• Show Date: 22/05/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Lesley Chalmers Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Scottish Collie Club

Breed: Collie (Rough)

I’d like to thank the committee for a lovely day and my stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly.

My DCC winner was Lockyer’s Think of Me Prince of Sunlight at Gataj (imp Hungary). I awarded this boy the Res CC as a youngster and was delighted to award him his 3rd and crowning CC today. He’s matured beautifully and looked a picture today.

My Res CC was Ch Jopium Stole My Heart at Lingwell from the veteran class at 9 years young! Another dog I’ve judged and placed highly before. He showed and moved like a youngster and still looks fabulous.

Minor Puppy Dog (1)

1st Brodie’s Shanaburn Country Road

This upstanding S/W stood alone but could hold his own in company. His head is coming along nicely with moulded foreface, good underjaw & stop, flat skull and dark, almond eyes. Well-placed ears, which he used well. Long neck into well-placed shoulder, firm topline with nice rise over the loin. Lovely rear angulation and straight backend. Really good bone & substance which you would look for in a male. Moved well. Very well presented. BPD and was pleased to watch him win BPIS from the BIS judge. I’m sure he has a bright future.

Puppy Dog (2)

1st Barron & Jenkins Rannaleroch Perfect Storm

B/m of 9 months. Slightly smaller made than the minor puppy, but a lot to like. Good bone and substance, lovely shape with good reach of neck. Pleasing, wedge-shaped head, good stop and neat ears which he used well, although I would prefer them slightly higher set. Moved well.

2nd Taylor’s Thistlewing Fire Dancer

9 months s/w. Different type to 1st place. Correct length of back and super reach of neck which has a lovely arch. Stood 4 square and showed well. Nice size for a male but too narrow all through for me. Nice bend of stifle, a touch long in hock. Nice wedge-shaped head, with well-placed stop. Flat skull & dark eyes giving a gentle expression. Well-placed ears. Immaculately presented.

Junior Dog (5,1w)

This was a very mixed class with things to like about each dog at different stages of their development.

1st Lockyer’s Gataj Out of The Woods

s/w, 17 months. Nice head with rounded muzzle, good stop, well-set almond eyes giving soft expression. Good ears, which he used well. Good bone and substance, with good depth of chest. Well-angulated rear, moved well.

2nd McCarte’s Roughrigg Red All Over

S/w, 14 months. Heavily coated, masculine dog. Beautiful head and eye, soft expression from dark almond-shaped eyes. Ears a touch heavy at the moment. Nice body shape, good ribs extending well back, great bend of stifle and depth of chest. Fair length of neck hidden by a wealth of coat. Moved and presented well.

3rd Welsh’s Thistlewing Smoky Quarts

Yearling Dog (1)

1st Lockyer’s Starlenga Elijah Blue at Gataj

Beautiful clear blue b/m. Not as keen as his kennel mates to show himself off today, but his expression is beautiful when he brings his ears up. I loved his head, his moulded foreface, rounded muzzle, good stop and flat skull. Soft expression from correctly placed almond eyes. Good body shape and nice bone and substance. Moved well. Just short of coat length underneath to complete the picture.

Maiden Dog (2)

1st Brodie’s Shanaburn Country Road

2nd Taylor’s Thistlewing Fire Dancer

Novice Dog (1)

1st Taylor’s Thistlewing Fire Dancer

Graduate Dog (4,2)

1st Foy & Hawkins’ Beldones Toucher Du Bois

2 year old s/w with the most beautiful head and expression. Head of correct proportions, good stop, well moulded foreface, great underjaw with tight lip. Dark, almond eyes giving a sweet expression, flat skull. Fair ear set. Nice size and shape. Good length of neck and back, with a slight rise over loin. Excellent spring of ribs and nice depth of chest. Moved and presented very well.

2nd Brooker’s Corisian Parisian Magic

Another pleasing s/w with many of the qualities of 1st. lovely outline. Great reach of neck. Stood four square and moved accurately. Fabulous presentation and showed his socks off. I just preferred the head and expression of 1.

Post Graduate Dog (0)

Limit Dog (7,3)

1st Lockyer’s Gataj Struck By Lightning

Stood out for his overall quality and was an easy winner of this class. Beautiful shape, great neck, correct length of back with slight rise over the loin. Nice depth of chest and well-sprung ribs. Good bone and substance, whilst remaining elegant. Light on his feet and moved effortlessly. Lovely head and expression with great ear set. Very well presented.

2nd Turner’s Chantique Magical Mystery

2 year old S/w in fabulous condition. I had to get my hands on this dog to appreciate his qualities. He has a huge coat that hides his shape. His neck is a touch short but looks very short on the stand due to being hidden by his coat, giving a stuffy appearance from the ringside. Lovely body shape and angulation, moves well. I liked his head but would prefer ears set higher to give the correct expression.

3rd Proctor’s Wilmaranna Out of the Blue for Cathbri

Open Dog (11,4)

1st Lockyer’s Think of Me Prince of Sunlight for Gataj (imp Hungary)

My star today and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He has such a lovely, clean wedge-shaped head, Correct stop and flat skull. He has a melting, but masculine expression from lovely dark, almond eyes.

Great ears, which he used to his advantage. Excellent underjaw and tight lip. Nice length of neck and well-laid shoulders. Correct length of back and well-spring ribs. Good bend of stifle and straight, neat hocks. Moved well front and rear with good reach and drive. His beautiful, shaded coat was gleaming. Delighted to award him his 3rd CC today, a very worthy champion.

2nd McCann’s Ch Oakland Blue Style Du Clos De Seawind at Zolkhan (Imp France)

Super b/m who instantly catches your attention with his lovely outline. Beautiful head and expression, the softest of eyes and great ears. Good length of neck and back. Correct layback of shoulder and bend of stifle. Moved effortlessly, straight front and rear. Beautifully presented coat of clear blue colour. Just preferred the bone and substance of my ticket winners today, but can’t deny his quality, another worthy Champion.

3rd McCarte’s Roughrigg Rag’N’Bone Man

Veteran Dog (2)

1st Cooney’s Ch Jopium Stole My Heart at Lingwell

I found it a huge surprise that my Res cc came from the veteran class. I always thought that roughs didn’t age as well as some other breeds, but this dog proved me wrong! I can’t believe he is 9 years old – he certainly doesn’t look it! He has fabulous construction all through, great depth and width of chest with plenty of bone and substance. Well-laid shoulders, good reach of neck, nice length of back with rise over the loin. Good rear angulation and neat hocks. He moved out well, holding his shape. Correct head with flat skull and clean cheeks. Ears placed right on top, which he used consistently. He looked a picture standing on a loose lead, showing his heart out. Pleased to award him Res cc today.

2nd Steven’s Cariadhaf Crazy Dream

What a pleasure this boy is to judge. He’s full of cheek and knows how to get what he wants! Thoroughly enjoying showing himself off. Another dog who is aging well. Lovely size, with a good length of neck and back. Excellent muscle tone which shows in his powerful movement. Shown in lovely coat and condition.