• Show Date: 02/06/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Lee Cox Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Southern Counties Canine Association

Breed: Spaniel (Welsh Springer)

Southern Counties Canine Association

2nd June 2022

Welsh Springer Spaniels


Minor Puppy

1: Kidenoan Mark Time for Merrem NAF (Mr C & Mrs K Stone), 7-month-old and well grown. Pleasing for size and shape. Good depth to chest, would prefer a slightly better return of upper arm. Level topline and keeps it on the move.


1: Don's As Bold As Brass with Nyliram (Imp Swe) (Mrs A J Graham), 11-month-old and already all of a piece, his head and expression please, he has a strong neck into a very well made front. Strong, firm topline and well-set tail. Balanced in hindquarter and sound on the move, BP

2: Kidenoan Mark Time for Merrem NAF (Mr C & Mrs K Stone)


Interesting class and both have things to like about them, and most certainly will change places another day

1: Ferndel Dare to Dream (Mr M R Holley). I liked his size and type. Very pleasing in head and expression, strong topline and well-set tail. Won the class today on front assembly and forward reach. In good condition.

2: Chanangel Jo Sugden (Mrs A Chandler), super type and very pleasing in head and expression. He is in superb condition and pleases in profile stacked. Today he just came towards me a little wide and this is where it cost him. Both of these two are of champion quality and I won’t disagree when either of them does.


1: Tigerrock Magic Woundabout JW (Mrs C L Clarke), very pleasing young male of quality. Good for type, he presents a very balanced outline. Masculine head with kind expression. Strong neck, into firm topline. He pleases for return of upper arm and balance in hindquarters. Free and easy stride, good going away, possibly just a little loose coming towards me, but time is on his side here. He continued to impress in the challenge and so was my RCC winner today


1: Heniveruce King of Brewers (Miss C J & Mr I Gaylor & Robertson), pleasing young male who is in good condition. He is going through the teenage stage at the moment. I liked his expression, firm topline and free stride. Very well presented, he just needs time

2: Killena Shadow Dancing (ai) (Mrs W A Buckwell), good for type, this boy just needs the confidence to use himself to better advantage. He is a little tense, and this does not help him. I liked his head and when he settles, he shows he has an easy stride in profile.

3; Julita Rainmaker with Woodelrond (Mr T E & Mrs H L Hankins)

Post Graduate

Interesting class of differing types

1: Bethersden Brigadier (Mr G & Mrs S Tolladay), this dog scores very highly for type, his head is superb, and he has a kind expression. To go over there is very little to change, and he is in optimum condition. He is the correct shape, and he holds a topline. He just needs to have the assurance that what he is doing is right and then he will be away.

2: Heniverous Rainbow by Tigerrock NAF (Mrs C L Clarke), slightly different in type being taller and a little rangier. He has the attitude that the winner needs, and he shows himself off well. I liked his head too and he is in great condition. In profile he catches the eye, he was, however, just a tad erratic on the out and back and this is what was the deciding factor.

3: Julita Rukester (Miss M C Gough)


1: Ferndel High Comand at Rubylea (Mr M & Mrs J Millard). Today was his day, he is beautiful for type and style, he is masculine but pleases very much for expression. He won the class on front assembly and uses himself very well on the move. In profile he has an easy stride and keeps his topline. Liked him a lot and the more he went, the better he got. Presented in first class coat and condition and beautifully muscled. After the class I wrote that he should carry a title, then after awarding him the CC and BOB I learnt that this was his all-important 3rd, very well deserved and he should win many more.

2: Glenbrows Revolution JW (Mr T D & Mrs H L Harrison), close up and of similar type. I liked his head and expression, pleases in outline, and carries himself so well. On the move he can never be overlooked, I just preferred the front assembly of the winner today.

3: Nyliram Let's Twist Again JW (Mrs A J Graham)


1; Sh Ch Sarabande Lord of The Dance (ai) JW (Mrs C A Worth), quality dog with a very pleasing outline, he has a super head and expression, in great condition and correct outline for the breed. Totally balanced in angulation, on the move he uses this to his advantage as he eats up the ground with ease. Strong topline, well ribbed back and short strong loin. A very good example of the breed but today had to give way to the freshness of youth.

2: Sh Ch Glenbrows Royal Dragon (Mr S Oliver), another pleasing boy for type and size. He too produces the correct outline, and his head is super. He is in optimum condition, and he uses himself on the move. Not quite the return of upper arm of the winner but a very worthy title holder.

3: Llon Lewys at Gwynmarren (P Wren)

Special Beginners

1: Heniveruce King of Brewers (Miss C J & Mr I Gaylor & Robertson) Best Special Beginner.

2: Julita Rainmaker with Woodelrond (Mr T E & Mrs H L Hankins), pleases for expression and has a strong topline. Decent front but just a little long in loin and rangy in outline at present.

3: Eurion Jasper (Miss E K Green)

Veteran D/B

1: Sh Ch Chanangel Sticky Wicket JW ShCM VW (Mrs A Chandler), 11-year-old and could show some of the youngsters how it should be done. He is superb for type and has the most delightful head and expression. Good to go over, he moves very soundly indeed. A credit to his owner and the breed BV

2: Tobermyn Minstrel Boy (Mrs J A & Mr S Woodhams), another very handsome boy in super condition. He too produces a very typical outline. Lost out in front to the winner but apart from that very similar all through. He too has the most energetic of attitudes, even at the age of 10. Another who the breed should be proud of.

3; Kylowen Demelza (Mr B & Mrs K Attwood)

Good citizen D/B

1: Ir Sh Ch Kylowen Drym ShCM (Mr B & Mrs K Attwood), good for size and type, pleases in expression. Moved out on the right track and kept his outline

2: Benoveor Endless Love (Mrs J M Morgan), young lady who is still at the teenage stage, she has the right shape, she just needs to drop into herself. Moved ok.

3: Eurion Jasper (Miss E K Green)


Special Beginners

1: Nalydris Hakuna Matata (Miss H E Johnston), pleasing for shape and feminine in outlook. Moved out on the right track. Just leaving her best bib and ticker at home today.

Minor Puppy

1: Amblelight Adhara (Mrs S Blackford), 6-month-old and only arrived at the show just before the class, so was a little out of sorts, but she had a super temperament. She has a sweet expression and is well grown for her age. She will no doubt have better days.


1: Sarabande Dancing Queen at Slapestones (ai) (Mr A, Mrs T C & Miss D T Ritchie), 9 months old and pleasing for shape and type. Sweet in expression, she is well ribbed back and moves on the right track. She just needs confidence.


1: Nyliram The Moth Catcher (Mrs A J Graham), super bitch for size and type, she has the prettiest head and expression. Super front assembly, strong topline and well-set tail. Moves out with an easy stride and is precise on the out and back. Best Junior

2: Ferndel Dream On (ai) (Miss O P Danks-Kemish), close up and she too scores highly for type. Delightful head and expression and moves out well. She just lost out in front to the winner today.

3: Mymmsbrook Mismo (Mrs A C Lyon)


1: Glenbrows Rhapsody JW (Mr T D & Mrs H L Harrison), simply gorgeous bitch with a superb head and expression. To go over there is very little to change, and her outline is breath-taking. She is in optimum condition and on the move puts her feet in the right place and could easily do a day’s work. I could not get past her today and so she had to have the CC, which was also a 3rd and so very deserving of her title. Although, this is not the last we have heard of her. In the challenge for BOB, I felt that the heat may have got to her a bit and the dog upped his game.

2: Benoveor Endless Love (Mrs J M Morgan)


1: Nyliram Telling Tales JW (Mr T Graham), super bitch for type, good front assembly, correct topline and really uses herself on the move. Champion quality for sure.

2: Killena Dance in Moonlight (Mrs W A Buckwell), pleasing for size and type, presents a typical outline. Decent head and expression. Could just do with a bit more showmanship.

3: Llon Llanharran Lleuci (Mrs L Baldry)

Post Graduate

1: Amblelight Porcia (Mrs S & Miss K Blackford), pleased for type and shape, she has a decent head and expression, on the move she uses herself and covers the ground.

2: Killena Dance in Moonlight (Mrs W A Buckwell)

3: Nalydris Hakuna Matata (Miss H E Johnston)


1: Nyliram Hetty Wainthropp (Mrs A J Graham), really lovely bitch and a title is not far away I’m sure. Liked her head and expression. She has a decent front and totally balanced behind. She is well ribbed and has a firm topline. On the move she has an easy stride and carries herself well. RCC

2: Julita Ryveeta JW (Mrs J & Mrs D Revill & Monday), close up and another lovely bitch for type and shape, just not the front of the winner and not using herself in profile, but champion quality for sure

3: Kurzeja Kalina (Miss L Morlidge).


1: Sh Ch Crimicar She’s Electrick with Tigerrock JW (Mrs C & Mrs T Clarke & Sherlock), very pleasing for type and shape, she is very pretty, smart and sound, just could possibly have more return of upper arm, but she is very deserving of her title. Super attitude.

2: Glenbrows Paramour (Mr T D & Mrs H L Harrison), close up and in beautiful condition. Like her for type and shape, she is champion quality. Just felt she could have used herself in front better today

3: Sh Ch Bushwacker Something About Mary (Ms J K Frost)

Lee A S Cox (Judge)