• Show Date: 08/07/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Lee Cox Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Great Dane

East Of England Championship Show

8th July 2022

Great Danes

It was an absolute pleasure to judge this beautiful breed for the first time at Championship level. I would like to thank the exhibitors, not only for a decent entry but also for the sporting way my decisions were taken. Soundness is supremely important to me, particularly in a giant breed and I like to see them move. However, being such a hot day, I was mindful to keep movement to a minimum.

Temperaments were excellent throughout, as were mouths. Type does vary with some lacking that “strongly though elegantly built” appearance.

I was delighted with my winners, and it is refreshing to see some decent youngsters for the future.


Minor Puppy

1: Tamzdane Empower Mint (Miss T & Mrs L Pocock), Mantle of 8 months old and mature for his age. He pleases for shape and is balanced in outline. Well off for correct bone and has a decent front on him. Good depth to his chest, well ribbed back and balanced behind. Enthusiastic on the move but puts his feet in the right place.

2: Primus Party Like Gatsby (Mrs T Bailey), 6-month-old fawn who shows a lot of promise. I liked his head and expression, balanced in outline and correct topline. Good front and balanced in hindquarter. On the stack, although still raw he pleases for type and shape. On the move his age told as he was a tad erratic, but time is on his side and I’m sure he has a rosy future.

3: Rioco My Boy (Mrs S Barratt)


1: Vanmore My Kind of Guy at Castleon NAF TAF (Mr L & Mr L Webb & Morgan-Evans), impressive and mature 11-month-old fawn boy who is already all of a piece. He is in super condition. All male, he flows from head to tail. Loved his head and expression, with that inquisitive look. Strong neck into well laid shoulder and firm topline. Strong flat bone, depth to his chest and correct underline. Balanced behind. Moved well for one so young, covering the ground and taking the eye in profile. Champion for sure BP

2: Devorin Washington via Leamap (Mrs P Price) 11-month-old black who is not as strong as the winner as yet. Pleasing head. Just needs to drop in chest and he is a little bum high at present. Moved out well.

3: Danskerven Nightwatchman (Miss C D Janssenswillen)


1: Garsak Sir Otis (Mr M & Mrs S Camburm), impressive fawn dog who has the most imposing outline. His head is classic with strong neck, firm topline and balanced angulation. He is tall with length of leg and good depth to his chest. Correct underline and well off for bone. On the move he has an easy stride and covers the ground, keeping his outline. Another who should title but today had to be content with the RCC

2: Rimor Aurelius (Mrs S & Mrs S Lipman & Booth), brindle boy, close up today just not the maturity in body and ribbing of the winner. Another who has an imposing outline is up on his legs and strong firm topline. Moved out well in profile, just slightly erratic coming towards me today.

3: Dainoak Tempus Vincit (Mrs E Hitcham)


1: Jacqukir No Regrets JW (Mr M & Mr P Jacques & Kirby), upstanding, masculine fawn of quality. He pleases for head properties and has a super expression. Balanced in outline, he is good to go over and is in optimum condition. Good depth to chest with correct underline. He moves out with an easy stride and catches the eye. His feet could just perhaps be a tad tighter, but he is a decent one


1: Dainoak Expecto Petronum (Mrs K Kingsley), blue boy at 7 months who sadly missed his minor Puppy class. Raw at present but all in the right place. Was enjoying his day out and this was the most important thing. Once settled he moved putting his feet in the right place and got into his stride. Certainly, the potential to come on in future.


1: Fendanesylcrest American Outlaw at Sunlind (ai) (Imp Usa) (Mr P & Mrs M Hogarth), close decision here. The winner was this upstanding fawn. He pleases for head and expression, has length to head and square outline. Strong neck. Good layback of shoulder but perhaps could have a little more return of upper arm, but he uses his front on the move to advantage. Won the class on topline giving him the correct shape stood. In good condition. Seriously considered in the challenge and is champion quality.

2: Keishant Zues (Mr J & Mrs Martin), liked this fawn too and his head planes are excellent. Strong neck, possibly better in front angulation than the winner and he has depth to his chest. I felt he just sloped off too much in topline today and this sadly affected his outline. However, I’m sure he will have better days and I won’t disagree when he does. Moved out well in profile.

3: Creek Danes Out of The Darkness at Droolakiss (Imp Usa) (Miss C Lawson)


1: Ch Selmalda Jealous Guy (ai) (Ms L & Mr A Chappell), an outstanding brindle dog who, even though still only 2 years old, has the most breath-taking outline. His head and expression are simply textbook. Strong neck, superb front and faultless topline, he has length to leg, and square outline. Masculine and strong all through yet retains that all essential elegance. In optimum condition, he is beautifully presented and handled. Stood he will always take the eye, but it is on the move that he simply cannot be overlooked. He is super sound, uses himself and covers the ground with that light springy gait. For me the best mover of the day. A very impressive dog and I was delighted to see him go Group 2. On this form he, in my opinion, is hard to beat. CC and BOB.

2: Carsan Vincent (Mrs C Mackenzie), very decent blue dog who is full of type. His head is super, he is very balanced in outline and has length to his leg and depth to his chest. Moved out well but could not match the winner today in side gait. I liked him very much though and he was close up to the RCC, but I felt that in the challenge the heat may have got to him a little. He is another that, with luck, could carry a title.

3: Droolakiss Midas Touch (Mr C Butt)

Special Beginners

1; Elitedaimos Magick Mago (Miss Ferguson), blue boy who was also in puppy. Raw at present and needs to fill his frame. Pleases for head and has a decent neck and topline. Has depth to his chest. On the move his age tells but he has reach and drive in profile

2: Danskerven Nightwatchman (Miss C D Janssenswillen), blue who just needs to drop in chest for balance. He has a good topline and is decent in hind quarter. On the move he tended to prance a little and not use himself to advantage. This will hopefully come with experience


Minor Puppy

1: Rimor Boadixiya (Mr N Morgan), 7-month brindle girl who oozes style. Her head and expression are beautiful, she flows in outline, his depth to her chest and is up on leg. Presented in first class order, she has real potential and I’m sure a title will be hers in future.

2: Rioco My One and Only (Mrs A Harrison), 7-month-old fawn, who too has potential and has quality stamped all over her. Her head is very pleasing for lines and her expression appeals. Another with good depth to chest, good underline and strong topline. Just preferred the return of upper arm of the winner today, but she too could have a title in front of her.

3: Carsan Agustina (Miss J H Middleton)


1: Vanmore Golden Nugget (Mr L Morgan-Evans), 11-month-old brindle who screams quality, beautiful outline, super head, and expression. Good for front, depth of chest and topline, she is balanced and moves out with ease. On the stack she has type stamped all over her and she was handled sympathetically. Litter sister to the BP winner and it was a close decision. I just felt that the dog had just slightly more presence on the day.

2: Keishant Athena (Mr J & Mrs Martin), very typical 11-month-old fawn who on the stack commands attention. She has the correct outline, with a super head and expression. Her age told on the move today as she was a little erratic on the out and back, but she has huge potential.

3: Zebeldanes Paint It Black (Mrs M Cubitt)


1: Garsak Summer Days at Mintrex (Mr E & Mrs D Clark), gloriously outstanding fawn bitch who for one minute, I thought was going to throw her chances away. But her clever handler managed to get her brain back in gear. Her outline is superb and quintessentially Great Dane. Her head and expression are a delight, and she is in optimum condition. Still young but everything is in the right place. She has elegance, substance yet totally feminine. Correct flat bone, all the way down to her feet, depth to her chest and well ribbed back to a short strong loin. Correct underline and balanced in angulation. Light and easy on the move. Today, my CC winner and I am sure there will be many more.

2: Verano Vivacious (Mrs S Bourton-Thorne), I like this young fawn bitch too, but she is at a slightly different stage of development. She too is excellent for type and her head and expression are lovely. She just needs to fill in chest to finish the picture. Moved out well in profile, just a tad narrow coming toward me.

3: Rimor Athena's Kyss (Mr N Morgan)


1: Goldania's Celtic Princess (ai) (Ms N & Mrs H Pendleton-Watkins & Pendleton), fawn bitch. Pleases for shape and type. Decent head planes, and expression. Strong topline and good for hindquarters. Would possibly like a little more return of upper arm. Moved out on the right track.

2: Dainoak Forever in Blu Genes JW (ai) (Mrs K Kingsley), blue who is good for size and she had super flat bone. Liked her head, good topline and well let down behind.

3: Malbecio Rioja (Mrs S Southgate)


1: Tamzdane Bananas On The Rum (Miss T & Mrs L Pocock), Harlequin, who is balanced in outline, would possibly just prefer a little more length of leg. Pleases in head and expression, she is well ribbed and has depth to chest. Won the class on her length of stride and carriage in profile.

2: Gracia vom Dwergter Sand of Dainmajik (Imp Deu) (Lady J Ingram), harlequin, upstanding yet still feminine, preferred her balance of leg and she is square in outline. Good to go over, she just lost out in profile on the move where she just lost her outline and short stepped a little in front.

3: Damarkann Raydiance with Stevarah (Mrs S Kelleway)

Post Grad

1: Murrayvhale Miz Congenial (Miss H D S Windmill), fawn bitch who scores for type. Very pleasing outline, good depth to chest and strong topline. Has length to her leg and uses herself on the move.

2: Murrayvhayle Mystical (Mrs S Searle), brindle girl who on the stack is super. She is very pleasing for type and her head and expression are lovely. She just threw any chance she had out the window today on the move, shame


1: Vanmore Shes All That at Kazabbie (Mr, Mrs & Miss Jacobs), fawn bitch who won the class on her precision on the move and her front assembly. She has a very pleasing head and expression, strong neck into firm topline and balanced behind. Handled skilfully to get the best out of her. I did consider her for further honours, but felt, like me, she could benefit from the loss of a couple of pounds. She is certainly of champion quality, and I will not disagree if she does.

2: Zwiebelchen in Flagranti with Dainmajik (Imp Deu) (Lady J Ingram), brindle bitch who is very eye-catching in profile. Her head is a delight, and she has good length to her leg. Not the front of the winner and she was just a tad erratic on the out and back which cost her today.

3: Keishant Venus (Mr J & Mrs Martin)


1; Ch Selmalda Oh Lori (ai) (Ms L & Mr A Chappell), fawn bitch of obvious quality and type. Her head is super, her front exemplary. A little out of coat, but that’s to be expected. Depth to her chest, well ribbed back and strong in topline. On the move she has an ease of stride. I can see why she has a title in front of her name, and she will win many more CC’s. Today she just lacked the sparkle of the Junior winner and so had to be content with the RCC.

2: Ch Keirkanes Picture Perfect at Elvantiedane JW (Miss E & Miss V Faulder & Cook), another classy fawn bitch with lots to like, she presents a very typical outline stacked. Not quite the angulation in front of the winner, but she uses herself very well on the move. She is up on leg, deep chested and square in outline. Worthy of her title without doubt.

3: Carsan Savanna (Mrs C Mackenzie)

Lee A S Cox (Judge)