- Show Date: 11/12/2022
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Kirsty Watts Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Ladies Kennel Association
Thank you to the Ladies Kennel Association for inviting me to judge at this show. It was my first time giving CC’s in a breed I have been devoted to for 24 years. Thank you to all the exhibitors who brought their dogs under me. They all had impeccable temperaments and showed well, even the youngsters, many of whom were at their first show. In general coats were good, as they should be at a winter show where our dogs should look their best. There was a huge variation in type and height amongst the dogs on the day, which is acceptable within the breed standard; with different lines bred for different types of hunting terrain, from upland to wetland, from boats or hides. This is not a cookie cutter breed. Despite their differences the dogs should all be recognisable as Chesapeakes. There were a few dogs of smaller stature, something we should watch in the breed, which should be the largest (although not the tallest) Retriever breed and a few were lacking strength and bone. Mouths were generally good. Eyes were mostly of the correct yellow to amber colour (regardless of coat colour), and heads were generally good and not over heavy in the skull or muzzle. The desired well angulated forequarters were lacking in some specimens, whom had short upper arms. The hindquarters should complement the forequarters leading to a balanced outline. The breed standard requires a well angulated stifle with a moderate length of hind pastern and straight legs. They should not be well let down, cow hocked, or pigeon toed. Although the hind feet tend to converge at speed some dogs were very close behind. A breed that works in muddy marshes and water requires powerful well developed hindquarters which should be as high or a trifle higher than the withers. I was disappointed to see some toplines falling away to the rear. I was very pleased with my top winners, and was pleased to see that my Dog CC gained his crown today.
PD (3) 1. Longman, Crablepeake Alabama, 6mth brown dog. A solidly built pup, plenty of bone to grow in to. Broad and round skull with medium stop, definitely a male head, but not overdone. Kind eyes, of an amber colour, lovely expression. Correct scissor bite. Medium length muscular neck leading into well laid back shoulders, with good return of upper arm. Strong body of medium length, deep chest, should develop breadth with maturity. Short loin, slight tuck up. Correct topline with strong, well developed and muscled hindquarters. Good rear angulation matching the front and good length of pastern. Well webbed hare feet with well rounded toes. Excellent thick double coat with dense woolly undercoat and harsh oily outer coat, with the characteristic wave on the neck, shoulder, back, loins and tail. Obviously loves his owner, who I was told afterwards was at his first show. Once he settled he moved out freely with strength and purpose. Turns out he is the son of my dog CC / Best of Breed. A lovey pup with a promising future.
2. Boyles, Pixiesrock Mr Tumnus by Bleyos, 7mth brown dog. Overall a finer built pup to 1. Would prefer more breadth to skull and muzzle. Correct sScissor bite. Ears a bit large at present. Neck a bit short in proportion to body. Well laid back shoulders but upper arm a bit short. Prominent forechest. Rib cage drops below the elbow, but still needs to develop in breadth. Well ribbed back, slight tuck. Straight legs, a bit steep in pastern. Neat hare feet. Body of medium length, short loin, slight rise over croup which slopes away a bit steeply. Hindquarters moderately angulated. Coat a bit soft and long all over body and tail, of an open texture. Moved well. Perfectly schooled by his experienced owner / handler.
3. Acheson, Petros of Eastering (Imp), 8mth brown dog. Sweet boy out at his first show. Broad round skull with a slight stop, short, broad muzzle. Tight lips. Light amber eyes. Ears well set up on head but a bit large. Short neck. Moderately angulated fore and aft. Deep chest but lacks breadth. Correct topline. Back a bit long in proportion to leg length. Straight legs with slighty sloping pastern. Neat hare feet. Good coat texture. Moved well when he settled.
JD (1) 1. Murray, Muireatai Teris Love, 13mth dark brown dog. A finer built dog going through a teenage development phase. Skull and muzzle quite long, medium stop, tight lips. Correct scissor bite. Kind expression. Good ears of medium leather set well up on head. Head well set in neck of medium length. Moderately angulated fore and aft. Ribs need to develop in depth and breadth. Short back with a downward slope to the hindquarters. A bit short in loin. Legs straight, very slight slope to pastern, tight hare feet with well rounded toes. Coat on the blow but still thick and dense on his neck with a harsh wavy topcoat along his back and loins. Toeing out when standing and on the move. Moved ok once settled.
PGD (3) 1. Acheson, Great River Ticino of Eastering (Imp) It, Rising 3yr sedge dog of smaller stature but well proportioned. Broad and round skull with medium stop, definitely a male head, but not overdone. Kind amber eyes, lovely expression. Ears of medium leather well set up on head. Medium length muscular neck leading into well laid back shoulders, a bit short in upper arm. Strong body of medium length, chest deep and broad with well sprung ribs. Short loin, slight tuck up. Correct topline. Hindquarters moderately angulated and well muscled. Straight legs with plenty of bone, would prefer a bit more length. Sloping pastern at front, a bit short in rear pastern. Well webbed hare feet, of a good size, with well rounded close toes. Excellent thick double coat with dense woolly undercoat and harsh oily outer coat, with the characteristic wave on the neck, shoulder, back, loins and tail. Good ground covering movement.
2. Royle, Battsrock Are You Ready, 2yr brown dog. Taller, finer built boy. Skull and muzzle quite long, medium stop, tight lips. Scissor bite. Ears of medium leather well set up on head. Neck appears short due to a steeper shoulder blade with withers set forward. Upper arm of equal length to shoulder blade. Prominent fore chest. Ribcage deep at elbow then slopes quite sharply up towards the flanks, would prefer more length and breadth. Body of medium length, short loin, tail set on a bit low. Hind angulation moderate, matching the forequarters. Legs of a good length to match the body although quite straight in pastern. Hare feet. Coat short and of a good texture. Toeing out when standing and on the move. Moved ok.
3. Rigby, Chesepi Ulysses, 6yr sedge dog with a bright and happy disposition, enjoying his day out with his handler far too much! This affected his movement and cost him a higher placing. Smaller in height but full of power and substance and in excellent well muscled condition. Broad and round skull with medium stop, broad muzzle, but tight in flews. Ears of medium leather well set up on head. Medium length neck leading to well laid back shoulder, a little short in upper arm. Front legs a bit short but straight and well boned. Slight slope to pastern. Tight hare feet with well rounded toes. Chest broad and deep and well ribbed back, slight tuck. Top line rising to hindquarters. Moderately angulated hindquarters with power and strength. Super thick, dense, oily coat with harsh outer coat. Movement was hard to assess due to him preferring to bounce on two legs!
LD (2) 1. Rigby, Chesepi Waco, 4yr dark brown dog. A lovely, active worker, well muscled and balanced. The nicest of heads and expressions. Broad round skull with medium stop, muzzle of equal length to skull, pointed but not sharp, thin lips, well developed nostrils. Amber eye, which is correct for the breed, even in a dog as dark as this. Lovely ears of medium leather well set up on head. Medium length of neck into well laid back shoulder with matching return of upper arm. Straight legs with ample bone and correct slight slope to pastern. Tight hare feet with well rounded toes. Chest broad and deep, well ribbed back, medium tuck. Medium length of back, short loin, level topline. Hind quarters strong and complementing the forequarters. Rear pasterns of medium length, hocks straight and turning neither in nor out. Super thick, dense, oily coat with harsh outer coat. When settled moved freely with power and strength. Unfortunately he seemed a bit unsettled in the challenge and didn’t stand or move well so lost out on higher honours.
2. Murray, Takoda Nathan, 5 1/2yr sedge dog. A different type to 1, finer built and more moderately angulated fore and aft. Kind expression. Length of skull matches length of muzzle, would prefer slightly more width of skull between the ears. Ears of medium leather set well up on the head. Medium length of neck. Withers set quite far forward, length of shoulder blade matches the length of upper arm. Legs with enough bone, straight in pastern. Small round feet with tight toes. Ribcage just reaches the elbow, would prefer more spring of rib for age. Medium tuck. Medium length back, short loin, tail set a bit low. Hindquarters moderately angulated matching the fore quarters. A bit short in rear pastern. Coat short and of a good texture. Toeing out when standing and on the move.
OD (3) 1.Griffin-Woods, Migwell Soloman’s Puzzle (AI), Rising 6yr brown dog. An absolute cracker, this dog epitomises the strength and power of the breed with nothing overdone and no weakness. I was honoured to be able to award him his crowning CC. His movement was at a steady pace, strong and powerful, smooth, free and effortless which won him the CC and BOB. Broad and round skull with medium stop, all male, but not overdone. Ears of medium leather well set up on head. A real character with his smiling expression! Presented in excellent well muscled condition. Breed typical outline. Well angulated muscular forehand, straight legs with plenty of bone, slightly sloping pastern. Good well webbed hare feet with well rounded toes. Strong body of medium length, well developed chest, depth and spring of rib, medium tuck. Strong loin, slight rise to topline. Well angulated hindquarters with medium length of pastern to power through the mud, I could see him doing a days work and still having energy in the bank. Excellent short, thick, weather resistant oily coat with a wave on the neck, back, loin and tail. CC, BOB
2. Nash, Cheselbay Ballochan, 4 1/2yr dark brown dog. Another super dog, presented in well muscled condition. A picture of power and balance, I could see him retrieving all day. A lovely masculine head but not overdone. A good length of neck, set into the most correct of fronts, shoulder well laid back with upper arm of equal length. Straight legs of a good length with plenty of bone. Good depth and breadth of chest, well sprung ribs well ribbed back into moderate tuck. Medium length of back, croup slightly higher than the withers. Beautifully conditioned, strong well angulated hindquarters with medium length of pastern. The best of feet. Similar, very correct, coat type to 1. He was a bit excited on the move in the class, but no mistaking his strength and ease of movement. He moved powerfully and steadily in the challenge for the RCC. RCC
3. Royle, Battsrock Are You Ready, as above.
GCD (0), VD/B (1) 1. Nash, North Flow Pay the Piper at Cheselbay (Imp USA), 9yr brown bitch. A lovely veteran, still very sprightly for her age. Sound as a pound. Lovely feminine head, kind eye, most correct ear size, shape and set. Very expressive and attentive to her owner. Slightly rising topline, well ribbed, no mistaking she has had puppies but has retained her tuck. Presented in a fit muscular condition and I’m sure could still do a days work. Legs straight with plenty of bone and slight slope to pastern. Feet correct and toes still tight. Well angulated fore and aft. Super coat of correct texture. Moved straight and true with power and ease. Dam of the RDCC. Stood alone but absolutely worthy of BV.
PB (1) 1. Morris, Baymoss Tweed of Penrose Taf Naf, 8mth dark brown bitch. What can I say, from the moment this puppy walked into the ring she was going to be the one to beat, with her correct breed type and balanced outline. When I got my hands on her she did not disappoint. I just loved her feminine head, of the correct proportions, such a kind expression. Scissor bite. Tight lips. Neat ears. Good neck leading into well laid back shoulders with matching return of upper arm. Straight legs with plenty of bone, well ribbed for age. Hindquarters strong and well angulated to match the forequarters. Absolutely super correct coat. A quality bitch with the correct proportions and balance who freely stood herself without any interference from her handler. Sound, effortless movement on a loose lead and a ring presence that outshone all the others today, despite being at her first show. I have always thought that I would not award a puppy a CC, on the day I couldn’t deny her, even in the presence of other quality bitches. CC, BP.
JB (2) Two very different types 1. Pont, Amore of Ridsome (Imp) It, 17mth ash bitch. A sweet bitch of smaller stature but well off for bone. Pretty feminine head of correct proportions, well set ears. Would prefer more layback of shoulder but blade length equal to that of upper arm. Straight legs, slight slope to pastern, hare feet. Deep broad chest and good spring of rib, well ribbed back into medium tuck. Strong back, longer cast with ample length of loin. Moderate rear angulation to match the forequarters. Thick coat of a softer texture but still oily to the touch.
2. Murray, Muireatai Miracle Of Dreams 13mth brown bitch. A taller, finer bitch than 1. Feminine head. Muscular neck. Moderately angulated forequarters. Good length of leg. Would prefer more slope to pastern. Hare feet. Chest reaching to elbow, prominent forechest, ribs still need to spring. Well tucked up. Well angulated hindquarters, a bit long in tibia and short in rear pastern. Short, thick coat with harsh outer coat. A bit overwhelmed today but moved OK once settled.
PGB (3 2) 1. Pearce, Avifors Occamys, 3 1/2yr brown bitch. A lovely balanced bitch, moderate and not overdone. Well muscled. Broad round skull, muzzle pointed but not sharp, scissor bite, tight lips. Medium length of neck set into well laid back shoulder with matching return of upper arm. Straight legs, well boned, slight slope to pastern. Well webbed hare feet with well rounded toes. Deep and broad chest, well ribbed back to medium tuck. Slight rise to topline. Well angulated powerful hindquarters. Moved powerfully with ease and no restriction. Thick coat with dense woolly undercoat and harsh oily outercoat. I found out afterwards that she is the niece to the DCC / BOB. Pleased to award her the RCC
LB (5 1) 1.Coppin & Davies-Jones, Pixiesrock Queen Of Hearts at Elwistone, 3yr dark brown bitch. A finely built bitch. Pretty head, would prefer a bit more stop. Kind eye. Ears of medium leather well set up on the head and carried close. Medium length of neck. Well laid back shoulder with matching return of upper arm. Straight legs of good length. Slight slope to pastern. Neat hare feet. Deep and broad chest, well sprung ribs, well tucked up. Correct topline. Moderately angulated hindquarters. Good length of rear pastern. Thick oily coat, a bit tightly curled. Well muscled throughout. Powerful easy movement.
2. Acheson, Arnac Bay Grouse of Eastering, Rising 6yr sedge bitch. A balanced bitch in profile. Broad and round skull, medium stop, muzzle pointed but not sharp. Moderately angulated fore and aft. Good bone. Well sprung ribcage, well ribbed back, moderate tuck. Short loin. Topline rising over the croup, tail set a little low. Front pastern a bit steep and toes pointing out on the stack. A bit short in rear pastern and cow hocked. Coat short, harsh and oily, undercoat could be thicker. Moved with power but was close behind.
3. Murray, Luisadh Eva, 5 1/2yr dark brown bitch. Smaller stature than 1 & 2 and straighter in angulation fore and aft. Pretty, feminine head. Deep, broad chest, well ribbed back to medium tuck. Typical rising topline. Well muscled. Short, thick oily coat with harsh outer coat.
OB (5) 1. Coppin & Davies-Jones, Dallandor Jocasta 6yr Ash bitch. One I have admired in the past, for her breed type and qualities. The prettiest feminine head, with a kind expression. Deep, broad chest with plenty of heart room, well ribbed back into short strong loin, well tucked up. Good length of neck into well laid back shoulder with good return of upper arm. Strong back with correct slight rise to the topline. Well muscled hindquarters, slightly long stifle to hock but a good length of pastern. Straight legs with enough bone. Well rounded hare feet. In good coat. Moved a bit too fast to truly assess her movement in profile. She went flat in the challenge which cost her the top honours.
2. Pont, Sh Ch Penrose Hash Brown 6 1/2yr light brown bitch. A lovely correct bitch, moderately angulated throughout. Enough bone, good depth and breadth of chest and well sprung ribcage. Pretty feminine head and kind expression. Straight legs, slight slope to pastern. Well webbed hare feet with well rounded toes. Moved straight and true. Unfortunately lacking muscle tone on the day and coat was on the blow.
3. Thompson & Thompson, Arnac Bay Harvest 4 1/2yr brown bitch. A heavier set, well boned bitch. Broad and round skull, medium stop. Would prefer more length to muzzle. Moderately angulated fore and aft. Well sprung ribcage, moderate tuck. Short coupled. Topline rising over the croup, tail set a little low. A bit short in rear pastern and cow hocked. Short, thick, woolly undercoat with harsh oily outer coat. Moved closely behind. Expertly handled.
GCB (1 1)
Kirsty Watts (Oakmarsh)