging appointment. Thank you to the committee of SWKA for their kind invitation and congratulations on a lovely and welcoming show.
Having judged the breed over the years, today I found the higher quality to be in the females. While it is good that the bitches today were of quality it is also a little worrying that the males are falling back.
Temperament was as it should be, excellent. However, high tail carriage and a number of dogs with tails falling considerably past their hocks needs to be watched, both of which are outside of the breed standard. Whilst I accept that male dominance can make for a high tail carriage there were quite a number of females with this undesirable trait too. Also, several dogs were lacking in forward reach and extension with this not always down to poorly made front construction but handling. Whilst the ‘fashion and trend’ of the moment is to ‘string’ the dogs up with the lead often held tight; high under the chin and ears, this also affects the natural front movement, producing short and choppy steps, holding the dog back and preventing them from showing their natural stride. The lead can still be held behind the dogs ears to give a more clean and polished performance but allow for some looseness too and the dog freedom in its forehand to move more naturally.
Also, I found 2 males with incorrect bites.
Golden Retriever Dogs
Veteran Dog 5
1st Broadhead’s Sh Ch Monchique Pure Imagination JW ShCm
Mature male of 7 years, super presentation with a highly groomed pale coat of excellent quality. Masculine head showing good balance, dark eye and pigment. Good length of neck and lay back of shoulder with a firm level topline and tailset carried on the move. Nice forehand construction, spring of rib and short coupled. Good turn of stifle with neat feet. Strong positive mover with good reach and drive. Very worthy of his title.
2nd Foreman’s Camestone Field Day At Ambersun
Strongly made short coupled mid golden boy with lots to like. Well made all through with good bone and substance. Masculine head with kind expression. Strong muscular neck on well laid shoulders, level topline and tailset. Good front angulation with a nice length of leg. Mature chest of good depth and strong in loin. Good turn of stifle with a nice width to thigh. Moved out with drive with super forward reach when viewed in profile.
3rd Sharp & Martin’s Sh Ch Gunhills Barnaby Rudge At Jamaroski
Minor Puppy Dog 2
1st Shepherd & Dugdale’s Parlickview Story Of Love
8 month old dark coated male who is just at the right growth stage for his age. Appealing in head showing masculinity with super dark pigment and good width and depth to muzzle. Shoulders of correct angulation with corresponding rear quarters. Would benefit from a little more trimming around his neck as he appears a tad stuffy. Legs well boned and nicely under body but would prefer straighter front feet. Good spring of rib and short coupled body. On the move he keeps a level topline and places feet correctly but would prefer more reach in front.
2nd Moore’s Purbarn Friends Together.
Another nice puppy who too is looking just right for his age at 8 months. A little broader in head than winner but has a kind expression, eyes of good dark colour and shape with ears well set. Good length of neck but not quite the front angulation as winner but has well boned legs and tight feet. Short in couplings with a good depth to chest and a nice turn to stifle with a level topline held on the move and a correct tailset. Accurate on the move but would prefer a little more drive and enthusiasm.
Puppy Dog 2 (1abs)
1st Shepherd & Dugdale’s Parlickview Story Of Love
Junior Dog 7 (1abs)
1st Pope’s Chilzer Crosby
Gave his handler a hard time on the first move around the ring but on individual assessment he managed to retain his enthusiasm just enough to enable him to move out with a very good stride and reach with correct foot work. Short coupled with good bone and substance throughout and a lovely level topline. Masculine in head without coarseness and a rather cheeky expression from lovely dark eyes. Good forehand construction and laid back shoulder with elbows tucked in. Ribs well sprung and deep through the brisket. Good rear quarters and turn of stifle with straight rear pasterns. In good coat and condition.
2nd Taylor & Tenn’s Strettonhills Ultimatum
Dark coated of 13 months, well up to size who now is waiting to mature. I liked his clean and balanced outline with a super reach of neck onto a dead level topline. Correct layback of shoulder and return of upper arm. Forelegs of good bone, straight with neat feet. Good depth and width to chest, short coupled and strong in loin. Nicely turned stifle and good width to second thigh. Moved out with precision. Would prefer a shade more definition to his head as it lacks a little chiselling but saying that he has a kind expression with super pigment.
3rd Kipps’ Wheatcroft Rainbow
Another very nice boy who today didn’t quite give his all. I liked his overall shape and balance but not quite as positive on the move as 1st and 2nd.
Yearling Dog 5
1st Bawden’s Balsamina Beachcomber At Darthill JW
A super young male and one who I considered for top honours but just felt today he needed a little more maturity. This pale coated boy has a very eye-catching outline with a super strong and level topline held on the move. I particularly liked his head; being masculine yet with a soft expression and nicely shaped. He has a lovely dark eye and pigment and together with the correct width and depth to muzzle makes his head balanced. Strong neck of good length placed on correctly laid back shoulders with good front angulation and upper arm. Good depth of chest, well ribbed back and strong in loin. Nicely turned stifle and in good muscular condition with hocks well let down standing on the best of feet. On the move he went with a free easy gait with an excellent forehand reach and drive from the rear.
2nd Carter’s Kadaka Kauldrun JW
Shorter coupled mid golden boy with good bone and substance and nicely proportioned body. Kind dark eye with good pigment. Muscular neck of good length with a good lay back of shoulder. Straight forelegs and tight feet. Level topline and correct tailset. Moved with correct foot fall, true and straight.
3rd Taylor & Tenn’s Strettonhills Ultimatum
Graduate Dog 7 (1ab)
1st Golder’s Summeramba Spotted Dick
Nicely made pale coated boy with a level topline and nice outline. Masculine head with soft expression, dark eye and pigment. Strong neck of good length with good front assembly and layback of shoulders. Good length of leg and nicely boned. Nice amount of forechest with good depth and width to chest. Short coupled and strong in loin. Nice turn of stifle with good width to second thigh with short hocks and straight rear pasterns. Moved with accuracy for his quick change in runner.
2nd Williams’ Pentegparish Best Mate
Masculine in head with good amount of stop and width to muzzle. Reachy neck with a good layback of shoulder, level topline and correct tailset. Nicely angulated front with good depth to chest and spring of rib. Slightly longer cast and not quite the balance but has a good turn of stifle, neat well let down hocks and straight rear pasterns. Not quite the positive movement as 1st but has a good reach in profile. Will take time to mature.
3rd Ellis’ Warrentor Strike A Light For Fitzford
Post Graduate Dog 6 (1ab)
1st Foreman’s Ambersun Heart And Soul
Appealing in head, masculine yet gentle with a nice expression. Muscular neck of good length set on well laid shoulders. Very nice forehand construction with correct upper arm angulation. Good bone and substance all through with legs nicely placed under body showing a good amount of forechest and close fitting elbows. Mature in chest with plenty of heart and lung room. Short in couplings with a good bend of stifle. Very nice in outline with good body proportions. Moved out true and straight with excellent driving action. Would prefer a little more finish to his coat.
2nd White’s Ninell Indiana Jones Of Alandiagold
Pale heavy coated male of nearly 5 years. Kind dark eye but would prefer a little more balance and definition to head. Reachy neck on good shoulders with a good length of upper arm. Mature in body with a nice amount of forechest. Legs straight and well boned with tight elbows. Short and strong in loin with a good turn of stifle. Moved out well but would prefer a stronger topline and not quite the positive movement as 1.
3rd Golder’s Gembaek Play That Funky Music (Imp Dnk)
Limit Dog 7 (2abs)
1st Trinder’s Thornywait Ruffino
Liked this boy a lot and today was unlucky to meet the CC winner. Super head with good width to skull, dark pigment and expressive eye. Shows lovely balance throughout and super body proportions with good bone and substance. He has a super front angulation with a good length to upper arm and layback of shoulder allowing his legs to stand well under his mature body giving a good amount of forechest. His forelegs are straight on tight neat feet and the best of pasterns. Good length of neck set on a dead level topline leading to a correct tailset. Good depth of chest, spring of rib and short in couplings. His hind quarters symmetrical to his front showing a good turn of stifle. Hocks short and neat with straight rear pasterns. Strongly made all through which was evident in his powerful movement showing an easy gait, long stride and perfect footwork both coming and going. Shown in tip-top condition with a quality mid golden coat. Top honours will come, i’m sure. Delighted to award him the RCC
2nd Lane & Lane-Ridyard’s Kulawand Skywalker
Nicely made pale coated boy. Particularly liked his head that was nicely balanced with a good amount of width and depth and showing masculinity with kind dark eye. Reachy neck flowing into a level topline with shoulders well laid and nicely angulated front assembly. Forelegs straight of good length and tight elbows and feet. Ribs well sprung and chest of good depth. Short strong loin with a good turn of stifle. Good bone and substance all through. Would prefer a better tailset. Moved out well with good foot placement both front and rear.
3rd Plevin’s Bowshella Rough Diamond
Open Dog 9 (1abs)
1st Pastusiak’s Sh Ch/Int Ch/Multi Ch Prince Charming Qdore Of Labgold (ATC POL)
Lovely masculine head which is well chiselled but not over done in any way with a kind and expressive eye, dark pigment and ears correctly placed give a soft and very appealing expression. Strong muscular neck of good length with an excellent level topline and correct tailset. Textbook front assembly with shoulders well laid back and bones of equal length, forelegs straight on the best of feet. I liked his natural ‘no fuss’ presentation; standing foursquare freely with legs well under him with a nice amount of forechest with good bone and substance. Mature throughout he has a good depth to chest and nice spring to his rib. Short in couplings and strong in loin, his rear assembly compliments his front making him truly balanced. He excels on the move with his accurate foot placement and his strong well muscled rear quarters giving him the drive to effortlessly cover the ground with super forward reach. Every inch a showman and one of the best examples of the breed at present. Delighted to award him the CC.
2nd Savage’s Weisford Guilty As Sin (IKC)
Liked this boy for his overall shape and type. Darker coated and at just over 2 yrs old he needs time to mature but is already presenting a pleasing picture and shouts out quality. Liked the head on this boy, being masculine but soft with good balance, lovely dark pigment and kind eyes. Super clean and balanced outline he has a good reach of neck which flows into well laid back and nicely angulated shoulders and a dead level topline. Forelegs straight with tight elbows and good feet. Good depth and width to chest allowing for plenty of heart and lung room with well sprung ribs. Well developed hind quarters with a good turn of stifle and width to second thigh. Moved true both going and on return and used the ring to his advantage with his easy free flowing stride which was clear to see in profile. Pushed hard for top honours.
3rd Kipps’ Sh Ch Cadwst Flash Flame To Wheatcroft
Another very nice boy who shares many of the same attributes as 1st and 2nd and looks a picture standing with very nice balance but today just lost out on movement.
KC Good Citizen Dog Scheme 1
1st Cullimore’s Chisleay Checkmate
Quietly handled and attentive to handler. Nicely made throughout with a good quality mid golden coat. Head nicely chiselled with a soft expression, dark eyes and pigment. Good length of neck and moderate angulation both front and rear. Nice amount of bone and short coupled. Moved out steady.
Veteran 4 (1abs)
1st Crookes & Jenkinson’s Quakerhall Victory Jubilee JW
She may be a veteran in years but is clearly a youngster at heart and one who absolutely dotes on her owner. Classic in head she has the sweetest of expressions and such soulful eyes. Mature and strength in body she has a super reach of neck flowing onto a level topline. Good front angulation with a nice amount of forechest. Good depth of chest and short coupled with an excellent turn of stifle. I liked her relaxed and freestood presentation allowing her to stand foursquare. She moved out well with a good head and tail carriage maintaining a level topline.
2nd Hazelton’s Tenfield Red Sunset Over Cailloch
Another nice veteran of similar type to winner. Looks a picture topped and tailed with a super level topline and correct tailset. She has nice body proportions with balanced angulation both front and back. Straight forelegs standing on neat feet. Deep well ribbed body and short coupled. In good coat and condition. Feminine in head with dark eye and ears well placed, moved out well.
3rd Magson’s Castlegolden Classy Lady JW
Minor Puppy Bitch 4 (1 abs)
1st Rains’ Bencoe Lost In Time With Gunhills
A very promising 6 months enjoying her day. Confident standing and on the move. Nicely made all through with a pretty feminine head, dark eye and kind expression. Excellent reach of neck set on a good lay back of shoulder and return of upper arm. Straight well boned forelegs with neat feet and tight pasterns. Correct maturity of body for her age. Short in couplings with good rear angulation. Good length of leg to body with a level topline and correct tailset. Moved out well with a good forward reach and accuracy for her young age. Will watch her with interest. In no hesitation to award her BPB, BPIB and delighted to see her shortlisted in the gundog puppy group.
2nd Leeming’s Kadaka Kalypso At Iscadu
Another promising girl of 8 months. Attractive feminine and well balanced head with nice amount of stop, dark eye and pigment. Ears well set and correct bite. Lengthy neck flowing into well laid back shoulders with a good return of upper arm. Well boned with cat like feet and tight elbows. Good depth of chest, nice proportions to her body and short in couplings. Good turn of stifle and short hocks. Very nice on the move and very little to separate these first two. With luck should have a bright future.
3rd Eels’ Xanthos Whistle Dixie
Puppy Bitch 4 (2abs)
1st Nelson’s Cadwst Autumnal Magic
Well presented and handled pale coated short coupled bitch of nearly 12 months. Feminine head with soft expression, dark eye and pigment. Excellent reach of neck with good forehand construction and layback of shoulder, ample bone and good feet. Good depth of chest and short coupled with a good turn of stifle and width to second thigh. Moved out true with a good length of stride. Would prefer a stronger topline.
2nd Brown’s Sansue Love Note.
Both handler and puppy are coming together nicely and gaining confidence. Larger framed bitch of 10 months shown in lovely quality pale coat and good body condition with a sweet head and kindly expression with correct eye shape and ears well set. Lengthy neck onto a level topline and correct tailset. Straight forelegs with ample bone on neat feet and strong pasterns. Ribs well sprung with a good depth of chest and nicely angulated rear quarters. Once she gets her act together she moves true and steady. Would prefer a little more angulation to front and wouldn’t want to see her grow any more.
Junior Bitch 10 (2bs)
1st Brown’s Drumkilty Verbena At Glenleddon
Slightly longer cast pale coated bitch but retaining balance with a good length of leg and neat feet. Reachy neck onto a dead level topline and correct tailset. Shoulders well laid with good forehand construction and a nice amount of forechest and ample bone. Nicely angulated rear quarters with well let down hocks and straight rear pasterns. Attractive in head with a sweet feminine expression from dark eyes. Moved with drive and purpose.
2nd Taylor & Tenn’s Strettonhill’s With Passion
Like this young girl a lot. Shorter and more compact bitch than 1st with her pale golden coat just coming back in but what she had was of good quality. Attractive feminine head of good shape and balance, dark eye and pigment. Presents a balanced picture throughout with a good length of leg, nicely laid back shoulders with a dead level topline. Lovely front assembly with matching rear quarter and well ribbed body. Another from this kennel who moves with accurate footfall and good front extension. Nicely handled.
3rd Smith’s Goldmarker Luminess (Ai)
Another very promising girl who hit the right buttons for me but, today not quite showing the accurate rear movement as 1st & 2nd. She is nicely made throughout but another day and places could change.
Special Yearling Bitch 7 (2abs)
1st Healey’s Marsabit Shimmer And Shine
Quietly presented dark golden bitch of 18 mths. Standing foursquare she excels in movement with her easy gait and long free stride covering the ground with drive and accuracy from behind. Pretty head with a very kind expression, dark eyes of correct shape and ears well set. Good reach of neck onto a clean and level topline with a correct tailset. Good layback of shoulder and nicely angulated front. Standing on straight nicely boned legs with tight feet and up on pasterns. Good depth of chest with ribs well sprung and short in couplings. Her rear assembly is complementary to her front in that she has a very nice turn of stifle with good angulation creating a balanced picture. A very nice, well made and quality bitch who just needs a little more time to mature to trouble the best.
2nd Falconer’s Soneve Simply Special For Siatham JW
Liked this youngster a lot not only for her lovely balance and construction but her will to please her handler, happy disposition and ever waggy tail. Attractive head with nice chiselling. Good stop with dark pigment and eyes giving such a pleasing and a little cheeky expression. Clean neck of good length with shoulders well laid. Well ribbed body with a good depth and width to chest. Short coupled with a very nice turn of stifle and standing on neat feet and strong pasterns. Very attentive to handler and shown on a loose lead showing off her free movement.
3rd Taylor & Tenn’s Strettonhill’s With Passion
Graduate Bitch 8 (2abs)
1st Crookes & Jenkinson’s Quakerhall Flare By Pandora
This kennel always produces the goods and this girl is no exception. She is a lovely example of the breed and her handler really gets the most out of her. Clean in outline with good body proportions, good length of leg and carrying just the right amount of weight. Pretty feminine head with kind dark eyes. Good length of neck flowing into well placed shoulders and a dead level topline. Nicely angulated forehand with a good return of upper arm. Forelegs straight and well off for bone with catlike feet. She has a nice amount of forechest with her legs well under her body. Good depth to chest and short coupled with a very nice bend of stifle. When moving she is straight and true both in front and rear placing her feet correctly. In profile you can see the true extent of her stride; long and free flowing. One destined for top honours. Delighted to award her the RCC
2nd Greenhouse’s Rumwood Endless
Very sympathetically handled by her novice handler this bitch is so nicely made all through and is in super hard muscular condition. She has a lovely outline and angulation both front and rear with a nice amount of bone and tight feet. Strong reachy neck onto a lovely level topline which she held on the move. Sweetest of heads with a good shape, ears well set and correct scissor bite. Her excellent muscled rear quarters enabled her to move out with the drive, straight and true both in front and at the rear.
3rd King’s Pajula Little Miss Princess
Post Graduate Bitch 11 (1abs)
1st Robbins’ Brekswood Lady Eleanor
A super girl of lovely type who whether free stood or stacked she stands perfectly foursquare. Legs placed well under her of good length and standing on the best of feet she has good bone and substance throughout. She has a good reach of neck set on a nice lay back of shoulder and correct front angulation with blades of equal length. She has a good depth and width to chest and a nice spring of rib. Short in couplings with a lovely rear angulation. In excellent coat and body condition she has a super level topline and tail coming clean off her back. She has a beautiful easy flowing gait with good forward reach and drive from behind. One who I considered for top honours, just a matter of time.
2nd Falconer’s Rossgilde My Fair Lady Of Siatham JW
One who the last time I judged her was when she was a puppy and delighted to be given the chance to judge her again. Scopier than 1st but has so many quality points. Nicely made all through with good angulation both front and rear. Good length to neck with an excellent topline and tailset. Ribs well sprung with a deep chest and width to brisket. Good length of leg and nicely boned. Sound in movement and eager to please.
3rd Foreman’s Ambersun Heart Of Gold
Limit Bitch 11 (2bs)
1st Russell-Bond’s Rosinante Morwenna
What a super 1st class quality girl and at just 3 years old the best is yet to come. She caught my eye on the first run around the ring and hoped that she didn’t disappoint hands on which she certainly didn’t. She has such a beautiful well balanced head with super dark eyes of correct shape, dark pigment and that typical and enchanting ‘golden smile’ and expression. Her neck is strong, clean and muscular of super length flowing into well placed shoulders. Forehand construction is text book with super angulation and blades of equal length. Forelegs straight, well boned with close fitting elbows placed nicely under her body. Strong in pasterns and super rounded feet. She has a good amount of forechest with a deep chest that is well sprung with plenty of room for heart and lungs and a well ribbed back. Mature and nicely bodied showing good substance all through. Short coupled and strong in loin with a super turn of stifle. Her balanced and super conformation allows her movement to just flow; straight and true with a lovely easy reach and stride, covering the ground easily and maintaining a firm and level topline with a super head and tail carriage and accurate footwork. In lovely pale coat and quality condition. Quietly handled she ticked all the boxes and more for me today that I was more than delighted to award her the CC, her first. She looked a picture in the group ring represented the breed extremely well.
2nd Porter’s Shearstone Muck Fe JW
Beautifully presented dark golden in excellent coat and good muscular condition. Loved her attitude and ring presence. She powers her way around the ring with such an easy ground covering stride it is a joy to watch. She too shows lovely balance without exaggeration. Such a feminine head of good proportions with a melting expression. Reachy neck with a level topline and correct tailset and an ever wagging tail. Shoulders long in blade and well laid back with a mature body and chest of good depth. Short in couplings with a very nice turn of stifle giving for good angulation at both front and rear. Strong in hocks and parallel when viewed from behind with a good width to thigh. Overall a very nice bitch who pushed hard for 1st. One i liked very much.
3rd Nelson’s Cadwst Eternal Flame
Open Bitch 13 (2abs)
1st Murray Rathcloon Highways and Byways
Loved the head on this girl being of lovely balance and good proportions with such an endearing expression from lovely dark eyes. Good length of leg with nicely angulated forehand with shoulders well laid and a good length to upper arm. Super reach of neck and clean in outline with a level topline and good proportions to her body. Strong powerful rear quarters with a good second thigh and bend of stifle. She excels on the move, never putting a foot out of place and making it look effortless. I could watch her all day. Pushed hard for top honours but just felt she needs a little more maturity overall.
2nd Trinder’s Thornywait Ain’t Misbehavin For Trindever
Super presentation on this dark golden girl of 5 years. She presents a pleasing picture all round with her lovely conformation and sound movement. Attractive in head with kind eye and ears well set. Muscular neck of correct length flowing onto well laid shoulders level topline and tailset. Good length of leg, nicely boned with neat feet and super pasterns. Short coupled body with a deep and mature chest. Good angulation to rear with short hocks. Moved straight and true both going and returning with an excellent reach in front movement.
3rd Fosedike’s Meiepere You Are My Sunshine (ACT Est)
Good citizens Bitch 5 (4abs)
1st Greenhouse’s Rumwood Endle
Judge Lesley Layland (Applecote)