• Show Date: 04/09/2022
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Kirsty Watts Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Spanish Water Dog Club

Breed: Spanish Water Dog

Spanish Water Dog Club, Championship Show 4th September 2022

Special Awards Classes. I would like to thank the Spanish Water Dog Club for the invitation to judge their Special awards Classes. I have been interested in, and studied the breed for many years and it was a delight to be able to go over a few more dogs. J D/B (3 2) 1. Prizelands Frosted Fancy. What an absolutely sweetie this girl is. Lovely white long tailed bitch of 10mths. Very balanced. Kind expression. Feminine head of correct shape and proportions, medium sized, oval hazel eyes. Well open nostrils and good pigment to nose. Excellent coat of good length and correct texture, curls just starting to cord. Straight legs with strong bone. Moderately angulated fore and aft. Enough depth of chest and spring of rib for age. Excellent round, tight feet with strong pads. Moved well, brisk, straight and true. One to watch in the future. PG D/B (7 3) 1. Janamorio Northern Arlo. Impressive substantial brown and white bob tailed 23mth old male. Strong, all male head but not overdone, Well open nostrils, Medium sized oval eyes of a hazel colour, very expressive. Well matured for age, good depth and spring of rib, with plenty of heart room. In excellent body condition, well muscled, super corded coat of woolly texture. Straight legs with strong bone. Tight feet with strong pads. Short muscular neck leading into good layback of shoulder and return of upper arm. Elbows set close to body. Level back, slightly longer then height. Well angulated hindquarters, slightly long stifle to hock but still balanced in movement. Moved briskly with powerful drive and athleticism and full attention on his handler who he obviously adores. 2. Perrorizado Nora Bone. 2 1/2yr tailed brown bitch, all feminine appearance. Would prefer slightly smaller ears. Short neck, level topline, moderately angulated fore and aft. Enough Depth of rib, brisket reaching to elbows. Strong bone, tight feet and strong pads. Coat of a shorter length than 1, nicely curled with woolly texture. Moved well from the side, although a little close behind, looked nice when free stood. 3. Kurlibears September Truffle at Cooishka. 23mth tailed brown bitch, really not feeling it today, but livened up on the last go round. Feminine head, would prefer a smaller ear. Appearing slightly shorter in neck and back, but handler was having trouble keeping her head up which was spoiling her outline. Tail set a bit low. Would prefer a bit more bone. Coat just starting to cord. O D/B (5 2) 1. Josalyn Manolito In Seasmoke. 10yr old tailed brown boy (neutered). Looking really good for his age. Good substance and bone. Correct head proportions, scissor bite. Excellent corded coat. Medium length strong neck, leading into well sloped shoulder and good return of upper arm. Well ribbed with brisket reaching to nice tight elbows. Strong bone, tight feet and strong pads. Level back, slightly longer than height. Well angulated hindquarters, slightly long stifle to hock but no weakness in movement, he out moved all the others in his class, moving straight and true with his powerful brisk trot. 2. Josalyn Palba Leonar. 7yr tailed white bitch. Pretty feminine bitch. Lovely expressive bitch, enjoying her day out. Nice head of correct proportions. Curly coat of good woolly texture. Short strong neck, correct depth of brisket and spring of rib. Slightly longer than tall. Moderately angulated fore and aft. Good straight legs with strong bone. Neat tight feet. Moved well. 3. Sh Ch Rainthyme Memory Keeper JW. 5yr Brown and white bobtail bitch. Very nice head and expression, medium sized oval shaped hazel eye. Medium sized, dropped ear, V shaped but slightly rounded at tip. Complete scissor bite. Strong short muscular neck, longer cast in body but level topline held on the move. Good layback of shoulder but would prefer a little more length in upper arm. Strong bone. Tight feet with strong pads. Enough depth of chest and spring of rib. Moderately angulated hindquarters. In short coat but nice curl and woolly texture. Giving her handler a bit of a hard time today both when standing and on the move. Kirsty Watts (Oakmarsh).